Female Lit authors: How much unsolicited sexual advances have you dealt with as a result of your writing?

Yeah. Or three times.

Was actually thinking of a spin-off Na-ri and Duxie story, now my great granddaughter has become effectively omnipotent.

Working title: Honey, I Fucked The Squid.

Um, The Boys... The Deep does this. Well, it was an octopus, but, yeah, he fucked it.
By posting stories on Lit, you are a sex worker. We are all sex workers. Unpaid, perhaps, but sex workers nonetheless. Let's tap the brakes on besmirching other sex workers who do make their living selling pictures of their tits.

To answer the actual question, no. Never once in... nearly 10 years, unless you count my girlfriend.
I agree and disagree. To me, we provide a service when he submit erotic stories, smut, etc. that arouses people sexually, but that doesn't mean anyone deserves to be accosted, disrespected or hit on by others just because we write something that turns them on. That is like saying a Hooker deserves to be raped because she sells her body for a living. There are a lot of people who don't write or submit anything in these forums that do not deserve to be sent pornographic material or accosted to sell pictures of themselves.
If someone wants to see my goods, look around, I posted it somewhere in these forums. :nana::LOL::ROFLMAO:
Interesting thread and being so, begs a question.

No offence meant, but when you post a sexualized story on Lit, what kind of response were you expecting?
Interesting thread and being so, begs a question.

No offence meant, but when you post a sexualized story on Lit, what kind of response were you expecting?
I know, right?

I was out with my bf before Xmas. We got a drink. He went to the restroom. While he was gone, I had three drunk guys want to “talk” to me. I mean what response did I expect? I had forgotten to wear my burka and I had no male relative chaperoning me. My bad!

Interesting thread and being so, begs a question.

No offence meant, but when you post a sexualized story on Lit, what kind of response were you expecting?
I would think from a female perspective that offence is probably taken. A female author certainly wants feedback about what she is writing about and just because she has put her imagination to work and written erotica doesn't mean it's any part of her real life. Maybe it is, maybe it's just a fertile imagination, maybe it's fantasy. As a male, it is hard for me not to conjure up an association between the author (male or female) and what has been written. More so with females (or authors who hide behind a female persona) but that's just fantasy in my own mind. Sending unsolicited photos of a sexual nature is simply abhorrent and really shouldn't be tolerated by society. And requesting those types of photos from a random person seems equally wrong. There is a plethora of photos freely available on the internet to satisfy anybody's carnal appetites.

I will freely admit that amateur photos/videos are where it's at for me personally so I can see the allure of female author photos of a sexual nature but as with any consensual act, I think the female takes the lead and sets the boundaries.
I would think from a female perspective that offence is probably taken. A female author certainly wants feedback about what she is writing about and just because she has put her imagination to work and written erotica doesn't mean it's any part of her real life. Maybe it is, maybe it's just a fertile imagination, maybe it's fantasy. As a male, it is hard for me not to conjure up an association between the author (male or female) and what has been written. More so with females (or authors who hide behind a female persona) but that's just fantasy in my own mind. Sending unsolicited photos of a sexual nature is simply abhorrent and really shouldn't be tolerated by society. And requesting those types of photos from a random person seems equally wrong. There is a plethora of photos freely available on the internet to satisfy anybody's carnal appetites.

I will freely admit that amateur photos/videos are where it's at for me personally so I can see the allure of female author photos of a sexual nature but as with any consensual act, I think the female takes the lead and sets the boundaries.
This 🙄🙄🙄
Interesting thread and being so, begs a question.

No offence meant, but when you post a sexualized story on Lit, what kind of response were you expecting?
I know that you intended no offense, so I will do my best to answer it with a good faith interpretation of your question.

"What kind of response was I expecting?"

I was hoping that people would praise my writing, my ideas, and my word-craft. I was expecting that guys would probably tell me that they found my story arousing.

Also, I was prepared for the fact that some guys would take it further than I wanted, and I'd have to politely shoot them down. That still doesn't make their advances "solicited".

I didn't attack any of the guys who sent me unsolicited sexual advances. I just told them no, and that was that. I did report one guy who violated Lit's TOS when he approached me, but I wasn't even rude to him.

Literotica and similar websites mean considerably different things to different people. Some people use it as a hookup site (or at least try to). Some people use it for RP.

I use it for publishing dark, sexy stories, and that's all I'm interested in. Well that and socializing with another authors.

The idea that expecting sexual requests was a given is incorrect, imo. Although I know that some people disagree with me.
When I was courting my ex wife, I revealed my hobby as an erotic writer to her just to see what would happen. The relationship was rocky and I wanted to show her erotic stories aren’t automatically a bad thing. Or if she pushed their negativity as the media commonly does, I would break up with her with no regrets over differences of opinion. She read some of my stories and admitted she’d enjoyed them. I was surprised and relieved. Still wasn’t interested in writing more for years, the real relationship was more interesting to me, but a few years after it ended, I got back into my old hobby. And my ex is still a professed fan, though we’re not together anymore. Just friends in limited contact. Heh. I even have a nod to the relationship in my MMC’s being on his second marriage. Someday I may further detail the first, but I want to keep it positive even though it’s over for obvious reasons so give me time. The V-Day event might be of interest. ;)
I've only published one story on Lit so far, so it's a small sample size for me. To date, I haven't received anything I would call an advance, at least not from the story. I get stuff frequently (but not as much as I used to) in the forum, but that's related to what I post there, not from my story.

I have received weird and unsolicited suggestions for furthering my story, but I know male authors here who get the same thing... 🤷‍♀️
I know, right?

I was out with my bf before Xmas. We got a drink. He went to the restroom. While he was gone, I had three drunk guys want to “talk” to me. I mean what response did I expect? I had forgotten to wear my burka and I had no male relative chaperoning me. My bad!

Exactly this. ❤️

I've always thought it would do men a world of good to just spend one day of their lives as a woman. And the other way around too... I might be fun to offer help for a change, rather than men always thinking I need help with everything because I'm a woman, 5' nothing, and petite. Yes, I really can change my own oil. Don't run across the street and ask if I want help when I am halfway through... Oh.. sorry... Tangent... 😉😁
I have received weird and unsolicited suggestions for furthering my story, but I know male authors here who get the same thing... 🤷‍♀️
I can attest to this. Some of them are very detailed. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but... no.
Exactly this. ❤️

I've always thought it would do men a world of good to just spend one day of their lives as a woman. And the other way around too... I might be fun to offer help for a change, rather than men always thinking I need help with everything because I'm a woman, 5' nothing, and petite. Yes, I really can change my own oil. Don't run across the street and ask if I want help when I am halfway through... Oh.. sorry... Tangent... 😉😁
We need to form a shorties club 😊