Dragon Wars Ii


"KORT!" I sighed, taking off as well, the shock of blood pushing though my wings making me hiss for a moment before they stabalized on thier own. "You're tired- flew all the way here, catch a ride on me or- Spar, right? We need you well rested since you're our main battle dragon."
I flew directly under him so he could shift and land on my back easily. Spar took to the air after us and we headed south.
I was partly pleased to get my way, and partly pleased not to have to listen to some dragon who needed "assistants." Made it sound like he couldn't handle his own afairs wihtout help. Sad really. Once we were far away from the Dragon Council's mountain I said as much.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Spar quickly stood up and flew after Sylvia and Kort. He quickly caught up in a matter of seconds. "Could have warned me you were leaving!" Spar sighed as he looked back at the Councle's cliff, with all the carnage that has been going on during the few short weeks, he knew it is going to be one of those years...
Kort nestled into Sylvia's back, finding a wonderful place to lay down. He groaned against her warm scales, letting the wear of the day leave him.
He eyed the young one warily. Their whole purpose had been to leave, and find these dragons. What was the boy thinking they were going to do? Kort shook his head. The young ones needed much training. Well, that's what this adventure would be for. To make him learned in the ways of the world.
"I don't know. He seemed nice enough. Privoding information. It was odd how he caught us alone though. I mean, if there were dragons causing a problem in the north, you'd think he'd talk about it at the council, and get some dragons to pursue that. Still, I thought he was just being helpeful."
He would remember that dragon, keeping it locked up in his mind. He was sure they would meet again, and since Kort hadn't made a judgement on him just yet, left the book open for discussion. Good or bad, he seemed an important figure in the future.

"Sorry bout that, Spar," I said, meaning it. "Kort- you get some sleep I'm going to sing you a lullabye, cause I make better time when I sing while flying. Don't know why, just do."
He snuggled down- I could feel him groan against my skin. Poor thing- fought a huge battle, had to take care of me, no wonder he was tired.
I looked at Spar. "If you know the words or the countermelodies to anything I'm singing or have any requests let me know."
I launched into a song my mother had taught me as a young hatchling. It told of a Princess who'd fallen in love with a dragon's human form and ran away from home to join him. The human hadn't known her beloved was a dragon, thought he was a knight of a neighboring kingdom. She was surprised but loved him still. I sang through the Dragon's surprise, his acceptance of her love and return of it (though it was rediculous. What dragon would fall for a ditzy human princess?) I sang of the many knights who tried to "recue the princess", thier failures, her children born with wings and dragon's magic. All the way to her death, which the dragon lived long past. The moral was- loving those that don't live as long as you do always hurts in the end.
Next was a battle hymn, oddly appropriate, followed by a mourning song for those who had fallen.
Spar joined me in that one and lead into the next one. "You've a wonderful voice," I told him with a smile, Kort out cold on my back as we flew further south.
"Thank you," Spar said, with an small smile on his face, "my mother taught me the song when I was young..." Spar seemed to trail off as he mentioned his mother. He seemed to hate it when ever his family came into subject. But he rarely ever showed it.

"How much farther to the area?" Spar asked quietly, making sure not to awaken Kort.

Worraps snapped his head up as the voices came closer and then several dragons came out of the cavern, and took to the skies.

Frowning he sighed, this was certainly not going to be discreet.... he hoped he was lucky, or that they were friendly. and took off, following at a distance, they were mostly large, and he was pretty small, so the ways back he kept helped, but if they were looking, he'd be seen.

I looked around and sighed. I remembered general directions, but I'd been asleep and out of it most of the trip from teh Elvin settlement to the Dragon's Council. Looking back I saw a smaller dragon following at a distance.
"Kort," I said quietly, waking him. "Spar- do you know him? He's rather tiny- but those scales! By Ti'iara, they're blinding! Hail, dragon. Be the friend or be the foe, make thyself known!"

