Dragon Wars Ii


Worraps nodded at the mentioon of the body parts. the other two seemed to go to the body, he stepped up to the neck. kneeling down he picked up a large aze off the ground, prying it free from dead fingers, and swung down as hard as he could.

Worraps raised the axe again, grimacing at the great spatter of blood showered over him. with the second stroke he severed the spine and the head fell free.

the call came as his hands were nearly shoulder deep within the head, cutting free the brain. pulling the heavy organ out, he walked over to Spar and Sylvia, dripping bits of dragon from his spoaked arms as he did so. "hmm? whats this you're talking about?"

"Thats one way of getting the brain," I said without thinking, a bit sarcastic. "Oh- these- I don't know what they are. I think they may be what makes the trans dragons invisable, so to speak. Oh well, study later."
We finished getting the skin off, ripped out the ribs to get to the liver and heart, took a bath in the public fountain, which was magically clean, grabbed our booty and headed back to camp.
Even I didn't want to sleep amoung the dead, priestess or not.
Spar still couldn't get the smell out of his clothing. It wasn't that much of an bother to him, but he still prefered not to have it. "Oh well," he muttered to him self. As he sat in front of the fire he couldn't help but think about the golden piece they found earlier.

Spar pushed his hand in his pocket and pulled out an piece. "I found it on my blade when I was cleaning it..." Spar muttered to nobody.
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Worraps dropped the brain down into a burlap sack, closing it and kneeling down in his haunches. "is there some other method you would have prefered? you have your brain."

he looked over the shiney object. "this could be the transparent thing huh? it's certianly shiney, refelct light or something perhaps...."

he went back to work, skinning the beast and helping the removal of what the needed.

walking toward a pool of water, he shed his bloodied robes, washing them more or less clean once again, and then himslef washed the thick substance off. stretching and heading towards where the other two were, he waited for something to happen.

I bowed to the dragon, feeling oddly out of place here. The open sky appealed to me more now than before, but I refrained. "A place to rest is all I need just now," I replied. "I thank you for your hospitality, Canth."

Canth was out on the balcony looking at the sun when he saw a shape flying towards him. He could tell that the creature was flying erratically , wavering from side to side. Canth moved out of the way as a small dragon shape barreled onto the balcony , almost running into a wall. Canth quickly moved to the side of the dragon turning it over to make sure it was breathing. He realized it was Polanth just as he noticed the arrows sticking out of his body.

After making sure that Polanth was not going to die on him, Canth had him turn to human form. In this form, Canth picked him up and brought him to his private chamber. Waving over on of his servant, Canth sent him to get the healer but quietly. Canth propped Polanth up on his own bed as he asked the yearling what happened.

His eyes almost started out of his head as he heard the story. He was incredulous that the humans would attack dragonkind, since the two races had been at peace since before Canth's time. This was the last thing he needed, problem with humans to compound the problem of the transparent dragons and orcs. He knew that he had the three dragons working on the transparent problem , but he had no options at this point as far as the humans.

Then he came up with an idea. He had planned on asking Rheamus to bring Selwen back to the elven settlement to check for survivors, but this would take precedent. Once Polanth was in the hands of his most capable healer, Canth walked down to the rooms that had been set aside for his guests. Rousing Selwen up from sleep , he explained the human problem. Selwen realized the importance of this and agreed to do as Canth asked. Canth nodded at Selwen as the two of them knocked on the Rheamus' door.

::Seeing everything was going according to plan and that they would soon find out about the Transperants, he dicided to take his leave from the dragon council. He had been true to his word and waited 'til after the funeral pyres were finished burning before he left.

Now it was time for the second part of his complex plan that would reshape this world forever. He would howere need to make a stop at his chambers first and collect a few more bits of infornation from his minions before putting the finishing touches on the plans.

