Dragon Wars Ii


"Venisen would be wonderful," I tell Selwin with a smile. Kort's remarkably well behaved- many dragons won't learn humanoid curtisies, which was part of why there were so many dragon hunters. Rudness- destoyred worlds, it did.
"Spring water please," I told the serving girl who seemed rather scared of Kort and I. Twas amusing in a small way- we meant no harm to her on this visit- part of why we were eating. Not nessesarily out of hunger, but "breaking bread' with the elves was a symbol of temporariy truce. At least till the next visit.
I actually was hungry though so ate enough to sustain me and no more- full bellies made one's reflex's slow.
"Something to eat? Kort looked around, spotting a nice plump little elf, "I'll take that one."
The young one shrieked in fear. Kort laughed at this, settling down with some pork and wine, "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Go on, elfling."
He sat next to Sylvia, unsure if stayin here was altogether wise. If anything were to happen, he couldn't protect her in this form as well as his other. There was some sort of moral dance they were going through with the elves though, and the look of importance on Sylvia's face made Kort think that he should stay quiet and attentive, for just a while longer.
"Other elven villages were destroyed too. This doesn't make any sense. The elves have been no threat to anyone for thousands of years. Even orc's aren't smart enough to just go on a rampage through elven forests. Something doesn't add up."
Kort saw the small veil of silver in her hair, almost double taking when it caught his eye. He hadn't noticed it before. He reached out, letting the silver whisps flow through his finger.
"Part silver? I didn't notice," something dropped in his heart. No silver and red dragon ever had any relations together. Silvers were a very select race, and reds were always known for their aggressive techniques in finding mates.
"It's very pretty..." He decided to leave it alone. Any solace he could provide would be something she probably heard a million times before.

Kort reached out and touched my hair- a rarity amoung dragons. Ah- the silver lock of hair, the only outward sign of my tainted heritage.
"My father's mother was a silver," I say non-chalantly. "His father was a rather feirce red who managed to catch the silver alone with a group of hatchlings to protect. The price for thier safety was a mating. My Grandfather's always been a bit ecclectic. He took the product of that mating, my father, raised him red and my father managed to catch my mother's eye during the Eclipsic Ceremonies. So- here I am, mostly red with a bit of healing magic, no big deal, really."
"Its very pretty," he said softly.
I could tell Kort wanted to offer sympathy though he didn't. Rather nice not to hear cliche's from someone of unmixed heritage. "Thank you. My father's banded something like a red and silver tiger so I got very lucky that's my own tell-tale sign of it. Unfortunatly no dye, magical or not, can get rid of the blasted stripe, in either form."
I sighed then shrugged. "Oh well, no one messes with me on that basis alone anymore. I ate the last dragon that did."

Garbon stood reading the titles along the shelf. His heart races as he found the shelf where his father had placed the book. The fourth age......Saved from the Unseen terror........Journaled by Grazell , there it was; the title so cumbersome that it was memorable. He quickly opened the book and read a few pages to make sure it was exactly what he was looking for. Closing the book, he sped back towards his private chambers where his guests were sequestered.

Garbon entered back into the room, noting that his guests had decided to eat some of the food. No blood was evident on the floor, so hopefully these dragons could continue to show good table manners. "I have found what I was looking for. This book was a chronicle of some troubled times in the lifespan of the elven race. It was written by my father so I have no reason to question its veracity. "

