Dungeons and Dragons: The time of Dragons. (ooc and casting call)

Thank you Screech for the suggestion. I'll take it into consider when the time comes to make a new character. I already have one and the basics are set. All I need is to figure out the level progression for a sorcerer/fighter/dragon disciple.

And I understand that there are dozens, if not a hundred, books out there for D&D and that there are different versions, like 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, etc.. Truth be told, I have absolutely no idea which version I used to originally create my character.
Here's my char

Gender: Female
Name: Seregmethal “Sar” Lakeshimmer
Race: High Elf/Glaistig
Class: Ranger
Age: 56
Eyes: Crystal blue
Hair: flowing knee length white hair
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 96lbs
Other physical features: legs are covered in a thin, soft white fur. Black toe nails (painted white)
Alignment: CN (leaning more toward good than evil)
Level: 1 (ECL 3)
Hp: 10
AC: 17 (touch: 13)
Attack: 1
Melee: +4
Ranged: +4
Grapple: +7
Feats: Improved Grapple
Saves: Fort 4, Ref 5, Will 3
Stats: Str 16 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 22
Class Features:
Ranger: Favored Enemy: Humans +2
Track, Wild empathy

Racial Features:
Elf: immune to magic sleep spells and effects, proficient with rapier, bows, +2 racial bonus in listen spot and search checks, passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a search check to notice the door.
Half-Glaistig: Swim 40ft, Waterbreathing, +2 Natural AC, DR 2/cold iron, Lowlight vision, Immunity to enchantments, racial bonuses +2 Bluff and Sense Motive, +8 Swim, may always take 10. May run in a straight line.
Blood Drain: when pinning a victim, drains 1d4 Con
Beguiling Song: while singing, a half-glaistig may attempt to charm its listeners based on its HD. Works underwater and above water.
1-4 HD Charm Person: 1 person w/in 30yd (DC12+Cha mod)
Spell like abilities: 1-2HD Dancing Lights 3/day

Languages: Sylvan, Elvish, Common, Aquan, Goblin (knows it, but you’ll never catch her speaking in that “foul abomination of a language”)

Skills: Bluff +2 racial bonus +6 Cha = 8
Diplomacy 4 ranks +6 Cha = 10
Sense Motive +2 racial bonus +3 Wis = 5
Perform Singing 4 ranks +6 Cha = 10
Gather Info 2 ranks +6 Cha = 8
Knowledge Nature 4 ranks +2 Int = 6
Knowledge Local 1 rank +2 Int + 3
Survival 4 ranks +3 Wis = 7
Swim +8 racial bonus +3 Str = 11
Move Silently 3 ranks +3 Dex = 6
Spot 2 ranks +2 racial bonus +3 Wis = 7
Search +2 racial bonus +2 Int = 4
Listen 2 ranks +2 racial bonus +3 Wis = 7