He dwelled on his thoughts and how to accomplish his goals as he soared over the land heading to his chambers within the mountain caverns. Now to become human and lead them against the Dragons who oppose me including Canth and the Dragon Council. Once there he would gather his weapons and the skimatics for the various mechanisms he would use in his plans, then he would visit the Human Settlement of WillowDale, and there he would start his reign of chaos.::
Back at the appropriated dragon camp, Sylvias prepared her concoction, relying on memory and the wonderful ingrediants that were given to her. Kort tried to sleep, but as soon as dragon parts were boiled, he gets a smell in his nose that just will not let go, and stays awake the rest of the night.
"We'll be going in the morning. West, if I'm not mistaken. The orcs should have left a trail a mile wide for anyone to follow. I would advise one of us go there tonight, but if there's a transparent keeping guard, they'd know we're coming, and prepare. Besides that, none of you know how to fight them. And I'm sworn to protect the priestess now. I can't leave her side for that. So, unless there's any other bright ideas, we sit and wait."
Rheamus Barren

I sat up suddenly, never having quite fallen asleep. My hand reached next to me and lifted the sword, unsheathed but freshly cleaned, from the bed.
I'd heard something.
I glanced around, seeing the walls (they seemed so close together) and relaxing some.
The sound that had awakened me recurred, and I glanced to the door, my heart slowing in my chest. I'd never been comfortable sleeping indoors. It seemed a waste for the most part, when the beauty of nature waited outside. To top things off, I'd grown used to open spaces, and the closed in feel of walls made me edgy.
I set the blade back down and walked over, debating briefly whether that was wise or not before opening the door.
WHen I saw Canth and Selwen, I realized that it was.
"Hello, friends," i said, surprising myself how easily I'd picked up that word "Friends" from Moe. "What can I do for you?"

Looking contrite, Canth spoke to Rheamus. "I am sorry, I would that you had more time to rest. I was just on the balcony when one of my messengers from the human cities came back. Not of the others had made it back and I was starting to get worried. Now I know why they did not make it back. The humans have attacked and possibly killed some of the dragons. I know of at least one that is dead, while another is sorely wounded.

I would ask if you would take Selwen with you to find out what is going on with the humans. I do not want us to have no idea what is going on and then suddenly find out there is an army on its way to the Linkin Mountains. Humans only make me fear one thing from them, numbers. There are so many humans in the world that they could overwhelm us with sheer numbers. This is the last thing I need on top of the problem with Transparent dragons. Would you please undertake this mission? I need your help in this. "
Rheamus Barren

I looked to the dragon, nodding.
"Certainly," I responded, finding myself oddly pleased at being allowed to help out at all. "I'll get my things, and Selwen and I will head out. I'll follow Selwen's lead, if that's okay. Tell him where you wish for us to go, which cities you feel are in most need of investigation, and we'll leave whenever he's ready."
I gathered my items right there, not even closing the door, and strapped the sword to my side.
"Perhaps it would be best if I went in this form," I suggested, referring to the human form I held just then. "Spy. Do you think that would be best?"

"You may want to use dragon form to get closer to the human cities. When you are not too far away, then human form would be the way to go. I will caution Selwin to cover up his ears at least. Human and elven relationships have always been on the up and up. However with humans attacking dragons, who knows what will happen.

I have given him all the pertinent information that will help you on your journey. I would suggest that you go to Mikellon first, since there is obvious agression there towards dragons. As well as it being the closest city to the mountains. Remember, I do not need you to engage in a battle with the humans. I am more in need of information than an increase of battle scars on your skin. I will expect you back in three days at the latest with what information you can get. Thank you. "
The humans unite.....

King Mackenzie put down his silver goblet as he let out a small burp. "Excuse you your highness, better out then in. " MacKenzie looked over at King Minos the ruler of Mikellon. "I am glad to hear that you also had success in killing these dragons that have broken the treaty. I rode with my small compliment of men as soon as those dragons were killed. I knew that us humans would have to band together against this foul horde.