"I hope you are able to fill in some of the information for me that was sketchy in this book. This talks about the terror of the Transparent Dragons, a name that makes my spine shiver. My people were almost slaughtered to a man by these creatures. Before my race became extinct, the dragons came to our aid. Somehow , they were able to defeat these Transparent Dragons; their depredations have not been brought upon this world in over one thousand years. I think this may be what is killing these dragons and elves in the forest."
"I don't think you should get rid of it. It looks really good, forboding. Tells some of the guys not to mess with you," He gave her a wink, moving in closer, "Doesn't hurt to mention you killed the last dragon either. You have no idea how turned on I am right now..."
He laughed, finishing up some of the wine. He wantede to chat with her some more, maybe even comment on something he had noticed earlier, but just then the elven leader interrupted. Kort bit his lower lip, knowing it was time to keep silent, and let everyone talk.
Transparent dragons...
He let a low growl come out of his throat. Transparent dragons. There might have been stories in the dragon colonies, but he hadn't heard any. Dragons of no color at all seemed a mockery though, some sort of abomination. A dragon was defined by his color. Without it, Kort knew these creatures had no soul, which meant it was perfectly ok for their blood to spill the ground.
Red or transparent, didn't make much difference to him.
Why would they be harassing elves though?
That thought ringed in his ears. What did the elves have that would make dragons want to attack them? Was it just blind rage? They were lashing out at the closest creatures possible? He didn't think so, how they worked, operated, made him think they had something more planned.
Maybe it was just the cunning thought of a green, who could never see a glass of water as half empty or full, but rather as who drank the water, and who doesn't want it to be full, or empty.
Something wasn't right.
He looked to Sylvia, wondering if she knew something more about this, or perhaps had a plan. He just wanted to make them bleed, but she always seemed to have a plan.

::Taking his place on the council, Gloomfaust started to look about and see who had shown up so far. Just the usual group that seem to never leave Canth's side he thought. Seeing that there really wasnt anyone to sway to his thinking, his thoughts returned to his plan and how his assassins were at work. They worked admirably so far, dispatching the Gold quickly and without much notice. Well there was the elves but he was pretty sure that they were destroyed by now as one of his men was following them.

Perhaps he could even have the elves followed to their forest village and have that destroyed as well. Blame it on the orcs, everyone seem to be at odds with them now. No, that would just be foolish at the moment. No, my plans are forming now and In the end.....

I blush at Kort's "turned on" comment. Most dragons of the Dark Alliance barely tolerated me because of my mixed heritage and only because I could be meaner and more magically powerful then most of them when needed. Was rather nice to have a male dragon of my "side" to flirt with.
Ah- the elf's back, time to go to work.
"Hmm... let me see that," I say, deftly taking the book away, nails gently moving the pages as I read. "Oh, dear, me, this isn't good at all. Can't see the things... rather like night blooming choke vines- can't see those either unless you know the right spell or its twilight."
My random burst into herbology got me a bewildered look from the elvin leader. "Botony is one my favorite subjects, being as I am a forest dragon."
"Aptly named then."
"Yes, thank you," I say thoughtlessly, reading deeper still. I set the text down with a sigh after another moment and ten more pages. "Okay- great battle scenes, drones on and on and on in typical elvin fashion- is there a condensed version that says how they found and killed them in the first place? That'd make things easier."
I felt one of the many charms I wore on my body give a tug. My eyes grew wide then narrowed in annoyance. "Orc... filthy, steaming, blasphemous orcs. Headed our way apparently. Might want to prepair for that."
Kort looked at the pages as Sylvia filtered through them. They didn't give much to him, just symbols on yellowed paper. He had never bothered to learn to read much, and elven was a fucking language and a half to learn. Everything looked so nice, he wondered how people could actually see the letters in all those fine curves and cute little dipthongs or whatever the hell they were.
Sylvia said it was long, and from the many pages she went through, Kort would have to agree with her.
"Garbon, is there anything that the elves hold dear? Something powerful? Something that might say cause a person to send invisible dragons to steal? If these creatures attacked some time before, and the now, that doesn't make this just a coincidence, or a random act. They want something, even if it is just to slaughter each and every elf in the forest."
The thought of orcs on their way let a small smile escape Kort's mouth. He did so like the way they popped in his mouth. A foul taste though... they give bad dragon's breath. Still, a small price to pay for finally watching something die.
"Good," he growled deep in his throat, "I was beginning to feel I wasn't going to kill something today."

Garbon turned to Sylvia, " I will immediately post more sentries around the settlement. I do not want anything to happen. " He motioned for a subordinate to come over. He immediately sent the messenger on his way with orders. He turned back to Kort.

"I can not think of anything that would cause such a fuss that the transparent dragons would try to kill us elves to get to it. There was a mention in the last chapter of the journal about a gem that the dragons had given to my father when the transparent dragons had been defeated. It is here in the council chamber , lets go take a look."

Garbon leads them out of the room, leading them to a large throne-like seat. The top of the seat is wood that was lovingly carved to resemble the head of a dragon. One eye was plain glass, while the other was a large multifaceted green gem. Garbon looked at the back of the seat.

