Forbidden Magic (closed for Goldenbraid and Poprockz)


Literotica Guru
Mar 9, 2006
Lamoran look out the window and had to search for few seconds before he saw her. Kaeely - his hearts desire - or so he thought. There she was, a ray of the morning sun highlighted her blond locks that where barely visible under the hood of her cloak which hid her exquisite figure as well. But he knew what she looked like. He had seen her when he spied on the women during bathing day and she had caught he eye instantly. Yes, the other women at the academy where quite good looking as well but somehow Kaeely was something special.
She walked with some other woman probably contemplating the value of a spell or a ritual and he guessed she was using the the hour before the first lecture to get even better at elemental magic, her area of expertise.

Men and women where not allowed to "mingle" at the magic academy of Solandria something about sexuality messing up the magic energies, but Lamoran was sure that this was just a ruse to keep everybody focused on the kind of magic that could help the King win his precious war. He himself wanted more. From the first day he had joined the academy he had searched for knowledge besides the magics they where taught and so he had found this room that apparently had been abandoned for quite some time. It was located in the east tower, a bit away from the main lecture and dining halls but near enough to the dormitories that he could sneak up here and study some kind of other magic. It contained a rather big bed, which he hadn't used because him missing from the dormitories would have been noticed, a large mirror, some trucks with tools and utilities and a bookshelf with dusty tomes, most of them in languages he didn't know.

He looked outside again. Kaeely had turned around and obviously was enjoying the morning sun as she had pulled back the hood a bit. Just enough so he could see her beautiful face but not enough so she would catch the ire of the teachers. Lamoran felt a pang in his heart and something else he had suppressed for quite some time. He was sure that he didn't have any chance talking to her, he wasn't even sure if she knew he existed, but that didn't change his feelings. But now he had an answer to his problems.

Last week he had found a spell in one of the few books he could decipher that would be his solution. From what he understood it would summon an other planer entity that would teach him everything about seducing a woman, or so he hoped. He stepped to the mirror and looked at the reflection. He wasn't that ugly and rather fit - the academy made sure that their bodies where as well trained as their minds - his unruly black hair refused so confirm to any attempts to comb it and a short stubble had collected on his chin which would proably get him into a bit of trouble but he didn't care. His robe lay on the bed and so he was only wearing the mandatory loose shirt and trousers and the slippers that where sufficient on the campus grounds. He still wasn't 100 % sure what the spell would do but he was willing to take the risk, the question was when he should do it.

If you are willing to play Kaeely contact me via PN with a basic idea where the story could lead.
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Lamoran had another longing look at Kaeely, then fetched his robe and left the room, making sure he was not seen. Sneaked out of the east tower, rounded its base and then joined a stream of other pupils who were walking from the dormitories to the lecture halls. He was giddy and nervous and hoped nobody was noticing this or that he hadn’t come from his room, but apparently nobody had taken note of his absence. He tried to get another glimpse of his heart’s desire but now, from the lower vantage point, he couldn’t spot her in the crowd. The rest of the day was pure torture to him. He had a solution but now he had to wait at least this day to get it to work and time somehow was moving so slowly. A theoretical discourse about geomancy, practical application of aquaforming and Migration of Leylines in the 3. Century where things he was not interested in at the moment. He kept to himself most of the time and even during lunch break he only exchanges the barest of words with Alekomar, who thought himself his friend, even though Lamoran had made sure that he didn’t need any friends. Finaly the day was over, and he was lying in his bed in his small chamber waiting for the last round of check-ins.

When he was sure that it was safe he got up, put on his robe and sneaked out of the dormitories. Even though he couldn’t wait to put his plan into motion he took his tame and made sure that he wasn’t seen. When he finally reached his secret room, he first made sure to cast a simple darkness spell on the window to keep any light from escaping. Then he opened one of the chests and fetched the things he needed: some candles and chalk. He got the book out of the shelf and found the right page in seconds. He knew the spell by heart after having read it so many times, but it didn’t hurt to make sure.

He knelt on the floor, drew the magic sigil exactly as it was display on the page, put the candles on the indicated points and then stood up to observe his handywork. Everything looked as it should be and so he snapped his fingers, and the candles alighted. Next he started to read the words in front of him aloud, forcing his tongue around the archaic words that were so different from all the other spells he had learned so far. The lines he had drawn began to glow and a strange sound began to form in his head like a whisper that made the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Then the spell was finished and he look expectantly at the summoning circle on the ground.
She had been relaxing but bored when the summoning circle's energy had appear, so had a bit of curiosity about what the summoner was after to be calling on a succubus for.

