Final Fuckasy (closed for UnHolyPimpHand)

In the limo, Coreno’s latest playthings draped their bodies over him like pimp’s necklaces, sprawling their bodies over his chest and belly. 03 and 02 sat beside him, while Tifa and 01 were across from him. While 03 and 02 had the best position no doubt, Tifa and 01 could still reach across the small space between themselves and Daddy in the limo and caress his legs.

As the drive began, Daddy shooed all the girls away but 03. He gave the dumbest one the privilege of sucking his cock. The others didn’t see how it was fair - she’d slept for half the bukkake exhibition anyway! But they wouldn’t dare speak out against Daddy.

Aerith 03 sucked happily on his cock as if she were programmed to do so. It was nice to suck a cock of her own accord, using her hands to pleasure him as well and reposition as she needed - a wonderful contrast to having been tied to the porch pole at the mercy of strange men. She felt safe with Daddy. Her Creator had told her she and her sisters belonged to Don Coreno now - Daddy - and Aerith 03 was taking that as her purpose in life.

She sucked his cock worshipfully, gazing up at him with her obedient, eager yet dull green eyes. Aerith 03 hummed happily around his cock, then choked slightly as she pressed down further, eager to taste more of him. She was created to be a lustful little flower.


Kyrie loved any attention, and Madam M had loads to give. She held the younger woman from behind, her hands running up and down her body even after she’d finished measuring every inch of nubile young flesh.

“I wish I’d kept you for myself before that hick got his grubby, little, stable-stinking hands on you,” the older woman cooed into her ear.

Madam M lifted her skirt and Kyrie gasped lightly, wondering if Madam M was going to insist on using her eager little mouth, but then she simply clipped her stockings to her garter belt. She felt her supple ass as she did so.

“Go on then, Kitten. Show your Papa how pretty you look, but tell him that I expect perpetual VIP access to you and that eager little tongue of yours.”

“I’ll tell him,” Kyrie giggled. She let out a light shriek when Madam M clapped her fan between her asscheeks. Kyrie gave Madam M a kiss on the cheek and thanked her profusely before she left. Now that Madam had her measurements, she was sure she was going to be surprised with an assortment of adorable outfits.

Kyrie found Sam outside smoking a cigarette.

"Headmaster!" She called in a singsong voice. "I'm ready for my punishment," she said eagerly. She did a little twirl in front of him then bent over the railing outside Madam’s shop. Her skirt was just short enough to show off the bottom round globes of her pert, teenage ass.

Kyrie glanced back, smiling sweetly. “Oh, and Madam M wanted me to tell you that she gets VIP access to me whenever she wants.” She wiggled her ass enticingly in his direction. “I hope you two can play nice now,” she joked, smirking.


Jessie could hear an intimidating whipping sound coming from the BDSM suite as she approached. No one had explicitly told her Heidgegger had booked the BDSM suite, but the decor and screams quickly gave it away. Leading up to the room was an assortment of fun wall hangings - whips and chains and strips of leather.

Jessie thought about running, but only for a moment. Her legs trembled as she finally stood outside the door. She was going to fuck Heidegger, or rather, get fucked by him. She knew from the look in his eyes during her performance that this was personal for him - he knew exactly who she was.

Was she a complete fool for walking straight into his dungeon despite knowing that truth? Why was she even going? Money. Sex. Pleasure. Her mind answered. Her head still buzzed with the yellow jacket she’d taken before her performance. Her leotard felt wet at the center, but she wasn’t sure if it was from her own arousal or Heidgegger’s passionate tongue lashing earlier.

She took a deep breath and put on her signature happy, carefree smile. Then she opened the door.

“Here I am! Told ya I’d see you after the show.” Jessie said cheerfully. She shut the door behind her then tried to smile at him, but the look of rage in his face was hard to smile at.

She took in her surroundings quickly. Yep, proper BDSM dungeon. Jessie gulped and lingered near the door, but quickly thought better of that position and moved into the middle of the room, as not to show fear. “How do you want me?”


Aerith was not as anxious as Tseng, for although she’d been hunted by Shinra all her life, she’d also evaded them. She was confident they could make it out. Aerith was used to being on the run, always fleeing from the Turks. This was no different. Unfortunately, she’d just been captured this time, but different this time was she had a Turk on her side.

She fumbled with her ponytails and helmet as they rounded a corner. She was sure she had it, but Tseng maneuvered behind her and tucked them underneath her helmet for her, telling her the plan as he did so.

Aerith did her best to mimic Tseng’s walk as she followed him down the hall like a soldier, though she felt anything but. Her heart beat faster when they walked inside Rufus’s office. She followed Tseng’s lead and saluted cocky Vice President Shinra as well, but didn’t directly look at him. One look at her face and Rufus would quickly realize she wasn’t a Shinra employee. Aerith supposed Tseng was banking on Rufus being too self-absorbed to notice a lowly soldier.

Rufus was in a bad mood, angry about Heidegger out at some titty bar, though Aerith suspected this was likely his typical demeanor no matter the circumstance. Despite his irritation, he gave them permission to use a helicopter. Aerith was amazed at how smoothly that had gone.

She couldn’t get out of Rufus’ office fast enough and when they were safely alone again on their way to the chopper, Aerith murmured softly, “Wait, what about Cloud? My bodyguard. Do you know what happened to him?”

She’d feel absolutely terrible if something horrible had happened to him. It would be kind of her fault for hiring him as her bodyguard. Or was all this his fault for not being strong enough to defend her from the Turks in the first place?

Aerith shook her head, frustrated with herself. There was no sense dwelling on the past. She had to think about herself now, and this was her opportunity to lose.


As the limo neared their next destination Don deemed it time to name his lovely pets. It was only fitting they were all named after flowers or bees. 01 and 02 were happy to have an identity at last. For a newly born clone, for any living human, identity was important. Tulip and Daisy were a little jealous they weren’t deemed Honey, for it seemed the most unique name of all, but they knew better than to complain, especially when they were too mesmerized watching the pleasured expression on Daddy’s face as Honey sucked his monstrous cock. Tulip had felt it against her backside as he’d grinded against her on the dancefloor, but it seemed even more monstrous now watching little Honey try to down it all. It had grown from her sister’s touches and hot, eager mouth.

Honey didn’t understand the big deal of having any particular name. Having Daddy stare at her and talk to her in such a loving way was enough for her. She sucked his cock like it was her favorite treat - because it was! Honey moaned softly as she sucked in happy bliss.

Tifa, Daisy, and Tulip were jealous of Honey, whose apparent lack of a brain and worshipful nature was a huge turn on to Don. Even Tifa in her bimbo materia could not compare to the genuine joy Honey got from pleasing Daddy. Her hands worked the base of his shaft she could not fit in her mouth, not skillfully but with a desperate raw desire her sisters could not match.

At last the limo reached its destination and the cum-covered clones and Tifa emerged. They were immediately ushered into warm, soft robes and hurried away.


After their showers, the clones and Tifa were separated.Tifa followed her attendant to the dressing room by the arena. She was dressed in her black athletic skirt and belly shirt for the first time since becoming Don Corneo’s latest bimbo bride. The shower had felt refreshing, but she could not shake the feeling of sluggishness combined with shakiness. She just felt foggy overall, and not just from the confusion materia. Tifa was suffering from yellow-jacket withdrawals. She needed another boost of that sweet nectar.

Coreno was waiting for her in the dressing room.

“Daddy!” Bimbo Tifa squealed when she saw him. She ran up to him and grabbed him in a fierce hug. “I missed you.”

“Hello, my sweet wife,” Corneo cooed, giving her a deep, sloppy kiss while squeezing her ass in one hand and her tits in the other, “lie back on that table. Daddy’s got some new presents for you!”

Tifa moaned softly as he squeezed her assets, then lay back on the table obediently. Like yesterday, he had another assortment of toys for her. He popped each in one at a time. Tifa gasped and mewled at his touch. Soon she was stuffed full of delightful little toys in both her pussy and asshole.

“See you soon, dear,” Corneo smirked, replacing her panties and then clasping a rather intense looking chastity belt over the entire array, “next time I see you, I’ll be talking to you on that TV.”

“Okay Daddy, thank you for my presents,” Tifa said, giggling. The toys weren’t even activated yet and she was already moaning in anticipation. The chastity belt was tight on her thighs and ass, holding everything snug inside her.

The moments after he left were agonizing. Bimbo Tifa wiggled her hips in anticipation for whatever he had in store. The attendant lingered close by. As the TV in the room finally flickered to life, Coreno spoke to her once more. She was no longer his “sweet” wife, she was back to being his whore wife as he was caressed by the clones whores that surrounded him. Honey was seated in his lap, rubbing her little stinger all over his crotch.

For some reason, Tifa did not feel so jealous as angry. Very angry. A sudden, piercing rage. Her head still ached but her neck felt lighter. She turned her head to the attendant as the fog partially lifted. Everything was starting to come back in a rush. She couldn’t make sense of it all, but she knew one thing - she had to get out of here! It was like she’d been hit with the enraged status effect. Tifa lifted her leg to roundhouse kick the attendant, fighting instincts not yet lost, but Don was fast on the button. With a flick of his finger on his remote device, all of the vibrators activated inside her at once.

Tifa gasped and her kick faltered. She fell down to her knees, panting. The beautiful fighter screamed in frustrated anger, slamming her fists on the ground.

“Don’t be naughty, now,” Corneo scolded as Tifa writhed on the floor. “I’ve brought you here to give you an opportunity! A chance to escape this place and regain complete control of your bar—ho-ho-hi-hi!” Corneo was tickled with himself, squeezing Honey’s butt lewdly in front of the camera, “if you can win five straight matches, fighting in my arena—I’ll release you altogether! I have no need for a sullen, obstinate whore in my stable—and this one here is plenty of braindead bimbo for me. If you win, you can go back to some semblance of your old life—though Barret might look at you differently—ho-hi-hi-hi!”

“But if you lose, not only will you play a punishment game—live, in the arena—but you’ll agree to become my slut wife willingly and attempt all the duties theretofore pertaining to the best of your abilities. Or, you could go back to being a mindless fuck doll again until I get bored of it… your choice. What do you say, Tifa Lockheart? Will you fight for your old life, even at the risk of losing yourself for good?”

By the end of his speech he’d finally stilled the vibrators so Tifa could think straight to consider her options. She was livid. And humiliated. She couldn’t believe the whore she’d become in the past days. She knew it was due to the Bimbo necklace and yellow jacket pills, but it was still absolutely humiliating what he’d turned her into… what people she thought she trusted had eagerly accepted as her new reality.