Note: I customized the half-fey template (Fiend Folio) to fit her heritage.
Sar (like Sarah) is the only child of a young high elf ranger and a glaistig (MMIII). She split her childhood between them; frolicking in the water, dancing, drinking blood, and learning about fey with her mother; learning about the forest and civilization with her father.
Now, she lives on her own on a small lake near Stonekeep. To satisfy her craving for blood (she only needs about 2 Con a week on average, but loves blood above all other food and drink), Sar uses her beauty, charm, and sex to get people to agree to allow her to feed on them. She also feeds on animals, when humanoids aren’t available or willing, but they don’t taste as good. Often the animals she feeds on are from the butcher shop since all that blood would be going to waste otherwise. She also has an arrangement with the local law enforcement. She patrols the area around the city, hunting bandits, dangerous creatures, and capturing escaped criminals. In return, she is allowed to feed on convicted criminals with life sentences, and drain those sentenced to death as well as any bandits she catches. This arrangement is under the table, the populace (and most criminals) doesn’t know about it. All the population knows is that she is on good terms with the authorities, is an ok person, and great in bed (if your willing to part with some blood).
When attempting to solicit blood from a humanoid (gender is irrelevant), she first tries Diplomacy, if that fails, she tries to charm them. If that fails one of three things happens: 1.) she becomes very angry at the one refusing her (insult to her high opinion of her beauty), 2.) she is impressed with the person’s self restraint and depending on how they treat her, she treats them with greater respect or becomes friendly to them (will ask for blood now and then, but will not be offended if told No), 3.) or she may become infatuated with the person.
She is proud of her fey heritage, and vain about her beauty. She is a very proud woman, who gets very angry at any slight against her. Though she helps the local law enforcement, she does so for selfish reasons. She has no problem with people stealing, wolves steal from foxes and coyotes all the time (not that she won’t get pissed if something is stolen from her). She loathes vampires above all undead, for copying the glaistig’s blood drain. She is also very offended at being mistaken for a vampire. She is very protective of nature, despoilers and those who take without returning something (lumbermen planting young trees in areas they have cleared for example) face her wrath.
Although her scimitar is her most prize weapon, she uses her staff the most since it doesn’t spill all that yummy blood on the ground.
Her greatest fear is a vampire turning her into one of the accursed undead, and using her as his foul bride.
Combat Equipment
Leather armor
Short bow +20 arrows
2 Daggers
Me, but i'm waiting for someone else to post. I'm not really in the ensuing conversation
I'm working on getting my character ready to introduce, finally. So, I'll be joining this merry band of misfits in the next day or two.
Well jedi 4.0 is about to come out so our character isn't 4th edition. The next major question is the characters AC it 15+ your likely 3, or 3.5 if lower then ten then second edition or before. (Actully it occurs to me feats are an essier way to do the same thing.)

I think I am still in.

I may also be posting another DnD thread soon. It won't compete howver because I plan to start at level 15+ and focus on two books I have scarcly used Epic players handbook and Deties and Demigods.
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Well jedi 4.0 is about to come out so our character isn't 4th edition. The next major question is the characters AC it 15+ your likely 3, or 3.5 if lower then ten then second edition or before. (Actully it occurs to me feats are an essier way to do the same thing.)

I think I am still in.

*Passes his hand over his head* Say what? I've already figured out which edition my character is: 3.5.
So whatwas the hand pass then? The game notice or the process to find the character.
So whatwas the hand pass then? The game notice or the process to find the character.

The hand pass thing was to show that what you said went way over my head. In otherwords, I didn't understand it.
The entire thing or just part. (given misunderstanding a key part couldcase the entire passage to be incomprehensiable.)
The entire thing or just part. (given misunderstanding a key part couldcase the entire passage to be incomprehensiable.)

I understood that the idea was to figure out which version my character was. The rest just soared over my head.
Well basicly, if a character has feats it must be 3.0 or 3.5 because earlier versions were before feats were introduced. Also in vesrion 3.0 and 3.5 you want a high armor class but in earlier versions the oposite is true.

At the end of the post was a heads up for a thread I am considering.
Well basicly, if a character has feats it must be 3.0 or 3.5 because earlier versions were before feats were introduced. Also in vesrion 3.0 and 3.5 you want a high armor class but in earlier versions the oposite is true.

At the end of the post was a heads up for a thread I am considering.

Ah, thanks for clearing that you. Also, I didn't see the add-on to the post about the thread you plan on starting until you just mentioned it here.
At Long Last...

I introduce my character.

