Elven Fantasy Pt. Two.


The elder female elf fell as silent as the rest of the 12 around her for a moment, then she became animate again and nodded to Rose. "Of course, we cannot stay you Rose Gildmar, your will is your own, do as you see fit. Peace with you Child of Southwood."
Rose beamed at them and bowed deep, "Thank you so much Elders. Good day to you."

She quickly exited bumping into Thildimar and hugged him, "They gave me permission to go. I need to pack quickly. I will be right back," she kissed Thildimar lightly on the mouth then the cheek of her father and made her way to her hut packing some clothes and necessaries. She then met back with the warriors outside smiling. She stood next to her father.

Thildimar stood ridgedly after Rose had kissed him, blushing ever so slightly as he looked over to Giamond, a smirk cracking his lips. Giamond, though he was unpleased with the elders dicision, couldn't help but smile back. "Complicated times are ahead." He stated to the gathered warriors. "Keep your centers men, and we will see it through." He was saying it more for his own benifit than for anyone elses at the moment.

::Thay watched Rose leave, then sat on his bed laying his face in his hands. Could he be the father? and with Rose here in Southwood, how could he be in the childs life? That is if Rose would allow him....'Enough we shall deal with this later' He thought to himself. Standing, he grabbed his armour and strapped it on, then grabbed both his sword and pack, exiting his hut.

Once outside, Thay watched Rose rush off and knew that the Elders had given her their wishes and that she was going. Eleven strong they would be now, though Aria would be still on the mend. Thay then looked at the group of Warriors that stood before them, his eyes finally resting on Giamond.::

Good day to you all. I trust you all slept well, though some nae as well as others. Giamond, who do we have gathered with us today?

His eyes still rested with worry on Rose as she retreated to her hut to gather her things. "Myself, Thildimar, Ariadne, Rose, Rothalis, Gnayryn, Pip, Gainwyn, Ruddlayn, Rylyn, and Aryyl." Giamond spoke the names of the assembled warrior elves, each one presenting themselves in turn.

::nods to each member of his party as they were entroduced, noticing scows on a few faces and scepticism on others, but reguardless of how they felt about him, their mission was the same. They simply now waited on Rose. To break the silence, Thay decided to speak to his band::

My name is Thalious. I am suppost to be in charge of this band but in truth I am just here to lead you to Underdark, then lead you within it's confinds to accomplish two missions. The first mission is to get Aria's child away from the Spider-Queen, out of Underdark, and back to Southwood. The second mission is to make sure the plague known as the Spider-Queen is erraticated from our world.

::Eyes catch Rose coming from within her hut and nods::

I believe we are ready to go. We are going through a human settlement en route to Underdark, please remember to be alert as humans pose their own problems...

"I have lived among the very worst of the humans, I know what sort of trouble they represent to us." Thildimar stated as he came forward. "Only Rose and I truly know among us what to expect in the city of Browning. It holds an extra danger to me however, as I was intimately tied into the underworld of Browning, and its criminal element."
Gnayryn stares Thay in the eye during the little speech he gives them all, then nods satisfactorily to himself when the Drow has ceased talking. So it seems that your intentions are indeed noble. Very well, then, you have my tentative trust. The redhead hoists his pack onto his shoulders and hooks his thumbs through his belt, waiting to go.

(Should be noted that italics in that fashion are internal dialogue of the character)
Rose looked to her father and smiled at him. When he just looked at her with worry she said, "Im not a child. I will be fine. You should be more worried about Aria."

Rose smiles at Aria and then looks at Rothalis with discomfort. She truely wondered what had happened between those two. She shook herself mentally and then looked to Thildimar who she decided to stick close to. He was right. She did know a lot about the human world.

Lowering his eyes in thought, he found Rose to be right, Aria still could not bare her full weight on her hip just yet. He took to her side then with a nod of understanding to Rose.

The gathered party took to the path leading out of Southwood then, and in just a short time, they were well on their way, at steady pace, to the city of Browning. More than three hour passed without incident, and before them, within sight, was the city of Browning.
Rose looked at the town of Browning as they got nearer and put her hood up trying to blend in as best as possible. She stuck close to Aria, her father and Thildimar, making sure she could keep an eye on them all. She was most worried about Thildimar due to his past. She didn't want anything to happen to him.

::Thay started out right behind Gaimond, but after stopping to grab a hooded cloak from within his Pack, and pulling it on so that noone could see his ashen face, he ended up somewhere in the middle. And it was there that Thay made the better part of the trek to the human town of Browning. Now if they could get through Browning without notice or incident, then it was merely a few days travel to Underdark. He only hoped that they were nae too late::

The hairy little goblin panted through the brush surrounding the human town. He leapt between the thatches, pausing to whimper and cry as he felt the tortures of his witch-elf mistress in Hell. Rose, he had to find Rose . . . She would save him from this torment, and he in turn would protect her.

And then suddenly, after so many months, there she was, ahead of him, standing in a little group of elven warriors making their stealthy way toward the human town. Their hoods were drawn, but the smell of elf alone was enough to alert them to a keen goblin nose.

"RO-OOOSE!" Topper cried, leaping from the brush. In a flash, the elves weapons were out, and arrows sang past Topper in the air. He bounced off the side of one warrrior, and landed against Rose, bringing her down to the ground with a fierce hug. Laying in a heap among the startled party, he clung to her with his stubby fingers and his long toes, burying his face in her cloak to breathe in her scent, and her shadows.

