Dragons and Magic II: The Hunt for DreamWeaver

Silver followed draken and the woman toward the south gate it still troubled him about who this mystery benefactor was and if it truly was beneficial for them to do its bidding
Idrial and Co.

There was an explosion of activity all about the Lizardling village. Occasionally Leshare would translate for the small group but apparently he too, was deeply involved in the meeting of elders, as he had called it. The buzz did not wain even as the meeting continued. The sudden news in the swamps had charged the entire population with nervous energy.

"Lord Siswa.. and councel... please forgive my interuption.. but I would seek your permission for myself and my companions to travel on your lands until the Dreaming God is at rest once more... I believe it is time for us to continue our quest and that the stone table you mentioned would be a good place to start."
Idrial boldly asked the assembled group.

Many of the Lizardlings shot her annoyed glances and others still only turned quizical faces towards her before returning to their own business. Siswa simply looked from Idrial to Leshare and slightly nodded his head. Leshare rose and bowed to the group, then escorted the half elf woman outside the longhouse.

"Hissss, Forgive usss for thisss wait, but many thingsss happen. Tzasss hasss sssent more ssscouts into the sswamp. It isss hoped that if the Dreaming God, the Dead Onesss and the Beassstss are all out fighting, then we might be able to passss to the Caern.Maybe we can lead you to thisss myssterious Massster behind the Dead Onesss."
"The Sssstone Table isss many daysss away and far beyond our ssswamp lands. We have not gone to the Table in many, many yearssss."
Draken and Co.

The trio left the undertaker's stall just as they had entered, out the back and as silently as possible. All recognized the wisdom of not being caught in a locked room with a dead man.

They slipped along side streets making their way towards the gate out of the city. The guard was still very active in the streets, but for all their presence, they seemed unable to stem the growing tension. Arguements and fights broke out and doomsayers seemed to frequent many corners no matter how quickly they were bustled away.

"Doom has come upon us all! Fate comes to deal us a vile hand and all the Gods have abandoned the world! The demons upon Red Mountain come to devour souls and lay waste to all they see with their hell spawn! Byron cannot save us, the Guard cannot save us! Trust no one! We can only look to ourselves in this dark time! Save yourselves and prepare for the darkness!"

With suprising agility and speed, the doomsayer, a somewhat handsome man in his early twenties, but with wild eyes and discheveled appearance suddenly flung himself at the tiny group, throwing himself at Tiana's feet.

"You! They have found you mistress! Good! Good! Embrace the dark hearts about you! Kiss no ring but that of your lover and demand your acceptance as a queen, for you are the Goddess of the time to come! Never forget this my Queen, for all others must bow to kiss your feet...or be crushed beneath them."
Silver was taken aback by the doomsayers words toward the as yet unnamed lady and wondered again where she fit in to this and where he him self fit in there was getting to be more questions and fewer answers.

out loud Silver said "we better be going for that doom sayer attracts attention to us don't you think drak"
Draken kept his hand on one of his scimitars as they walked. He could see more and more doomsayers entering the streets and he motioned to Silver to move closer to Tiana so they would both be able to protect her better. He loosened the scimitar in its sheath as they passed a doomsayer on a corner.

"Doom has come upon us all! Fate comes to deal us a vile hand and all the Gods have abandoned the world! The demons upon Red Mountain come to devour souls and lay waste to all they see with their hell spawn! Byron cannot save us, the Guard cannot save us! Trust no one! We can only look to ourselves in this dark time! Save yourselves and prepare for the darkness!"

Draken grit his teeth and motioned for them to hurry up so they could get out of the city quickly. But as they began to pick up their pace, one of the doomsayers broke through their guard and threw himself at Tiana's feet. He began to spout insane yet curious jibberish to her. Draken drew his scimitar suddenly and bashed the hilt of it behind the doomsayer's ear knocking him out.

"Silver, take him. I would hear what he has to say, but not here." He turned to Tiana quickly.

"I trust you are not harmed in any manner?"
Tiana kept close to Draken and Silver, the company of the Stranger even more welcoming than that of either the Guard or the vagrants that littered the streets spouting their words of Doom. She shivered as she walked past their jibbers and jabbers and something dark pulled at her heart. The Voices were strangely quiet, seeming to want to listen more closely to their words. This alone made Tiana squirm all the more.

