Dragons and Magic II: The Hunt for DreamWeaver

Fair enough you were honest with me so i shall be honest in kind and when i explain my past you will know how i could tell you were not lying.

with this Silverfang told part of his tale

I was not born i am a construct i was made by a wizard to fight in a war he was having with a fellow wizard i am part wolf and part dragon this sword you see be for you that i fight with as tho it is part of me really is

it is part of my bones and will change to a blade at the tip of my tail when i transform and if you still wish me to i will go along with you at least for a wile
Tiana's eyes widened when Draken motioned for her to stay silent and stay put. For a moment, she pouted and was about to point out the fact that she was no longer a child and that she was more than aptly armed to deal with most things - but a part of her silenced her protest. The part that still had the childhood teachings she had been forced to endure locked into her muscles. She found herself obeying him almost instantly and it rankled.

Then he was gone over the side and despite his orders, she scrambled to the tavern's gutter to peek over the side. For the moment, the Voices were silent. A mere undistinquishable mutter in the background. SHe was more than used to it by now, since they had grown dimmer and dimmer since her meeting with Tyler.

When the Draken and the stranger began to talk, she strained to hear their low voices. The killing of the drunken man had gone by unnoticed. She was relatively numb to the fact of killing, it was simply something not that unusual in her world at the moment and it didn't rate even a single thought in her curious head.

it is part of my bones and will change to a blade at the tip of my tail when i transform and if you still wish me to i will go along with you at least for a wile

Sticking her neck out to better see the stranger that was talking so casually to her mysterious new friend, she caught a glimpe Silverfang - whose name had not yet been revealed - and suddenly her mind was in an uproar.

HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! He must not live! KILL! KILL! KILL!

As usual, Tiana didn't really pay the Voices any heed, and in any case the need to kill Silverfang wasn't exactly an overpowering sensation. It was simply chaotic in her mind and there were calls to kill as well as calls to save. It was all rather confusing and Tiana firmly tried to shut the voices away.

Unfortunately, her weak grasp of the gutter chose at that moment to fail all together. With a cry, she fell to the ground - luckily the gutter was quite low, being only eight feet from ground level - still it hurt.

Rubbing her backside and checking to see if any of her bones were broken, as well as if any of her newly aquired weapons had been damaged, Tiana suddenly looked up in embarrassment. She was directly between the stranger and Draken and probably in a very annoying position for the both of them.

"Erm.. hi..."

Then she promptly scrambled to her feet and scampered to Draken's side, hiding behind his thicker frame somewhat.

Somewhere in her mind a single voice cried out that this was all very wrong.
Silverfang was amazed to see a young woman fall between his self and drak she was rather attractive for a human but far too young for his taste

he bowed and introduced his self

excuse me I'm not vary well mannered when my war rage is up my name is Silverfang wolveian nightwing and it seams as tho ill be traveling with the two of you for a wile if the drow still wishes my company but perhaps it be safer to talk else where and by the by what might i call you young lady most i travel with just call me silver for short
Idrial and Co.

They took turns watching over Ona, who seemed calm and non-plussed even as her crystals wreathed her head with their pink halo. She would occasionally twitch or gasp, but otherwise remain undisturbed.

It was very late when the first commotion began. Soon warning drums were being sounded as all around the encampment, Lizardlings woke and began to gather. There was a great air of anxiousness about them and many began to huddle around one another. Tzass could easily be seen among the crowd, as the WarBoss stood nearly a foot above even his own warriors. Several Lizardlings were hissing and motioning back into the darkness as still more gathered.
Idrial heard the drums and begain waking the others, motioning for them to be quiet and giving orders as she went.

O'Bonn, Valathe open the door if you can, and see what you can discover about what is happinging, Cormac keep me covered while i try to awaken Ona and incase i need aid in rousing her. Our wepons have not yet been returned to us so if the need for battle arises we'll have to see what we can find around us to use.

she moved closer to Ona quietly speaking her name trying to bring her carefully out of the trance she was in not wanting to touch her for fear of startling her. Ona... Ona can you hear me.... Ona its Idrail we need you to come back to the present... Ona...
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Ona groaned as the block she had built shattered and memory upon memory flooded her mind faster than she could assimilate them. Her long hair unwound itself and rose in the familiar spark snapping cloud. The faintly glowing bubble around her bulged slightly as it contained the energy the crystals had unleashed.