"RoseRoseRoseRoseRose! Topper finds you, he does!"
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"Topper? TOPPER! You are alright. I was so worried about you. I thought you died," Rose clung to the goblin. "What are you doing here?"
Gnayryn, who did not bring a cloak nor sees any reason to hide ears that may very well be some strange birth defect, jumps as the little man hurtle himself at Rose. A calloused hand comes to rest on the hilt of his sword, but he does not draw the blade. And who might this be? he thinks with an eyebrow raised. The redhead hovers at the back of the group, ever watchful for sudden movements that might herald trouble.
The tower guards

As the elves aproached Browning, they could see, stretching well past thier vision on either side, a fifty foot wall of solid granite...guards towers going every 10 feet or so. They could see movement. Archers maning posts...pikemen readying spears and possible seige gear. But none made any more threatening moves than that.

And....at the city's doors, stood two pikemen, their spears reaching to the top of the twelve foot door. The spears crossed, and one held out his hand.

"Halt strangers. You come to the city of Browning, Capitol City of Korg's kingdom. State your buisness."

After having explained to the rest of the party who Topper was, and quelling any more hostilities, Giamond led them to the city gates. There, he presented himself, the elves of Southwood that were with him, Thalious, Rose, and finally Topper to the guards standing before them, barring their way into the city. With a quick nod, Giamond indicated to his men to either peace string their weapons or hand them over to the guards for safe keeping. Turning back to the two guards, Giamond spoke.

"We have come to seek shelter in browning for the night, for our journey is long, and we would not want to be caught out in the open wilderness by night, in the morning we will leave." Giamond stated, taking out his weapons peacefully and handing them over to the guards. "I would ask an audience with the king, for myself, and three others." Giamond pointed out Thalious, who had his hood drawn, Thildimar, who crossed his arms, and Ariadne, who leaned upon Rothalis's shoulder. "It is of the utmost importance to us, and our quest."
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Rose looked to her father as he talked and then to Topper who was next to her. She wanted to talk to him at a longer length and find out why specifically he was here. She kept silent feeling her shadows wrap around her in comfort and kept hidden under her cloak.
Gnayryn extracts a leather thong from his pack (OOC: No, not the kind you're thinking of :p) and ties it around the hilt and sheath of his sword. From far enough away, the weapon looks peace-bonded, enough to get passed the guards, but he is far too warey of large cities to actually bind his weapon. He waits for their admittence to the city, eyeing the guards clandestinely from behind a curtain of hair.

Topper's yellow eyes stared up at Rose from out of his round face, split by a mouth full of blunt teeth, stretching from ear to round, fleshy ear. He wore only an oversized peaked cap and a pair of trousers. He scuffed his large feet in the dirt and wrapped his long shaggy arms around Rose's leg. The shadows which surrounded her flowed into him, easing the pain of his mistress' tortures. He felt the shadows move between him and the witch, and that terrible bond fading, leaving only his link to Rose in it's place.

"Topper comes back to Rose as soon as he can, he does. Almost dies, yes, from poison, but has to come to keep Rose safe. Very, very bad time for Rose. Bad time for everybody. Even in Underdark, Drow killing Drow, and the dark lady . . . " He peered around nervously and whispered "The dark lady's spies are everywhere. Suspects her own people even, she does."

::Seeing Gaimond surrendering his weapons, Thay in turn did the same, but he only surrendered his rune engraved sword, nae his daggers he kept hidden on his person, one on his belt that looked like a silver buckle and the other within his boot. He too was far less trusting of humans, and since he was a Drow it would only make him more of a target.

As he was surrendering the sword to the guard he overheard the goblin talking about Drow killing Drow and a sudden fear washed over him that unless the resistance forces could survive the Queens drones, they would be of little help within Underdark.::

As the party milled forward to present their weapons to the guards, Giamond slipped over to Rose and Topper. "That's enough, no more talk of it now." He said, scoldingly, placing a hand upon the goblins head.

Thildimar stepped up to the guards, showed his twin blades, and proceeded to peace string them. As he stepped out of the way for the next elf to show his weapons, Thil looked back to Rose, giving her a knowing smirk, and a wink. A moment later, he was as stolid as ever, once more.

Rothalis came forward, asking the elf behind him to support Aria for just a moment. Emulating his Tutor, Rothalis passed his weapons over to the guards, and then took Aria under the arm again, to help her walk.
Rose nodded to her father then whispered to Topper, "Hush it will be ok. Let us not talk of it."

Rose wearing no weapons just stayed close to Topper and waited to be let into the city.
The City Gates....

Holding up his hand, the guard gave a programmed smile. "No need to hand over weapons, " he said, pushing Thildimar's blades back, as well as everyone else's. "We're peaceful here, and trusting, to a point. We'll allow you to keep weapons, but we well take your party leader's name."

Pulling out a small leather encased peace of parchment, he asked for the party leaders name. The elf named Giamond stepped forward, giving his name. "Now, " the gaurd said, focusing on him, "We're going to hold you responsible, for anything that happens in town. Our laws are simple, which I'm sure the king will express to you when you have your meeting with him." At that, the guard motioned for someone, and a thin, but well built young man came forward. "Inform the king that an elven convoy wishes to speak with him." "Right away sir." The young man took off.

The gaurd stepped forward now, eyeing each and every one of the party members, lastly focusing on the goblin. "I'll warn you, " he said, looking at the goblin, but talking to Giamond, "He'll not be welcome in some places. You keep your eye on him, and we wont toss him in with the rest of the trash."

Stepping back, he and the other guard pushed the gates open.

"Welcome to Browning."......
Gnayryn gives the guardsmen a polite nod as he passes them, resisting the urge to put a cautionary hand on the hilt of his sword.

Once inside the city his eyes dart around, taking in every feature of the immesdiate area he can. He stops to wait for the others to come through the gate, providing there isn't too much traffic on the street.