She considered Don’s offer. She better win these fights, else she’d have to be with him willingly! Or she could choose the bimbo option… until he tired of her. What did that mean? Until he killed her? She had heard rumors about his disappearing wives… There truly didn’t seem to be a way out of this situation. She could never be his slut wife willingly! But would she die first? She wasn’t sure. Her head was pounding. The sex had been amazing. But she’d been drugged. She couldn’t trust that. He was an unappealing runt of a man, but his cock was so… fuck! Were there still some lingering effects? She stood up and punched the lone vending machine in the room, shattering the glass easily. It was a good thing they’d given her back her gloves or she’d have hurt herself. Angry, frustrated tears fell from her eyes. She was infuriated with Don Corneo, but more than that she felt so betrayed!

How could Barret and the others do this to her? Wedge, calling her all those names… even Biggs who volunteered at an orphanage had taken advantage of her! And that general store guy, ugh!! Worse still, she’d drunk up all their cum, like a dirty cum slut! And she’d liked it, reveled in every moment. That wasn’t her. That wasn’t…

How could their plan have gone so wrong? She couldn’t understand it. She wanted to kill Don Coreno. What he’d done to her was unforgivable.

She would fight for 7th Heaven. Fight for her old life… or at least her freedom. The world was a lot bigger than the slums and Midgar. If she won maybe she could run away to Costa de Sol or something, because there was no way she was going back to her old life after this. How could she possibly trust anyone ever again?

Tifa finally looked up to the TV to see his reaction as she spoke. “You expect me to fight in this condition? After everything you’ve put me through? Without any materia?.... Dumb question. Fine… I’ll face whatever you throw my way!” Tifa vowed. She slammed her fist into her gloved hand for emphasis and took her signature fighting stance. She bounced on her feet, though less energetically than one at full health.

She still had the vibrators in her holes, but they were still, at least for now. She just knew Coreno was going to use them against her. This would be by no means a fair fight, but she had no choice.

Corneo was positively delighted she was willing to participate and wasted no time in calling her out to the arena. Tifa was exhausted and withdrawing hard from the yellow jacket pills, not to mention how low she felt at all she’d been through, but still she assumed her confident fighting stance as the first round began.Tifa was a warrior, a true fighter. She would never give up.

It was Tifa vs three bloodhounds for the first round. Despite her weakened state and the pounding in her head, Tifa held her own. She kicked the hounds with all her might, sending them flying. The crowd loved every moment of the busty beauty’s struggles against the beasts… But it was too easy. She was getting off too easily, and not in the way a wife of Don Corneo was supposed to get off. Just as Tifa went to end the final dog, her new husband triggered the assortment of toys nestled inside her beneath her chastity belt and skirt. Tifa cried out and fell at the sudden and intense sensations. The bloodhound leapt on top of her and went for her neck. Tifa rolled out of the way just in time. She kicked out, hitting the dog squarely in the chest, pushing it back. Tifa screamed out in what she hoped the crowd would take for rage as unavoidable pleasurable sensations were forced upon her by her new husband.

Despite the powerful feelings, or perhaps inspired by them, Tifa pummelled the last bloodhound into submission, turning moans into screams.

She panted heavily as they dragged the dogs away. Don stopped most of the devices inside her, but he had control over each individual one, and he kept one on at a very subtle, teasing pace that left Tifa squirming her legs together.

Tifa had no time to prepare before Round 2 was thrown her way - this time one of Shinra’s giant robots, Sweeper or Cutter or Blender or whatever monstoritiy they’d come up with next. Now this was just flat out unfair - how was she to defeat a giant robot like this without any magic? Tifa grunted and assumed her fighting stance. She glared at Corneo with a hatred that surpassed any she’d ever felt. Just as the robot came charging at her, he turned on another variety of pulsing devices. Tifa mewled and dived under the robot as pleasure wracked her body. As she’d hoped the robot shot right over her, missing her completely. She scrambled to her feet on the other side.

She crippled its legs first, pounding away at the weaker, bendable material connecting the bottom half of its leg to the top. The robot fell forward, giving Tifa a better chance to target his operating systems located in the head. Just as she went to give it a whirling uppercut, Don upped the intensity on her devices and started the one in her asshole as well.

“NGhhhhhmmm!” Tifa grunted and moaned in reluctant pleasure. The robot headbutted her, pushing her with great force. Tifa grasped her head in pain. Her pussy was pulsing as her head throbbed in horrible pain. She opened her tired eyes just in time to see the robot back on its feet and scampering towards her.

Crying out in enraged pleasure as Don toyed with her, Tifa barely dodged the robot’s next blow. It’s sharp metal claw scratched the side of her face as she dove out of the way and caught on her left suspender, ripping it down. Tifa feared she would lose only in the second round. The odds were stacked against her! She ran around the arena, avoiding the robot, sobbing in pleasure as Daddy teased her with various arrangements of vibrations.

Tifa could not keep running forever, and in a last ditch effort as the robot closed in, Tifa used the arena wall as leverage to jump on top of the robot itself. She dug her fingers inside the crevices of its metal neck and twisted, sending sparks flying. She moaned as the hard chastity belt now pressed against the robot’s back as she rode it until it short-circuited, hot sparks searing her arms.

Gasping, Tifa fell from the great artificial beast, greatly weakened, shaking in pleasure and withdrawal and pure exhaustion on the arena ground. She panted heavily, trying to regain some semblance of strength. The vibrators stopped and Tifa was given a true, but brief, reprieve.

When she heard the scraping metal of the door opening to reveal her next opponent(s) she knew the third round was set to begin. Tifa was concerned what round 3 could possibly be after her difficult one on one fight with a giant robot with no materia.
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“Ho—ho—hi-hi-hi! She sure is determined, isn’t she?” Corneo had acquired a mic that was carrying his grating voice through the high-volume speakers, “you can tell that she really wants to be my slut-wife by how hard she’s fighting—and how hard she’s cumming!”

At this, the vibrators stuffed into Tifa’s ass and pussy jumped back to life, this time chasing like Christmas lights—but due to the fact that they were all stuffed inside without any semblance of order, they vibrated randomly and without precision.

“Yeah, she loves to be watched…” Corneo chuckled into the mic, turning the toys from Chase-Mode to Pulse, “up next, let’s see if she can maintain that determination when she’s going up against actual men! Can the horny slut resist their masculine vigor? Or will she settle into her natural place as a cum receptacle? Find out—now!”

As the heavy door slid upward, the four thugs all stumbled over one another, trying to rush through the heavy arena door first. They wore bags and bandanas over their faces, but their unique voices and slapstick antics identified them as the three thugs that Tifa so often beat up in her previous life.

There was the big one, towering over seven feet tall but barely functioning from some unknown brain trauma—or some undiagnosed presence on the autism spectrum. There was the Butch, the smallest craziest one with a blonde mohawk like his hero Corneo. There was Burke, tall and lanky one, wearing leather sleeves but no shirt. And lastly, there came Beck, leader and namesake of Beck’s Badasses.

Once they gathered themselves back together, Beck had acquired a microphone.

“Well, well—looks like the turns have tabled, for you Titty Tifa!” Beck mocked.

At the same moment, the big one—did he ever even have a proper name? The Big One rushed at Tifa, his arms windmilling—arm-over-arm as he charged in. It was at that moment that all of Tifa’s internals vibrated at once.


How do you want me?

Heidegger hesitated… he hadn’t expected it to be this easy. He was already planning how to track her if she’d made her escape after the show, but here she was, offering himself. How did he want her? There were so many answers—trilogies and epics worth of answers. He wanted her in so many ways—he’d wanted her for so long. In the end, he answered simply—

“Badly,” Heidegger said at last.

He rushed her then, slamming her roughly against the lavish, diamond-paneled, red cushions that lined the inside of the only door. One huge hand wrapped around Jessie’s slender neck as he shoved his tongue aggressively into her mouth. His other hand already had pushed two fingers past her leotard and inside of her. Just one of his fingers was almost the size of her slender wrist—the two of them couldn’t even fit all the way inside her—but it didn’t stop him from trying. It didn’t stop him from trying harder either.

Heidegger had to remind himself not to strangle the bitch right off the bat. Her usefulness to him diminished after she shuffled off the mortal coil, so after just a few moments, he relaxed his grip around her throat, but continued trying to penetrate her with his fingers and tongue from both ends.


Tseng hissed at Aerith, he was worried that they might not be far enough away from Rufus—even with the closed door between them. Nonetheless, he answered her out of the corner of his mouth.

“He’s not part of the deal. You’re worried about the wrong thing, anyway. You ought to be worried about flying us out of here. Turks don’t fly themselves, Rufus will be expecting you to fly the bird out of here. Once we’re clear, I can take over, but you’re going to have to take off.”

Tseng led Aerith into the pilot’s seat and buckled her in. He climbed in behind her and slapped the headphones over her helmet.

“Hold that button down and say ‘Dock Eight, holding for takeoff clearance.’” Tseng was leaning over her, indicating buttons, switches and dials on the advanced control panel, “then, while you’re waiting, flip those four switches to start the engine. When they give us clearance, you’re going to grab that stick between your legs and slowly start to pull up.”

Tseng leaned back in the jump seat and buckled in as the rotor began spinning overhead. When he was out of view, Tseng crossed himself and said a silent prayer for their dubious takeoff.


As soon as Sam caught sight of Kyrie in her new outfit, his cock stirred inside his jeans. She looked even better than he could have hoped. She was destined to be a prolific earner. He could see Gold Saucer in her future. Her name in lights—her name would need changing of course, Kyrie being too ambiguous for the wider market—kee-ree-yay, not kai-ree or kya-rye—they’d workshop some new ideas.

Though Sam didn’t share Corneo’s passion for prostitution, a manager concerned themselves with a lot of the same things as a pimp. Best not to make the tricks think about much. Thinking can lead to rethinking and that’s the enemy of profits. Corneo had told Sam once, it was advice that had come in handy as a manager more than once. He’d mentioned it to the Don once in passing, that his advice had actually been useful, but Corneo just brushed it off, joking that he should levy a tax on all earnings derived from advice he’d given and then giggling himself into fits.