Name: Ephias - alias Sam
Age: about 30
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 260lbs
Lvl: 6 (Sorcer 4/Fighter 2)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 16

Base Attack Bonus: 3

Initiative: +5

Fort: 6
Reflex: 2
Will: 4

AC: 16

MW Heavy Mace (attack bonus +6, damage 1d8 +2)
MW Long Sword (attack bonus +7, damage 1d8+2)
MW Long Bow (attack bonus +5, damage 1d8+1)

Improve Initiative
Weapon Focus: Longsword
Dragon- Copper (Hide)
Draconic Skin
Draconic Claw

Bluff - 4 ranks
Climb - 1
Concentration - 5
Craft (Trap making) - 3
Hide - 2
Intimidate - 4
Knowledge (Arcana) - 5
Listen - 3
Profession (Hunter) - 3
Spellcraft - 7

Languages: Chondathon, Common, Draconic

Magic Items: Ring of Protection +2, Bracers of Armor +2, Ring of Chameleon Power (+10 on Hide Checks)

Physical Description: At 6’5” and 260 lbs, it’s kinda hard not to notice Sam (real name Ephias). But he does tend to be hard to spot in certain areas, due to his natural propensity for hiding. Straight black hair typically worn in braid, hazel almost golden eyes, and a scar over his left eye. His features, while not noticeable at first glance, are slightly draconic. His skin seems to have a copper tone to it, and upon a more detailed examination, scales seem to reveal themselves. The most noticeable draconic feature he has is his hands: from the second knuckle on, they are claws. He tends to wear a pair of leather gloves to hide this blatantly non-human feature.

Personality: Despite his rather intimidating appearance, Sam is quite jovial, often times speaking in riddles or rhymes. He is an incorrigible prankster, often setting up his intended victims with a treasure hunt of sorts using rhymes and riddles as clues. The end result tends to lead to the victim being caught in a rather embarrassing trap or being mildly insulted in some way. It is his own personal belief that to know one’s true name is to have power over them, which is why he goes by the alias of Sam. He adheres to this belief rigidly and will sometimes become violent if pressed for his real name. There is only one being in existence that knows Sam’s true name, and that being is his lord and master.

History: Sam grew up an orphan on the streets of some city whose name he’s forgotten. Despite his jovial nature gaining him some “friends” on the streets, he was generally feared due to his abilities. He was often jumped by other street urchins and he quickly learned how to defend himself. By his middle teens he was already bigger than most men and therefore he wasn’t jumped nearly as much. The scar that goes across his left eye was earned early in Sam’s life, when another street urchin jumped him with a small dagger. That particular street urchin made a mistake that day, attacking Sam. The boy was left bloodied up from his own knife in an alley. At the age of 20, Sam left the city in search of his heritage. After a year of wandering, he had somehow managed to find his way into the lands controlled by the one who would become his lord and master. After years of servitude to his lord and master, Sam was sent back out into the wilderness to prove himself worthy to his master. His master desired Sam’s return and so loaned him the use of all that Sam has on him, except for gold that he carries.

Sam currently resides in the town of Stonekeep where he entertains with jokes and good natured jabs at the locals in the local pub in the evening. Late at night, he works on setting up traps that do no physical harm, but are highly embarrassing to those who get caught in them, like having a bucket of some random substance be dumped on the victim’s head or being tripped or caught in a snare in the town square. There is little evidence indicating Sam as the prankster and since nobody has been physically hurt by these traps, the city guard is in no rush to find more.
He is 3 levels higher then any one else, I feel in all fairness every one should recive 3 levels... and then another 30.
He is 3 levels higher then any one else, I feel in all fairness every one should recive 3 levels... and then another 30.

I've already cleared it with Tymeless. My character just won't level up when you guys do until level 7. Plus, I kinda intend to keep my character off to the side, meaning not involved with the group except in some dialog.
Not good enough, I want 33 levels, its the only fair solution. Oh and your character can have 30 levels too.
Not good enough, I want 33 levels, its the only fair solution. Oh and your character can have 30 levels too.

You're just itching to have an epic level campaign, aren't you? Well, guess what? Some people here may not be ready for an epic level campaign, seeing as how they've never really gone through a normal campaign yet. Besides, the final verdict is left to Tymeless. Bug her, not me.
I do hope this thread hasn't died yet. I was looking forward towards refining the nature of my character.