Suddenly, from the crush a man flung himself at her feet.

"You! They have found you mistress! Good! Good! Embrace the dark hearts about you! Kiss no ring but that of your lover and demand your acceptance as a queen, for you are the Goddess of the time to come! Never forget this my Queen, for all others must bow to kiss your feet...or be crushed beneath them."

All she could do was stare at him. Then suddenly the Voices all clamoured to be heard. She squeezed her eyes shut and a low moan issued from her mouth. She knew They wanted her to hear, but in all the noise, she could not make out a single word. Somehow, that made her even more scared.

Distantly, she heard the Stranger say something about moving away and the man scrabbling at her feet suddenly sprawled forward, a large bump starting to swell behind his ear where the pommel of Draken's sword had hit. Draken asked the Stranger to keep the man.

The Voices stopped abruptly and she sensed supreme satisfaction on their behalf. She began to worry even more.

"I trust you are not harmed in any manner?" With the roaring of the Voices gone, Tiana was startled to hear him speak so clearly. She reddened slightly, "No, I'm okay. Just... a head ache..." she answered vaguely, her face going slightly green when she glanced at the Doomsayer.

"We should be going..." she murmured, stepping away from the unconscious man.
As the other two started off silver wondered why they must take this doom sayer but picked him up and started off at least they'd have some entertainment
There was an explosion of activity all about the Lizardling village. Occasionally Leshare would translate for the small group but apparently he too, was deeply involved in the meeting of elders, as he had called it. The buzz did not wain even as the meeting continued. The sudden news in the swamps had charged the entire population with nervous energy.

"Lord Siswa.. and councel... please forgive my interuption.. but I would seek your permission for myself and my companions to travel on your lands until the Dreaming God is at rest once more... I believe it is time for us to continue our quest and that the stone table you mentioned would be a good place to start."
Idrial boldly asked the assembled group.

Many of the Lizardlings shot her annoyed glances and others still only turned quizical faces towards her before returning to their own business. Siswa simply looked from Idrial to Leshare and slightly nodded his head. Leshare rose and bowed to the group, then escorted the half elf woman outside the longhouse.

"Hissss, Forgive usss for thisss wait, but many thingsss happen. Tzasss hasss sssent more ssscouts into the sswamp. It isss hoped that if the Dreaming God, the Dead Onesss and the Beassstss are all out fighting, then we might be able to passss to the Caern.Maybe we can lead you to thisss myssterious Massster behind the Dead Onesss."
"The Sssstone Table isss many daysss away and far beyond our ssswamp lands. We have not gone to the Table in many, many yearssss."

I agree to wait a little longer, to see what the councle decides, but time is growing short and we must continue on our way soon, ether twords the stone tables or if your people can guide us.. but it must be soon. I would gather my compagnions and speak with them. Idrial said and walked back inside with Leshare.

She made sure to make eye contact with each of her compangions and motion for them to step outside, and waited for them to join her so that she could speak with them in privet while the Lizard people held there councle.
Garik looked at her and wanted so much to fight her but her words flowed over him like a fine wine, lulling him to a sleep he knew that there was no way of fighting. He wanted to tell her that he would watch over her but as he opened his mouth to do so little more than a yawn escaped from his lips. Every part of him cried out for the sleep he had no way of fighting and he knew that there was no way he could. He slowly closed his eyes and as soon as he did was fast asleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes again he knew that this was not the same place he had just left, he knew with every fibre of his being that there was something about this place that wasn't quite right, that there was something in the darkness that surrounded him. His first reaction was to go for his sword but when he reached for it he found that it was no longer there and that he was very much naked. The only thought that was going through his head was to call out for someone, to see who else was about but before he could a voice called to him from the darkness. He knew that he should not listen to the voice but it was so seductive he knew he had to go there. Very slowly he got to his feet and walked towards the darkness, the pool of light around him moving as he did. Before he knew it a woman appeared in front of him, a smile on her lips. Garik looked at her and knew that there was something that wasn't right with her and wished that once again he had his sword with him. His body had other ideas though and moved towards the woman whose smile got even larger. She then moved towards him and once she was standing in front of him ran one hand down the side of his face which sent a shiver down his spine.
"Ah, so she has sent someone else to fight her battles for her has she," the woman said as she continued to run her hand over Garik's face. "Just because you are a human it does not mean that I will not do the same to you as I do to her."
Before Garik could ask her what she meant the woman's face suddenly changed and she leapt at him, sinking her teeth deep into his shoulder. Garik let out a scream which seemed to echo back to him from the darkness as the woman bit deeper into his shoulder. He pounded his fists hard into the woman's back, hoping to knock her off but her strength was far greater than he could imagine and he knew that there was no way he would be able to get her off.
She suddenly moved away from him and looked straight into his eyes with eyes as black as the night.
"Surely you don't think this will end with one little bite do you?" the woman asked him.
It was then that he felt something else on his shoulder and looked behind him to see Nahele standing there.
He then heard the woman scream.