“My word…” Sam said at last, reaching his hands out to gently caress her face and hip for just a moment before her performance brought her over to the fence and she bent over, attracting a little more attention from some drunkards leering from an alley across the street, he heard them chuckling, “let’s save the good stuff for private. Get some good photos of you took before I put my hands on you and mess you up. Which I am gonna, mess you up.”

Sam slung Kyrie over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing, slipping her up onto his bird before climbing into the saddle ahead of her.

“I know the perfect place for both.”

Sam clicked his tongue and steered the bird back toward the Honey Bee Inn.


In Corneo’s sky box above the arena, several of the Honey Bees had found their way over after their dancing shifts, most hoping to score some free drugs before they could attempt sleep. On this occasion, none were left disappointed—as Corneo was in a particularly celebratory mood. He’d commissioned the Honey Bees to braid crowns and garlands of tulips and daisies for his new companions while also buying any and all bits of gold jewelry to adorn Honey, his favorite, even as the pounding from his cock was causing her bounty of chains to swing around and bounce off her firm breasts.

“More champagne! More breakfast! More of everything!” Corneo called triumphantly to the private concierge that serviced the luxury boxes. As it was technically morning, Corneo was serving mimosas along with honeyed biscuits and freshly baked cinnamon rolls—most everything completely new to the clones.

The Honey Bees were delighted with the Don’s new acquisitions. Adorable and innocent like kittens or bunnies—yet completely without shame. They were a lot of fun to play with.

“Here, Tulip! This is a strawberry. Have you ever had a strawberry?” one girl giggled—only to join a louder chorus of laughter when Tulip claimed to never have tried one before.

“Daisy, Daisy! This is a pear, try this slice of pear!”

“Oh, a fig! A fig! Let her try a fig!”

The Honey Bees were having a grand time, high on Yellow Jackets and drunk on mimosas. The Honey Bees more than made up for the attention that Corneo was keeping focused on Honey while he watched the match descend into more and more lewdness and debauchery.


In the arena, the four-on-one approach had caught up with Tifa’s ability to repel them and now all four were stomping and kicking her on the arena floor. When it seemed clear that she was no longer able to do much more than writhe in pain, the Big One gathered her up by the neck in a rear-naked-choke. He strangled her face red with his massive arm, but then opened his grip as Beck raised up her top and sports bra.

Just as Beck started slapping around her naked breasts like a speed bag, the devices inside her rattled themselves back to vibrating life. Burke swung a flat, wooden paddle hard against Tifa’s thigh while Butch stripped her left boot and sock off of her foot which he took into his mouth completely.

“Ha-ha-ha! Payback is sooo sweet!” Beck wailed, slapping down on Tifa’s exposed breasts again from above, leaving a red handprint behind.

“Payback is so sweet he says! Unfuh!” Corneo was back on the mic, even as he continued rutting inside Honey, sweating and panting, “but perhaps it can be even sweeter!”

Corneo tossed something from his sky box all the way down to the arena floor. It glittered in the air for a moment while falling. Beck bent over to retrieve it.

It was a key.

Beck looked confused. He didn’t get it…
Jessie’s lust surged with Heidegger’s answer. Next thing she knew he slammed her against the padded door, his large, muscular frame completely engulfing her. He gripped her throat tightly in his big, strong hand. His aggressive, deep kiss was a preview of how he’d fuck her later. He pressed her against the door with his body weight, but left room in between their bodies so he could slip his hand between her legs.

“Ah~!” she squealed as Heidegger roughly inserted his fingers inside her, well, one of his fingers. He had a hard time getting the second one. Like the rest of him, his fingers were unusually wide.

He kept kissing her like he was fucking her, the way he moved his tongue in and out of her mouth. Jessie tried to fight for dominance with her tongue, but she was starting to get desperate for breath which made it hard to even kiss him back. Thankfully, Heidgegger released her just before she started to show signs of panic. She breathed in the air greedily.

Jessie grasped Heidegger’s strong shoulders as he found a way to force two fingers inside her pussy bit by bit. She mewled into his mouth, finally getting some hold on the kiss, swirling her tongue around his. He tasted like cigar smoke, but the erotic nature of being in a BDSM dungion with the Head of Public Safety helped the eco-terrorist overlook the gross taste of his mouth.

“I guess you liked my performance then?” She said between deep, penetrating kisses, a giggle breaking through her moans as she teased him. She wasn’t scared of him. Not yet. Jessie wanted to prolong this as long as possible. Keep him talking and fucking her for hours. The longer it lasted the more money she’d make to pay off her debt to Don Corneo.


Tifa panted hard, hands on her knees when the door lifted to reveal her next opponents. She raised her gaze wearily as her body shook in pain, exhaustion, and pleasure. What could possibly be next after a robot?

“Ho—ho—hi-hi-hi! She sure is determined, isn’t she?” Corneo had acquired a mic that was carrying his grating voice through the high-volume speakers, “you can tell that she really wants to be my slut-wife by how hard she’s fighting—and how hard she’s cumming!”

How he thought that made any sense Tifa did not know. She was trying her hardest not to cum, but Don was making that difficult. The brief reprieve he’d given her after she defeated the robot did not last long. He started the vibrators inside her. They buzzed one by one at random, teasing her insides. Tifa groaned in pleasure and rage, but mostly, great humiliation and shame as the crowd looked down upon her. She could hear the roars of the crowd echoing in her ears. All the hoots, hollars, and slurs blurred together into a cacophony.

Don really didn't want her to win. She’d known he wouldn’t play fair but this was ridiculous. Tifa couldn’t stop moaning, almost grunting, in her great effort to resist the impending orgasm Don’s vibrators were going to cause. Tifa swayed on her feet and finally fell, crying out in ecstasy as she came hard. She wondered how many familiar faces in the crowd had just witnessed her orgasming right in front of them.

“Yeah, she loves to be watched…” Corneo chuckled into the mic, turning the toys from Chase-Mode to Pulse, “up next, let’s see if she can maintain that determination when she’s going up against actual men! Can the horny slut resist their masculine vigor? Or will she settle into her natural place as a cum receptacle? Find out—now!”

As the door opened and her new opponents appeared, Coreno finally turned off the vibrations so Tifa could get her bearings before the next match. Tifa was relieved to see her next opponents were indeed, just men. In fact, they were very familiar men. The gang of thugs she, Wedge, and Biggs had roughed up from time to time for harassing people on the paths between the slums of Midgar’s sections.

Now she wished she’d killed them back then. Did Don really expect her to willingly submit to these guys? No, he knew better. He was just playing up the crowd. Corneo was counting on her failing so she’d be raped by them and the crowd could watch. It would be difficult to win without any party members, but she could do it, maybe, under normal circumstances. This morning though she was worried about her odds. She was weak from the first two battles and constantly fighting off orgasms. Don was sure to start up the vibrators any moment now. On top of that she was also coming down from the yellowjacket that had been forced upon her the night prior. Tifa was weak, but she had to believe she could do this.

“Well, well—looks like the turns have tabled, for you Titty Tifa!” Beck mocked.

At that moment, Don turned the vibrators to what Tifa suspected (hoped) was their maximum setting, for she did not think she could handle any more. No longer pulsing, they all vibrated rapidly at once. Tifa screamed at the intensity of it and fell to her knees. At the same time, the largest one rushed at her, and Tifa only just managed to scramble out of the way as he put dents into the concrete arena walls with his huge, outstretched arms. Fuck. Breathing heavily, Tifa began to feel more despair than ever! But she couldn’t give up! She had to fight!

She forced herself to her feet, yanking herself upright even as another orgasm threatened to overtake her. She rubbed her thighs together, desperate for the sensations to stop. Of course, that didn’t work, and only made her feel pleasure from a slightly different angle!

She moaned loudly in untethered enraged pleasured and took off running as best she could. Beck and his lackeys moved in on her from all angles. Don turned off the vibrators momentarily, giving her a moment’s reprieve and a brief fighting chance.

Tifa attempted a roundhouse kick when the gang of thugs finally closed in on her, hoping to generate enough force to send them toppling one into the other like dominoes, but she never got her chance as Beck grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her to the arena ground.

The next thing she knew she was surrounded by all 4 of the “Badasses” who were kicking and stomping on any part of her body they could reach. Tifa crossed her arms in front of her face in a “X” as she attempted to kick them off with her powerful legs, but it was no use. The sheer weight of the dumb stupid one was enough to hurt her even if he wasn’t using force.

“Ungh stop! Ow, ah!! Ouch!” Tifa cried. The pain of their forceful kicks was so great that she was almost relieved when the Big One grabbed her by the neck and pulled her into a chokehold so Beck could reveal her tits to the crowd. Tifa kicked back against the huge one behind her but it was no use. He was incredibly, insanely strong.

Beck began to slap her tits back and forth, one after the other, over and over. Tifa cried out in pain as her huge, floppy tits banged together. Suddenly, Corneo activated the vibrators again. Tifa had almost, just almost forgotten about them due to the pain.

“AHHHHHH!!!” She screeched, voice echoing off the arena wall as pleasure combined with pain wrecked her body. She squirmed against the Big One, crying out. Burke struck her with a paddle on her muscular thigh, which had her screaming again. She kicked Butch in the face as he stripped her of her boots and socks. She couldn’t stop screaming as they tormented her.

“Ha-ha-ha! Payback is sooo sweet!” Beck wailed, slapping down on Tifa’s exposed breasts again from above, leaving a red handprint behind.

“AHH PLEASE DON’T!” Tifa yelled. This was worse than any usual pain when it came to fighting enemies. She’d never been bested before! She had to figure a way out of this.

“Payback is so sweet he says! Unfuh! But perhaps it can be even sweeter!” Coreno’s voice echoed over the loudspeakers, He sounded like he was having sex. Tifa felt sick on so many levels. She’d nearly given up hope in her attempts to kick them away when she noticed the small golden key Corneo dropped from the sky box. It twinkled in the arena lights on its way down and clinked when it hit the concrete. The key. It could only be to one thing - her chastity belt.

Oh god. This was really going to happen. They were really going to rape her and this time she didn’t have the aid of yellowjacket to help her enjoy it! The only thing separated her from them was her chastity belt, and the only thing that stopped them from opening it was that key. The only thing was, Beck didn’t seem to have a clue what was going on

“It’s to unlock my belt, dummy,” Tifa said, enlightening him.

Perhaps she could get the jump on them while they unlocked it and removed her vibrators, but that seemed impossible, restrained as she was by the Big One. But it was her only chance. Maybe she could convince them to let the Big One do her first, the Yeah, maybe that would work…

It was her only hope to get the Big One to release her, but in doing so she’d appear like a giant whore in front of the crowd, because she had to make this convincing if she wanted to get the Big One to turn on the other 3 like that.. But they might just be stupid enough to fall for it.. It was her only chance.

