Actually, I am waiting until I can get access to my step fathers note book which is where Ezmi's character sheet is... Probably the earliest that's going to happen is this tuesday... Sorry for holding you all up...
I am quite new to Literotica, but I am by no means new to role-playing or D&D for that matter. I have played D&D for quite some years, and I was curious as to whether or not there was room in this thread for another player. I can roll the stats and be legit. My only possible concern is fighting. I am quite familiar with body mechanics and fluidity, will it cause any problems if I avoid hits using that knowledge. I am more than willing to take a hit if that would cause a problem, or if I see no way out of it without seriously breaking the rules and thereby angering people.
well i'm not going to make us roll things out as it stands now, but we are going to use logistics and there will be lots of hits an misses successes and failures in everything in this thread if someone isn't playing by the law of averages in their posts i'll pm them to start being more believable.
yeah I don't think the sheet will be all that neccisary. we really won't be rolling anything out the putting stats down and stuff is just a way to see what they are good at and what I'll allow available to them at a given point in the game.
Evening. Just posting to let you know that I still have an interest in joining this story. Still waiting to gain access to my character sheet, unless of course, someone happens to have PDF copies of the D&D books that they wouldn't mind sharing with me.
Heey! You know, just so happens I'm an old hand at D&D, way back from when it used to be AD&D! So, if there's space, and you don't mind a tag-along, I'll get a guy rolled up in a couple of ticks
Name: Pavel
Alignment: True Neutral
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Race: Human
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 174 lbs
Class: Rogue
Level: 1
A travelling man of dubious repute, Pavel makes his way from town to town under the guise of a carpenter selling wares. His true motivation lies with the generation of wealth through the most expediate means (more than his woodcrafting would generate). Living by his wits, Pavel is ever on the lookout for an easy mark.
I thank ya kindly, Tymeless. I appreciate the offer. No offense cats, but I'd rather not open up my computer with a torrent program. Security and all that good stuff, you know?