Hagras watched in amusement as the transparent dragons taunted the humans by raining their dead on them. The dragons spent another hour killing as many humans as they could before a retreat was bugled. Hagras asked Kelibral what was happening. Kelibral explained that their master wanted some of the humans to live. Not fully understanding what was happening, Hagras decided to listen to his mount instead of rallying his troops to take out the remnants of the humans.
Rheamus Barren

The elf seemed angry at the suggeston that he may not be able to use the sword he held. Odd, I thought, when the elf next to him had no clue.
"Alright," I said, deciding an apology would be a waste of time here. Other things took precedent just then. "Rememeber to be quiet as we go, don't say a word unless it's absolutely necessary, and take light, quick steps. Elves should have no trouble with that part."
I turned and moved down the stairwell, making my way out onto the previous battlefield and moving toward the distant woods. When we got there, I stopped and glanced back,hidden beneath the shadows of the trees overhead, to make sure the elves wee still there. That done, I continued on, not stopping a second time until I felt we were far enough away the Orcs wouldn't hear us.
I turned to them and asked, "All right, which way to this Council?"

Worraps cried out, his voice carrying back to them he flew up a little closer. in truth he didn't know who these dragons were, but they were ontohim now, and afool he'd be to declare a three on one fight.

calling out again he uttered "friend." and went silent again.

Selwen stopped for a moment. "I know that the Linkin Mountains are to the North of here. I know of trails that will get us there. It will take quite a while though. Once we are close to the mountains, I hope that we can get the attention of a dragon to get us up to the council. I would imagine that the dragons would be having sentries posted with the troubles that are happening. "
Rheamus Barren

"Yes, but there are quicker ways to..." I trailed off. If I was going to be dealing with other dragons soon, I wasn't certain if it was wise to remain under the human guise, or to take dragon form, but it would seem that time was short.
Especially if the orcs and whatever else had been on the battlefield that day (I was thinking of those large bodies, half-burnt, half-nonexistant) planned on continuing their assaults.
"Let's go further, then we'll....well...let's go further."
I started ahead again, ignoring the two, uncertain whether they looked at me with confusion or suspicion, or had hardly noticed the oddities in my behavior at all.
I would take them a bit further, then give up me secret, and hope we found the Council in time to help whoever might be next to the target list.
WHen we'd traveled a fair distance further, I stopped again, then turned to them for a moment.
"All right," I began, "I'm trusting you both more than I have trusted anyone in quite some time..."
You're a fool
I just hoped this council would listen to me when i finally reached them.
They'll never listen...
I didn't elaborate, or ask any questions, but simply backed into a clearing behind me and disarmed, leaving my weapons in a bundle on the ground and shifting form, my skin seeming to seep green into it in places and the white paling in others.
Once fully shifted, I ducked my head, concerned I might be seen by anyone passing by.
"I wouldn't mind it if one of you carried my effects..."

Selwen watching in wonder as the human changed into a dragon. He had not thought that there would have been any dragons left alive after seeing the display of the power of the Transparent dragons. Glad for the help that would protect them better than he would have expected, Selwen nodded to the dragon. "I will hold your things for you and I am sure that Melthis......." The sentence was never completed as a large thump was heard as Melthis fell to the ground in a dead faint.

Selwen looked in amusement at the other elf. He knew that he would travel better without the other elf to drag him down. But his honor would not allow him to leave this helpless elf to the spare mercy of the Orcs. Grabbing the unconsious elf under the arms, Selwen pushed him up on the dragons back. Pulling himself upon the dragons back, Selwen settled in . It was now becoming common place for Selwen to ride dragons it seemed. Selwen yelled up ahead, "Ok, lets get to those Linkin Mountains fast. "

"Good," I replied. Then, as an afterthought, I added: "I do hope your friend doesn't fall off."
I took flight, not bothering to look back to see if the orcs were watching. There was no wayfor them to recognize me, was there? And it wasn't as if they could attack me from the ground.
But then again,maybe they could, or something else might.
"Keep your eyes open, Selwen, I feel like an easy target out in the open like this."

Aknowledging the dragons wishes with a nod, Selwen kept his eyes peeled to all sides. He saw an orc that had climbed a tree level a crossbow. Selwen , using legendary elven archery, knocked the orc from the tree with an arrow in the throat. It hit the next lowest branch with a satisfying thud. Melthis started to come to when he heard the shout of joy from Selwen. Blinking his eyes to clear them, Melthis took one look to the side. He noticed that he could only see clear air on three sides. Taking a deep breath, Melthis vowed to stay alert this time. Selwen was suprised that the elf had not fainted again, but did notice a greenish pallor to the pale skin of Melthis.