As Beck fumbled to unlock her, Tifa formulated what she was going to say in her head. Beck noticed she’d stopped struggling. “What’s wrong, Titty Tifa? Finally given up?”

Tifa sighed, closed her eyes to settle herself. When she opened them again she willed some lust into them. “Corneo’s right..I am a slut. I want the Big One’s cock. I can feel it pressing against me from behind.” Tifa wriggled her ass against the Big One, trying to entice him, distract him enough to release his chokehold. His cock felt almost as monstrous as Cormeo’s.

Beck and the others hooted and hollered wildly at her response. “That didn’t take long, eh Boss?” Burke said, grinning. The small one, Butch, cackled.

“Yeah, no time at all,” Beck agreed. He’d finally gotten the chastity belt off and was now working on removing the assortment of vibrators from Tifa’s insides.

“Oh please, won’t you let me start with the guy behind me? His cock just feels so good already.” Tifa begged, looking into Beck’s eyes beseechingly and rubbing her leg against the leg of the Giant Man behind her. She did what she could to touch him with her hands too, feeling up his massive sides. “You hear that Big Guy? I want you to fuck me.” She was still swaying her hips against the Big One, hoping her words were getting through, that he would loosen his grasp…

Beck slapped her across the face for such insolence. “I’m the leader. I get to go first. Obviously,” He explained to his fellow idiots. A roar from behind said the Big One may not exactly be in agreement, aroused as he was from Tifa rubbing her body against him.

“Me go first,” he bellowed. With that he released Tifa’s throat so she’d fall down to her knees and bend over for him, but Tifa was ready for this. She leapt to one side, under the arms of the Big One and Beck. She kicked tiny Butch in the face, knocking him into the lanky Butch. The two toppled over as Tifa went running.

“Sorry boys, but you’re not going to win this fight that easily!” she declared. She pumped her fists in the air in momentary victory.

But Tifa had underestimated the fury of the Big One, his rage at being offered a willing woman for the first time in his life only to have it taken away. He rushed at Tifa like a freight train, like Barret on steroids, so Tifa couldn’t possibly get out of the way in time. He was like a honing missile. He body slammed into her, knocking her down onto the concrete floor. She kicked blindly for his groin. Fuck! Now she was really in for it…


Aerith’s inquiry about her bodyguard was not taken well by the man she’d only recently had sex with. She probably should have known that, but Aerith really did have a kind heart and just wanted to know if he was okay.

“He’s not part of the deal. You’re worried about the wrong thing, anyway. You ought to be worried about flying us out of here. Turks don’t fly themselves, Rufus will be expecting you to fly the bird out of here. Once we’re clear, I can take over, but you’re going to have to take off.”

“I-I have to fly the chopper?” Aerith whispered, a nervous shake leaking into her voice. Her thoughts of Cloud were scattered by her fear. Aerith was not one to shy away from a challenge; usually she was fearless, but she had no idea how to operate a military aircraft! They would crash at her hand.

Her heart beat frantically in her chest as Tseng locked her into the pilot’s seat then got in behind her. He placed headphones over her helmet and instructed her clearly and carefully. “Hold that button down and say ‘Dock Eight, holding for takeoff clearance.’ Then, while you’re waiting, flip those four switches to start the engine.” His body encompassed hers as he leaned over from behind, showing her where all the buttons were. Aerith found his presence comforting.

Now that she sat at the helm she felt a little more confident. Maybe she really could fly this thing! There were a lot of buttons, but with Tseng guiding her through it it really shouldn’t be too bad.

“When they give us clearance, you’re going to grab that stick between your legs and slowly start to pull up.”

Aerith did as instructed, even lowered her voice to sound more manly when she requested clearance for takeoff. When she got the all clear, Aerith lifted up on the stick excitedly, causing the aircraft to jerk upward all too quickly and suddenly. It was a rough takeoff but nothing that should raise any suspicion, hopefully.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry!” Aerith expressed to Tseng. “I guess that was a little overeager.”

Still, as Shinra Headquarters shrank beneath them, Aerith regained some off her spunk. She grasped Tseng’s leg with her leg hand while still holding the stick. “Sorry about the bumpy takeoff… but everything seems fine now!” She patted his leg assuredly. “But um, if you’d like to take over now that would be all right with me…”


"Headmaster!" Kyrie called in a singsong voice. "I'm ready for my punishment," she said eagerly. She did a little twirl in front of him then bent over the railing outside Madam’s shop. Her skirt was just short enough to show off the bottom round globes of her pert, teenage ass.

Kyrie glanced back, smiling sweetly. “Oh, and Madam M wanted me to tell you that she gets VIP access to me whenever she wants.” She wiggled her ass enticingly in his direction. “I hope you two can play nice now,” she joked, smirking.

She basked in Sam’s gaze as he admired her from afar. Kyrie noticed the drunks across the street were looking at her too, but she didn’t mind as long as Sam was there. Apparently he minded though. “Let’s save the good stuff for private,” He said. “Get some good photos of you took before I put my hands on you and mess you up. Which I am gonna, mess you up.”

She stopped leaning over the railing just in time for Sam to snatch her up over his shoulder easily.

“I know the perfect place for both.”

“Mmm hehe I can’t wait!” Kyrie said gleefully. She grabbed Sam around the waist tight, then ran her hands up his stomach to his chest, massaging him gently as the chocobo carried them off. “So, where are we going?” she inquired, warm lips against his neck.


“Ahh ahh ahh!” Moans of pleasure echoed from the sky box every time Don Coreno unmuted his microphone to speak. He was fucking Honey with his huge, superhuman cock. She was draped in thousands of Gils worth of expensive gold jewelry that bounced against her modest chest with each of Don’s deep, penetrating thrusts. He’d taken the last clone’s virginity with gentle force, and she loved every moment of it. Her hands clenched the r

His Honey Bees and her sister clones surrounded them, enjoying the honor of having brunch with the King of the Slums. The Bees were all aflutter around the new girls, especially Honey. It was all very overwhelming for the clones, but not nearly as overwhelming as the orgy had been!

Daisy, formerly known as Aerith 01, couldn’t shake the feeling that something seemed brutally wrong with what she was witnessing in the arena, but she didn’t have the knowledge or power to do anything about it. It was just a feeling. Soon, she was too drunk off of mimosas and enjoying new foods with her sister to mind for very long.

“Here, let me feed you a grape next!” One of the Honey Bees dangled a cluster of grapes in front of Daisy.

Daisy opened her mouth to grasp it, but another Honey Bee quickly knocked the cluster out of her friend’s hand and plucked a single one from the stem, giggling in amusement. “You only eat one at a time.” She handed it to Daisy who accidentally swallowed it whole without chewing. The bees laughed again and Daisy blushed.

“Oh don’t be embarrassed! Here, have another!”

Tulip too was discovering the wonder of strawberries, pineapples, and a variety of other fruits, as well as the fruity, tangy flavor of mimosas.

The only one not participating in the feast was Honey, though her mouth was wide open as Don fucked her, tongue lolling as he brought her close to orgasm with his deep thrusts. Honey’s first time hadn’t hurt at all, even with Don having such a huge cock. She was created to fuck, and she loved to please.

“Oh Daddy! It feels sooo good!!!” she wailed, head thrashed from side to side.
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Sam was very eager to get into character and play out this schoolgirl fantasy with Kyrie, so eager, in fact that he actually spurred his loyal chocobo a few times to increase the pace—which did not improve the feelings of jealousy and animosity that the bird felt toward her newest rider. At least she didn’t weigh much…

They reigned up in front of the Honey Bee Inn just after noon. The building looked much more decrepit and depressing in the light of day, without the aid of elaborate neon signs and flashing club lights. In daylight it just looked like another slum shelter, made of trash discarded from the plate above.

None of that mattered to Sam, it wasn’t the first time he’d made a day trip to the notorious brothel and nightclub. Further down the street, he could hear the roar of a crowd—even from underground, as the crowd trying to watch whatever event was going on there spilled out into the street where latecomers watched on televisions, their cheers like echoes on a broadcast delay.

Sam made a quick slip knot of his chocobo’s reins around a nearby post as he snatched Kyrie back onto his shoulder, unwilling to let her feet touch the ground in her cute outfit.

“Mornin’ Sam,” Tony the bouncer nodded at the regular, “what you got there?”

“This is Kyrie, she’s gonna be an idol. We’re going to use the studio.”

“She’s sure got the looks for it,” Tony chuckled, parting the velvet rope for the duo, “save me a copy of whatever you kids shoot in there.”

“Will do.”

The lobby of the Honey Bee Inn was long since cleared of customers and the Inn itself was closed to new business. Dancers and entertainers stretched out wearily and ate their meager meals before they tried to rest before the next evening’s performance.

Sam all but ignored the performers, who seemed too exhausted to care about perfunctory greetings anyway.

“Studio,” Sam remarked to Andi, who deftly tossed him a key which Sam snatched from the air, still holding Kyrie over his shoulder.

“I suppose everyone finds what they were meant for eventually,” Andi sighed, wistful for the life of excitement and fame that awaited Kyrie, “have fun you two.”

A common fantasy, Studio C was already staged as a classroom—desks, a chalk board, “you can do it” posters—all tucked on one side of the room with rows of cameras, audio equipment and lighting rigs set up to face into the classroom.

The three walls were made of paper-thin particle board, but they were painted to resemble real walls.

Sam placed Kyrie neatly onto the nearest desk, removing his leather vest and climbing into a pair of blue overalls.

“I’m too Blue Collar for a headmaster, let’s say I’m the janitor.” Sam smirked, tying the sleeves of his overalls around his waist, leaving his clinging tank top as the only thing covering his muscular, hairy body, “you write on the board, ‘I will not be a horny slut,’ fifty or so times…”

Thunk! A heavy switch on the wall powered up the hot, glaring spotlights. Overhead fans triggered at the same moment, air conditioning the room to counter the sudden and intense heat of studio lights.

“And… action,” Sam smiled, gazing through the viewfinder of one of the large cameras, set up on a tripod. He pointed to Kyrie to begin the scene, which was now being recorded from three angles.

He set the focus finders to “Auto.”


