Dragons of Gralfor OOC

cats is right Kalika. Bladesman's character isn't one of the original five Dragon Knights. He is the elven version of a dragon knight, one they could have under their control.

Cherise has gotten Pelas which I think will offer some interesting things for her.

There is one thing that I have to add. I kind of changed the storyline a bit. There are now six Dragon Knights, the five that we are playing and the sixth who has gone missing.

I'm not sure if the prince is in Riverdale though. I think that Jedi has another idea for his character which he should PM me with it soon.

Come to think of it I'm not sure that we need the prince right now.
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Alright good information all around. Is the prince the missing rider then? Also have you been in pm contact with jedi?
I think the prince might be the missing knight.

I've been in contact with Jedi. He said that he'll pm me with a character soon. I just hope that it is sooner rather than later
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I'm working on it. I unfortunately don't haven't had as much time at my computer in the past few days as I've had before. But I'm working.

Angelus, if you're around, I could potentially get my character done tonight, otherwise tomorrow night.
Jedi, can you send me a PM with a rough draft of your character as soon as possible because I would really like to see it.
nice...i can definately handle having the capital city and that awesome view :D
At least you have a view. All I have is grass as far as the eye can see.
LOL grass is useful...it can do....stuff...i give up lol

I posted yay :)
What the hell are you two complaining about? I got nothing but dwarves holes as far as the eye can see. And to make matters worse they are in the garden. My poor poor carrots.
Jedi, can you send me a PM with a rough draft of your character as soon as possible because I would really like to see it.

Sent. It'll have a different subject line than what I've been using previously.
Okay, what I forgot to mention earlier is that the knight's home in the mountains is not exactly their home. Before you start scratching your heads and asking what I mean let me explain. It was their home when they first got their dragons; so they could have a place to train, where their dragons could grow and things like that. (I don't think the king would like half of his palace destroyed if someone, namely Cherise uses a spell that kind of backfires spectacularly)

The only person that might call the place a home would be Amber but I intended the Dragon Knights to have their home in their provinces. That is why Ari would not have seen the Dragon's Roost for maybe fifty years or more. All of the Dragon Knights would more than likely live either in or near the main city of their province such as Graliel for Cherise, Delivia for Ari, Riverside for Atherron, Aelthalis for Alezal and Kergal for Amber (sorry about destroying your home there).

They would still go to their original home occasionally; like to talk about things or just get together but mainly it is home in their hearts, a place they will always remember but hardly ever go to.
A question for the group: what season is it? With my character being a farmer by birth, the season determines where he is. So, is it winter or is it summer?
can i just say yay for this storyline? i always wanted a dragon :D
Somehow I think the king would banish all the knights from the kingdom after that.

I was just looking at something with you character Kalika and cannot believe that I didn't pick up on it earlier. Is she only 15? It says her character is 215, which would make her 15 when she was bonded with Shar as she did not age at all after that. If she is then the young one comment and everything else about her character would fit but I just have to ask.
um lol no that was a stuff up on my part i didnt even notice the typo *laugh* she is supposed to be 25 :) i dont think i could handle being 15 again storyline or real lol
can i just say yay for this storyline? i always wanted a dragon :D

Who wouldn't? I think everyone would like to have a dragon sometime in their life. Think of the fun you could have with one. :D
um lol no that was a stuff up on my part i didnt even notice the typo *laugh* she is supposed to be 25 :) i dont think i could handle being 15 again storyline or real lol

Yeah, that is a slight little typo. Just a small one.

Ah come on, I think being fifteen again would be fun. For at least one day.
AHHHH! This is Wolfsister!! I repeat this is Wolfsister...

Am I getting through...?

*Stares at Angelus* The Computer Hog
LOL im only getting static wolfsister! push him harder lol :) I just acquired a sexy laptop :) so me and othe rhalf have this desktop and the laptop :D
Oh, hello. I didn't know you had multiple personalities. Who else is hiding behind that user name? :D
Alright! It's time to meet Atherron of Riverdale, the final Dragon Knight!