I looked to Spar, shot another look back to Kort who was waking up, and shrugged. We'd need all the friends we could get in this venture. I saw a clearing in the forests below.
"Well, friend, care to talk and swap names at least?"
I landed gently, not wanting to jarr my wings. They ached a bit from the flight but it was a good ache. Said they still worked right. A dragon that can't fly is a truely sad thing indeed.
The shiny dragon landed on the far edge of the clearing. Leery of us, I asumed. I looked at Spar and sighed- we were all bigger then the new one, wasn't surprising. But I knew personally that big potential can come from a little package.
"I'm Sylvia Calista Fireclaw," I called to the shining one. "This is Spar, our resident Light dragon, and on my back is my friend Kort."
Spar bowed his head, "Hello." Spar's eyes glowed an eery green, as if it was reflecting the dragons blinding scales. "Nice to meet you..."

Spar tilted his head torwards Sylvia and whispered "Can we really trust him...?"
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"I don't know, Spar," I said honestly. I turned my crimson eyes on him. "But then, I don't know I can trust you or any Light dragon for that matter. What's the difference?"
I let him puzzle that for a moment before smiling. "I don't mistrust you, Spar. We're in this fight together for both our races. The enemy of my enemy is my ally. Besides, I've an affinity for silvers. My grandmother's one."

Canth looked over the pyre that was loaded high with oil soaked logs. The body of one of his best friends , Golanth was on flames as was some of the artifacts from the cave of Monarth. Reaching up with a flaming torch, Canth paused for a minute. He looked around the bonfire at all the dragons that had decided to attend. He was flattered for his deceased friends that so many dragons had come to this dragon funeral.

"Friends , I have the honor to light the pyre of two of my closest friends. They have both been killed in a war that we did not even know existed. Their lives are the first, of I fear, many lives that will be lost in this conflict. However, the noble sacrific of their lives has at least made us aware of the nature of the danger in front of us. " A tear rolled down Canth's scaly hide as he pushed the torch into the pyre. The flames shot up rapidly, lighting a beacon that could probably be seen for miles. He did not care if this drew the Transparent dragons, let them come to him.

After a few more hours aloft, Selwen's sharp elven eyes detected a large light source in the approaching mountains. Selwen yelled up to the dragon to get his attention. " I am not sure if that is where we are going, but I doubt if any other race would have the temerity to have a fire that big in the dragons mountains. Should we make for that or not. It is your decision. "
Worraps set down at the far end of the clearing, looking up at the other dragons carefully. he nodded. "hello Sylivia, and Spar. i am Worraps."

he ambled slowly towards them. noticing the squint in Spars eyes he shifted to his human form, drawing all the light from the area down within him, the clearing turning black with a false night. bis dragon body once again dissapeared in the darkness, all but his eyes. when the clearing lit up again, he was a man, and did not reflect the light.

I shifted to match his form, Kort standing next to me, the model of "lazy alertness." I walked to Worraps and offered my hands in greeting. "I greet you, Worraps and welcome you. Are you aiming to join us, distract us or cause other such mayhem?"
Worraps took her hands in his and held them. "right now, i am a friend of no one, but i know no enimes either. i am wary off all creatures."

Worraps looked from Sylvia to Spar, ad back again.
Spar carefully grabed the tiny sack he carried with him every where, and placed it carefully down on the ground beside him, then began to morph to his human form. He then picked up his pack and placed it on his shoulder, and walked over to Sylvia and Spar.

::He stared into the pyre as Canth light it aflame, the fire errupting aroundthe bodies of both dragons. As soon as the fire broke through the scaley hides, its flame went from orange yellow and red to a blue. Such was the way a dragon should exit this world, he knew, but seldom did they do so.

He scanned the group wondering if they even knew what was going on in the world around them. How he had let the Trans go and gave them their directives, how he told them to allow noone to stand in their way. Alas, the dragons that made up the council had grow soft per say. They thought that because of the treaties signed with every knowledgeable race in the world that they were safe and so noone ever expected what was happening.

His eyes finally fell on Canth. Canth spoke with tears in his eyes and his little speach caused quite a few of the council to break down as well. Gloomfaust simply lowered his head as if he was in prayer and listened to the crackle of the magical fire as it burned the fallen::