She remembered her training, how her heart had gone cold and hard. She relived her first kill, the pain of her initiation into the ranks of the brotherhood and receiving the marks on her arms afterward. So many kills in her lifetime until finally one of her victims got lucky and she was left for dead. That’s when her life really began. The day the old woman had found her and brought her back to the world of light…

Ona... Ona can you hear me....

The soft voice rose above the rush of memories, calling, just as the gentle voice of the old woman had once called to her. She turned from the sweetness of good memories, of a home and family that had made her their own……

Ona its Idrail we need you to come back to the present... Ona...

A dark shadow rose over happy memories, the death of promise and the bitter taste of retribution. Ona cried out as fury threatened to overwhelm her. She reached for the soft voice calling to her, using all the lessons in control she had remembered, and anchored herself in the here and now.

Ona’s eyes snapped open, the dark blue outer ring widening, the silver flecks beginning to glow brightly as she reached up and snatched the crystals from their orbit. The bubble pulsed once and collapsed leaving Ona sitting in a maelstrom of sparks as her hair wove itself into an intricate plait.

“I am at your command, Lady.” Ona’s voice had a chill edge to it that hadn’t been there before and some of the warmth was gone from her smile. “Show me your enemies and I will bring them death."
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Draken looked up as he heard the gutter let go. He shook his head as Tiana came falling to the ground. He chuckled a moment and shook his head again. He looked around for a moment, his eyes dancing over everything checking the area out.

"It is not safe here, come. We will head to where I last met my contact. Keep clear of the people around here as we leave this area, the guards are out in force and it will only be a matter of time before this body is discovered. If you have a way to shadow your face from view, now would be the time to do it."

Draken slid the dragon helm over his head and lowered the visor. Then once they were ready he would lead them to the undertaker's stall where they could be hidden for a while and find out their next course of action.
O'Bonn stood and went out, where his height gave him an advantage over the lizardlings that had gathered. He motioned for the attention of their host, and moved over to him.

"What comes, my lord?" he asked, peering with the eyes of an Elf into the swamp beyond.
Idrial and Co.

O'Bonn stepped out of the hut with several of the others lingering nearby. Tzass and Siswa were in the midst of the throung as several other Lizardlings spoke quickly in their own hissing language. He noticed that Leshare stood away to one side however, so the elf lord moved up towards him.

"What comes, my lord?" O'Bonn asked of Leshare, the Lizardling shaman.

The elder Lizard man leaned on his feathered staff, his forked tongue flickering in and out for several moments.

"Many thingsss," he finally hissed. "many thingsss happen at onssse. Sssscoutss have come and ssssay that the Dead Onesss march, but they do not come here."

"Othersss come, other ssscoutss who sssay that an army of Beasssst Mens come into our ssswamp. The Dead Onesss go to meet them and they fightssss."

The conevrsation paused several times as Leshare picked up on the snippets of conversation and translated their meaning to the elf.

"Yesss, they fights in the ssswamp while the Peoplesss watch.....The Beasssts Mens ssstart to win, many Dead Onesss have fallen...." He grunted mor a moment and the skin around his eyes tightened.

"The Dreaming God hasss left hisss caern. He hasss destroyed the Beasst Menss, ... their army isss no more..."

"Tzass hasss sssent the ssscoutsss back out. They will tell ussss more. Sssiswa callsss for a meeting of elderssss."
Ona’s eyes snapped open, the dark blue outer ring widening, the silver flecks beginning to glow brightly as she reached up and snatched the crystals from their orbit. The bubble pulsed once and collapsed leaving Ona sitting in a maelstrom of sparks as her hair wove itself into an intricate plait.

“I am at your command, Lady.” Ona’s voice had a chill edge to it that hadn’t been there before and some of the warmth was gone from her smile. “Show me your enemies and I will bring them death."

Idrial's breath caught a small barly audable gasp of shock and hint of fear as Ona's eyes opened glowing brightly as she grabbed the crystals and the energy field or bubble around her poped she watched amazed moving back a bit from Ona as her hair sparked and braided itself.