"I think there is a lever hidden here at the bottom that will release the gem. However, I am not sure what this gem might do. It was probably just a spoil of war. "Garbon handed the gem over to Sylvia. There was an inner light that suddenly appeared in the gem, not blinding , but plainly visible.

Garbon looked over at Sylvia, "That has never happened before. Maybe you had better take this to the other dragons. My dear friend Monarth always talked about his friend Canth, who was supposed to be very wise. I will entrust this into your care so please take good care of it. Now if you will excuse me........"

Garbon was never able to finish his sentence as a blackfletched arrow flew through a small window into his private chamber. The dragons could not understand how this could have happened since Garbon's rooms were high up in a large oak tree. Sylvia looked out the window, plainly able to see a large Orc floating in mid-air. Wait, under the Orc, Sylvia could make out the dim outline of a large winged creature. The orc snarled at the dragons, as his mount winged away.

An attendant came running into Garbon's room . His voice screeched as he breathlessly spewed out the words, "My Lord, the settlement is under heavy attack. We need your....." His last words never left his mouth, instead a large moan came out as he saw the bloodstained corpse on the floor. The next noise in the room was a sickening thud as the elf fainted to the ground.
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Canth takes a look into the council chamber. *Not that many Dragons are present. Hopefully, the others that are not here are unharmed. I have to start the council now before they will get restless. * Canth strides confidently into the council chamber.

"I would like to welcome all of you here to the council chamber. I had hoped for more dragons to be here, but I can no longer afford to wait. I bring before you bad news. There have been a few deaths among the dragon kind recently. We are not so large in numbers that a life ending would not be missed. Though there are a few that I would not mind ending myself. Anyway, I have sent two dragons to see what they could find out. One of them has not been heard from since, a dragon I had ever confidence in . The second one is now overdue in returning. "

" I brought you all together to see if any of you may have any insight into this. I know there have been difference among dragonkind in the past, but I feel that we need to all work together to find out the answer to this mystery. Does anyone have anything to bring before the council. "

Canth waited as a few dragons stood up. Two of them talked about vague rumors of things within the human communities that they spent most of their time in secretly. Another talked about some increased Orc activity that he had noticed from his lair in the Ruthal Mountains. He mentioned a large number of Orcs that he had seen on the march, going towards the Elven Settlement.

Canth berated this dragon. " Why have you not come to me before with this? This may be a large problem, not only for the elves, but for all the lesser folks. We are all aware of the depredations to other races that the Orcs have caused in the past. That is one of the reasons why we had allowed the Elves such free rein with their last Orc War. At least the Elves had a sense of honor, a concept totally unknown to the Orcs. "

Before the dragon could answer, there was a disturbance at the door to the council chamber. "MY LORD, MY LORD , Golanth has returned and is sorely injured. Come quickly , we do not know how long he will continue to draw breath. " Canth turns and quickly moves towards the door..

"Well, looks like its orc on the menu tonight," I said around a growl, looking at Kort. I turned to Gabon. "Tell you people we're friends! Selwin, grab your bow- that's a good elf, come on lets get out of this death trap."
We raced to the top of the tree, emerging in the foliage. Havok reigned all over the settlement.
I politely pushed Selwin over the edge and dove after him, taking my natural form, catching him easily. A toss had him on my back. I could feel Kort above me.
"We should stick together- can't see the damn things but I have an idea! Cover me for a moment, you two."
I left the defense up to them for a moment and called on my magic, the magic of the forest and the magic of the gem I had just linked with inside. The three powers were a heady stustance and I flung it out in all directions like an etherail net, set to catch anything that I couldn't see with my naked humanoid eyes. Ah, I thought like a spider on her web. There we go!
"Kort! Three of your lengths left and up ten degrees! Torch it!"
I didn't look to see if he did so- I was anchoring my "net" to the main tree of the settlement so it wouldn't fall once I started fighting. I took a few random arrows in the underside and one through my wing as I worked, none of that stopping me for long. The twang of Selwin's bow from my back was almost as comforting as the orcan screams from below.

IC: 'Face it Char we are lost!' "For the last time we are not lost." 'Then explain to me why we have been in this forest for a day now?' I didn't respond after all it was a good question on her part.