“Aaaaarghhhhhhh!” The Big One bellowed loudly, a lifetime of trauma and abuse had made him vulnerable to the kind of emotional pain he was now experiencing but not understanding.

It was a mistake for Tifa to try and use his feelings, as his feelings were less hardened to agony than his body was. The beast threw his shoulder into the petite fighter, launching her into the concrete wall and to the ground. The beast leveled her like a linebacker, reaching out for her throat again.

Tifa landed a square kick to the monstrosity’s groin, but it made no outward sign of feeling it—numb to physical pain by comparison. Physical pain was the only language The Big One communicated in and he was going to have a long conversation with Tifa. His powerful hands squeezed around her throat like a frat boy crushing a beer can. It was only Beck’s interjection that stopped the enraged beast from snapping her head off her shoulders.

“O-okay Big Guy, let’s not go overboard…” Beck nervously interjected, placing a calming hand on the beast’s muscular shoulder, “remember, we’re not supposed to break anything—except her mind, hee hee hee.”

It worked, howsoever barely.

Beck’s familiar voice calmed the beast enough to get him to release Tifa’s throat from his hands. He spun her against his massive chest, crossing his forearm under her chin—a different choke hold, one that could be lax or tightened relative to her struggle as opposed to the death grip from before.

“There you go, big fellah. Hold her tight,” Beck chuckled, relieved that he’d been able to talk down The Big One. He was dropping his pants, “I’m going to fuck her first, but you can go next—as a reward for your outstanding performance.”

“Me go first!” The Big One roared, his face next to Tifa’s, choking her harder with his forearm as he argued with Beck.

“Now, now. That was how she got out last time. We need you to hold her—at least until I’m done with her—otherwise she makes with the kicking and punching…”

“ME! Go! First!” The Big One wasn’t following the strategic argument.

“Now now… be patient. Don’t forget who got you in the door for this thing,” Beck was wrapping Tifa’s long legs around his hips, he didn’t wait to penetrate her, “holy shit, wet… Anyway, as I was saying. This is my scheme. My gang. I go first. Don’t worry, I won’t take long—and you!”

Beck’s attention turned back to Tifa, who’s pussy was being filled with Beck’s exceptionally average cock.

“You don’t need to make this such a pain,” Beck held up three Yellowjacket capsules between his fingers, “if you make nice with us, we can make nice with you, too.”

When Beck smiled, TIfa could see another capsule clenched between his teeth.


“Yeah, of course,” Tseng chuckled, climbing over Aerith into the pilot’s seat, taking the stick from between her legs and steadying the chopper before climbing over her into the seat, “I’ve got it from here.”

Once he was seated, Tseng reached back to pull the headset off of Aerith, accidentally knocking her helmet off as well, letting her long, chestnut colored braid tumble down her grey, Shinra uniform.

“Might as well get some rest. It’ll be a few hours until we reach Costa del Sol. There we can ditch the chopper—maybe sell a few bits for scrap, then we can charter a boat from there. Shinra has a solid presence in C-d-S, so we’ll need to be on our guard when we land. Get some rest if you can.”


“Your ‘so-called’ performance was a shameful display of what a fucking whore you are!” Heidegger wasn’t about to let Jessie take any credit for this—he wouldn’t let her calm his rage. She was a terrorist.

“I’m going to crush you into dust,” Heidegger sneered, his girthy fingers deep inside her now and spreading her open as he pushed the rigid head of his thick cock between them. He was done waiting. It was time to take his revenge, “I’m going to smear you across the fucking walls.”

As if trying to demonstrate, Heidegger slammed his hips against Jessie’s slamming her roughly against the padded door yet again—then again—then again! Fuck, he was horny. He shoved his thumb past her lips, his other fingers caressing her face almost tenderly as his thumb gagged the back of her throat.

He spat in her face, most of it scattering into her pinned-open mouth as he settled into a rhythm of hammering away at her tight, wet, little pussy. His huge cock battered her insides in every direction and dragged hard each time he withdrew.

“Fu-uck!” Heidegger groaned, he was growing dangerously close to cumming—all the anticipation and malice working together to leave him more-or-less on the edge. Before he got a chance to control himself, he was already blasting hot semen up into Jessie’s tight, clinging pussy.
Kyrie giggled and clutched Sam around the middle tightly as he spurred his chocobo on. He was eager to get her alone, perhaps even more than Kyrie was to be alone with him. She longed for him to fuck her again. No matter how foolish it may be, Kyrie loved basking in the older cowboy’s attention. He was so damn handsome… and that accent! Mmph! It alone was enough to make her panties wet.

So lost in a haze of lust she was, Kyrie didn’t notice where they’d ended up until Sam yanked her off the chocobo and over his shoulder. They were back at the Honey Bee Inn, the famous strip club of the slums. It looked less impressive during the day. A bouncer who knew Sam’s name welcomed them and questioned what he was holding. Kyrie was offended at being referred to as an inanimate object. She was about to open her mouth in protest but shut it when Sam said she was going to be an idol and they were going to use the studio. His sweet southern drawl soothed her enough. He was going to make her a star after all.

Inside, the Inn looked rather sad. The magic of the evening had melted away revealing it for the shabby lower class establishment it was. The performers looked weary and exhausted, the energy of the night having evaporated with the dawn.

Kyrie was vaguely aware of her short-lived boss, Andi, speaking to Sam as they made their way deeper into the inn. “I suppose everyone finds what they were meant for eventually. Have fun you two,” he said to them as they passed. Kyrie felt a bit smug, since the last time she’d seen Andi she’d been behind the bar cutting limes for him.

Sam brought Kyrie down a hall and into a room marked Studio C, which was decked out in classroom decor. He placed her down onto a desk then began to remove his leather jacket. As he changed clothes, Kyrie took in the room. Being an orphan, she hadn't had the opportunity to go to formal school, but even she was familiar with a blackboard, having had some semblance of education at the local orphanage and from her grandmother. This scenario, of course, was quite unconventional compared to her usual schooling…

“I’m too Blue Collar for a headmaster, let’s say I’m the janitor.” Sam smirked, tying the sleeves of his overalls around his waist, leaving his clinging tank top as the only thing covering his muscular, hairy body, “you write on the board, ‘I will not be a horny slut,’ fifty or so times…”

Kyrie grinned mischievously at him, eyes sweeping up and down his body, soaking in the view of his hairy, muscular form.

“Whatever you say, Sam. I don’t care who you are, so long as I get to fuck you,” she said earnestly

With a loud “thunk” Sam turned on the spotlights. Kyrie blinked a few times in the harsh, bright light.

“And… action,” she heard Sam say, his face hidden behind a camera.

Kyrie skipped over to the chalkboard, being sure to show off a glimpse of the bottom of her round asscheeks with each skip. She turned around when she got to the chalkboard, not having a clue what she was going to say until she’d already turned around. She faced the camera and blubbered into it, lips pouty. She was a natural at fake crying. “I can’t believe this. They gave me detention just because they caught me masturbating in the locker room. It’s not fair. I just can’t help how horny I am!”

Kyrie let out an exaggerated whine then bent down to pick up the chalk on the floor, providing the camera with a direct view of her pert, young ass. She began to write on the board, “I will not be a horny slut,” over and over, seeming to stick her ass out more with each letter she wrote. Kyrie was a natural performer. On the third or so line, she dropped the chalk on purpose, causing it to roll across the floor.

“Oops!” She said dramatically. Instead of bending at the waist like before, Kyrie fell to her knees and stuck out her ass. “I’m so clumsy!” she practically shouted as she crawled forward on the floor, being sure to give the camera on the tripod an amazing view of her young, teenage ass.


It had been a mistake to target the Big One, because she was not confident the rest of these idiots would be able to stop him from popping her head off like a doll. His massive hands gripped her throat, choking her out.

“O-okay Big Guy, let’s not go overboard…” Beck nervously interjected, placing a calming hand on the beast’s muscular shoulder, “remember, we’re not supposed to break anything—except her mind, hee hee hee.”

Beck was able to control the brute just barely, just in time for Tifa’s vision to blink into darkness before he released her throat at last and her vision came flooding with light. The Big One still held her by the throat in a death grip, but she was able to breath, just barely.

“There you go, big fellah. Hold her tight,” Beck chuckled as he unzipped his pants and let them fall to the ground. “I’m going to fuck her first, but you can go next—as a reward for your outstanding performance.”

The Big One was not happy about this. He grasped Tifa’s slender neck harder in rage, glaring at Beck. He insisted on going first. Tifa was surprised that the smaller man, Beck, had the audacity to tell the Big One to back off. Sure, Beck was the leader, but the Big One seemed very insistent on being the first to destroy her. To her surprise, the Big One did back down and let Beck take control. That was fine with Tifa; she figured she had a better chance of escaping from Beck than she did the Big Brute anyway.

While the Big One still maintained his tight grasp on her neck, he allowed Beck to grab Tifa’s legs. Beck forced her legs around his waist and plunged his cock into her, but Tifa barely felt it. The past few days had been filled with Don’s exceptionally ergonomic cock; it was hard for any to compare now, least of all this average length, pencil dick Beck possessed.

“You don’t need to make this such a pain,” Beck held up three Yellowjacket capsules between his fingers, “if you make nice with us, we can make nice with you, too.”

Tifa was tempted. The yellowjackets would surely make this more enjoyable, they would drown out the degrading shouts and feelings of shame she felt… but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She had to stay strong.

“Forget it. I don’t want it to be more bearable. I want to remember how wretched your tiny cock feels inside me so it’ll be all the more satisfying to crush it later!” Tifa said savagely.

Although the helicopter takeoff had been exhilarating, Aerith was glad to let Tseng takeover as pilot again. The smile on his face as they switched positions told her her liftoff hadn’t been horrible, at least.

As she watched Midgar shrink beneath them, it was surreal to think she’d just had her brains fucked out by the Turks and a monster recently. Tseng flew them so far away Midgar was merely a spec in the distance. She wanted the nightmarish memories to disappear along with it. The sight of the vast plains before them was full of possibilities.

Tseng told her to get some rest on their way to Costa del Sol. Aerith had never been there, but it was supposed to be a tropical paradise. Too bad they wouldn’t get to enjoy it, being on the run from Shrina and all.

Aerith studied Tseng’s face as he piloted the chopper. Why had he saved her? He was risking everything. Did he really love her as he’d claimed? Aerith didn’t know, but that didn’t matter right now. He at least cared enough about her to rescue her from a life of experimentation at the hands of the mad scientist Hojo. Right now, that was enough.

