DnD: Disciples of the Forgotten

Trial and error is in the same boat as identify.

Also I will be running a npc in the party. It will be an axe.

Were tiger feats are animals feats and iron will. So Iron will, Alertness and the two improved Natural attacks. Alertness and both improved natural attacks are based on HD so if you want you can swap them for other feats. The Iron will however is a bonus feat and can't be swaped.
I'm mainly look for cats's opinion.

For Myself: All Lycan gain Iron Will, and a weretiger should gain a Tiger's feats, namely: Alertness and the Improved Natural Attacks.

This means neither Combat Reflexes or Improved Initiative in the example are bonus feats. As far as I can tell. However, it should have more then two feats, because it's effectively level 7.

Cool, cats, thanks. So my total number of feats should be...
4 From lycan, five from character level (including lycan HD) and four fighter bonus feats, so... 13?
Whats the fighter level again?

If fighter is six and tiger is six hd. That is 5 for level 12, + 1 for lycan iron will, + 4 fighter bonus feats. That is 10. Remember 3 of the five feats for being level 12 are spent, Alterness and the natural attacks.
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Okay. That's what I thought, but, you know, trying to squeeze every little bit out I can.

Anyway, I'm done with chargen. I'll post. Soooooon.
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I sent ren his character in a pm just now. Hopefully he will post soon.

It may be wise to have at least 44000gp unspent.
For spellcasters, and in my case meldshapers, do we PM you what we have prepared each game day?
Spell casters... hell no thats way more paperwork then I want. Meldshapers, well you have less then ten soulmelds and I am damn curious what other people pick. Honestly I am the only one I know to of ever made one and did so several times.

I tend to favor mantle of flame, soul spark familar, and dissolving spittle. Although I've been eyeing the totemist melds more and more.
name: Rurik Brightaxe
race: Dwarf
class: Fighter
Hp: 243 GP:19165
AC:38 Flat AC: 37 Touch AC: 16

Str: 32 Dex: 12 Con: 22 Int: 12 Wis: 16 Cha: 10

Saves Fort:22, Reflex:11, Will:13

History: Rurik has been through the ringer more then once, fighting as a mercenary since he left his clan to see the world. As a warrior whos seen so much death, he has a particular hatred for the Undead, considering it the height of dishonour to rob someone of their rest. In his many travels he came across a sentient dwarven axe in a raid on a necromancers stronghold. The axe, who called itself Baruk, had been created for the purpose of destroying the undead and had been held captive by the necromancer. Rurik freed Baruk, and they have become great companions.

-High sword low axe: If you hit a person with both your axe and sword in 1 round you immediately receive a free trip attempt against them. (And a free attack with improved trip.)
-Improved trip: Do not provoke attacks when you start a trip, +4 to trip check, extra attack against tripped foe using the same attack bonus that tripped the opponent.
-Two weapon fighting: Reduced penalties for fighting with a weapon in each hand. (Shown Bellow)
-weapon focus: D war axe and short sword: +1 to attack with selected weapons, both replaced by weapon mastery Slashing.
-Weapon Supremacy D War axe: +4 to resist being disarmed. May use axe while grappled as if you were not being grappled. On full attack add +5 to any axe attack after the first. Once per round you may treat d20 attack roll as a 10. +1 bonus to ac while axe is in hand.
-greater weapon focus D war axe: Adds +1 attack to war axe. Stacks with other bonuses.
-greater weapon specialization D war axe: Adds 4 damage to war axe, does not stack next two feats. (shown Bellow)
-weapon specialization D war axe: adds 2 damage to war axe.
-Melee weapon mastery Slashing: Adds 2 to hit and 2 to damage with all slashing weapons. (Shown Bellow)
-Two Weapon Rend: If you hit a enemy with both weapons in 1 round deal extra damage equal to 1d6 + 1.5 str. (1d6 + 16) Damage is the same type as off hand weapon. Only once per enemy per round.
-Dual attack: Make an attack with both weapons as a standard action, both use the same roll use the lower attack bonus -4, Dr applies to both attacks separately.
-improved two weapon fighting: Make second off hand attack at -5 to attack. (shown bellow.)
-Cleave: Make an extra attack after dropping an enemy to 0 hp or lower, can not move before attacking, use the same attack bonus as last attack.
-Power attack: At the start of your turn take up to minus 5 on attack rolls and add the same number to damage until your next turn. Can’t add this damage to light weapons (exception sun blade,) if wielding a weapon 2 handed add double the subtracted number.
-Defensive Sweep: If the enemy starts his turn adjacent to you and does not move he provokes an attack of opportunity at the end of the turn.
-Combat Reflexes: Up to one attack of opportunity per point of dexterity. (Currently 2)
-Improved Buckler Defense: Buckler adds defense even when using off hand for attack

+5 Ever bright Adamantine D war axe: Intelligent properties bellow, bypasses hardness less then 20 (Most things,) Immune to rust and acid, blind all in 20 ft range 1 round twice a day DC 14 reflex, Damage 1d10 + 20 Main Hand 32 / 27 / 22 /17