"Well this isn't the eassiest forest to get around. Your half elf shouldn't you know where to go?" 'Yeah half elf and raise with the humans my entire life. So I know exactly where we are.' "Really?" 'No.'

I stoped and looked at the blond and green eyed elf child. She always has to have her way doesn't she. "Fine we are lost. happy!" something cought my nose. A sent from up wind. I stopped trying to figure out what it was. 'Why did you stop.' "I smell orcs?"

'Damn did they fallow us.' "It's not eassy tracking us so I doubt it. I'm guessing your village wasn't there target."
There was a purge of jealousy inside him, something that tugged at his heart to touch the green gem. It looked of power, something raw and seeming with energy that could be licked up. Kort imagined all the things he could create with it, all the enemies he could destroy.
But, those memories, however fleeting, left when the attacks started. He had no choice but to follow Sylvia and the others outside, to look at the war raging on.
It wasn't a war so much as a slaughter. The orcs were overpowering the elves, sheer numbers alone told the outcome of this battle, and crowds of elves disappeared in pools of blood that drained from the air above them. Kort could just imagine invisible dragons with crimson lips chomping down on every unsuspecting elf they could find.
It wasn't until Sylvia gave him a target that Kort pounced. He spouted off his camouflage, letting his black and green hide appear seemingly out of nowhere.
HE flew into thin air, but just before he reached the spot Sylvia spoke of, something did hit his senses. A warning shot off that he was going to fly into something. Kort grabbed on, not thinking of any other choice to do.
The thing he had caught struggled fiercely in his arms. Kort tried to keep hold, but there was nothing in his hands. He saw himself holding onto air, and it struggled like mad to be released.
Kort dropped his wings, and they both fell like a rock to the ground. It seemed a more fair fight on the ground. The struggle only confused him more, eyes telling him he felt nothing, but his limbs holding onto a squirming body.
HE had to close his own eyes, and as he did, the image of the dragon, fighting, clawing, biting came to him. He could see it in his claws, and began to fight back, with the same vigor.
They hit the ground with a loud thump, shaking the earth and sending more than a few trees toppling over. Kort pinned it, biting deep into it's neck. At least, he thought it was its neck.
The thing got hold of some ground, and flung Kort, end over end until several trees broke his small flight.
A dozen or so orcs seized the chance to become legends in their own clan. They grabbed what weapons they could find, and started hacking away at him. It took Kort a few seconds to orient himself, and by then, they had begun to swarm him.
One was chopping in half, spit out for his brothers to be warned, while others made short work of his hide and underbelly.
Kort cried out, rolling over and over, slashing out his tail, batting his wings not to fly away, but to send the orcs flying. Most of them, like ants, were crushed or sent hurling into the surrounding forest. A few of them endured, coming back for seconds, with many others on their heel.
Kort growled, feeling the spit heat up in the back of his throat. He was ready, preparing for a nice thick juicy stream of cold acid to fuck with all their little plans.
Until an invisible brick wall hurled him to the ground and pinned him there. Kort screamed out in both pain and anger, blood flowing freely from him now. It stuck on the invisible assailant, like honors from Kort's defeat. Crimson lines went from the open and bleeding wounds in Kort's side to the bright and stained claws of the attacked.
Kort let the spit fly. Black fire escaped his mouth, shooting up like a volcanoe. The lodge of muscle that kept Kort pinned to the ground let up. Using this, Kort flung what was left of the dragon down to the ground, reversing the order.
He sniffed carefully, making sure it was the neck this time, and with a profound crack of bones, and a slippery wet bloody smile by Kort, the fucker was pronounced dead on site.
A flash of anger shot through him, as Kort went on a rampage now. Teeth and acid poured from him as freely as his fresh wounds, and any orc who caught his eye, was given a proper death.
Kort looked up, trying to at least. Blood seeped into his eyes, and blurred his vision. He waited, seeing of more dragons were in the area, wanting just one more he could kill, one more he could bring pain too.
Sylvia seemed in a trance, the gem glowing around her. The hint of jealousy pained him once more, but he was in a bloodlust now. Mere trinkets didn't apply when there was death to be dealt.
"Where?" His voice rumbled in the far off hills, as war raged on around them.

