Dragons and Magic II: The Hunt for DreamWeaver

Idrial and Co.

You have shared a secret with me and now I will return the favor. We beleive the ones who raised the dreaming god, hold his soul, or spirit, in a jar or container of some type, and are controling him with this.., if we do not survive, then it is not being guarded by the dreaming one, and must be found and destroyed.... Could we send two of your people to search the stone table in case it was there? They may find a clue that could be useful.

Leshare considered this for a few moments. " I ssshall ssshare thiss wilth the elderssss. Perhapssss even meditate on thisss. Long have the People ignored the otherssss of the world. Perhapssss we have been remisss for it."

If my compangions and i swear to keep this secret, may i tell them of the passage and the possable challanges ahead... i would give them one last chance to change there minds.

"You mussst do asss you believe right. Sssince you go to fight our God, the revealing of a sssecret ssseems unimportant. We have placssed our trusst in you, that must be enough, but do not forget how much the People sssacrifice in thissss. We have casst assside our security, our independence and even our God ssso you might find victory. Go and do not forget."


Once organized, the group found Kriss ready as well. The Lizardman warrior stood just shy of seven foot and wore nearly nothing save for a leather loincloth and some straped on pouches and slings. He still carried his impressive club and six javalin-like spears were strapped to his back. He nodded at Idrial and the assembled group before turning and leading them back into the swamp. He paused at the edge of the village where a female lizardling, nearly half his size, held out a massive spear for him. Kriss took the weapon, transferring the club to his belt and cupped the female's head before marching past her.

They slipped into the mud and muck of the swamp, Kriss's motted green and brown scales blending into the background. Several times, the lizard man slid into deep water, nearly disappearing save for the top of his snout. He looked very much like a great crocodile when he could be seen at all, and moved through the hindering terrain with frightening ease.
Many times, he vanished only to return telling of trails and routs for the more land locked travelers to take. Although still dirty and difficult, Kriss led them unerringly through the swamp towards their target. The great trees still obscured anything for more than a few feet, but the ground became more solid as they traveled, the water became shallow and stood in smaller pockets. Once Kriss beckoned them all down in hiding as a group of shamblers ambled past.

After perhaps two hours of hard travel, the ground became much more rocky and the brush thinner. They finally came to a rocky hill, the aincient bones of a mountain or bluff, worn away over the millenia. Kriss motioned for silence then started to climb. They came to peek over the edge of the steep hill. The hill continued on in places, but the green of the swamp had been pushed back by the stoney outcropping. Kriss pointed across the space to the center of the rocky mass to where the hill rose again to where the very top of the hill peaked over the trees of the swamp. Upon closer look, the group realized that it was not a hill at all, but a gigantic pile of stacked, massive boulders, the end closest to where the group hid, was opened, revealing a darkened cavern within. Stones lay jumbled about the opening, then shoved clear making it look like the hill had been uncerimoniously torn open.

Several crude structures were assembled around the hill but none were so near the enterance of the cave. They recognized the sceen of an encampment, but much smaller than an army. Shamblers also moved about here and there, perhaps thirty in all, but far far fewer than was expected to be here. More notable, some of those who moved about did not shuffle or stagger but moved with purpose or interacted with others. Some hearded groups of shamblers about the clearing or more ominous still, moved in and out of the great cave.

"Hssss, there issss what wees ssseekses." Kriss said making a strange gesture with his free hand.
Draken slid his hand over the horse's muzzle lightly. It shivered lightly and Draken was ready to leap out of the way should the horse rear in attack. It didnt however and he relaxed and ran his hand's through the horse's mane. It whinnied lightly and Draken looked at Tiana and smiled. Then the three guards came around the corner and Draken grinned even wider, especially when they confronted him.

"Oi, you caught him I see. Good man! Please hand him over so we can get him back, he's the personal war steed of Lord Byron you see."

Draken looked at the other two with an evil look on his face, he nodded to then and turned to face the three stable guards.

"Rather it was the personal war steed of whoever Lord Byron is. Now the horse is Mine! So you have failed and now as such you are to die quietly and without fuss."

His arm flicked out three times in rapid motion and flung three daggers into the throats of the three stable guards. They fell with a strangled cry and Draken quickly retrieved his daggers and wiped the blood off of the blades. Then he swung up into the saddle and guided the horse towards the gate once more
silver herd three things fly past his ears and looked back at the guards to see them laid out dead with a dagger buried in their throats in that moment he was glad draken was on his side and not facing him down
Once again, Tiana could only stare in wide eyed innocence as Draken made his move. She blinked and it was over. How... convenient. Still, she felt somewhere that she would have given anything to know how to do what the dark elf had just done. Actually... she would have loved to have done it better, if she could.