Intelligent: Purpose slay undead, power 10d6 fireball, Cure mod wounds (2d8+3) 3 times a day, 10 ranks in diplomacy, Detect Magic, Detect undead at will, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 18 120ft blind sense hearing and dark vision. Telepathy and speak common, draconic, elf, dwarf, Goblinoid. N Ego 25

Sun Blade 50335 Counts as short sword +2 bastard sword, improves to +4 against evil, Double damage to undead or negative plane creatures, Casts sun light once a day by swinging over head (lights 60ft,) Damage 1d10 + 9 off hand 30 / 25

+5 Blue sheen Dwarven plate. Damage Reduction 3/-, 13 armor ac, Max dex 1, Immune to rust and acid damage

+5 Buckler: Shield ac 6

Items: (All permanent bonuses are shown)
Ring of Protection +4: Deflection Ac + 4

Improved Brute Gloves: +5 to str checks and damage 3 times a day

Torc of titans and Natural Armor +3: Natural AC +3, 5 str checks and damage 3 times a day

Belt of Giant Str +6: Str + 6 enhancement bonus

Vest of resistance +4: All Saves +4

Transposer Cloak: Switch with creature with in 30ft 3 times a day dc 13 will.

Flying Carpet 5x5: Unlimited overland flight average maneuverability can hover, carry 200 lbs move 40ft or carry 400 lbs move 30ft.

Bag of holding type 4: Always weighs 60lbs can hold 1500 lbs or 250 cu. ft.

Heward’s Handy Haversack: Always weighs 5 lbs 2 side pouches can hold 20 lbs or 2 cu. Ft. Main pouch can hold 80lbs or 8 cu. Ft. Item desired is always on top.

Survival Pouch: 5 times a day one can pull out choice of one of the fallowing: trail rations for one person, 2 gallons of fresh water in jugs, Tent and two bed rolls, 50 ft of rope, shovel, A LIT CAMP FIRE, Composite short bow (+1 str) and 20 arrows, or a mule with bit, bridle, saddle, and saddle bags.

Ever full Mug: 3 times a day fills with cheap ale, best Dwarven idea yet.

Bag of Boulders: 3 times a day the user can pull out a pebble and it turns into a boulder for 2d6 damage at 50 ft

Greater ring of fire resist: Resists 30 fire damage a turn

Crystal of Return Lesser: Attach to any weapon. Speak command word to move weapon up to 30 ft away into ones hand.

Restful crystal: Attach to any armor. No penalty for sleeping in armor.
I go Incarnate (good). My favorite melds are: Adamantine Pauldrons, Bluesteel Bracers, Crystal Helm, and Impulse Boots.

Are you sticking to the 1 magic ring per hand rule?
Irish put some thought into when you came to the College or joined the Three Layers Guild. Essentially when did you decide it would be more profitable to join a large group of adventuring mercenaries instead of sticking with the typical party system.

White, yes one ring one hand. I like the meld selection, it is a bit defensive but still gives you the option of increasing damage. Totaling different from my philosophy which seems to focus on damage dealing. This shouldn't manner but Damage reductions don't stack and the saints double power circle of protection against evil provides +4 deflection ac bonus against evil. Of coarse this means you can spend more on blue steel bracer's, increasing damage.
I know the DR doesn't stack (would be nice though...), but the Light Fortification is handy.

Could I change the appearance of the soulmelds that I regularly use? Like say the Crystal Helm is a Crystal Circlet. And the Incarnate Weapon as a bastard sword (since it is her deity's favorite weapon, and I am channeling souls, could I say that her faith and the souls of her fellow faithful alter it so)?

How would duel-wielding a mithral bastard sword and an Incarnate Weapon work? Since the Incarnate Weapon has no weight and the bastard sword only weighs 3lbs.
This thread always has such fun questions. The helm has no effects that are altered by changing so that is fine. The weapon however is a slight problem, the easy solution I can say yes to is call it a bastard sword but in truth keeps war hammer stats or long sword stats. Sadly the bastard sword is simply more powerful. However the mind blade class also has a weapon made by the users will, there they can acquire a bastard sword mind blade with a feat. So if you want you can spend a feat to change the blade and acquire the better stats.

As for duel wielding the rules for both items say they are one handed or two handed weapons. So normal penalties apply. -6 main hand -10 off hand, with out two weapon fighting. With that feat -4 both hands. A really efficent solution is the sun blade. It counts as a short sword while being a bastard sword, so it is a light weapon to use in your off hand.
Wouldn't the Incarnate Weapon count as a light weapon since it is weightless? Weightless is rather light after all.

Character Sheet
Character Sheet: Hybrid Form
Character Sheet: Tiger Form

Darkclaw is the spawn of a a Troll Weretiger and a Tiefling. This union was not held under the most glorious of circumstances, and Darkclaw's inhumanly twisted form managed to be only a grotesque reminder of the horrors she had gone through. In Darkclaw's "normal" form he is a twisted combination of his bloodlines. Overly muscular with overly long arms ending in twisted claws, twin horns growing from his temples, and his face twisted to frame a huge powerful jaw. His eyes are almost pure black, with the blood vessels in his eyes a bright red contrasting against the black of his eyes. His skin goes from sleek to the rubbery hide of trolls in patches, the rubbery hide a deep red.