::He merely sat back and watched as Canth started the procedings, listening to the typical drapple Canth always spit out. How much he hated him for being weak and steriotypical in his position.

Much to his pleasure, Gloomfaust listened as quite a few dragons lifted their voice to tell of what they witnessed in the world. Most of which if not caused by Gloomfaust himself, was caused as a result of something Gloomfaust had ordered. He kept his face emotionless as he listened.

When the news of Golanth's plight was announced, Gloomfaust was one of the first to move and follow Canth back to see what the dragon would say before death's icey hand delt the final blow::
Rheamus Barren

We stopped moving about a hour later, and the Orcs readied their weapons. I wandered over to where my new "friend" was standing, holding his batle axe and grinning at his compatriots.
"Why have we stopped?" I insisted.
"We've reached our planned destination."
I looked at him for a moment.
"We've found the Elves whop are responsible for the attack I told you of earlier," he clarified, grinning uncontrollably.
Yes, I thought, sarcastically. Those damned, murderous elves..."And now?"
"We're the second wave of the attack," he replied. "You'll be kept under guard until--"
"No," I shook my head. "I don't carry this sword as a decoration. If these elves have attacked your kind, and broken the truce, I'll fight them along side of you."
He looked at me, surprised, then grinned again. I could see his thoughts--the fool believes me!--and he nodded vigorously, looking to his companions, who sported equally enthused grins. And why not? If I was killed, it wasn't their loss, and if not, i helped them to victory. They could dispense of me as they wished later.
He nodded. "Come, join the seige, then...Friend!"
"i'll speak to your commander after the battle..." I added, placing an arm around the creature's shoulders briefly.

A cage.
A prison, really.
No walls, or towers, or dungeon, not the traditional kind, but a prison nonetheless.
And how long have I been here? A day? A year? A lifetime??
It seemed like the last, and most likely was. But how would I know that? Just because I remembered nothing befor ethen, didn't mean the truth was so clear, so obviously apparent.
I wondered if my apparent guard wa saware of that fact. If he knew what was or wasn't there to be seen and was capable of seeing it.
A fool. A certain fool. But I'd wait until he slept, when I had my chance at a little touch of freedom, at a short period of time when my chains wouldn't feel so heavy...