Swinging around, grasping the notion that she was now an accessory to murder, she ran to catch up with Draken approaching the gate. The horse was a horse to her, albeit a very pretty one.
Idrial and Co.

Upon closer look, the group realized that it was not a hill at all, but a gigantic pile of stacked, massive boulders, the end closest to where the group hid, was opened, revealing a darkened cavern within. Stones lay jumbled about the opening, then shoved clear making it look like the hill had been uncerimoniously torn open.

Idrial was amaized at the structure and knew that it must have taken whoever built it a long time to gather all of the boulders together to create such a place, even as rugged and wild as it looked.

Several crude structures were assembled around the hill but none were so near the enterance of the cave. They recognized the sceen of an encampment, but much smaller than an army. Shamblers also moved about here and there, perhaps thirty in all, but far far fewer than was expected to be here.

Idrial could see the small army and was already looking for a way that they might get threw with as little notice as possable, but not yet seeing a way she continued to watch along with the others in her group.

More notable, some of those who moved about did not shuffle or stagger but moved with purpose or interacted with others. Some hearded groups of shamblers about the clearing or more ominous still, moved in and out of the great cave.

There were she noticed others tho from this distance it was hard to tell what they looked like but from there movements and the way they carried themselves she knew t hey were Alive and not among the dead, who were they... did the controll the undead???

"Hssss, there issss what wees ssseekses." Kriss said making a strange gesture with his free hand.

Hearing Kriss's words Idrial nodded and looked back to the others in her party. If any of you have any suggestions on how to go from here i am listining.. there appears to be more than the undead down there, and we dont have enough people for a full frontal attack, we will needs move with as little notice as possable.. she said
Idrial and Co.

With the instructions given by the shaman Leshare, Idrial managed to lead her small team around the base of the great burial mound. Finally after perhaps two hours of agonizingly slow and meticulous stealth and search, they came upon a set of stacked stones. These stones seemed no different from the thousands of similar stones, but there was one, nearly rectangular stone nearly six feet inheight and three feet wide. In one cormer was a strange glyph, seemingly melted into the rock.

Idrial neared, peeking around to ensure there were no prying eyes and reached out to the stone. Instantly, their heads were filled with a buzzing sound. The buzzing turned into a growling, then a roar which made tears well up in their eyes, but amid the roar, there were words...ancient powerful and foreign words, but even as the alien language echoed in their minds, the meaning of the words became clear...

"My tines are long, my tines are short.
My tines end, ere my first report."

"Round she is, yet flat as a board.
Alter of the Lupine Lords.
Jewel on black velvet, pearl in the sea.
Unchanged but e'erchanging, eternally."
Garik just sat there trying to think of anything to say that would take away the annoying buzzing in his head. Nothing would come to mind but still he kept on thinking of the words that Nahele had uttered.

"Why is it the Nyght Spirit would attack me so fiercely. Is it because I am alive or is it because I am with you; because I am being accompanied by the wood nymph."

He knew what he had just said would sound like he wanted nothing more than to get away from Nahele. He knew though in the very bottom of who he was that he would never do that, that he would stay by her side no matter what happened. He knew that whatever she had to do was something so big he feared that she might be overwhelmed by it though.

"Can you tell me what you mean to do? You say that the Mother is angry. Is there anyway that you can calm her down?"
Idrial looked to the others in her group after once again searching and listining for any who might have heard the noise and have come to investagate... Not seeing or hearing anyone as of yet she looked to the others... and said..


"My tines are long, my tines are short.
My tines end, ere my first report."

There is a riddle before we can pass.. did the rest of you hear anything?
Nahele and Garik

"I truly do not have an answer to any of your questions my Warrior."

Nahele allowed the rich, dark soil to slip from her fingers, returning to its resting place between the long shafts of green grass.

"For three nights in a row I woke from a troubling dream, none of which I can remember in detail. The dream bid me take a journey, yet it showed not where I needed to go or why. On the fourth night, I could no longer resist the pull and left my wood to travel, blindly. Not a comfortable thing for a wood nymph to be sure."

Nahele sighed, wishing she had more answers for him. Wishing he might choose to stay not out of gratitude or debt but because he might have discovered feelings for her deep within his heart.

"I feel the Mother's anger and pain but can not pinpoint it, not exactly. I know only that I travel where my feet are led, by her and by the ground I walk upon."

Nahele lifted her unusual eyes to his, taking a deep, shuddering breath before she continued.

"There is one essence of the dream that I remember and remember well." Nahele blushed softly, lowering her eyes as she feared his rejection again.

"It was you Garik. You were in each and every dream, just as real as you sit before me now. Everything was the same, the shape of your face, the color of your hair and eyes. Even the weapons your carry and the stoutness of your ... um, muscled... arms." Again she blushed hotly.