'Hope this isn't another mistaken spell use.' She thought, for it annoyed went it was just some foolish mortal wanting to sell his soul like it was just a unused coat or something for some boring and unimaginative little problem in their live they wanted fixed. 'Beside last one interrupted a lively 'chat' she been having with a handsome Incubus.'

Then that is at least less frustrating then last summoning when the summoner had tried to force her to be his slave to command. 'Thankfully the sorcerer had been bad at binding spells.' She murmured. 'Though i lost one of my favorite outfit, as i couldn't get all of his icky and sticky bodily fluids clean completely out of it.' She remembered sighing.

She was also curious as the spell was more ancient, back when they put more care into making spells, but was tainted with low powered magic essence indicating one partly new, or more beginner, to magic. At least that hopefully indicated they wouldn't be trying any binding nonsense.

She concentrated a moment, shifting her form to something more visually pleasing as true demonic forms tended to cause the weak hearts of mortals to burst at times, and most mortals seem to expect succubus demons to be good looking and such....

As she neared the arrival destination, she could feel the mind of the summoner reaching out, connecting in a partial bond, minor thoughts like whispers being exchanged, before the energies dissipated revealing a darkish room with arcane feel and that she was partly kneel in a chalked summoning circle. She rose to her feet, the long auburn hair she gone with spilled down around her voluptuous body choice, dressed in it's partly clinging silky gown/robe mix.

"For what purpose have you call Vylnore Elrinelin Xylaris of the Shikima to this place?" She asked in a calm be firm voice.
Lamoran gulped as he saw this gorgeous woman appear right before him. He hadn’t thought it possible, but she was even more beautiful then Kaeely and he immediately felt something more primal stir inside of him. But he knew that this was dangerous. This was not a human being but some extraplanar entity and he had to be very careful how to handle this situation. Only know did it occur to him that perhaps summoning something so powerful without knowing how to at least control the situation was not such a great idea. For a short moment he considered running away and confessing everything to a teacher but that would get him into real trouble and would also ruin any chance he had with Kaeely.

Perhaps the problem wasn’t as big as the short burst of panic made him think? Her voice was nice and she didn’t really looked dangerous. He cleared his throat, gathered all his wits and tried to speak firmly:

“I am Lamoran of the house of Ebrun. I have summoned you to show me how to seduce a woman.” It made no sense to try to hide anything from her when he had to ask it anyway afterwards.

He rounded her trying to get a look from all sides. She really was extraordinary and the way her gown was clinging to her here and there, accentuating her full figure and made him wonder if she was wearing anything underneath was having an effect on him.

Was she able to leave the summoning circle?

Had the spell included some sort of control?

Or was he at her mercy now?

“So, Vylnore Elrinelin Xylaris of the Shikima, can I call you Vyln?”

“Can you show me what I need to know?”
She watched the guy's reaction to her appearance... and physical appearance.... noting the mixed emotions, but was partly impressed by his control of them, as many flee or get very gravelly... or just very lustful.... when seeing her.

Her expression turned partly surprised and partly questioning as he told her why he called her, for most times it was a lust for sex, sometimes very forbidden sex, or a form of revenge that was behind the summoning.... succubus could drain a man's life with just a kiss. "You summoned me to help you seduce a mortal female, Lamoran?" She said as he circled her, obviously studying her. "That sure is a new one."

She waited till he'd returned to his place in front before stepping from the chalked circle to answer his next questions. "Vyln will do." She replied off-hand. "And i can show you some things, but why is charming this girl so hard you need my help to do it?"

Honestly, this mortal didn't look like he would need help, as he was fairly handsome in a mortal way, and seemed to have a good air of confidence and charisma about him. What could make it hard to get a female of the same species? She'd always found mortals pretty lustful generally, and not adverse to engaging in carnal activities... it was what she really liked about them, honestly.... though they did have a slight thing about visual appearance in their fulfilling their desires. But Lemoran didn't look like he would be considered unappealing... girl was either ultra-picky or there was something she wasn't see going on....
When she stepped out of the circle, he took a deep breath and had to suppress a moment of panic. Was she now going to kill him? Suck the life out of him? But she smiled and then spoke in her sultry voice that at the same time soothed and excited him.