As she spoke Idrial wondered if the Ona they had come to know were still with them and in control or if perhaps they had unknowingly freed a dangerious being... Idrial knew then that a close eye would need kept on Ona and should she begin to harm innocents Idrial would keep her word to Ona and slay her..

Standing she said.. Come we needs join the others and discover what is happinging i have sent O'Bonn and Valathe ahead.. She turned to Cormic noting his surprise and displesure even as he darted out the door moving ahead of them to join the others.

She waited letting Ona move ahead of her before stepping out herself wanting to keep Ona with in her sights as much as possable. Outside she saw O'Bonn speaking with one of the elders .. and moved to join him still keeping and eye on Ona, knowing O'Bonn would fill her in when he had the chance, and she him..
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Nahele The Wood Nymph shows herself.

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Garik quickly slid his sword back into its sheath but he knew by the look on the woman's face that the damage had already been done. He realized that he had made a grave mistake in his assumption of what she wanted from him and wished that he could take back what he had just done but knew that it was far too late. He stood there and looked at her, wishing to find the right words but knew that nothing he could say would take away what he had done.

"I want to tell you that I am sorry my lady. I did not know what you wanted from me. I know that it is not an excuse and wish that I could take back what I have just done but I have been taught to be suspicious of everything. I am truly sorry and if you wish for me to leave then I will turn and walk from these woods. All that I can say again is that I am sorry."
Nahele finds Garik in the Forest

Nahele had been following the creature sounds of her dream for more than one moon now. The cries of the animal were distinct and clear in her dreams but vague and indistinct during the day.

Stories of magic users, demons, evil spirits and worse had been passed among her kind, as other wood nymphs entered the protected forest seeking sanctuary. It was these same stories of magic and strange happenings, combined with the wailing cry of the distant creature that had forced Nahele from her forest, the forest she had sworn her life to protect. She would be punished for leaving, she knew this. The choice had not been difficult to make however.

The call of the creature from far away invaded only her dreams at first. Later, the cry invaded her every waking moment, compelling her away from the peace and tranquility of her forest to seek out the one in need. It was calling for her, she felt it, she knew it and she could not ignore it.

It was while she had been standing in a heavily forested area, listening once again to the cry of the faraway creature that the man scent had alerted her.

He was a man warrior. Nahele began to dance around the trees, at first trying to scare him away with her quick movements and soft, forest sounds. Perhaps he would think her a fallen spirit and leave this place immediately.

Realizing that her ruse was not working, Nahele beckoned the man deeper into the forest. Here, he would become disoriented by the thick trees and lack of sunlight and become lost, allowing her to travel on her way unhindered, without the risk of being followed.

Still, he followed her unerringly, as though he too were of the Forest and Earth. Barely visible, Nahele's lithe form covered in the soft browns and blacks of animal fur blended into the bark of the massive tree behind her. Nahele slipped from behind the huge Jada Tree close to where the warrior was standing and waited.

They stood barely a sword’s breath apart when it happened. He drew his sword quickly from it’s heavy sheath. The sound of steel against leather sparking a distant memory in the small wood nymph’s mind.

Shaking her head, Nahele lifted her bow to shield while deftly sliding her blade from it’s small sheath at her thigh. She could not defend herself against this warrior monster and his large sword; but she was quick and planned to move even more quickly, delivering several mortal blows before his hand could parry the sharp, pointed sword against her.

Nahele crouched, preparing to spring when he dropped his sword point to the forest floor. She froze, watching him warily while he sheathed his sword and spoke in the foreign man words she had nearly forgotten.

"I want to tell you that I am sorry my lady. I did not know what you wanted from me. I know that it is not an excuse and wish that I could take back what I have just done but I have been taught to be suspicious of everything. I am truly sorry and if you wish for me to leave then I will turn and walk from these woods. All that I can say again is that I am sorry."

Nahele rose from her crouch, also sheathing her stout blade. Her glittering eyes never left Garik’s as he spoke.

Her voice, when it came, responded to his in the same voice of the man, although somewhat stilted and accented with the soft lilt of the wood nymph.

“Nor, do I know what I want from you man warrior.”