As soon as he opened his eyes again Garik felt the searing pain that came from his shoulder and looked down to see if was bleeding from where the woman had bit him but could see no blood. He then looked up at Nahele's face.

"What was that thing in my dream? Why did it attack me like that? I promise to help you now if you will tell me what it is you are fighting."
As soon as he opened his eyes again Garik felt the searing pain that came from his shoulder and looked down to see if was bleeding from where the woman had bit him but could see no blood. He then looked up at Nahele's face.

"What was that thing in my dream? Why did it attack me like that? I promise to help you now if you will tell me what it is you are fighting."

Nahele crouched near Garik, her breathing labored. Her eyes locked on his, his confusion obvious as was his pain.

"That was a nyght spirit. Very ugly and very bad." Nahele rose, her blade still hanging from her right hand. "It is trying to keep me from continuing my journey."

Nahele shook her head, her long hair waving back and forth behind her. She ran her left hand across her eyes, the weariness clearly visible to Garik, even in his confused state.

Nahele moved cautiously towards Garik, her green eyes glistening in the moonlight.

"Garik, you have been bitten and marked by a nyght spirit. I must cleanse you or it will be able to find you, even in the light of day. Forgive me, as it will be painful. It will also bring pain to me as I remove the toxins from your body. Please, lay back upon the grasses and try to relax. I will be as gentle as possible, but, we must do this quickly to counteract the poisons swirling just beneath your skin."

Nahele pressed a small hand upon Garik's shoulder, though no wound was visible, even the slight pressure caused the great warrior pain. Nahele winced with Garik's pain but proceeded, gently pressing him down into the soft, warmth of the earth and grasses before continuing.
As Nahele placed her hand on Garik's shoulder the scream was ripped from his throat before he could stop it. He felt as though his entire body was on fire, a fire so hot that it was burning his soul away. He wanted nothing more than to rip Nahele's hand away; to tell her to stop torturing him but he knew that without her help then he would be visited by that woman, that thing again. It was not something that he wanted to go through again as he had never felt so vulnerable before in his life.

The one thing he hated in this world was magic. He knew that it had a purpose but it was the one thing he could not fight against; no matter how strong he became. All the muscles, all the strength in the world did not matter if a person or creature could something out of thin air or trap him with nothing but a word. He knew that without magic then Nahele would not be able to heal him the way that she was but it still did not mean he had to like it, especially when some evil bitch attacks you in your dreams.

It was then that he felt as though something was being pulled from him and wondered just what Nahele was doing to him. He opened his mouth to ask her but all that escaped from his lips was a scream that once more echoed throughout the trees.

He looked straight at Nahele and could see the pain that was written clearly on her face. He knew then; just by looking at her face and the pain that she was sharing with him that he would do anything to protect her, even if that meant sacrificing his own life. He knew that he would give his life towards her journey, to help in any way end the pain and torment that she found herself in.
Nahele bit back the scream threatening to escape. She had to keep the great warrior calm, showing her own pain would only increase his own. She pushed harder on his wound, her strong touch exposing the tendrils of evil beneath still growing, still racing towards his heart, his core.

"I am sorry Garik." Nahele lifted her blade above his shoulder, she had to do it now or he would be lost. She saw the startled look in his eyes before she slipped the blade beneath his skin, allowing droplets of blood to seep from within.

Bending forward, Nahele placed her warm lips upon the wound, suckling gently. The poison fought her as she drew it from his body, burning her tongue and lips. She turned and spat the tainted blood upon the ground, bending once more to draw the hot liquid through the wound.