"You are neither obligated nor compelled to either stay with me or travel with me Great One, but should you choose of your own free will to do so; I will be greatly honored and ... pleased."
Garik sat there and tried to think of something to say, he wanted to say anything to Nahele but the thought that he had been in her dreams had blown every thought from his mind. He looked at her and knew that there was a reason for him being here but he knew that it had yet to be revealed to him. He knew though that he had to travel with this wood nymph, where ever the journey would take him.

"I do not feel neither obligated nor compelled to stay with you or travel with you Nahele. Something deep within me tells me that this is right; that I should travel with you, where ever your path may lead."

He slowly looked down at the ground, as though it would tell him where to go and what to do but all that he could see was the soft deep brown dirt. Almost all of him called out to stay here with Nahele, he knew that there was no arguing with the feelings he had brewing deep within him. There was one small part of him though that knew he could not stay here, that knew he had to get out of here and find out what was going on with this world. He knew the only way Nahele and himself could find out what was wrong with the Mother was to leave this grove but as he raised his head to look at her he wondered how he could ask her such a thing as she was at peace here.

He cleared his throat, "Nahele, there is something I have to ask you."
Nahele looked up, placing her small hand on top of his massive fist.

"I know Garik. I must leave again, we must leave." A soft sigh slipped from between her lips.

"I knew that the moment you were attacked. To stay here would not only be dangerous for both of us, but provides no answers. My journey..our journey must continue now."

Nahele gazed into his eyes, she allowed her feelings to show completely. Only her deep love of the earth, nature, the Mother and now, this man shown through her gaze. Many believe the wood nymph to be conniving even deceitful; yet those beliefs had been fostered by the wood nymph's themselves to protect them against the outside world. In truth, the wood nymph was a loving, gentle creature; created by the Mother to foster love, companionship and pleasure.
He slowly got back to his feet and looked down at Nahele with a smile. He knew how hard it was for her to agree to leave this place, this place of peace and sanctuary. He also knew that if they did not leave this place that whatever was angering the Mother would find them and kill them. He looked around the grove, trying to figure out a way out of this place. Without Nahele though it would be impossible to find any way out of here and he would be walking through these woods for many moons.

"If we have decided to leave this place there are a few questions I have to ask. Is there any food that we can take with us and do you have any type of clothing that will hide what you are, just in case we come across people who will not be as kind to a wood nymph? If you do not then I have something that might work."
Idrial looked to the others in her group after once again searching and listining for any who might have heard the noise and have come to investagate... Not seeing or hearing anyone as of yet she looked to the others... and said..


"My tines are long, my tines are short.
My tines end, ere my first report."

There is a riddle before we can pass.. did the rest of you hear anything?

O'Bonn listened quietly and waited.

"Three lives have I.
Gentle enough to soothe the skin.
Light enough to caress the sky.
Hard enough to crack the stones."
When each memeber gave there part Idrial put them together hoping they were in the right order... weve not much time to figure this out we needs think quickly before we are discoverd..

"My tines are long, my tines are short.
My tines end, ere my first report."

"Round she is, yet flat as a board.
Alter of the Lupine Lords.
Jewel on black velvet, pearl in the sea.
Unchanged but e'erchanging, eternally."

"Three lives have I.
Gentle enough to soothe the skin.
Light enough to caress the sky.
Hard enough to crack the stones."
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Nahele and Garik

"I have only these clothes Garik, such as they are. I realize I am not as, as beautiful as your human women. We are much smaller and lithe of build. I know humans do not like us or trust us. It is the way of the wood nymph to keep them from bothering us.

I know now, that it was wrong to perpetuate such a lie as we must work together to defeat this evil that threatens the mother.

Nahele watched as Garik searched within his huge back pack. The pack itself being nearly bigger than Nahele herself. As he searched, she allowed her eyes to travel the length of him.

He was truly magnificent, especially for a human. But then, she had always been attracted to the biggest, tallest elves in her wood; although she was one of the smaller elves herself.

Perhaps it was because she herself was a warrior, always protecting those around her; she was unsure. she knew only that she was attracted to this man beast in a way she had never been attracted to another.
Are they all one riddle she wondered or sepeate from each other one riddle for each of them to awncer before passing maybe? Idrial didnt know but tryed to think on what each riddle might be...

"My tines are long, my tines are short.
My tines end, ere my first report."

The sky above was growing dark as she looked up at it hearing the thunder in the distance as it appeared another storm was brewing the awncer came to her or at least what she thought it might be.. for the first part..

Lightning.. she wispered unaware that she had stated her thought allowed... and turned to look at the others as she begain thinking on theres as well..

"Round she is, yet flat as a board.
Alter of the Lupine Lords.
Jewel on black velvet, pearl in the sea.
Unchanged but e'erchanging, eternally."

Round she is and yet flat.. Lupin she thought wolves or wherewolves what was preshious to them like a jewel and yet in velvet a perl.. she smiled again as the awncer came..