He relaxed a little. She allowed him to address her informally and she seemed to at least consider helping him. This was a good sign, wasn’t it? She was really close to him now and he could smell her otherworldly scent which was faint but even though had an effect on his body. It was slightly intoxicating and arousing.

He realized that his eyes were roaming over her body and trying to find those places where the gown was clinging to her in the most indecent ways and snaped them back to her face, which was not really helping because her full lips were beckoning him onward, and her eyes contained a fire that seemed to consume him.

He blinked to get back his concentration and forced himself to breathe more slowly. The exercises that were taught to him at the academy helped and when he knew he was back in control of himself he answered.

“Here at the academy,” he made a sweeping gesture with his arm “relationships are forbidden.” There are separate dormitories for man and women, but same sex relationships are also monitored. You get more than friendly with another pupil, and you will be punished.”

He looked for any reaction in her face to see if she realized where she was and if she ever heard of such rules.

“And Kaeely – the woman in question – is rather … fond of rules.”

He thought back to the day he first had tried to talk to her.

“She seemed to like me but it was clear that she didn’t want to break any of those rules.”
Vyln made a face like someone had shoved a foul smelling object under her nose as he explained this academy's rules, for disliked the sound of them greatly.... honest they'd take most of the fun out of things.... but something also sounded off about it as well. It seem the complete opposite of what she knew of mortals, who it more often brought relationship, and sex, into things even when it made no sense.... again what she liked about mortal... always lustful in the extreme. There also a strange feeling something wasn't right about it, an air of mismatched energy.

"I see." She replied, her smile returning as he told her of the girl he wanted, this Kaeely. "So you want me show ways to tempt her away from this strict tendency for the rules."

Now seduction was right up her alley, and mighty fun, for luring mortals from their righteous paths was so satisfying.... the more pure and straightlaced, the more filling seeing them corrupted and pull into vice..... by all the sins in the nine hells she loved her job... not that is was really work to her.

"Okay, lets draw her to the other side of the path." She stated with a bit of a wicked laugh. "Then show her the joy of carnal activities."

A strange look on Lemoran's face made her think maybe she used the wrong words and corrected them some. "Let's help you seduce this beauty of yours so you can show her the ways of love."

More mushy, but maybe sounded less dark.....
When her face darkened for a second, he felt the panic in him to show again but now he had himself under control and her smile returned anyway. This smile that awakened something in him he didn’t know existed. The smile that seemed more dangerous than anything else she did.

Then she agreed to help him, to get Kaeely to notice him and perhaps feel something for him and act on those feelings? So, this had been the right decision. The book, the spell and now Vyln could help him to get his heart’s desire…

Carnal activities? He blanched for a second. Was that what he wanted? Wasn’t it love? Was it love? He wasn’t so sure anymore and it really didn’t help that this woman in front of him was more alluring than anyone he had met so far. And the laugh that escaped her was again doing something to him he didn’t fully understand.

But she corrected herself. Not just with words but also with her body language. Somehow the gown she wore was now looking more like a robe. It was way less clingy and more concealing witch somehow was a relief.

“That sounds great. What should I do? Can you tell me? Show me? Should I bring her here? When?”

He hoped it wouldn’t be the last one since that would be not that easy to convince Kaeely to go to some unknown room in an abandoned tower but he would manage even that if he had to.
She smiled at his enthusiasm. "We have to take it slow, from what you said, and carefully lure her to your way of thinking." Vyln said calmly. "Appeal to her senses. And since sight, despite you mortals seeming to rely on it the most heavily, has worked.... and you can't just walk up to her and start to rub her in all the right places. On top of it being to obvious to those watcher you mentioned, not doing it just right and fast enough could result in the opposite effect... especially with her being so set for the rules."

She moved back and forth a bit thinking, for subtilty wasn't a big thing for her kind, as succubus were more prone to bold seduction, and Shikima less so being more the use to erotic attacks, using their sexual skills and powers to bend victims to their will. Vyln was a bit unusual among her fellow demons for she did enjoy the fun of more subtle and stealthy seduction to win over her targets... not that she'd use more forward and bold acts for fun too from time to time.