Twice more she drained the wound. Satisfied that she had drawn as much as possible, Nahele lifted the blade and sliced the palm of her left hand open. Bending forward yet again, Nahele placed her hand upon the wound, allowing her blood to mix with that of the mans, neutralizing any remaining toxins while protecting him from an attack such as this in the future.

Nahele wiped the blood from her lips with her right hand, her left still pressed into his wound tightly to staunch the blood flow from both their wounds. She saw his eyes open as his pain eased. She smiled with relief as his color returned. Their blood bond sealed, Nahele did the only thing she could.

Leaning forward, Nahele placed her lips on those of the great warrior's; sealing not only their bond, but their fate.
Garik's eyes flew open at the kiss and he looked straight at Nahele. He wanted to think anything about what was happening at this very moment but he knew that there was no way he was going to form a normal though. He wanted to place his hand on the back of her head and kiss her harder but there were two things profoundly wrong about that. One of them was the fact that they had barely just met each other and the other was that she was a wood nymph. It was true that she had saved his life and from now on bonding her fate with his but returning the kiss would mean so much more so he did the only thing that he could do; lay there and lived in the moment.

A few seconds later he moved away from Nahele and looked at her, once again trying to find any words to say to her. He knew that she had saved him from nyght spirit by what she had done but it made him ask himself why she had done it. Did she need a protector so desperately that she would do anything to make sure the person she had chosen would live, even if it meant the end of her own life? He wanted to ask her that question; the one question that now burned deep inside him. He knew that in doing so would make her think that he wanted to leave her; something he knew he could not do.

He sat up slowly, his eyes still on Nahele.

“Thank you. You have done far more for me than I can ever put into words. I give you my word that from now on we will travel together as you will need as much protection from what attacks you than I will.”
Nahele sat back on her heels quickly. The sadness spreading over her features clearly visible to Garik.

"Forgive me Great One. If it had not been for me, you would not have been drawn into the forest and you would never have been injured. The fault is mine, you are under no obligation either to travel with or protect me. My the morrow, your wound will be healed and you shall be free to go... if you wish it."

She touched her lips lightly with her right hand, the warmth of his lips still singing through the tender flesh. She lowered her eyes, hiding from him the deep hurt a wood nymph feels when rejected, either by one of her own or a human.

'If you feel well enough, I have made some broth. Enough to ease the sting of hunger from our bellies. As we eat and if you so wish it, I will tell you what I know of the nyght spirits and why they haunt my dreams.'
"I do not wish to leave your side Nahele. I would like nothing more than to stay with you to whatever end this journey has. It is not because you have saved my life but it is because I would like nothing more than for you to stay alive and well."

It is then that he saw the hurt that was in her eyes and knew that he should have kissed her back, even though it would have been strange for him to do so. He moved forward slowly, wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"I am sorry if I hurt you. I would have like nothing more than to have kissed you back but I fear that we have only met and the last thing I would want to do would be to take advantage of a woman as beautiful of yourself, especially with what you; what both of us are now facing."
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Draken kept his scimitar out at his side but hidden inside his cloak. He nodded when Tiana mentioned about moving on. "Silver, if we are stopped say he is your half brother and was attacked from behind." With that taken care of, Draken moved on and lead them towards the city gate once more. Soon they were insight of the City gate and Draken swept any expression from his face and made certain that his face was expressionless as he strode up to the gate.
As the three of them moved towards the gate silver nodded his understanding to Draken he only hoped they had a pair of really stupid guards on duty this night or if not ones they could bribe not to ask questions

silver knew he would be glad to be gone from this town and hoped the doom Sayer dint awaken for they where far on the other side of the gate or all of tarturus would brake free
Idrial explained what she had discovered to the group once they were all outside and said i beleive we have waisted enough time here and need to get moving. Let us search and find our wepons and head out while they are still in councle..

Idrial watched as her companginons split up and begain searching for there wepons, she joined in the search as well and once they were found and all of them were armed once again. She said. I know the stone table is out of our way, but if there is a slight chance the pathacary might be there i think its worth investagating, there has to be a reasion allies would suddenly begin fighting one another.