I saw Kort winging to me, blood pouring off of him, a good part of it his own. I finished anchoring the spell- it would hold. Now to let Kort see it on his own. I hated this part.
I whipped my head about and pulled one of the arrows from my flank, causing blood to pour freely. I laped a mouthful, whispered a spell and spat the mixture at Kort, landing squarely on his back.
It took a moment but once the spell finished he was whole, unscythed from this battle and could see my 'net'.
"Now you can see the net! It'll ripple around them, these odd dragons that can't be seen," I told him in mindspeak. My spell allowed me to do that for an hour. After that I'd have to rework the spell. If we lived that long.
Once I was sure he could see it I flew up and perched on one of the buildings/trees. From there I began my specialty- fireballs. But my fireballs contain an icy center so cold it shocks the burned flesh right off, no hope of healing it.
I readied one and was about to throw it when I felt a pull in my webs- a clear... no a transparanet dragon! I reoriented but not fast enough. THe dragon knocked me off the building. I sinked my claws into it as it pushed me, pulling it with me into the air. I set the fireball off right in its underbelly, effectively gutting it. Its insides flew out, crimson and pink, smelling rather bad. I screamed as one of its claws found my left wing before it died. I pushed away from the body and managed to glide to the groud, smashing a group of orcs in the process. They were trying for the Council's tree! I waded into the group, tail thrashing, claws and teeth flashing. Blood rose in plumes and I gloried in it. We reds aren't called blood dragons for nothing!
Selwin on my back was drenched in orc blood by the time I made it to the Council tree and took up its defense, teeth and fireballs flaring out to help.
It took Kort a while to recognize all of it. The new sounds, and sensations, running through his mind. He could grasp that the entire battle field was all some weird web connected, strings of energy pouring out from some center, holding it all in place, keeping it all alive and going.
The dragons came into plain sight now. He could see them almost emerge like from a fog into his vision. A deep growl hit his throat, as he watched them moving back and forth, their sharp teeth and razor claws ready for attack.
Did they notice he could see? It didn't look like it, but they were obviously looking at him as the major threat now. He watched as three moved his way almost intantanious. All of them big, and hungry, waiting to taste his newly refreshed hide.
Kort threw himself at the first one, launching them both into the ground. Uncontrollably, they turned end over end, falling through heated battle, limp dead bodies of elves and orcs being tossed around them.
Something hard stuck in Kort's side, cauing him to wince in pain.
A seconds dragon took this chance, pouncing on him, driving him into the ground. Kort screamed out, pain and anguish that tore through him.
Two dragons came on top of him, driving him into the ground, their claws and teeth opening wounds that were just healed. Kort almost felt a desperation, knowing somehow fate did not want him well for whatever battle he was going to fight.
Three now, on top of him, pouncing, biting, clawing. Their muscles strong like steel, and wouldn't give at his conscious efforts to fight, get some ground, get off whatever had stuck deep into his side, and now ran dragon's blood like a new spring out of the ground.
That low gutteral sound came out, as he prepared another acid spit. Something clicked, and the dragons all fled from him. Kort pushed himself up, looking at them in midflight, keeping their distance.
"Smart," He cursed, jumping at the closest one he could. The dragon flew away, higher, getting out of his reach. Kort flew down for another one, but it too took off with such speed. He was simply chasing one after the other as they danced around him in the air.
Something wasn't right about this. They weren't just fighting him, they were keeping him occupied. They wanted him out of the fight, and concentrated on them.
Kort stole a glance back down to the elven village, or what was left of it. Most had been destroyed. Orcs had done damage, but a malicious thought went from Kort when he realized a lot of the damage was done by himself and the others just rolling and thromping around heated battle.
The orcs outnumbered the elves, at least two to one, and that statistic continued to rise as the orc invasion continued. He saw Sylvia trying to protect it, but her own concentration lost do to another taunting dragon.
What were they keeping him from? Kort didn't care, his mind a blank with stupid and idiotic ideas. He wanted to fight, and he wanted to win, his mind couldn't process anything beyond that comprehension at this point and time.
A dragon hurled himself into Kort as his attention was occupied. With his saved up acid, he made short work of the enemy, a headless corpse fell dead to the ground, still smoldering.
Kort spit out at one dragon, who flew up away from the blast. Kort followed closely, rising out of his own black pillar, and catching the dragons offguard. He wrestled with him in mid-air, scratching, clawing, and finding every inch of hise he could to take a nice deep bite.
The other one crashed into them both. Kort tried to wrestle body parts out of the tangled dragon mess as the three car pile up began to fall to the ground. He couldn't get both his wings out of the mass though. His right one flapped uselessly as they fell like a dead lump onto the ground.
As they crashed, there was no rolling this time, there was no surprise leap back up to see what to fight next, the dull thud onto the ground, and splat, then nothing more came with a definite sound.
Kort lay limp, stuck between two dragons that he could not see. To an average person, looking, it would appear that a bloody black dragon was half lying, half floatin on air, but all of his muscles were limp.
Movement from the pile, one head of a transparent dragon lifted itself up, and then was thrown to the other side. A useless crack could be heard, for the thing was already dead, but still, it brought a weak smile to Kort's lips.
It took time, but he untangled himself from the pile. One had died, being on the bottom, the other had Kort's claw stuck resoundly in a cavity where his heart should have been.
Kort limped out of the dead mass. His wing that had been caught hung at his side. It hurt to look at it, and hurt even more when he tried to move it. His flying days would be over for awhile.
Battle still raged on. They were losing, and losing fast. Kort couldn't see any more dragons, but that meant nothing. The spell might have worn off. His whole feeling of connectedness running throughout the forest, and energies he had never understood before was fading from his mind, like a lost dream in the morning. The orcs were all that mattered now, as Kort, tired, hurt, bleeding, limp, and near death stoel himself into the heat of battle with little more than a lick to his wounds.
If today is the day to die, what better way than going down in style.
The Orc Commander circled the Transparent Dragon back to the landing zone from where they had launched the attack. Hagras almost threw the Orc from the riding saddle as he vented his frustration. He was so mad that he became clearly visible for only the third time that Gremnar, the Orc Commander, could remember.