“Thank you, Tseng,” Aerith said earnestly. “I know how much you’re risking for me… I really do thank you.” She gave him a tight squeeze before settling in more comfortably in an attempt to get some rest as he’d suggested.


“Your ‘so-called’ performance was a shameful display of what a fucking whore you are!”
“I’m going to crush you into dust,” Heidegger sneered, his girthy fingers deep inside her now and spreading her open as he pushed the rigid head of his thick cock between them. “I’m going to smear you across the fucking walls.”

Jessie should have been ashamed at how wet she was getting from the older man’s abuse. His words were cruel and demeaning, yet they made her all the more aroused. His harsh, thick fingers should feel like an invasion, yet they felt soo fucking good inside her, so fucking good that she almost believed his narrative that she was a fucking whore.

“Ungh!” Jessie cried out, “Fuck! You’re right! I am a fucking whore… but you love it… because you’re a… fucking… dirty… old… man!” she gasped out as he fingered her roughly.

Heidegger inserted his cock in between his thick fingers, forcing his way inside. In response Jessie screamed and dug her fingernails into his shoulder deep enough to draw blood. Heidegger may be old, but his cock was as hard and thick as a young man’s. It may have been the thickest cock Jessie had ever taken, though she would not admit that to him! She breathed deep, trying to adjust her small, lithe body to Heidegger’s dangerously huge cock!

He fucked her harder, slamming her body against the doorframe again and again. He gagged her on his thumb as his fingers caressed her face almost tenderly. Jessie moaned in abandon, swallowed some of the spit he spat in her face. She loved the abuse he was giving her. She was a dirty slut. She loved sex, and to finally have someone treating her with the roughness she needed was such a huge turn on.

He fucked her hard and deep with the virility of a young man, yet also like a young man, he came quick, spilling his seed inside her young, fertile body after mere minutes of being inside her. “Aah fuck~!” she cried as she felt Heidegger explode inside her, his thick cock growing thicker with each pulse as he released his seed inside her.

Oh fucckkk it hurt so good. He was stretching her to her limits, really trying to hurt her, but Jessie got off on countering his desire to hurt her with genuine enthusiasm for the dirty act. She looked an absolute erotic wreck. Her entire body was glistening with sweat, both her own and Heideggegger’s. She felt his cum stain her inner walls like a poison, a sick, penetrating poison that she couldn't resist. She hadn’t been able to cum, but the fucking had left her wanting more, and curious just how far she could push Shinra’s Chief Officer of Public Security.

Jessie saw the way to his gil, and it was through his ego. All he had to do was rile him up enough to get him to want to prove her wrong, preferably by blasting more cum up her tight cunt. He’d cum so fast - she was honestly disappointed. Jessie’s sexual drive was higher than average, and, coupled with those aphrodisiac pills Don Corneo had given her, Jessie genuinely wanted more. She needed more, really. This first load of Heidgegger’s was mere drops in a bucket.

“Hmm….” she began with faux thoughtfulness, “I was expecting the Chief of Public Security to have more stamina, but I guess it’s true that men at the top are always fat, lazy, and incompetent. That’s why you have to come to a place like this to buy a woman, right? Because you can’t get any pussy without paying for it, hmm?”

Oh man did she get off on it, calling him out like this. Jessie was humiliating him on purpose, poking at his insecurities so he would prolong his private session with her, even if it meant her getting punished. She was curious how far she could push him, and wanted to encourage him to spend as much time as possible with her, whether it be through her pleasure…. Or her pain.
Sam smiled to himself as he watched through the viewfinder as Kyrie gave her performance. She wasn’t any great performer—but she understood exactly what was expected of her. When she dropped to the ground, crawling around the floor, Sam decided to make his entrance.

Leaving the camera running, he moved around to the outside of the classroom door and strode through it, pushing a prop mop and bucket. The bucket had never been used and the water was clean. Sam was no great actor either.

“These darn kids make such a mess—what? Oh! What are you still doing here, young lady?” He’d scarcely entered with the mop before setting it aside.

Sam’s massive, strong hands lifted her up from the ground like she weighed nothing, carrying her over to the desk, letting her already short skirt flutter up around her waist for a moment before he set her down on the desk, seated.

“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to help me out with some of the polishing,” Sam untied the sleeves of his overalls and lowered them down his hips, freeing his huge, erect cock.

Sam grinned down at her, he’d gotten plenty of time to get himself turned on watching her swish about in that costume. He trusted that she’d know what came next.


“You fat-titted bitch!” Beck sneered, biting down on the capsule in his teeth and thrusting hard with his hips, “I’ll show you a tiny cock!”

Beck didn’t realize what he was actually saying, but the drugs hit his system almost immediately and he didn’t really care what he was saying. He slapped one of her tits hard enough that it slapped into the other. When that was less than satisfying, he punched her in her well-toned stomach. He tried not to show how badly it had hurt his fist.

Damn she was strong.

With that thought, Beck lost his thin control over his climax and jizzed a few weak spurts into Tifa’s pussy.

“Alright, big guy. Your turn,” Beck smiled, backing up to allow the Grungy Thug to lift her up and fold her over, still holding her in a full-nelson hold before thrusting his hips forward and trying in vain to make his gigantic phallus inside of her, “a size-queen slut like you ought to love his cock.”

“No fair!” Butch whined, “after he’s done her pussy’s going to be wrecked!”

Butch’s objection went unheeded, and Beck helped align the Grungy Thug’s massive cock with Tifa’s exhausted pussy. Letting the monster of a man lower her onto it, less than gently.

“Yeah! Get wrecked, slut!”


Heidegger snarled as Jessie continued to mock him, in spite of the rigorous pounding he’d given her. His muscular chest was rising and falling as some unseen tech in his pelvic region began to hiss and click. Some subdermal technology was audibly pumping blood back into Heidegger’s cock, getting it back to full hardness in moments.

“I was worried you might cry and beg,” Heidegger sneered, lifting Jessie up by her hips, “I like this way much better.”

Heidegger thrust Jessie’s petite body forward, doubling her over at the middle like he was folding a comforter. He shoved her back against the padded wall, her head around her ankles with her ponytail touching the ground.

Bent in half as she was, Jessie was forced to watch him slowly, agonizingly force the wide head of his cock past her tight anus. Once he was in, he slammed forward, trying hard to get his hips to touch the wall—with no regard for Jessie whatsoever. Like he was trying to actually fold her in half.

“Talk that shit now, Terrorist slut! I’ll show you an explosion!”
Kyrie pretended not to notice when Sam entered, though she was unable to hide a smirk that played across her lips in anticipation of their little roleplay.

“These darn kids make such a mess—what? Oh! What are you still doing here, young lady?”

He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up like she was a doll. Kyrie let out a little shriek of delight. His rough hands felt nice against her hips as he transferred her to one of the desks closest to the camera. Her plaid schoolgirl miniskirt fluttered up teasingly as he lowered her down.

“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to help me out with some of the polishing,” Sam said. He wasted no time in untying the sleeves of his overalls and lowered them down his hips to free his huge, erect cock.

Kyrie’s mouth watered at the sight and her eyes widened, as if it was the first time she’d seen such a magnificent ock. She looked up into his eyes and licked her lips. “Oh but sir, I promised not to be a horny slut!” Kyrie mock protested even as she reached for his meaty cock and began stroking it.

She took the base of his cock in her hands, trying for a second to act like she was really struggling with the morality of the decision, then licked her lips and descended onto his cockhead, shiny with precum. Kyrie moaned around him and swirled her tongue across the tip, lapping up Sam’s potent precum. She popped off his cock and licked her lips.

“Mmm looks like you’ve made a little mess of your own! But don’t worry, I’ll help clean you up,” Kyrie promised, giggling. She opened her mouth to reveal his creamy precum glistening on her tongue, but she did not tease him long. She swallowed greedily and kissed his cockhead then took him deeper, forcing his cock into her throat. Kyrie started gagging almost immediately, thick saliva dripping down Sam’s balls and onto the floor as she choked herself on him. Kyrie remembered what Sam had said the day she’d met him: that men like it when you struggle.

Kyrie looked up at him with bleary eyes as she gagged herself on his huge, thick cock. She made it a goal to swallow his cock deep enough to fondle his balls with her tongue. It was possible at first, but the more she sucked him the harder he became, making deep throating him all the more difficult.

“Mmm!” She moaned around him. Her hands gripped his thighs tight as she fucked her throat with his cock, periodically gazing up at him with lustfilled eyes, throat squeezing his big cock tight. Like a greedy whore, her tongue lapped at the base of his cock, desperate for more. Strands of spit streamed from her mouth, fell past her spread thighs, and splattered on the floor as she attempted to lick his balls with her tongue. The sounds accompanying her self-imposed throat fuck were absolutely filthy.

Although Chocobo Sam was into her right now, she was afraid he would bore of her one day, so Kyrie did everything she could to be a good whore and get sloppy all over his dick! The only downside was he always smelled just slightly like chocobo.


Jessie could tell she’d really struck a nerve with Shinra’s Chief Public Security officer. The vein in Heidegegger’s temple looked about ready to pop as he glared at her with pure hatred. A faint clicking, hissing sound accompanied the look and with it the rehardening of Heidegegger’s artificially large cock!

“I was worried you might cry and beg,” Heidegger sneered, lifting Jessie up by her hips, “I like this way much better.”

“I’d never beg for an artificial cock,” Jessie scoffed in response as she felt his hard cock against her once again. Of course she wouldn’t cry and beg. She liked it rough. She wanted this; she reminded herself. The longer she could keep him occupied the more money she’d earn to pay back Don Corneo and get the hell out of here!

“It’s pathetic you need that device to stay erect,” she growled.

Heidegger folded her over at the waist and thrust her into the padded wall hard as if in retaliation. Jessie’s upper back and head slammed into it, causing her to see stars.

She felt before she saw Heidegger align his huge cock with her tight asshole. Jessie tried to relax her body, tried not to think about how hard and huge he was… She reached a shaking hand to her dripping pussy and began to rub her clit in an effort to alleviate the pain she knew Heidegeer’s intrusion would cause.

Jessie fought against the urge to scream as he forced his cock inside her tight asshole. He berated her, “Talk that shit now, Terrorist slut! I’ll show you an explosion!”

Jessie almost laughed at his lame joke, but her pussy was still leaking arousal, giving away how turned on she really was as her fluids leaked intermingled between them.