Idrial didnt wait for the others but begain heading out, knowing that they were most likely behind her. She also knew that the lizard people would not welcome them again to there land and once dreamweaver was put to rest... if they survived they would need to take the long way around the swamps.. to get home... Hold on Rhys she thought, and my brother where ever you are... if i dont survive, i hope your well..

she knew she had agreed to wait for the councles decision but she was afraid that tho siswa had been hospitable and that he perhaps was trustworthy there were things that didnt add up, and she feared that the lizardlings might be leading them into a trap.. if not then they had continued on there own and would still keep there word and free the lizard people by fighting and putting dreamweaver to rest once more.
Idrial and Co.

It wasn't long before the group saw a small gathering of Lizardmen approach. They saw Leshare at the head of the group and many were carrying bundles among them.

"It hasss been desssided." he began, coming up to Idrial. "Tzass has managed to near the caern. The Dead Onesss have thinned greatly, enough to posssibly reach the Burial Chamber."

He motioned to the other Lizardlings, who each began to unwrap the bundles they carried.
"Your weaponssss." he continued. "Asss we agreed, they are yoursss again. Wew have alssso brought you water to drink. Krissss, Tzass's leutenat, hasss agreed to guide you and fight with you."

The old shaman, gently took hold of Idrial's arm and as the bundles were distributed, he discreetly led Idrial away from the group.

"I ssshall tell you a sssecret." he said, in his low, hissing voice. "Not all of the Dead Onesss have gone, and thossse Blasssphemersss who raised them are ssstill there. Worssse ssstill, the opening to the caern isss acrosss a wide ssspace. Even if you can fight your way inssside, if the Dreaming God isss there or returnsss, then I fear for you."

"There isss another way in, a sssecret way. It hasss been there for many, many yearsss. It isss the way we ssshamansss take when we have been called by the sssspirits. It is called the Door of Agesss and it leadsss down below the caern, so that we may meditate with the ssspirit of the Dreaming God withough disssturbing hisss remainsss."
"Take the Door, it may ssstill be a sssecret and lead you into the caern, but beware, the Way will tessst you...all of you."
Idrial gladly received her bow, quiver, and sword. Not taking office as Lisher grabed her arm and walked away with her she knew from his expression that he wanted to talk to her not hurt her.

She listened to what he had to say and nodded thinking things over in her mind, before she spoke.. You have shared a secret with me and now i will return the favor. We beleive the ones who raised the dreaming god, hold his soul, or spirit, in a jar or container of some type, and are controling him with this.., if we do not surive, then it is not being guarded by the dreaming one, and must be found and distroyed.... Could we send 2 of your people to search the stone table incase it was there? they may find a clue that could be useful. she waitied for his reply before turning to the others.

if this secret passage could help them then she thought that it would be the wisest corse but it was also a secret and he was telling her, not the others.. tho if they would be tested along the way they needed to have the choice to turn back now or continue.

The maine entrance he discribed even if they fought there way across would leave them sitting ducks with no cover or place to jump out of the way of his fire or if he decided to take the ground out from under them... Speaking to lishare again she said. If my compangions and i swear to keep this secret, may i tell them of the passage and the possable challanges ahead... i would give them one last chance to change there minds.
Nahele and Garik

"I am sorry if I hurt you. I would have like nothing more than to have kissed you back but I fear that we have only met and the last thing I would want to do would be to take advantage of a woman as beautiful of yourself, especially with what you; what both of us are now facing."

Sighing softly, Nahele sat on the padding of leaves she had prepared for his slumber, and hers eventually.

"It is the way of the Wood Nymph, Great Warrior. Have you not wandered why there are so few of us in the wood now?" She raised her dark eyebrows questioningly, although she truly did not expect an answer.

"The heart of the female Wood Nymph is fragile. Oh, not in the physical sense at all, as we are strong warriors and protectors just as are the men of our race. Unlike the men, however, we have...." she tossed the long dark hair behin her shoulder, wrapping her graceful arms around her knees as she brought them to her chest.

"We have a great sensitivity to emotions, of all kinds. In particular, the emotion of love and affection. Should a female Wood Nymph loose her mate suddenly, she can and probably will die. It is not unheard of for a female to survive, but that is usually after her mate has been ill for an extended period of time and the time of ending has been prepared for. It is said to be a ... cruel death, to die of a broken heart."

Nahele shivered as she remembered her own mother wasting away in pain and misery.

"I am unsure as to what that nyght spirit truly is, but some think they are the souls of female Wood Nymph's that can't or won't move on to the next plane; still suffering the agony of separation from their mate and searching for his soul within the bodies of those still living."