I sent out a small party of soldiers to see in anyone from Denral was still alive. I have not heard back from them yet, but it would be a few days hard riding for them to come here. I have a army of over 1000 men on their way here now. They should be here in a day or so.

I have also brought some supplies to make some siege engines including some catapults to attack these flying pests. I did not bring any of them that are put together since it would have been to hard to bring them on the journey. With your leave, I will return to my chambers and plan with my advisors. You may want to gather your forces together since I think we are in for a battle that may cost us all our lives. "

I about gagged in human form brewing my potion, the base for my spell. What was worse- I was about 99% sure we were going to have to drink it in order to see the damn things.
"Kort," I said, looking at him with a smile. "I know this stench is deplorable. You think you, Spar and Worraps could go find and drag bag another Trans? For testing purposes? Gets you away from this awful stench."
I tossed in a peice of the heart, watching the brew sizzle in the cauldron I'd confinscated from the Elvin Great Hall's kitchens. They wouldn't be needing it anymore, that was for sure. The rest of the ingrediants I was using had come from either my own supplies I carried with me as a Priestess, the local area or the homes of the dead elves.
"And see if you can find some food," I added as an afterthought. "I'm starving, despite the stench."
A trans body was dragged to just outside the encampment, and a few stray deers were picked up, for food purposes. Kort didn't understand how she could eat with all of these smells going on. He hadn't eaten for about as long as herself, and his own hunger diminished every time he took a breath.

Selwen nervously fingered the string from his bow. He had taken advantage of the dragon hospitality by resupplying his arms. The dragon in the armory had sworn that this bow would do more damage then his old bow since it was spelled. He had been able to refill his quiver of arrows with higher quality ones then had had ever had before. He was decked out in a suit of chain mail armor that was as beautiful as it was functional.

He had not had much contact with humans before. Other than finding a few of them wandering around the borders of his land, Rangers had little contact with them. He was not sure how he felt about the humans attacking dragons. Selwen was sure that it might amount to suicide for the humans to attack dragons. But his place was not to worry about that. He was charged with finding out what the humans were doing and report back. If nothing else, he owed the dragons some loyalty for helping the elves in the past. Touching his bow one last time, Selwen turned to Rheamus as the made ready to leave.

Goddess this stunk, I thought with a shallow sigh. Still- wasn't nearly as bad as brewing a potion of allegator and orc bile. That was worse, though not my much.
I left my concotion to simmer and went over to the deer. I ripped the skin off of one, my knife flying through the body as I thanked Ti'iara for her gifts to us. I used some tree branches as skewars and laid the meat across the coals of the fire, away from my cauldron. While they cooked I sat crosslegged on the ground, lips moving in silent prayer. I'd been remiss the past few days, but I knew Ti'iara would understand. I finished my prayers with a renewed sense of determination and self, feeling warm and touched by Ti'iara herself. I blessed the deer meat and the potion I was brewing and snagged one of the skwers. Juicy and partly rare, perfection on a stick.
The humans unite.....

The two kings stood on the wall overlooking the gate. Minos was impressed by the number of men that MacKenzie had brought with him. He knew that he would never have brought that many if the situation was reversed. Minos realized that MacKenzie was fully commited to this venture.

In the last two days, Minos had been able to gather some of his nearer troops as well as sending out messengers to those that were further away. With the men that had just arrived plus those that had already been in Mikellon, there was just over 2400 men.

Minos was impressed at the industriousness of Mackenzies men. As soon as they had stowed their gear, a large portion of the men immediately went to the supplies and started to assemble siege engines. Mackenzie had assured him that by the end of the day, there would be two ballistas and at least one catapult. These engines would be able to wreck some havoc on the dragons to be sure.
Spar stared at the nights sky. The Stench of Sylvia's potion no longer affected him since he placed an scarf over his mouth and nose. He looked back at the others, at the moment, looked like they were just relaxing and eating.

Spar sighed and looked back at the sky. "I just hope that potion works..."