Name: Atherron “The Hornet”
Race: Human
Age: 220
Gender: Male
Status: Dragon Knight
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 190 lbs
Hornet’s Stinger- Hornet is not a blade, but it is a weapon; it is a bow, the best one to have ever existed. It can hurl an arrow with lethal force nearly a quarter mile, and with Atherron’s skill and eyesight, it’ll hit its target every time. The bow is coupled with a quiver that has been enchanted so that it shall never run out of arrows, as long as it is on his back, drawing energy from him to power the enchantment.

Hornet’s Sting- Very few have ever felt the Hornet’s Sting, and those who have never lived to tell about it. Hornet’s Sting is a sword with an emerald green blade, with a blue sapphire in the pommel.

Magic (strongest to least strongest): Healing, Elemental, Defensive, Conjuration, Psychic, Destructive.

Physical description: Lean and muscular, but not like a swordsman, more like a farmer and hunter. Despite having his physical age frozen at 20 years old, his face is weathered and rugged from 18 years of working the fields of Riverdale, making him look nearly ten years older than he is. His hands are rough, yet they are extremely dexterous, evidence of his life as a farmer, which he carries on to this day, despite being a Dragon Knight.

History: Atherron was born and raised on a poor farmstead in the region of Riverdale, where he worked helping his father and two brothers tend the fields and go hunting when food was needed. At the age of 18, Atherron was drafted into the army to fight the dragons, but by the luck of fate, he ended up working in the Royal Guard, protecting the King’s son.

During any battles that occurred during the two years between being drafted and the peace with the dragons, Atherron proved himself to be a skilled archer, saving many lives with well aimed shots. But Atherron never was fond of battle and bloodshed, instead preferring a peaceful life tending the land and helping others.

Atherron still maintains the farmstead that he grew up on in Riverdale. He spends more time at his farm in Riverdale than he does anywhere else; in fact, during the spring and summer months, he can only be found working on his farm, the only thing marking him as a Dragon Knight being his dragon sometimes working with him nearby. During the fall and winter months, he travels all across Riverdale, visiting some of the more remote places of the region.

Amazingly enough, while Atherron resides at his farm and it is widely known who and what he is, he’s left alone; the people do not come to him with every little problem to be sorted out. This is due to the fiercely independent nature of the people of Riverdale; if they can solve the problem themselves, they’ll do it, frowning upon any outside assistance unless it was asked for. The only times that the people of Riverdale will bother Atherron involve problems that the people can’t handle themselves, such as severe injuries that are beyond the abilities of any but Atherron.

Name: Shela
Age: 201
Gender: Female
Color: Forest Green
Eye color: Brown
Breath weapon: Green fire that will only set fire to the intend target(s)

Physical description: 50 ft long with an 85 ft wingspan.

History: Ever since Shela had been old enough to communicate with Atherron, the two of them have been fighting like an old married couple. But despite the near constant bickering between the two of them, it is obvious that they love each other, as only a pair of beings with a bonded soul could.

Shela is a lithe dragon, despite her size, enabling her to move about easily in confined spaces that would normally be a problem for other dragons her size and larger.

Like all dragons, Shela is a predator at heart, taking an instinctual pleasure out of battle as another form of hunting. However, unlike other dragons, Shela doesn’t mind helper Atherron tend the fields of their farm in Riverdale; in fact, when she isn’t out flying or hunting, she would prefer helping him rather than doing anything else.

Another thing that is makes Shela different from other dragons is her fire: it only burns what she wants it too. This means that she could be inside a building, intend to start a fire in the fireplace, breathe her fire full blast, and set only the wood in the fireplace on fire, leaving the surrounding area untouched, if a little warmer.
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Yay. That's all the Dragon Knights here!

Let us have fun with this thread because I plan to have fun with everyone that takes part in it. It is going to be very...... interesting muahahahahaha
I'd love to have some fun, but first, what season is it in Gralfor? Winter, Spring, Fall, or Summer?