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Idrial and Co.
You have shared a secret with me and now I will return the favor. We beleive the ones who raised the dreaming god, hold his soul, or spirit, in a jar or container of some type, and are controling him with this.., if we do not survive, then it is not being guarded by the dreaming one, and must be found and destroyed.... Could we send two of your people to search the stone table in case it was there? They may find a clue that could be useful.
Leshare considered this for a few moments. " I ssshall ssshare thiss wilth the elderssss. Perhapssss even meditate on thisss. Long have the People ignored the otherssss of the world. Perhapssss we have been remisss for it."
If my compangions and i swear to keep this secret, may i tell them of the passage and the possable challanges ahead... i would give them one last chance to change there minds.
"You mussst do asss you believe right. Sssince you go to fight our God, the revealing of a sssecret ssseems unimportant. We have placssed our trusst in you, that must be enough, but do not forget how much the People sssacrifice in thissss. We have casst assside our security, our independence and even our God ssso you might find victory. Go and do not forget."
Once organized, the group found Kriss ready as well. The Lizardman warrior stood just shy of seven foot and wore nearly nothing save for a leather loincloth and some straped on pouches and slings. He still carried his impressive club and six javalin-like spears were strapped to his back. He nodded at Idrial and the assembled group before turning and leading them back into the swamp. He paused at the edge of the village where a female lizardling, nearly half his size, held out a massive spear for him. Kriss took the weapon, transferring the club to his belt and cupped the female's head before marching past her.
They slipped into the mud and muck of the swamp, Kriss's motted green and brown scales blending into the background. Several times, the lizard man slid into deep water, nearly disappearing save for the top of his snout. He looked very much like a great crocodile when he could be seen at all, and moved through the hindering terrain with frightening ease.
Many times, he vanished only to return telling of trails and routs for the more land locked travelers to take. Although still dirty and difficult, Kriss led them unerringly through the swamp towards their target. The great trees still obscured anything for more than a few feet, but the ground became more solid as they traveled, the water became shallow and stood in smaller pockets. Once Kriss beckoned them all down in hiding as a group of shamblers ambled past.
After perhaps two hours of hard travel, the ground became much more rocky and the brush thinner. They finally came to a rocky hill, the aincient bones of a mountain or bluff, worn away over the millenia. Kriss motioned for silence then started to climb. They came to peek over the edge of the steep hill. The hill continued on in places, but the green of the swamp had been pushed back by the stoney outcropping. Kriss pointed across the space to the center of the rocky mass to where the hill rose again to where the very top of the hill peaked over the trees of the swamp. Upon closer look, the group realized that it was not a hill at all, but a gigantic pile of stacked, massive boulders, the end closest to where the group hid, was opened, revealing a darkened cavern within. Stones lay jumbled about the opening, then shoved clear making it look like the hill had been uncerimoniously torn open.
Several crude structures were assembled around the hill but none were so near the enterance of the cave. They recognized the sceen of an encampment, but much smaller than an army. Shamblers also moved about here and there, perhaps thirty in all, but far far fewer than was expected to be here. More notable, some of those who moved about did not shuffle or stagger but moved with purpose or interacted with others. Some hearded groups of shamblers about the clearing or more ominous still, moved in and out of the great cave.
"Hssss, there issss what wees ssseekses." Kriss said making a strange gesture with his free hand.
You have shared a secret with me and now I will return the favor. We beleive the ones who raised the dreaming god, hold his soul, or spirit, in a jar or container of some type, and are controling him with this.., if we do not survive, then it is not being guarded by the dreaming one, and must be found and destroyed.... Could we send two of your people to search the stone table in case it was there? They may find a clue that could be useful.
Leshare considered this for a few moments. " I ssshall ssshare thiss wilth the elderssss. Perhapssss even meditate on thisss. Long have the People ignored the otherssss of the world. Perhapssss we have been remisss for it."
If my compangions and i swear to keep this secret, may i tell them of the passage and the possable challanges ahead... i would give them one last chance to change there minds.
"You mussst do asss you believe right. Sssince you go to fight our God, the revealing of a sssecret ssseems unimportant. We have placssed our trusst in you, that must be enough, but do not forget how much the People sssacrifice in thissss. We have casst assside our security, our independence and even our God ssso you might find victory. Go and do not forget."
Once organized, the group found Kriss ready as well. The Lizardman warrior stood just shy of seven foot and wore nearly nothing save for a leather loincloth and some straped on pouches and slings. He still carried his impressive club and six javalin-like spears were strapped to his back. He nodded at Idrial and the assembled group before turning and leading them back into the swamp. He paused at the edge of the village where a female lizardling, nearly half his size, held out a massive spear for him. Kriss took the weapon, transferring the club to his belt and cupped the female's head before marching past her.
They slipped into the mud and muck of the swamp, Kriss's motted green and brown scales blending into the background. Several times, the lizard man slid into deep water, nearly disappearing save for the top of his snout. He looked very much like a great crocodile when he could be seen at all, and moved through the hindering terrain with frightening ease.
Many times, he vanished only to return telling of trails and routs for the more land locked travelers to take. Although still dirty and difficult, Kriss led them unerringly through the swamp towards their target. The great trees still obscured anything for more than a few feet, but the ground became more solid as they traveled, the water became shallow and stood in smaller pockets. Once Kriss beckoned them all down in hiding as a group of shamblers ambled past.
After perhaps two hours of hard travel, the ground became much more rocky and the brush thinner. They finally came to a rocky hill, the aincient bones of a mountain or bluff, worn away over the millenia. Kriss motioned for silence then started to climb. They came to peek over the edge of the steep hill. The hill continued on in places, but the green of the swamp had been pushed back by the stoney outcropping. Kriss pointed across the space to the center of the rocky mass to where the hill rose again to where the very top of the hill peaked over the trees of the swamp. Upon closer look, the group realized that it was not a hill at all, but a gigantic pile of stacked, massive boulders, the end closest to where the group hid, was opened, revealing a darkened cavern within. Stones lay jumbled about the opening, then shoved clear making it look like the hill had been uncerimoniously torn open.
Several crude structures were assembled around the hill but none were so near the enterance of the cave. They recognized the sceen of an encampment, but much smaller than an army. Shamblers also moved about here and there, perhaps thirty in all, but far far fewer than was expected to be here. More notable, some of those who moved about did not shuffle or stagger but moved with purpose or interacted with others. Some hearded groups of shamblers about the clearing or more ominous still, moved in and out of the great cave.
"Hssss, there issss what wees ssseekses." Kriss said making a strange gesture with his free hand.