Nahele bent forward, plucking a small wood rose from a wild bush. Rising again, taking one step forward, Nahele extended her graceful hand, offering the rose to the man warrior.
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Garik slowly took the rose from the woman's hand and as he looked down at it wondered just what was going on. He had been led here for some reason and he wanted to demand what it was but knew that in doing so he would frighten the woman yet again and she would either attack him or force him to leave without actually telling him anything. He hated the fact that she had not told him a thing, except that he had to protect her against someone.

He slid his sword slowly back into its sheath while looking at her then moved a step away from her and raised his hand to his face. As he ran his fingers through his hair he wondered once again what he was doing here. He knew that the only person he could ask was the woman in front of him. He didn't want to ask her though as he wondered if he was going to get any sort of answer out of her.

He then looked around, suddenly feeling very tired and in the need to sit down. Once he had sat down on the closest stump to him he looked at the woman again.

"Why exactly have you brought me here? I know that you want protection from something although I think that you can protect yourself quite well. So why exactly am I here?"

He just hoped that she would answer him truthfully.
Nahele speaks with Garik in the deep Wood.

Nahele watched the weariness replace the wariness within Garik. What a big man he was, yet, he seemed fragile at that moment, alone.

Nahele sheathed her blade as well and moved closer to him, listening. She could not do it, she could not do what she had been taught throughout her existence. She could not befuddle this brave warrior with nymph tricks and leave him here in the forest to die. Yes, he was man. But, there was a spirit about him, a spirit within him that called out to her and her spirit answered in kind.

Her dark green eyes flashed unknowingly as she studied him. Cautiously, Nahele sat her satchel upon a fallen tree, withdrawing a sack with fruit freshly picked this morn and offered it to him.

She saw him hesitate before reaching in to choose the largest, most succulent of the bunch. She found she was holding her breath, waiting for his reaction to the taste of the Woodberry apple he had chosen.

His man grin and sigh of delight brought a bright smile to her face, lighting her green eyes from within with a radiance that glowed in the early evening dusk.

Nahale sat upon the fallen tree, just out of reach of both the man and his long sword should he become violent again. Again, she sat and studied him. Taking note of his eyes and long hair, his weathered hands and the gleaming sword at his side.

"Why exactly have you brought me here? I know that you want protection from something although I think that you can protect yourself quite well. So why exactly am I here?” he had asked.

“I answered you true man warrior, as I am unsure as to the real reason for bringing you here. I know only that I was compelled to do so, just as I am compelled to keep traveling until I find the creature that beckons me.” Nahele’s eyes faded to a dark, forest green as she listened to the silent wailing of the faraway beast.

“I have traveled for well over one moon but do not feel any closer to finding what I seek than when I started. Yet, there are things, beings, that follow me. They have started attacking me in my dreams and I fear they will soon, begin to attack me in my waking hours. These spirits are not of the good realm but of the evil and they enslave the minds of man, forcing him to their evil bidding. There is an evilness that has infected the Earth, the Forests even the Skye that is unseen by most and felt by few.”

Nahele shivered, rubbing her shapely arms up and down before crossing them protectively in front of her.

“I barely sleep and when I do, I battle them in my dreams. They do not want me to reach my destination, to perform whatever it is I am being compelled to do. But I must! I have to help it or release it or,”
Nahele hesitated, taking a deep, calming breath, “or kill it if that is what needs be done.”

Nahele looked up to find the man warrior studying her in return. He was tired, more tired than even she. She wondered how long it had been since he had slept and slept well.

“I can provide food and I track better than any other nymph from my wood. Should you choose to accompany me, I will swear to protect you to the best of my ability should the need arise.”

Nahele began to move her arms in a delicate, intricate pattern that scattered the fallen leaves. They swirled and danced before settling into a small depression hidden behind several large boulders.

“Please, you must sleep, rest. I will watch while you rest. Will you do the same for me when you awake man warrior?”
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Idrial and the others followed the lizardlings into one of the larger buildings and sat quietly while the elders discussed the news of the Beast Men and the Dead One's Battle as well as the fall of the Beast Men when DreamWeaver joined the battle.

Idrial knew they needed to move soon but still needed a guide.. Dreamweavers discription given by the scouts frightned her and she would be a fool not to be afraid, but she would not fail Rhys or her companions by backing down.

