DnD: Disciples of the Forgotten

Yasaedra Noquana
Race: Drow elf
Template: Saint
Hair: Silver, shinny, just past knees
Eyes: Violet (left) Green (right)
Height: 5’4”
Age: 96
Alignment: NG
Cleric 11 (Eilistraee), Incarnate (good) 6
ECL: +4
Str: 15, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 22 (26), Cha 22 (24)
Hp: 160
AC: 32 = 10 + 5 Dex + 8 Wis + 8 Wis + 1 Misc +(0-4 from essentia invested in Crystal Helm soulmeld)
SR 27/31 (vs evil) DR 10/Evil DR 3/cold iron Fast Heal 8
Immune: Acid, Cold, Elect, Petrification
Resistances: Fire 10, Poison +4, Spell/spell-like +2, Enchantment (compulsion, charm) +4, +4 evil spell or caster
Speed: 40
Initiative: +12
Essentia Pool: 7
Cleric Domains: Elf, Moon

Base Attack: +11/+6/+1 Melee: +15/+10/+5 Ranged: +16/+11/+6

Fort: 18, Ref: 12, Will: 22

Search: 5 = 3 Int + 0 rank + 2 Misc
Spot (cc): 11 = 6 Wis + 3 rank +2 Misc
Listen (cc): 11 = 6 Wis + 3 rank +2 Misc
Hide: 5 = 5 Dex +0 rank
Move Silent: 5 = 5 Dex + 0 rank
Heal: 19 = 6 Wis + 11 rank +2 magic
Concentration: 19 = 4 Con + 15 rank
Know Rel: 19 = 3 Int + 16 rank +
Know Arcane: 8 = 3 Int + 5 rank
Know Planes: 8 = 3 Int + 5 rank
Spellcraft: 17 = 3 Int + 12 rank + 2 synergy
Diplomacy: 27/29 = 6 Cha + 10 rank +11 magic +2 (with good creatures)
Gather Info: 17 = 6 Cha + 0 rank +11 magic
Sense Motive: 11/13 = 6 Wis + 3 rank +2 magic + 2 (with good creatures)
Bluff: 17 = 6 Cha + 0 rank +11 magic
Perform Dance: 19 = 6 Cha + 10 rank +3 magic
Perform Song: 30 = 6 Cha + 10 rank +14 magic
Perform Harp: 13 = 6 Cha + 4 rank +3 magic
Survival: 10/12 = 6 Wis +4 rank + 2 (other planes)
Jump: 9 = 2 Str + 0 rank + 7 magic
Swim: 8 = 2 Str + 4 rank +2 magic

Feats: Daylight Adaption (free, do to being born and raised on surface), Point Blank Shot (Elf domain), Exotic Weapon Prof. (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Nimbus of Light, Sanctify Martial Strike (bastard sword), and Exalted Spell Resistance, Midnight Dodge.

Drow Traits:
Light Sensitivity (canceled by Daylight Adaptation)
Darkvision 180ft (120+60 from Saint)
Free Search for secret doors with in 5ft
Proficiencies (used elf instead, do to born and raised on surface)
Longsword, rapier, bows
Dancing Lights 1/day
Faerie Fire 1/day
Darkness 1/day

Turn Undead 9/day, +2 to turn check (synergy)
Spontaneous cast Cure spells
Turn Lycanthropes 9/day
Aura (Good)

Incarnate (Good):
Aura (Good)
Detect Evil @ will
Chakra Binds (crown, feet, hands)
Expanded Soulmeld Capacity +1
Incarnum Radiance (+2 AC, 7 rounds) 1/day
Rapid Meld Shape 1/day

Insight bonus to AC = Wis mod
Holy Power (Su): +2 DC for all spells, spell-like, supernatural, and extraordinary abilities
Holy Touch (Su): Any time Yasa touches or makes a melee attack against an evil-outsider or undead it takes 1d8 holy damage. If such a creature touches or makes a melee attack against her, it also takes the damage.
Low-light vision
Protective Aura (Su): double strength Magic Circle Against Evil and Lesser Globe of Invulnerability. Shines silvery light 20ft. May raise as a free action.
Tongues: always active.
Spell-like Abilities: At will: Bless, Guidance, Resistance, Virtue

Bastard sword “Dark Maiden’s Light”: Attack: +18/+13 Feats: Weapon Focus, Sanctified Martial Strike.
+2 Holy, Keen, Evil-Outsiderbane, Warning elvish masterwork Mithral Int 19 Wis 10 Cha 19 Telepathy & Speech, Common, Drow Elvish, Celestial, Abyssal, Undercommon, 120ft darkvision, blindsense, hearing, read, Read Magic @ will (for item, not wielder)
Lesser Powers: Sense Motive 10, Knowledge Planes 10, Detect Magic @ will, evasion for wielder
Greater Powers: Haste 3/day, Detect Thoughts @ will
Special Purpose: Defend the servants and interests of Eilistraee
Special Power: True Res on wielder 1/month
Personality: As Eilistraee.