Abandoned by his mother and forced to survive on his own, Darkclaw took to living in his animal form, surviving in the wilds. Even in his animal form, though, his extraplanar shone through, his fur being a deep black with dark red stripes, the horns and distinctive eyes following him through all of his forms. After reaching adulthood surviving in the wilds as a tiger (mostly through sheer luck and existing almost entirely just barely on the living side of death) Darkclaw tried to reintegrate himself into humanoid society, using his Hybrid form. His hybrid form was more human then other, his fur continuing his odd coloring with the horns and eyes, but trying to merge his normal form with that of a tiger brought him to a more humanoid appearance, standing oevr eight feet tall with powerful muscles.

Darkclaw joined a small mercenary company, working as little more then a foot soldier for a few years before eventually making his way to the college, interested in the chance to learn and understand the odd society, technology, and magics of the world he's trying to become a part of.

With his feirce presence and alertness, Darkclaw managed to work himself into a guard position that existed more to show the importance of the people being guarded then an actual need for guards as he received combat training.

Darkclaw spends all his time in his Hybrid form, and attempts to pass it off as his natural form.
Sadly light weapons don't refer to weight. So no it is still a one handed weapon. Look at it as a measurement of the weapons size and unruliness
Gm I looked at your character and double check your ac, I am missing as to why it has 5 dex and 18 base, instead of base 8 and dex 9.
Bloody freaking...

Sorry, those are old sheets. I updated the files to the new ones, the right ones.

Problem of doing chargen at five minute intervals over a week: You forget what you're doing and try to stack bonuses that don't stack at all.

As for why his dex isn't higher...
His armor's maximum dex, which makes the armor +10.
I changed out from having his using bracers of armor to a magic berastplate/buckler combo, but evidently got halfway through the process, was distracted by something shiny, and screwed up.

I corrected it later, as well as adding it heights and weights for the character, but it seems I forgot to update some of my files, and ended up uploading the wrong one.

Things are... hopefully.... correct now.
I swear you get an object shiny enough and you could distract 90% of lit.

Everything looks in order except for the fraction damage. I am trying to recall if damage is rounded down or up. I believe I rounded Irish's damage down. Unless I am completely wrong that would probably be the simplest solution.

Did you remember to increase the base cost of the bucker, armor, and axe? The buckler should only be a few gp more so I am not worried about it. But the cost of a large mythil or adantine object would definitely be worth including.
Yup. Base cost listed with the magic items (which is more then buying the mundane version) plus the costs of the special materials, plus the prices of the associated magical enhancements.

I couldn't find the rules for rounding up or down, so I just left the half damage as it was, thinking about the half-skill ranks you can get.

Although I have no idea what it would be used for.

Rounding down it is! Which means I'll simply ignore the stuff after the decimal point.
Works for me. Two characters down, three if raven shows me his psion soon. And white is down to items I believe. So with some luck we can start soon.
What is Rurik Brightaxe's alignment? How does he have a 32 Str? The highest I come up with him having is 29 = 18 base + 5(ability boost every 4 levels) + 6 from the belt. Did he read one of tomes that boosts Str?
Good observations. Yes +5 from a book, and the same goes for con. That was the largest portion of Ruriks cash.
you wouldnt hapen to be talking about any of my stories now would you schmaner.

Name Thunder Fists
Race Half Giant
Age ?
Eyes Dark Purple
Hair Jet Black
Skin Tan
height 7'10''
weight 328 lbs
class Barbarian 15

stg 26
dex 16

languages Common Draconic Giant Orc
Feats Blind fight Excotic weapon prof ( Full Blade) Two weapon fighting toughness quick draw

he wears +1 hide armor a ring of animal friendship a brute ring bracers of armor +2 and a belt of giant strength +6

he is based on the variant barbarian giving him a bonus feat as well as a strength boost if his hp drops below 70

He comes from a small tribe of barbarians and was sent to the College by his father the chief to learn the ways of a more civil people. Thunder fists is the nick name that was given to him by his sparing partner. he typicaly wears a black leather vest and a tan leather pants with large brown fur boots. he caries no money and vary little personal belongings ( his sword armor bed roll and water skin are his only belongings besides his rings bracers and belt witch he wears all the time any way)
Sorry Vall we got enough people, no I am kidding... or am I? Your character needs some rework to have a chance at living. First off your character seems to be level 16, I have the half giant as a level adjustment of 1 with no racial hit dice. +2 to str and con -2 dex powerful build and the racial stomp power. Is this the Half giant you are using? Pm me specifically how your barbarian, it reminds me of the one in the PHB2.

You didn't post your weapon, hp, saves, or AC.

Next I suggest having at least 44k for early game traveling expenses. In addition to that I am honestly starting with a level 21 adventure so at level 16 you will need to play very carefully if you expect to live. So I recommend adding to level 20, if you only want a +5 weapon and the gear you listed. I am willing to start you at level 21 to give you a better chance but you'd still be at a disadvantage.

Vall, I haven't a clue what your talking about.:rolleyes:

(starts ticking off fingers)

Let's see...1...2...3...4...