“Fu-fuckk-ing try!” Jessie screamed, her words coming out disjointed as she fought against completely giving in to the pleasure pain. Her fingertips clutched hard around her ankles as her body endured his relentless hard fucking. Fuck it hurt so fucking much. She wanted to scream but her pride would not let her. Instead, she found new ways to insult him.

“Does daddy Shrina know you’re here?” she cooed. She moved her hands from her own ankles to his, then crawled up his thick, muscular, hairy legs to his ass, encouraging him to fuck her ass harder.

“Surely fucking terrorists sluts is against policy, unless you’re piloting a new program? If so, it sucks that I have to be the one stuck with your sweaty ass!” she exclaimed. She squeezed his asscheeks threateningly, her nails digging into his flesh harshly.

“Keep trying to break me; you never will,” she taunted, then cried out from a particularly hard thrust. She’d rather him fuck her pussy, but she wasn’t about to ask for anything. Her fingertips worked on her clit rapidly, desperately longing for orgasm. “Go on, I dare you to try and blow my reactor.”


Tifa barely felt it as Beck pushed inside her, even though he was thrusting with all his might. He swallowed the yellowjacket pills himself and slapped her tits in rage, then aimed for her stomach. Tifa clenched her already tight abs muscles just in time and swore Beck winced in response when he punched her. She didn’t feel much. His punches were comparable to his tiny dick.

Beck didn’t last long. He came shortly after punching her, perhaps aroused at the fact she was so much tougher than him. When he came, she briefly thought it would be a good chance to escape and gain the upper hand on them while he was distracted, but the Big One still held her tightly from behind, preventing her from moving for fear he’d snap her neck.

It was the Big One’s turn next, but Butch wasn’t happy about it. She almost laughed at Butch’s exclamation that he wanted to fuck her next, for after the Big One’s cock her pussy would surely be wrecked. Tifa figured if her pussy was going to get wrecked it was already, considering how huge Corneo and then Barrett had been. Beck was right, she was a size-queen, but by no intention other own. Beck helped align his monster-sized friend’s cock with her opening.

“Ugnhmmmmm~” Tifa groaned as the huge monster of a man forced himself inside her. Tifa tried to relax, to allow him entry, for it was too painful otherwise.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she was violated in front of hundreds of people. She thought of her old life; how had everything crumbled so quickly? All she’d ever wanted was to be with Cloud and live a simple life making drinks for her friends at 7th Heaven, but now that life seemed like an impossible dream, and she felt foolish for ever thinking she deserved such a life.

She’d been ruined by so many giant cocks it was hard to keep track. Don, Barret, this big monster, it was too much. Tifa cried harder as the Big One continued thrusting into her, showing no mercy. The mostly male crowd got off on her tears, on the defilement of this busty barmaid with the skills of a fighter now reduced to a common, big titted whore. Tifa sobbed and screamed. Fuck. She couldn’t allow this. She had to escape. This could not be her life.

The Big One fucked her like he was trying to end her, like he could fuck her to death, and maybe he could. Tifa cried out in pleasure pain as his huge cock violated her depths. Fuck. Fuck. Fuuckk she was going to cum. Cum in front of this entire crowd! She couldn’t allow it, she just couldn’t!

With a great roar of rage, Tifa tightened her vaginal muscles as tightly as she could, debilitating the Big One with ecstasy as he began to cum inside her. His hold on her loosened as he came, roaring with immense pleasure as his thick, viscous cum filled her pussy. His hold on her became so loose that Tifa was able to leap off him in his vulnerable moment. She deftly launched herself forward. His cock slipped out of her, still pulsing out cum.

Tifa rounded on him, taking advantage of his distracted state, and landed three spinning roundhouse kicks in a row. Butch and Beck were too slow to react and couldn't save the Big One from being knocked out cold. She turned then to face the two of them. Lost without the Big One’s brute strength, the pair exchanged a look of horror; Tifa launched herself at Beck first, fists pummeling him to the ground. She sensed Butch approaching her from behind and kicked backwards, launching him across the arena. She knocked them out cold before they were able to put up any meaningful fight. Tifa rose, violated but victorious, and raised her fists to the crowd.

“Bring on the next one!” She bellowed, amber eyes scanning the crowd for Don Corneo. “I thought this was supposed to be hard!”
Pimpin’ ain’t easy.

It was the closest thing to a law or a principal that Don Corneo had. It was a truism passed down from generation to generation of pimps, in what surely must have been the second oldest profession—for as long as women have been willing to trade sex for currency, there have been men looking to exploit them. The history of the hustle was long and unwritten—but even novices knew, pimpin’ ain’t easy.

Don Corneo had an ego, it was true, but he hadn’t become Lord of the Slums by thumbing his nose at a profit. Tifa getting publicly humiliated and gang raped for the better part of an hour at the center of the arena had pushed the betting lines outside of any and all conventional skews—and her suddenly gaining a rush of momentum like this presented the opportunity to make tens—no, hundreds of millions of gil in one moment and all he had to do was endure a small jab to his ego.

Pimpin’ ain’t easy.

As Tifa knocked the group of Mid-Tier thugs out and rose her fist in triumph, Corneo pulled his huge cock out of Honey’s eager pussy and came on her back, the thick, hot semen overflowing her petite hips and running down her sides and legs. The crowd was booing, hissing and frothing for more violence, but Corneo decided instead to pick their pockets.

“Oh my! It looks like the long shots pay off the biggest! This determined slut overcame the odds and won the day! What a totally unforeseen outcome!” the boos grew louder and more determined, as the crowd began to realize that they were being robbed of their bets, “I guess that the field will have to try again tonight—in prime time!”

The booing and shouting grew riotous as a tarp closed over the arena floor. Guests—many of whom had been drinking and betting since the night before, were throwing bottles and bits of garbage at Don Corneo’s suite. He pulled a lever which closed a wire mesh cage around his booth.

“Come back tonight! You can win it all back!” Corneo said finally before cutting off the mic.

Behind the overhead curtain, Leslie strode out through the gate that competitors had been coming from. He was clapping, a slow, measured round of applause—even as bottles and bits of trash rained down onto the percussive surface of the cover to the arena.

“Great work. You’ve won. Congratulations,” Leslie seemed genuinely pleased with Tifa, “you made the boss a lot of money. So now, he’s going to give you some time to rest. You can come with me, I’ll get you fed, get you bathed and tucked in. Some time to rest and recuperate.”

As he drew closer, Leslie extended his arms, revealing that he was wielding a pair of stun guns.

“Or, you could fight me. Then they’ll send out as many as it takes to put you down and strap you into the collar and they’ll continue fucking your daylights out until they decide to let you fight again. Personally, I want you to do this the easy way. I won’t take any liberties with you beyond what is required to get you bathed and fed. No one else even needs to touch you today. What do you say? Come with me?”

Leslie put the stun guns into holsters on his hips, opening his arms to her.



“Look at you! Still talking shit while that whore pussy of yours is leaking slut-snot all over your stomach! You love it, you cock-loving whore!” Heidegger bellowed as he continued slamming Jessie’s petite body against the padded wall with all the force he could lean into his hips. “I’ll blow your reactor out through the small of your back—slut!”

Heidegger’s shoulders rolled back as he threw his hips into her again.

It was strange. For as stubborn, obstinate and downright confrontational as Jessie was, she was consistent. It was thrilling to continuously be inspired to try and fuck her lights out—not only was she withstanding the assault, she was fighting back! Her already tight pussy was squeezing him—like a fist holding him inside. Pulling him deeper. Even as his hips moved, her grip on his cock was too tight to be moved—he was about to cum again.

Most whores were crying and begging by now.

Jessie was a special talent. Heidegger loved to hate fuck her. In some, bizarre, transitive sense he was beginning to love fucking her.

“I do what I want around there. The old man just cares about keeping his dirtbag son in line and Rufus just wants to stay fucked up all the time. Rufus might like to meet you, though. You’re tough. Rufus needs more tough whores.”

With this, Heidegger’s gigantic balls heaved and he blasted his second climax into Jessie’s raw, clenching pussy. This load wasn’t as large as the first one, but it was delivered with more force.

“Fuck… terrorist sluts have good pussy.”


By now, Sam’s large, work-worn hand knew the back of Kyrie’s head quite well. It was a familiar and comforting, like her head and his hand were made for one another—her smallness offset by his bigness while she sucked his big cock. She was so cute in her little costume, her hair styled by Madame M, gagging and struggling with his cock pressing into her throat.

This was going to be a great movie.

“You kids these days…” Chocobo Sam groaned as he leaned back, giving Kyrie more room to cheat out toward the camera while she made a show of struggling to take him deeper, “ohhh fuck. Kids these days got no respect.”

As Kyrie started bobbing her head, Sam moved his hips in unison, letting her dictate the pace—it was her performance after all.

“Damn, you are one hot little slut! I can’t control myself anymore, I’ve gotta fuck that tight little pussy!”

Sam gathered Kyrie up by her long pigtails, pulling her up from the puddle of her own making to kiss him, her mouth still wet and dripping down onto her uniform. His large hand closed around her breast through her starched, white button-down shirt. His tongue moved against hers as his other hand slipped under her short, plaid skirt to grasp her thigh, raising her leg up to wrap around her hip.

“Take it! Take my big cock, slut!”
Though Tifa had her fists raised in triumph, the crowd booed and jeered relentlessly. They wanted more. The boos became muffled as the tarp covered the arena, shielding her from the crowd, but she still felt cold. Was no one on her side?

A slow clap made its way through the din of jeers and boos and Tifa turned to see Leslie, the first of Don Corneo’s lackeys she’d encountered, approaching her through the opened metal gate.

“Great work. You’ve won. Congratulations,” Leslie seemed genuinely pleased with Tifa, “you made the boss a lot of money. So now, he’s going to give you some time to rest. You can come with me, I’ll get you fed, get you bathed and tucked in. Some time to rest and recuperate.”

Though she knew she could not trust him, she didn’t really have any other choice but to go with him. He lowered the guns and opened his hands to her, asking her to come with him in a gentle tone.

This was the first kindness extended her way in the past 48 hrs, but it may as well have been years with how far away her past life felt. Tifa felt tears prick her eyes as the adrenaline of it all wore off and humiliation settled in deep like a disease.

She collapsed into Leslie’s arms and sobbed. Her shoulders shook with heavy emotion and the greatness of her physical pain. She was so exhausted and probably in need of a doctor from the brutal beating she’d taken in the arena.