Twas the moon, but did she say this allowed or was it for her compangion to awncer.. she would wait a bit and see if it came to her friend before doing so..

now she turned her attention to the last part they had been given..

"Three lives have I.
Gentle enough to soothe the skin.
Light enough to caress the sky.
Hard enough to crack the stones."

This one was not as easy she thought as she debated on if her awncer was indeed the right one.. Water ???? but water didnt have lives did it? it felt good against the skin soothing.. the sky and it seemed to touch or caress if one was on a ship out in the ocen it was hard telling where one ended and the other begain.. and if in a river or flowing fast it could crack stones..

i beleave i have the awncer to the first part what do you all think have you any ideas as to your parts before i tell you my thoughts? she asked keeping an eye and ears out on there surroundings and the approching storm still a ways in the distance but moving there directions by the sounds of the thunder..
The High Warrior O'Bonn

O'Bonn removed his helm, smoothing the creases in his white-blonde hair. He looked to Idrial with his large, amber eyes.

"I thought of this, too, Beloved," he said to her, "and I see the things you have spoken in the riddles. Lightning, the moon, and water. The words spoken to me describe water, for in the Great Northern Lands we know water's strength and power, as well as its caress. Stones that have stood for centuries can easily be broken under the weight of ice and snow."

He cast his eyes skyward.

"And the wolves hold dear the Moon and its nightshine. We have seen this ourselves during our journey. Remember the creatures in the forest? The wolfen that attacked us?"
"Round she is, yet flat as a board.
Alter of the Lupine Lords.
Jewel on black velvet, pearl in the sea.
Unchanged but e'erchanging, eternally."

Ona rubbed her temples gently as the words echoed through her mind. It made sense that it could only be the moon. It was round and yet appeared flat from their perspective....she thought of their fallen companion and how the moon's phase had changed him....it appeared a shining jewel against the velvet sky, a precious pearl in an endless sea of darkness....and even though it stayed perpetually the same their view of it changed as it waxed and waned over and over for as long as the world would spin....

"Yes....the words in my mind surely must mean the moon." She murmured softly and shook her head to clear away the last of the stange buzzing. She glanced at her companions. "How do they all fit together though.....lightening...the moon...water....or do they fit together at all? Are these signs we must watch for or something else?"

Her eyes took in the stone and she reached out to run her fingertips along it's surface. It seemed so out of place amongst the others.

"Perhaps they are some sort of...key...but to open what?" Her mind raced as she tried to imagine the possibilities for the riddles they had been given. She turned back to her companions, her gaze shifting between Idrial and O'Bonn.
O'Bonn spoke again, remembering a tale from his youth long ago....

"Once, when I had just begun my training as a bladesinger, my master told me of the legend of the ancient city of the dwarves. The entrance to this place was gaurded not by dragons or trolls, but a simple stone door that had an inscription above it:

"Speak friend and the door will open.

"But it was not meant that you should be a friend, or say nice things, but speak the Elven word for "friend", and the door would open.

"Perhaps," O'Bonn offerred, "this is something similar?"
Draken and Co.

The three men died quickly and without fuss, just as Draken had commanded. The crowd around them however, was less cooperative. Still, the shock and confusion of a sudden tripple murder worked to Draken's advantage. With a sudden move, the dark elf leapt to the saddled horse, offered a hand to Triana and rode for the gate, leaving Silver to run behind, still carrying the still body of the unconsious doomsayer. Their luck held true as the group made the gate and beyond before the alarm to shut the great doors could be given.

The tiny group continued on the move for nearly an hour, away from the city until Draken was sure that any pursuers would have fallen far behind, then stopped. Silver finally caught up and practically dumped the captive man onto the ground at the horse's feet. The man's eyes opened slowly and regarded their faces, but without fear, confusion or worry. Slowly, a sarcastic, half-smile spread across his face.
As Garik pulled clothing from his pack he couldn't help but feel Nahele's eyes on him. He wanted to ask her what she was looking at but he knew that would one of the more foolish questions that he could ask of her. As he dropped the clothes to the ground in front of her he looked at her again with a slight smile.

"I am not sure if this clothing is going to fit you, given the relative size difference in both of us but I am sure that it can and will hide who or more importantly what you are."
Nahele couldn't help but stare at him as he rummaged within his rucksack. His arms bulged with muscles such as she had never seen before. His face was pinched in concentration and her natural tendency towards light-heartedness, being a wood nymph, was difficult to subdue. She so wanted to hop up and grab the sack from him, running through the forest giggling while making he chase her.

Instead, she merely lifted her green woolen tunic from her waist and pulled it up over her slender shoulders. She stood waiting, the soft light reflecting her small, round breasts and the very dark, almost red nipples that stood out so astonishingly from the olive colored skin.