Do Kink and promiscuity always go hand in hand?

You know... there is actually some research that seems to indicate that certain proclivities might be hereditary...

I'm just sayin'.


there are constantly studies showing that something might be something then either are inconclusive or proven wrong or never took enough of a stance to be correct or incorrect. I mean post concussion was argued to not be a real thing by many researchers this millennia despite it being obvious enough to the public that hollywood movies had it as major plot points 10 + years before it was acknowledged. If I had a dollar for every time a study showed something breakthrough and then it is never seen again, I would have like 25 bucks from what I can remember but still.
No! Happliy married for almost twenty and faithful kinks didn’t affect us.. good partner and you can have some fun! Though under his direction promiscuity started about the 15 year mark

when they are combined with whisky till tipsy----really the nadir of ecstasy-trust me.
For me personally no not at all. I've got a low physical relationship count due to a few worth issue.
But get me in the right settings with the right person and the kinky obedient pleaser comes out.
Emotionally safe is freeing
For me personally no not at all. I've got a low physical relationship count due to a few worth issue.
But get me in the right settings with the right person and the kinky obedient pleaser comes out.
Emotionally safe is freeing

kink is merely sexual activities one does. It has nothing to do with how much sex you have or how many partners.

The problem is people use kink as an excuse to do what they want. Take a trip to fetlife. 80% of the people are merely using kink/bdsm as an excuse to do what they want.

Its very common for cheating wives and girlfriends to claim "its not cheating if master says I need to fuck 10 guys every weekend as part of my sex training"
I do not believe they go hand in hand, but looking at the people that attend dungeon events, a lot of people that stands out seem to move from intimate partner to intimate partner a lot. Also part of the kink community there are the swingers and poly people and of course the people that want to just want to hook up with the person they share kink with because bdsm can create intimacy.
I do not believe they go hand in hand, but looking at the people that attend dungeon events, a lot of people that stands out seem to move from intimate partner to intimate partner a lot. Also part of the kink community there are the swingers and poly people and of course the people that want to just want to hook up with the person they share kink with because bdsm can create intimacy.

I believe its more of a personal preference than kink related as some are more poly and some more mono. A lot of poly folks I’ve talked to keep their D/s life with one person instead of all partners but then i imagine some don't either. I'm going with personal preference though.
No...not at all.
My wife and I do some kinky stuff, and are completely monogamous. No desire to stay outside our marriage.

This is how my wife and I are. I like to be seen (exhibitionist, CFNM). I have no desire to be with anyone else, sexually. My wife used to be quite the exhibitionist and it wasn't to hook up with others. We have fun enjoying each other and pushing the other's limits at times.
We are monogamous and we enjoy our kinks.
I am kinky as fuck and I am not giving out my goodies like it Halloween.
That depends on how you define the terms.

To a vanilla, even talking about sexy things on this forum could be considered promiscuous. Lines often remain undefined.

In our kink relationship, we often and openly discuss our depraved fantasies, flirt with others, even play at sex clubs. Daddy has simple guidelines: 1. Look don't touch 2. The other always has VETO power.
I've known a few promiscuous women in my life. Some were wild and dirty and loved it. Mmmm. Nice!
Some were strickly, "boink boink boink" and done. They were just boink boink boink'n withe every Tom, Dick, and Boinky. No one was enjoying it.
For me they don't...but I'm increasingly starting to realize I may be in the severe minority on this.

How is it for everyone else?

Or if this is a dumb question just ignore. I'm sleep deprived and posting in the middle of the night. Lol

I can answer this confidently for myself — absolutely not. I have some very vivid and taboo kinks...but I am so picky about who I will be intimate with that it even frustrates me sometimes :eek: But, I'm not even capable of engaging in casual hook-up would just be a big dud for all involved.
I mean no offense, but your question leaves "promiscuity" very open. To me, what counts as cheating or is considered "promiscuous" is defined in each individual relationship. And, typically, absolutes like always/never are rarely if ever true.

Many people express kink in different ways and with different comfort levels. For me, it takes a lot for me to be comfortable with a partner, thus I have had very few. There are others who can trust a partner much more quickly and as such have had many more. Like with all of kink, it gets expressed in a ton of varying degrees - there are some kinky people like myself who are strictly monogamous/exclusive, and others with many partners - and lots of combinations in between.

I don't think we are in the minority for being mono or less promiscuous. If anything, poly peeps are just more open about things now since there has been a cultural shift towards accepting that lifestyle.