When she finally got a handle on herself somewhat, she sniffled and wiped her eyes, but didn’t release him.

“So I won… what does this mean? Aren’t I free?” she asked, voice slightly muffled against his shoulder. She felt weak for seeking comfort and answers from the very man who she’d met at the very start of all this, but the way he’d said ‘Please’... that simple, polite word that she’d taken for granted for so long. It made her want to trust him, even though she shouldn’t. If he was on her side, why had he drugged her that night and led her into the lion’s den?

Tifa started to pull back from him but immediately swayed on her feet and had to lean on him for support once more. She felt dizzy and weak, with a faint throbbing between her legs. How could she possibly be horny? This must be the yellowjacket withdrawal. Fuck. Her head spun and pounded. She’d surely collapse if not for the fact her entire body leaned on Leslie’s for support.


“Ahngh,” Jess groaned, biting her lip so hard she drew blood to resist screaming out in pleasure pain. Heidegger wasn't making it easy, turning her on with his dirty words, responding to her reactor pun with wit of his own. He called her bluff by commenting on her whore pussy leaking her slut-snot all over her stomach. He told her she loved it, called her a whore, and Jessie reveled in it all. Heidegger too seemed to get off on Jessie’s taunts. She felt his hips speed up and he panted as he spoke.

“I do what I want around there. The old man just cares about keeping his dirtbag son in line and Rufus just wants to stay fucked up all the time. Rufus might like to meet you, though. You’re tough. Rufus needs more tough whores.”

Jessie’s pussy clenched in desire as she reached her climax from Heidegger’s brutal fucking and the promise of more with the Vice President of Shinra. Jessie saw money and opportunity and perhaps most importantly, a ton of orgasms in her future. She finally came undone around him, and she came hard, so hard her mouth fell open and she couldn’t help but scream out her pleasure. She milked his cock of everything Heidegger had as he came for the second time, firing his load deep inside her.

“Fuck,” Jessie cursed when she finally got a handle on herself. She’d been counting on holding in her moans longer. It was part of her game to not let on how much she was enjoying this. She had to keep this going. She needed more.

It was almost funny that as an eco-terrorist she’d been trying to find ways to infiltrate and sabotage Shinra for years, and here she was cumming around their Chief Officer of Public Security. She had the infiltration down, but not quite the sabotage yet. Somehow she’d make it all make sense.

As Heidegger’s frantic thrusting finally slowed down, Jessie wiggled her hips against him.

“You got any more gas in the tank, old man? Or are you gonna introduce me to baby Shrina now? I’m curious if he’ll fuck me as hard as his dad fucks the environment.”


Though she was exaggerating all her actions for the movie, Kyrie was genuinely enjoying herself. Her pussy was drenched in desire for him, growing extremely aroused from sucking his cock deeply for the camera. She wiggled her pert little ass as she slurped up and down his cock. Sam held her by the back of the head but let her set the pace as he praised her.

“Damn, you are one hot little slut! I can’t control myself anymore, I’ve gotta fuck that tight little pussy!”

He pulled her up roughly by her long pigtails. She almost slipped in the puddle of her own making but Sam kept her steady. Kyrie and Sam kissed lewdly for the camera, tongues dueling outside of their mouths. More saliva dribbled down her chin from their passionate kissing. When Sam lifted her skirt and pulled her leg around his hip, Kyrie protested halfheartedly, “Ohh I don’t know about that, Mr Janitor sir… stuff like this is the reason I’m in detention in the first pl–Ohhh!” Kyrie moaned loudly as Sam entered her. Fuck, he felt so good.

“Ohhhh god you’re too big,” Kyrie moaned wantonly, playing it up for the camera as Sam begin to move, fucking her in earnest. “I can barely handle it~!” she squealed, beautiful young body bouncing in time with his thrusts.
Chocobo Sam wasn’t exactly Stanley Kubrick and “Barely Legal School Sluts 38” wasn’t Clockwork Orange, but as with any kind of filmmaking, reality resonates through the lens and these two were sharing something real. Kyrie wasn’t a misbehaving student and Sam wasn’t a janitor, but with the reels spinning, they settled quickly into a rhythm that they had learned from previous sessions. Even as she cried insincere protestations, Sam angled her perky tits toward the lens and started stroking his hips deeper.

“Come on, you can take it! Detention’s not so bad. If they give you another one, I’ll come back and fuck your tight pussy again,” there wasn’t a script, but Sam could play along, his years of raising elite birds of burden had given him great instincts.

Sam’s rigid forearms flexed, pulling her hair toward his sweating chest, his arms looked like pythons wrestling bridge cables below his skin. He arched her like he was stringing a bow, driving with his hips again and again, the kind of rough fucking reserved for repeat customers.

“Yeah! Take it! Take it, you filthy schoolgirl!” Sam let up on her hair once he knew they had the shot, his rough stable-hands coming around her, caressing her breast and wrapping around her throat. His touch was as gentle as his skin was rough.

Sweat was dripping from his brow, the bright stage lights making the small, poorly ventilated space into a sauna within minutes. Sam let the damp scraps of his jumpsuit fall around his ankles. His caress of her perky tit came focusing in on her erect nipple, pinching it as he hilted inside of her and rotated his hips in a circle.

“You’re much too much fun to fuck, little girl. I think I want to see you ride me,” Sam released her onto uncertain feet and pulled out, he dragged one of the desks into center frame and spread himself out, one foot up on the attached chair, his cock standing up rigid and wet at the center, “show me how you got detention in the first place.”


Heidegger grinned to himself, moving his hands over Jessie’s ass, letting his cock go soft as he pumped the last of his cum inside of her. He spanked her again as he lowered her back onto her feet. He let his cock slip free as he backed up, to sit down in a nearby, leather-bound armchair. He popped another bottle of champagne with his teeth. He spat the cork and drank deeply, straight from the bottle.

“Come here,” Heidegger beckoned, pointing to the floor at his feet, ignoring Jessie’s questions entirely, “you must be thirsty.”

Jessie was punching a bit above her weight class, asking about the Shinras. She’d been an amusing and enthusiastic fuck, for certain—even seemed energetic after cumming her brains out and having her guts stuffed in. But Rufus brought in the whores that he wanted—not the other way around.

“You know what you need? A gimmick. Like… ’Blasting Girl Jessie,’ her pussy is Da Bomb!’ Slutty camouflage clothes, you’ve already got the obnoxious attitude. But as for bringing you topside… it would take more than one decent rut and a few words to get you on top of the plate.”

Heidegger poured a deliberately careless stream of the fizzing liquid across Jessie’s mouth and down her chin and mostly down her chest.

“I enjoy sampling the new merchandise—I like a little push-and-shove—but if you mouth off to Rufus like you did to me, he’ll fucking kill you. You don’t think we’ve had to disappear whores for him before? We’ve got a code for it: Desdemona. You’ve got to acclimate to your new life—your new place in life. I think that you need more… practice before I mention to Rufus that he could fuck the terrorist behind the Mako Reactor 1 explosion. That was a very expensive problem. Luckily, we’d just renewed our insurance policy and the old policy hadn’t expired yet, so we ended up cashing out both policies. Otherwise, you lot would have never lasted long enough to end up in this place.”

Heidegger finished the bottle of champagne and stuffed it upside down in the bucket of ice. He retrieved his cigar from the ash tray and began the process of cutting and lighting it again.

“I’m done with you, by the way. I’ll settle up with Andi on my way out.” Heidegger gestured with his cigar toward the door, still naked with his cock draped down the front of the armchair.


Leslie sighed faintly as Tifa leaned more of her weight into him. He deftly swept her up, off of her feet, cradling her weight rather easily. He could tell that she was exhausted. He carried her gently back to the arena showers.

“No, my darling girl, I’m afraid that you’re not free. This was only the first stage, I regret to say. Tomorrow night, there will be another and another after that—until eventually, the odds tip in your favor and he’ll give you incentive to take a dive. And you should do it, when he offers, because this is his game and there’s no winning for you. The best you can hope to win here is the Don’s favor, so let go of any faith you might have in the Don’s promises.”

The shower was empty, as Tifa had been the sole challenger. Leslie laid her gently onto one of the benches just outside of the large, tiled shower room. Leslie turned all of the taps on hot, just a hint below painful, and left them running.

“But, once you’re in the Don’s good graces, there’s a lot more freedom to be had. Opportunities, privileges, et cetera,” once all the taps were running Leslie backed away—keeping himself between her and the door, but turning his back to offer her some privacy, something she hadn’t had in quite some time, “please don’t try anything, you’ve been through enough today. I’m going to trust you with some privacy, don’t make me regret it, please.”


Reconstruction was in full swing as Don Corneo pulled up to the bar that had previously been Seventh Heaven in his Chocobo-drawn carriage. Corneo had fucked his newest favorite, Honey several times at the arena and her sisters once apiece on the way over. He was more-or-less spent, despite looking his best. He was wearing a burgundy fur coat and a silk, black shirt with golden fleurettes. His girls had also had makeovers and were dressed to match him. Daisey was in a black, silk cocktail dress that looked like it had been poured onto her and designer stilettos. Tulip wore a fluffy, burgundy crop-top, black leather hot pants and tall, fuzzy boots that matched her top. Both looked fashionable and appealing—that was until Honey emerged from the carriage.

Honey was still naked, for all intents and purposes, but she’d been draped over and over with enough gold jewelry that the overlapping and intertwined chains roughly approximated a top and skirt, keeping her mostly covered where it mattered. Even her heels were strapped around her feet and wrapped up her calves with 24k gold chains.

Corneo clutched Honey to his side as he draped his arms around the other two—it was something of a challenge to walk with his arms full of so many hotties, but it was what he often called a “Champagne Problem.”

“How’s the work coming,” Corneo asked of the foreman, who was less than thrilled to have the notorious pimp parading through his project sight.

“It’s coming as fast as we can. Our neon artist has the measurements of the front, he’s working on the sign. We’ve completely rewired the whole building, to accommodate the LED floors and—”

“To ceiling!”


“I said ‘Floor-to-ceiling’ LED lights. I want every surface to be made of colored light.”

“Do you have any idea how much power that’s going to use? This whole District only gets—”

“No! I don’t know how much power that would take—because then I’d have your shitty job. Just get it done!” Corneo was already rummaging though one of the boxes from their liquor wholesaler, nabbing a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue, “come on, girls. Let’s go back and have a nappy poo while these lunks get caught up.”

Just like that, Corneo was on his way out again.