"Which would explain why she attacked you so fiercely, but not why there are suddenly so many in the woods, glade and swamp lands. Something has disturbed the Mother and she is angry."Nahele reached down to lightly caress the dark soil beneath her feet, as though it were a living, breathing being.
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The High Warrior O'Bonn

He was now once again laden with the weapons of a High Warrior of the Great Northern Lands. Royal blood flowed through O'Bonn's veins, and in time, when the Noble Houses had each their turn, he would take his place among the great kings of his land.

But that time was future. This was The Now, where here in this place of the swamp, where he and his fellowship were about to begin the end of their quest. They would soon leave with new found allies and seek the monster DreamWeaver, so that could lay to rest the evil that threatened their very world.

His armor was stained with swamp and sweat, but his bowstring was taught and waxed, and the scimitar called Talon was sharp and ready. He approached Idrial from behind and quietly, softly laid a gauntleted hand upon her shoulder.

"Blood will spill this day," he said to her, in almost a whisper, "and should it be mine, know that my last breath will speak your name. My heart shall belong to you even beyond our time, M'lady, and I will love no other."

O'Bonn then touched lightly her hair and moved off ahead of her, checking the other's readiness, yet keeping eye contact with her, letting her know he waited. She would tell him of her words with the lizardkind, and there would be plans for battle to be made.
While Idrial awaited Leshare's permission to speak of the secret he had shared with her companions giving them the choice to turn back now or continue she felt O'Bonn's hand upon her sholder and raised her own hand touching his for a moment as he spoke. She released his hand and felt his fingers brush her hair as he continued on to make sure the others were ready.

His words meaning more to her than he knew, she loved him in return, and hoped that they would both survive, but even if they both lived there was little chance his people would allow there union, for he was of Noble blood, and she a half breed. She still had to find her brother if he lived.. travling with O'Bonn, and the others often at times allowed her to forget what they accepted of each other not all of the rest of the world would.

If she survived and he fell she would keep her promise to him and travle to his homeland, with news of his death to his people, and she knew she could trust him , to find her brother, if she fell, and the dragons Drakon, LoreKeeper, Reverend, the Matriarch, and even Phalax in his own way would keep Rhy's safe.

Much had happened sence they had all begun there journy, They had lost some companions and gained new ones.... more was yet to come. As she looked at each of her companions in turn she remembered how, and when they had met. Suddenly she stepped forward they had trusted her this far....

Now.... it was Time...... We've come this far, If any wish to turn back there is no shame...we've been thru much sence meeting, and have yet only just begun.... There will be more tests along the way..

She paused giving them a chance to speak out if they wished to leave.. before saying. If I die... I want you all to know i've never had finner companions at my side.. LETS MOVE..

Turning to Leshare her decision made she said... Lead the way.. One thing still puzzled her tho... they still had yet to figure out what it was the prophacy ment, and what it had to do with her. Perhaps there awncers lay inside Dreamweavers Layer...Soon they would find out.
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Draken and Co.

The trio and the now unconscious street lunatic made their way through the street, nearing the city gate when there was a sudden commotion from behind them. many shouts of 'stop him' and 'thata way' along with many a crash and a thud. The sound of horse's hooves thundered toward the departing group and as they readied themselves for anything, a lone, black horse crashed through a street vendor's stall, sending fresh cabbages and turnips flying.

The horse was without bit and bridal, but still had a well tooled and matching black saddle and was one of the finest steeds any of them had seen for many years. The horse turned, rearing up and kicking out at the still swearing vendor and a few citizens whose curiosity had brought them too near. As the crowd fell back, the horse whirled, snapping its teeth toward another group of onlookers, and finally came eye to eye with Draken, Tiana and Silver. The horse paused a second, then trotted calmly over to the group, seeming to look at Tiana for a moment with dark, brown eyes before meekly placing its nose on Draken's shoulder.

Three new men burst into view past the ruined stall, each breathing and huffing heavily. Each wore the livery of the city guard, but none were armored or armed save for their belt knives.

"Oi," one of them called out toward Draken. "You caught him I see. Good man! Please hand him over so we can get him back, he's the personal war steed of Lord Byron you see."
Silver started to ease the man from his shoulders in case there was trouble and made sure his sword was easy in its sheath wile moving to block the guards view of his companions and what ever they might choose to do