::He fastened the last of his shed scale to the armour and worked it with his breath until it was firmly in place. He had finally completed the dragon scale armour and started working on a shield.

I will now become human and with theseweapons and my seige engines, start slaying Dragons across the realm. In doing so I will win the trust of the humans and thus securing them under my leadership.

Now not only would he command the Trans, but he would now also take command of the humans. The thought of his plans comming together made him chuckle under his breath.::

By the time the party find the transperant dragons, they will have cause all of the human settlements around the realm to unite against the dragons. I will call the trans home and keep them until the final assult on the council.

"Where, Selwen?" I asked. The wind was whipping past. It'd been a while since I'd just let loose and taken off at full pace. It was nice to have left the other elf behind, the one who didn't seem to be real settled of the stomach. Now, I could fly as fast as I wished and not have to worry about the poor fellow fainting again and falling off.
"I dont want to turn too late, we could loose too much time!"
I was hoping to get to the human city quickly, though caution took precedent, and I was certain there was no truly hasty way to cover such ground.

Selwen yelled up to Rheamus. "I think that we are almost there. There is a large stand of willow trees that is a few miles away from the city. That would probably be a good place to land and continue on foot. If we get any closer, the people in the city might see us. "

I slowed some, eyeing the trees until I saw what he'd referred to, then drifting lower to the trees.
"Hold on!" I shouted back, and a moment later, in a sudden move, I drew my wings back, using them to collect the air in front of me instead of below me, suddenly slowing my speed drastically. When I'd nearly stopped, I turned them downward again, using them as two parachutes to slowly lower us to the ground.
Once there, I crouched down, giving the elf the opportunity to climb down to the ground before shifting back into human form again.
"Lead the way, Selwen," I suggested. "Oh, but first, my weapons, please? It's an unnatural sight, y'know, a human without weaponry."

Selwen handed over the weapons to Rheamus with alacrity. It was always good to have someone to back you up. That was one of the things that has always bothered him as a Ranger. Most of the time, he was out in the wilds all by himself. He had wished that he had been able to work more with others. But his gifts had been evident at an early age and Lord Garbon had asked him personally to be a Ranger.

Selwen lead the way into the stand of trees. The two men walked for a few minutes when Selwen hear a far off rustling. Signalling for Rheamus to duck down with him, the two of them were hidden from sight by the trunk of a large oak tree. They could hear a few voices and some crunching in the underbrush.

Coming into view was 5 men carrying some game on their back. They all wore the emblem of Mikellon on their tunics as it had been described to him by Canth. They watched as the men made their way towards where they had seen the city when in the air. Selwen waited for a few minutes before telling Rheamus to follow him as he followed the men towards the city.
When Selwen motioned for me to duck, I did as he asked, not sure right away why. A few moments later, I heard the men coming. Oddly, I was embarassed to have not heard them sooner, but knew better than to feel that way. An elf had heard first, afterall.
When they passed, I waited for Selwen's signal, then followed him behind the men, thinking that it might be best just to follow his lead, but feeling that it may not be good should we be discovered in pursuit, especially given our obvious attempts at secrecy.
I didn't speak up, of course. It was senseless to risk the men we pursued overhearing me.
Yes, Rheamus, don't let the hear you. be cautious, careful, like you're sneaking up on your prey...
My prey? is that how i should view this?
I slowed some, letting Selwen get a few steps ahead of me, then considered the thought. Prey? The humans? It'd never been that way before, but things were changing, and not for the better by the looks of it.
Prey, Rheamus, that's what they are. I've alwasy told you that, haven't I?
Yes, the voice alwasy had, but how did it know these things? How could it?
Because wisdom comes from the strangest places, old Friend, that word seemed cold, colder than it ever could have coming from Moe the orc, Perhaps you should listen to me more often...
I let that go, playing catch up to Selwen's lead (the elf had gained quickly when allowed the chance...). Thoughts for another time, I decided, focusing more on the task at hand.