"I think smell will be a good start." She said finally, tossing her auburn hair behind her head. "Since i'm sure you don't have a list of her favorite scents and such, i think i have a good start." She waved one hand then the other in the air producing some parchment and a quill pen, and start to write things down. "Here is the ingrediencies and recipe for a potion. Not sure if you want to collect the items and brew it in private or have any potion practice you can slyly brew it on the side, but make sure to follow the instruction carefully.... to much deviation could cause strange results. The last three are the most important, the skunk gland can be replaced with skunkweed but it might not make it as strong, the three drops of your sweat will bind your hormonal scent to it, and Kaeely's hair.... preferably nose hair... will focus it on her more closely, though you can skip it if to hard to obtain."

The hormonal potion was tricky, she remember the last guy she gave it to have figured double the components, double the effect and the females of his town nearly killed him with their desperate desires..... very big mess, she had to work a lot of magic and such to straighten things out, and took a good amount of time too.

She handed him the parchment. "Brew it up then drink it, and if right should have Kaeely, pretty much only hopefully, find your natural male sense fill her nose and with luck building her attraction." She finished with a wink.
A potion? Lamoran mulled over the idea while he watched her sit down on the bed in a most indecent way.

“And this will work?” he asked her skeptically getting a smile as an answer that was more telling then any words she could have used. He read over the ingredients a third time and then put the parchment into the pocket of his robe. Since that was lying on the bed, he had to bend down towards Vyln and got a much more intense whiff of her scent which had a much stronger effect on his body. He breathed in deeply and tried to concentrate but that was getting harder by the second. He turned his head and realized how close to her face he was, how close their lips where, how close …

He snapped back, grabbed his robe and stood up.

“I will do my best to get everything, shouldn’t be too hard to get.”

He walked to the door and then remembered something.

“You will stay here? I will find you here tomorrow night?”

He knew this was a stupid question, but he somehow had to ask it anyway. So the answer didn’t surprise him and he went back to his small chamber unnoticed.

His night was filled with dreams about Kaeely and Vyln. They did things together he hadn’t thought of before, things that felt so good. He awoke with a start as the morning bell rang, washed himself in the bowl that magically filles with fresh water each morning and then went to have breakfast. It wouldn’t help him is someone noticed that he was deviating from routine.

But even though Alekomar was looking strangely at him while they ate but he tried to ignore that. The day crept along as slow as the day before but now he had a purpose. Luckily, they had alchemy lessons today and so it wasn’t really hard to fetch most of the ingredients. His own sweat could be included last and Kaeelys hair would be tricky. The skunk gland was one of the rarer things, but he was able to get one under the pretense he was working on a different potion and secret it away in his robe.

During he whole day he looked out for Kaeely and saw her from time to time but both of the times he could get near her he didn’t have any chance to get a hair from her. To go to the women’s dormitory was out of the question, there was a special spell in effect to prevent this. So he returned to the secret room. Perhaps Vyln could get the hair for him?
As he took the parchment and read it, Vyln wandered over to the bed she become aware of, and sat down. But she did it more provocative than one should, sitting on the bottom corner so her legs spread and straddled opposite edges of the bed, causing her silk robe to settle between her thighs in a very noticeable way.

She looked at him as he voice a slight disbelief in the idea.... sigh, mortals..... but a wicked smile seem to answer his question and partly reassure him, so she lay back, stretching out on the bed in a more relaxed position. She had to stifle a laugh as he lend over her to maintain eye contact, and noticeable breathed in a few wifts of her, maybe making her point even better for her as he showed the usual reaction... for the one thing about succubus kind that wasn't standard for most demons and there by didn't need adjusting was their scent for they constantly smelled of arousal and, to those that knew it, sex.

He seem lost in things for a moment or two, which seem to avert anymore questions, finally straightening and moving towards the door while assuring her he'd get everything, but stopped and asked a final question, and for a moment she wasn't sure how to answer him. Though he had summoned her there, there were no binding magics... thankfully as she hated those... and technically he'd not gotten her to swear an oath to anything, so she wasn't trapped there, and could easily break any connections and go home. Still she had agreed to help and was intrigued to see how thing went, so she just nodded. "Yeah, i'll be here." She stated plainly.