Composite short bow: Attack: +16/+11 Feats: Point Blank Shot
+1, seeking, precise elvish masterwork
Arrows: (54) normal, (47) holy

Dagger: Attack: +17/+12
+1 blessed elvish masterwork

Greater Silver Holy Symbol amulet: Symbol of Transfiguration, +4 Wis, +2 Cha, +2 Perform (song, dance, harp), Circlet of Eloquence Greater

(2) Cleric vestments, Silvery gown: Shiftweave (2 silvery gown, 2 silvery diaphanous gown, 1 black bodysuit), Shirt of the Fey, Resistance +2. Gown itself is immune to fire and acid.

Ring: Ring of Neg Energy Protection, Ring of Arming

Ring: Ring of Featherfall, Heartseeker Amulet, Ring of Anti-venom

Sash: Monk’s Belt, Belt of Priestly Might (Str bonus increased to +4)

Sandals: Boots of Springing and Striding

Decanter of Endless Holy Water

Bottle of Endless Fey Spirits (bottle of the best elven wine that never runs out)

Daren’s Instant Tent

Wand: Panacea (50)

Wand: Cure Serious (50)

Staff: Healing (34)

Magic Bedroll

Bag of Holding I (immune to fire)

Potions: Neutralize Poison (2)

Some expensive Material Components (will add as I actually look spells up)
Diamonds: 5k
Diamond dust: .6k

Non Magic Gear:
Holy Water (10)
Healer's kit
Spell Component Pouch
Silk rope (50ft)
Tindertwig (30)
Sunrod (3)
Paper (10)
Ink (2)
Signet ring
Sealing wax
Small Steel Mirror
Rations (10)
Heavy Mace

Money: 500pp, 9680gp, 63sp, 10 cp (tithe: 2400gp)
Gems: 10k, 1 emerald (5k)
Gold and ruby ring (10k)
Special coin
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Yasaedra (“Irresistible dance/lover”) was born on the surface, her mother a drow cleric of Eilistraee, her father a drow ranger of Eilistraee. She entered Eilistraee’s clergy at 25. At 40, she participated in an attack on a cult of Nerull. The sights she saw in there filled her with utter fury at the evil that was at work. They arrived in time to disrupt a ceremony in which the souls of their victims would be sent to Nerull. During the attack she was disarmed of her sword, and knocked to the ground. A cleric of Nerull was about to strike her down when she felt a rush of power. The souls of victims instead came to her, coalescing around her arms and in her hand, forming a pair of translucent bracers and a translucent bastard sword (note: I changed its appearance to reflect her preference), with which she promptly gutted the cleric. That was how she discovered the magic of incarum, the borrowing of soul energy. She is an implacable foe of all that is evil.
She has 4 children, quintuplets. One son, and 3 identical daughters, all are 30 years old and living on their own. Their father was a drow wizard (and unknown to her, a mindbender) whom she decided to have a fling with. She got pregnant that night in spite of using an herbal contraceptive. That night the inn was attacked by a sinister organization, known to us only as the Black Cloaks (real imaginative, I know). The organization was attempting to kill her party since the ancient evil they revered believed we would grow to be a threat. We defeated the force, and counter attack their base, destroying it a few days later. The father did not survive the counter attack. Once we prevented the evil’s return, Yasaedra achieved sainthood.
She arrived at the college about six and a half years ago; she came at a friend’s request to help her venture into the Underdark for a deep dragon’s heart. They ended up slaying a young deep dragon. Afterwards, Yasaedra decided to stay for a while and learn to better master her incarnum powers which she had been neglecting for a while. She has set up a shrine to Eilistraee in a nearby glade and tends to it in addition to her studies. She has a flock of aproximatly 30 worshipers and one new cleric that she tends to. She currently lives in the temple quarters, sharing the bed of one of the female acolytes tending to the shrine of Corelan Larethian.

Some other noteworthy deeds:
Lead in the successful defense of an elf village from a drow raiding party.
Lead the elven counterattack a few days later, destroying the forward outpost that launched the attack.

Other notes:

She is a happy, kind and caring person.
Yasaedra is almost pure lesbian. She will occasionally take a male drow as a lover (no more than few per year)(uses a contraceptive) but it is never for longer than a few days. Elven women (esp. drow) are her preferred lovers, but she enjoys half elves and humans as well.
As an Incarnate (Good), she is absolutely true to the NG alignment.