Her gaze shifted to Ona and she worried for her friend was the Ona they had come to know gone or was she still there still in controll just a bit more... Deadly... Valathe sat near Ona and Idrail could see the worried expression on her face as well. Idrial had explained to the others breifly what she could before entering the building about Ona and that they needed to keep an eye on her so that she did not accidently harm these people.

Brining her attention back to the elders and there councle she waited quietly to see what was decided and have it translated to them.
Ona stayed close to her companions, listening to all that was being said. Her thinking was clearer now that the uncertainty of her past was gone. She knew who she had been, who she had become and she knew who she was now. She felt this was a good thing, she was a better weapon now…..but still….

She knew Idrial watched her covertly and she felt Valanthe’s concern. She wished she could somehow reassure them. Something had been lost in regaining her memories, but much more had been gained. Her control was nearly total, it would take a lot to cause her to lose it again. So the chances of her being the threat she had feared were small.

Without taking her eyes off the gathered lizardlings Ona reached out and laid her hand on Valathe’s forearm, giving it a gentle squeeze. One day, if they survived, she would tell her friends of her life as an assassin, of the wise old woman who had taken her in when she was near death and given her a new life worth living and a new name…Ona…one reborn. She would tell them how the brotherhood had found her and when Ona refused to return with them they had forced her to watch as they massacred the old woman and her small clan. Ona’s vengeance on them had been something even now she didn’t want to think about. She hadn’t lost control, she had thrown it away. The result had left her wandering the forest a bloody, empty shell.

Focusing her attention on the task at hand Ona had a thought. If they could find the one controlling Dreamweaver, the one who held the phylactery that contained the dragon’s soul, they might not have to face the undead dragon himself at all. Whoever it was would most likely still be close to Dreamweaver in order to control his actions. It would take a lot of stealth to get close enough to destroy the phylactery and the one using it, if he could be destroyed. But if Dreamweaver had decimated an army of Beast men their small party would not be able to stand against him and an army of the undead in a frontal attack. She glanced at Idrial and O’Bonn thoughtfully, barely realizing her fingertips still rested on Valanthe’s arm.
Draken, Silver and Tiana

The elf led the small band back along the back streets and rooftops toward the undertaker's shop. Few people were about in this section of town so late at night but the town guard seemed to be making regular patrols. Soldiers in groups of three to five moved about, asking people to leave the streets or breaking up groups where they stood, especially around the taverns and late night shops. Also the Doomsayers and street prophets which had appeared so recently were hustled away as soon as they were encountered.

The mood of the city had definitely deteriorated in the past few nights.

They arrived at the back door of the undertaker's, outside of the wide doors which would let them into the stable section of the shop. It was locked, but between Silver and Draken, the wooden beam holding the door closed was no match for their strength. With a crack, the door opened and the three entered, closing the door behind them. It was dark and silent. The three held their ground for a moment but detected no motion within but the scent of animal, specifically horse, and the smell of clotted blood lingered heavy in the air. A light was struck, revealing the ruined body of the draft horse still tethered to it's stall and lying in a massive pool of spoiled blood. Flies and night beetles scuttled away from the mess as the light revealed them. The brass and shine of the lacquered hearse wagon glittered in the stall next to the dead horse.

Further in, Silver discovered the remains of a middle aged man. He too lay in a puddle of blood. He, like the horse in the stable, died from massive damage to the head, the result of a hammer blow... perhaps the same hammer the corpse held in his own hand. Drakon looked down, scowling and recognized the undertaker.

What to do now?
Silver looked at the mess then looked at his companions and suggested they find a swift way out of town before the guard finds us here I've nothing against killing when theres a reason but theres no reason to stand here and wait for the guards

this said silver looked from draken to the girl who he still was unsure of
both of her reason and of her role
Tiana trotted after Draken, keeping closer to the drow than the to the stranger, but she hummed along quietly, more under her breath and tried to think of the swift changes that had occurred to her this day. When she thought about it, this was no simple adventure and there was no way that this would happen to just anyone. So what was her role in this? Why was she special? And why had Draken been sent specifically for her?

Maybe it was the Voices?