While Vyln did lay there a good long time, getting a cross between sleep and relaxation, she didn't stay in the room the whole day, giving the room a mild look over before popping off to amuse herself for a few hours, then returned to be around when, maybe if, Lamoran returned that night.... which he did, looking a bit distressed.

"I'm guessing things didn't go as smoothly as hoped?" She asked, she turned towards him, now dressed in a mid-length tunic in a cream color.
She had changed her clothes, and he didn’t know if she had used magic for that or if she had got them somewhere else. It really didn’t matter since it was clear that she could leave this room and if someone realized what he had done because they caught her, he probably would be punished severely.

“No.” he looked at her sheepishly, “I mean yes, mostly.”

He produced a vial with most of the ingredients und the skunk gland and put them on the small table besides the bed. He pointed at the gland.

“I even got the gland so the potion should be of a higher quality, but I was not able to get a hair from Kaeely. I really couldn’t get near her and cannot go into the women’s dormitory because of the perimeter spell that prevents any male from entering there. “

“I also have yet to enter a drop of my sweat but that shouldn’t be a problem.” He swiped over his brown and realized that this wasn’t as easy as he thought. He wasn’t sweating at all right now and to produce a whole drop of sweat would take a bit more exertion. He shrugged, that could be done later.

“Perhaps you can help? You should be able to get into the dormitory and somehow get some hair from Kaeely?”

He described the object of his desire in great detail and also where her room was supposed to be. Of course, he never had been there but he had watched her now for so long that he was fairly certain that he had seen her at the window of one particular room quite a lot.

“Can you do that?” he asked.
Vyln watched as he pulled out the rest of the need ingredients and set them on the table while explain his lack of chance to get the hair needed.

"Well, as i said it isn't totally important, the potion will work without it, but then it would have equal effect on all the women risking some of them getting drawn to you... maybe even more so if more compatible..... not what we are trying to do." She explained, considering the various options. "Guess i'll have to see what i can do."

She stepped way a bit, then concentrating, spoke a few soft words while making several hand gestures. Her form shifted slightly, her voluptuous figure lessening to something not as noticeable, her hair shorting to a more school like style and her features dull their shine to a more normal appearance, and finally draping her in a copy of Lamoran's academy uniform.

Listening to his description of Kaeely and the directions to her dorm, she smiled as he finished with asking her if she capable of getting the hair. "We'll see. If it's just a gender blocking spell can't see there being much trouble getting in.... getting the hair though is matter of luck and opportunity."

She gave him a wink, before disappearing in a twirl..... emerging a few moment later from a shadowed spot cross from the dorm. "Here goes." She said quietly to herself as she pull her hood down a bit more to avoid anyone noticing she wasn't familiar, and walked across toward the dorm's entrance.....
There were many things that Kaeely was good at, but summoning was unfortunately not one of them. Getting ice to shoot through the air at high-speeds? Yes. Charming items so that they were invisible or took on a certain trait? Yes. Summoning? No.

As such, it was all the more important for her to practice this more than the other subjects. It was her goal to be the head sorceress of her class, and she wouldn't get there unless she had at least a rudimentary grasp of it. It had been a recess between classes, so she had spent that time trying her hand at summoning a low-level sprite. While mischievous, sprites were generally safe to summon (especially if one was lacking in skill).

She had set up her summoning circle in the courtyard and made the proper chalk outlines on the ground. By all means, it was impeccably drawn and most would be impressed with how picture-perfect it looked. However, the problem always seemed to come from the creatures themselves.

Plainly put, either they didn't show up at all, or they disliked her. Something about her or her energy seemed to rub them the wrong way, though she had no idea why that was. Unfortunately for her, she was actually cursed. When she was a child, she had been very ambitious and had tried her hand at summoning a high-level fae. Of course it was dangerous, but she had been far too foolish and arrogant at the time.

The beautiful visage of the fae had appeared in her summoning circle and she had stared in awe, the fae themselves none too pleased. When the fae had asked her why she summoned them, she had answered that she just wanted to see if she could. The fae's eyebrow had twitched, but he had leaned forward and given her a big, secretly wicked smile. With a graceful hand, the fae had ushered her closer and she had come, unintentionally smudging the circle that protected her from him. While the fae could have kidnapped her, killed her, or even switched her nose with her right leg, he had decided to teach her a softer lesson, kind-hearted as he was. What more fitting punishment could there be than to make her terrible at something she had a natural gift for?