A small lick of flame spat from between his clenched jaws, Hagras turned to Gremnar. "You foolish Orc, I told you that my master wanted you to attack the Elven Settlement almost a week ago. Now that damn fool Garbon has figured out that we have awakened. He has even given the gem to one of the dragonkind that banished us long ago. I should kill you myself. "

"However, you can continue to be useful to me. So I will not spill your blood here on the ground. Tell your animals, I mean men, to finish killing as many elves as you can and then retreat to our agreed upon place. I will have to consult with my master to see what he wants us to do now. Remember what the price of failure will be. "

Hagras lept into the air and was quickly moving his large wings as he flew towards the dragon council. Gremnar looked down his leg, noticing the stream of urine that had leaked though his leather breeches. He snarled at his nearest subordinate to get the dragons orders carried out.

Canth reached his friends side with alacrity. He noticed the large gash that was leaking blood at a fast rate. He knew that Golanth would not last long. Golanth looked up at Canth with a confused expression on his face, then seemed to see Canth clearly for the first time. His voice was a whisper as he tried to talk to Canth.

Canth lowered his head down towards Golanths to more clearly hear what the mortally injured dragon had to say. His thin voice intoned to Canth as to the state he found Monarth. A sharp pain racked through Canth as he thought of the tragic death of one of his best friends. His heart was heavy as he clearly saw that he was about to lose another of his closest friends.

Canth spoke to the injured Dragon. "Golanth, do you know what manner of creature did this to Monarth? " A spasm of pain shot through Golanth as he tried to summon the strength to utter out the name. "Canth, it was a Transparent Dragon. " Horror was vividly visible on Canths face as this information was exchanged. Canth's quiet bark of pain was lost as a bellow from Golanth signaled his loss to the battle of pain. His head fell to the ground as his last breath expired.

Canth turned back to look to the dragons that followed him. Their worried expressions sent a chill through him, so much that he thoughtlessly uttered the two words that were Golanths last. Most of the Dragons cringed back at the anathema of those words, a cycle of visions coursing through their heads. Canth noticed that one dragon did not seem to be suprised , Gloomfaust. Canth filed that mentally, not able to spend the time to argue with Gloomfaust at this time.

It was a loosing battle, I knew this. Reaching back, I spun about knocking the orcs around me down then tossing Selwin onto a balcony above me. "Be careful, my elf!"
Turning back, I tucked my useless wings in close. I could see Kort on the ground, wading into the orcs, bleeding heavily. I felt the spell on him slip. Time to renew it with another heal.
Slam! Orcs tasted horrid. Slash- nice to claw through though.
I bathed in the blood of my enemies, taking thier life forces into me, channeling it for use. I pushed some of the power into the trees, strengthening them, the rest into the stone that seemed afixed to my forehead now. How it had gotten there I didn't know. It lie at the base of my silver streak, just above my eyes. Least it wasn't in the way. Another trans came at me. They tasted much better then orcs!
I appeared to trip on a pile of dead orcs, feignted right and caught the trans off guard, ripping its throat out, swallowing a chunk of it in the process. These were tasty! I used a moment to pull the creature's life force, blended it with the orcs and began my spell. I needed for Kort to be able to fly for I could not.
I took a running pounce into the thick of things next to Kort, my own hide black with blood. We surely appeared as two gorey blacks now, I'm sure.
My own blood was easy to find now, lick, and a spit on him, shocking him no where near as much as it had the first time, healing him completely again. I staggered- he'd been more hurt then I'd thought!
"Kort," I screamed through our mind link. I swayed on my feet for a moment before knocking out a platoon of orcs. "I need to shift to a smaller size- conserve energy."
He waded through the bodies to cover me and I shifted back to human. THe stone remained where it had planted itself. Verywell.
I crawled up onto Korts back, doing my best not to distract him. I found an easy purchase between a pair of scars, almost saddle shaped they were. From my bag I pulled a skein I kept for emergencies. It was a power regeneration potion but could only be used one a week. This was it for now! I downed a dose of the vile brew, put the skein away and let it take effect. It was only enough for a few dozen fireballs but maybe that would be enough to get us both out here.
Once it was in effect I started launching fire balls from Kort's back at the hovering dragons and retreating orcs. Apparently they'd been given orders to retreat!
"Let them go," I ask Kort. "Please."
The last of the dragons had left- I couldn't feel anymore in my web. With a smile and a 'thanks" to Kort I promptly passed out on his back, trusting him to keep me safe untill I awakened from my exhausted sleep.
Spar stood there, his eyes wide. "T- transparent dragon?" Spar has herd of storys about them, but he thought they were just childrens storys. But it was now obvious that those storys were true.