Quickly she shook the thought from her head. Nobody else knew of them. How could anyone, she had never once before talked about them. So why would they be the reason? No, there had to be something else.

As soon as she saw the dead animal and the body of a man (what she assumed was a man) she wanted to retch. And then just as suddenly, she didn't. Something in her mind clicked and she stood there, staring at the blood and gore, her white face quickly pooling with healthy colour once more.

That's it. She had seen this before. There was no need to be sick. She had seen this, and more, in her old village. Where he had lived. Ah yes, there was nothing here to sicken her. If anything, this tamed in comparison.

Despite herself, she found she whispered, "I didn't do this..." and then was quiet, unsure of why she had said it, but sure she didn't want anyone else to know she had uttered the words. But they were out now, and she could not take them back. She could only just hope no-one had heard.

"Please, let us go. We cannot wait here and have people think this of us," she had been caught up with the Watch before today and had no desire for it to happen again, this soon at least. Grudgingly, she agreed with the Stranger and began to edge away from the seen, her hand clutched fast around the hilt of one of her newly aquired daggers.
While Idrial sat waiting on the elders dicussion she begain thinking back over the last d from when they had been captured on, tho it felt as tho it had been much longer than that.. Something was bothering her about what Siswa had said... He had told them that the Beast Men and the Undead were allies and joining together at a stone table forming a massive army to fight.... If this is so the why were they fighting?? Had Siswa's people lied to them?? or had the Beast men changed there minds and begun fighting??

There were no way's for her to ask such questions with out ending up offending Siswa's people, especally sence it my only be one person betraying everyone rather than the whole tribe.... Siswa had mentioned one of the Beast people by name Doorna.. if he had survived the battle was one they needed to seek out and question if they could.

Idrial stood and moved forward silently tho keeping her friends and compangions in sight she spoke up one of the lizardmen translating for her.. Lord Siswa.. and councle... please forgive my interuption.. but i would seek your permission for myself and my compangions to travle on your lands until the Dreaming God is at rest once more... I beleave it is time for us to continue our quest and that the stone table you mentioned would be a good place to start.. The other Lizardmen and councle had grown quiet while she spoke angry that she had done so but they all stayed quiet and waited to hear what Siswa and the elders would decide..


Valathe relaxed and smiled up at Ona when she locked arms with her telling her without words that everything was alright and the Ona they had come to know was still present and incontrol if a bit harder and more powerful than before. For this Valathe was glad for she had no wish to loose her friend.. She brought her other hand around resting it on Ona's arm where there arms were locked holding her to her for a moment longer and nodding her head before letting go.

She turned and watched Idrial stand puzzled wondering what she was doing there was such a look on her face as she stepped forward and spoke.. Valathe's eyes widdened a bit and smiled.. For a half breed Idrial was wise and her words made Valathe think back when had Siswa mentioned a stone table.. then she remembered while they had been eating when the warlord and they had nearly started a fight Siswa had talked about the Undead and the Beast Men along with the stone table and had given them a name.. Doorna.. it was a place to start...
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Draken looked around and began to curse rather violently. In fact he was cursing in several languages, drow and common were on that list of languages. After several moments of extreme cursing, Draken calmed himself down and pondered a moment. He was without any lead and had no clue of where to go. He held up his hand for a moment for Tiana and Silver to be silent for a moment.

Weighing several options in his mind, he looked at them both. "We are heading outside the city, I do not like the attitude of this city. Something is about to happen and by the feel of it, it will be big. The guards are out in force, they fear something is about to happen as well."

With those words. Draken moved to the door and slipped silently out through the door and into the alley. From there they would head to south city gate and out into the countryside.
I shall be glad to put this town behind me they care little for my kind and if the two of you don't mind once we are out of this place Ill shift to my true form Draken being in human is fine but it drives me crazy after a wile
Tiana's eyes grew wide at the mention of the stranger having another form. She was uneasy with this new alliance, even more uneasy than she was with Draken. But at least the voices weren't trying to tell her to kill him anymore. There was that, she supposed.

The constant litany in her head was ignored as she followed the other two men out and headed towards the south city gates. She was careful to keep an eye out for the Watch too. Time would tell if anything big did indeed happen before they got to their destination.