Goals (other than the usual):
None at the moment.

Maniaphobia- Fear of insanity. Fortunately, her high Will saves allow her to usually operate with only minor difficulties.

She always leaves her female lovers with a small silver pendent bearing Eilistraee’s holy symbol (worth 10gp) and asks the Dark Maiden to look after the woman.
Tithes 10% to temple
When rents a room, she always rents one of the better rooms, in one of the better inns.
Donates to worthy causes.
Rituals and celebrations dictated by her faith.

Other notes on Appearance:
Has her holy symbol as a necklace around her neck.
Typically wearing clerical vestments (simple yet elegant silvery gown, or for ceremonies an elegant silvery diaphanous (transparent) gown), and silver jewelry with moonstones & sapphires (she has two different sets valued at around 1000gp each, plus some extras valued at around 500gp total)
Nimbus of Light feat causes her to shine silvery light equal to a common lamp. She may suppress or resume this at will.

Misc notes:
Weapon of choice: bastard sword
She does not suffer from the drow’s racial sunlight sensitivity do to the Daylight Adaptation feat.
Loves dancing, singing, and hunting
Preferred drink: wine (red), avoids getting drunk.
Cleric changes: gain Perform (song, dance, harp, flute, horn) & Survival.
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Max essential investment per meld: 4
Melds shaped:
Crystal Helm (shaped as a circlet)(Bound to Crown Chakra)
Planar Ward
Bluesteel Bracers
Impulse Boots (shaped like ornate sandals)(bound to Feet Chakra)

Cleric Spells: (D) indicates Domain Spell. ($) indicates expensive material component.
0-level 6/day
Mending x3
Detect Poison x3

1-level 7+1/day DC 21
Divine Favor x2
Entropic Shield
Shield of Faith x3
Protection From Evil x1
(D) True Strike

2-level 6+1/day DC 22
Restoration, Lesser
Corona of Cold x2
Cat's Grace
Wave of Grief
(D) Cat’s Grace

3-level 6+1/day DC 23
Energy Vortex (sonic x1)
Invisibility Purge x2
Know Opponent x2
Remove Blindness/Deafness
(D) Moon Blade

4-level 5+1/day DC 24
Dismissal x2
Freedom of Movement
Diamond Spray ($)
(D) Fear

5-level 4+1/day DC 25
Planeshift x3
Revivify ($)
(D) Moon Path

6-level 3+1/day DC 26
Bolt of Glory x2
Dispel Magic, Gtr
(D) Find the Path
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Melds shaped and spells change day to day. Just list the melds you shape each day in game as for spells thats to much work. Keep track on your own, honor system and all.
It may very from person to prson but each character shuld be up for consideration to become the new college head. The head of the college was there for 40 years before he disapeared and every one forgot he was there. Elves and dwarves may of been trained by him personly by being there 30 to 50 years.
Well white, Ren, and GM I am going to start up for you three tomorow or later today. Bassicly when I have the time.

The bloodiron college is located toward a largly wilderness area. One can find temples to Obi'ha and Ehollona The school itself has a small temple with shrines to core gods that are openly worshiped. (Nerul and vecna are absent.)

If you've been in the college a long time, at least 3 years you may of added a small shrine to your god or perhaps you made one close to the college.
Sorry I am surprisingly busy this week end.

Brain make a level 20 character and I'll get you started.
Were in a temperate forest, it is currently summer. Time of Day is the pick of the first one to address the issue.

In my last post is a link to the IC thread.
Won't be posting for at least this week. Just got hit with an avalanche of homework.
Good gives me time to put my Half-Fiend Dwarven Ultimate magus together. Just found what I needed in the complete mage book I found online. Thanks to cats for pointing out the class...its quite nifty :p
Yeah its a combined caster but were as most combined classes lack high spells this one fakes having them buy having freeish meta magic.
So GM, Ren either one of you want to jump on the posting wagon?
The strange conversation post has confused me, so I'm.... just puttering about. I suppose I could post...

Eh just NPCS talking, it was an attempt to set the location better. Basically first post was to large scale so I figured I would concentrate on the forgotten master for a second post.

Any how if you get a chance IOU works too, but I am bored with lit at the moment. Nothing is happening.
Any one object to the starting party already knowing each other?
No problem here. She's been at the college for three and a half years, so anyone who's been around might have met her.
I'm not sure but I belive Raven has dropped out. Brain is actively making a character, GM and white have posted IC. Ren seems to be quiet right now, and so does Vall.

So unless I am forgetting some one we'd have 3 to 5 characters.

Sure hop in. We have a confirmed fighter, cleric, and necromancer at the moment, if thats how you decide what to play.