Spar looked around him, everybody was shocked, and afraid... Except for one. This dragon didn't even have an expression on his face, this made Spar wonder.
Kort stood beside a babbling brook, the light of the day fading now in the east. He was in a human form again, something more fitting, since Sylvia was too. Her lifeless body lay sleeping in a soft bank behind him.
He would have died today, more than once. Blood had flowed so freely from him, he had thought it would be his day here. He prepared for it, he had always prepared for death, eager to be in his door, mocking him.
Yet, it hadn't happened.
Kort wanted nothing more than to storm into the group of orcs, hundreds of thousands of them. In the end, when apparently some second battalion had come in, toppling the elven settlement and destroying what was left of the elves, he had thought he would just run in between them all, taking them down. They would have taken him as well, but that's the price you pay.
Sylvia had asked him to stay, and he did.
Kort sat down next to her, putting her limp head in his lap. She had been asleep for hours now. Most of the day. Twilight twinkled above them, as the gentle blue of the day turned purple.
She asked him to save her life, and at all costs he protected her. He wanted her safe. Those cute features, and that streak of grey hair. Kort noticed a flash of green in that streak now.
She had saved him. She saved him by asking him to save her. He would have died today, but she wouldn't allow it, wouldn't allow him to do it.
He owed his life to her. Kort couldn't help but laugh in front of this babbling brook, as no one listened. Two war torn dragons badly bruised and bloody from battle. His scars had been healed, but his wing stung when he flew all the way here.
And the scars remained, as well as the pain. She had done her best, and it was enough to save them both, but still, she couldn't do it all.
Kort bent down, kissing the sweetness on her lips.
He'd stay all the night if he had too, waiting for her to awaken.
"We've got to go to the dragon council," He said softly, his first real decision of his life. The first one where he thought of others before himself...
Something out in this forest was bigger than him, and he'd be damned if he wasn't the one who'd take it down.

::He found his way through the halls following Canth closely, weaving this way and that passing dragons heading the same direction. Finally he reached his destination and stopped in the front row of the other dragons listening to Golanth's hissing breaths as he was so close to death.::

This is going better than planned now, not only did they get Monarth, but now they succeded in killing Canth's muscle, Golanth

::Canth announced the fact that the transperant dragons had been freed, and though it made Gloomfaust curse in his mind that they found out so soon, they could never trace the fact that he was the one that freed them. Hearing the others react though confirmed his suspicions about the counsel though. They were all a bunch of sniveling welps that had gotten too comfortable in their station.

Seeing as noone else move, Gloomfaust walked over to Canth and with a look of Sadness -purely false- he laid a hand on Canth's shoulder::

-s- I am very sorry for your loss, Canth. Golanth will indeed be missed here at the Dragon Council. Perhaps we should wait until after the funeral pyres for both Monarth and Golanth to address the Transperant ones.......
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Canth looked over at the young dragon. "Spar, yes they really do exist. They were much before your time , probably mostly a legend to you. But they were an implaceable foe for us at one time. It has been a long time since they were last on this world, destroying and killing as is their lifestyle. Have no fear young one, we will do all we can to end this threat. "

Canth looks at the other dragons at the council. "I need you all to get behind me on this. Any information that you may have on the Transparent Dragons, no matter how trivial, please give to me. I have some records I can look at, but it was sooo long ago. In the meantime, please leave so that I may try to get a strategy together. I suggest that you all go in groups of two or more for protection. There are plenty of Weyrs here on this cliff where most of you can stay, so that you do not have to go all the way back home. "

Canth waited for his words to sink in to the dragons. There were some grumbles, but Canth's mind was already at a whirlwind. He turned to Gloomfaust, "Thank you for your sympathy. It will take a few days to formulate a plan of attack, but I agree that we need to properly honor the spirit of two brave warriors that gave their life for all of us. " Canth abruptly turned and made his way back into the council chamber.