"Just to see if you could, hm? It sounds like you don't mind wasting someone else's time..." He reached out and placed a slender finger on her forehead. Her eyes had immediately glazed over and unbeknownst to her, she had been marked. The memory of having succeeded was locked away in her mind, and so she had always thought that the experiment had been a dud. From that day forward, she had a double-sided curse. The fae had made it so that it would take much, much longer for her to call out to any summoned creature, and that once the creature was summoned, it would see the sigil on her forehead that basically read "time waster." It couldn't be read by any who were human or had human blood, but most magical beings could see it.

Kaeely had no recollection of any of this, so she just thought she was truly terrible at summoning for some unknown reason.

Twenty minutes after having called out for a pixie, she almost gave up when it puffed into existence in her circle, looking up at her and smirking shortly after. It laughed at her, making her frown slightly. Well, at least it wasn't looking at her in disdain. She disliked those the most.

"I would like you to..." what could she ask it to do? "Um... change the color of my hair?"

An evil glint caught the pixie's eye and its wings buzzed as it flew up to her hair and took a couple strands of it in hand. It then very delicately parted her hairs until it had a single, gold hair between its fingers. That singular hair turned a bright shade of pink.

She sighed, "you know that's not-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the pixie yanked the hair from her head and flew away, cackling like a maniac.

"Ow! Hey! Come back here!" It wasn't logical to chase the pixie, but she wasn't quite in the most rational state of mind from what just happened.

"Kaeely!" Another student called after her, "you're going to be late for Enchanting if you don't hurry up!"
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Vyln walked as casually as she could to not draw attention, and as she approached the barrier spell, not that she see it but felt the magical energies, and carefully stepped forward.... passing through with out issue. Thankfully it was only gender blocking so her bring female was all she needed to pass through it, the magic not caring her race was different.

She sighed in relief, and was starting forward when a sprite appeared, flying quickly while looking behind it constantly, so much it nearly ran into her, and likely took her for just another human student for a moment till looking directly at her, it's expression going hard.

"What you doing here?" It seem to demand.

Despite the fact that sprites, fairies and other fae acted no different than her own kind.... okay maybe they were a bit more helpful and more mild and tactful with punishments went annoy.... still they were just as prone to trick humans or take advantage of their mistakes as her own.

"I go where i please." She answered back, smiling slightly.

The spite didn't seem to like her response. "You go now." It told her, attacking her with it's magics, but Vyln warded them off with just a raised hand, her other quickly grabbing the spite even though they were agile creatures.

"Let go.... i report y..." It cried but was cut off as Vyln tapped a finger on it's forehead, causing it's eyes to roll back in it's head and it's small form to slump in her hand, making he notice it had a pink colored object it was holding.

"A hair, a pink hair... odd." She mused, then saw a girl appear coming at a hurried run, and she was surprised as she realized it was likely this Kaeely she come looking for.

Staring at the hair, she wondered if this spite had gotten the hair she needed for her, though it wasn't the right color, and tucked it in her robes as the girl got close.

"Your sprite?" She called trying to not indicate she recognized her, extending her hand out, adding as she noticed the questioning stare at the creature's limp form. "It startled me when it flew into and i zapped it with a stun spell I've been practicing."

She smiled at her as she came to a stop... then had to suppress her reaction, as she spotted to glowing mark on Kaeely's forehead. Okay this added a few more layers to this situation....
“Yeah… it’s mine. Kind of.” Kaeely panted, coming to a stop in front of the other woman. Upon looking at her, she couldn’t say she recognized her from any of her classes. Perhaps she was a new transfer student, as she certainly had the right uniform.

“Thank you for stopping it. I was chasing it because it pulled out one of my hairs, but now that I’ve caught it…” she honestly didn’t know what to do with it. Punishing the thing would merely be useless and cruel, seeing as the thing wouldn’t have any remorse regardless. Such things were done only to make the other person feel better, and she doubted she would actually feel better from doing so.

She sighed, “I guess I’ll just send it back. My name is Kaeely, by the way.” The blonde held out one of her hands to shake, her crystal blue eyes looking at Vyln with friendliness. A breeze came by and she caught a whiff of this new person. It puzzled her; the woman smelled very good, like cinnamon and other comforting spices, along with something else she couldn’t quite identify. It was intriguing and stimulating at the same time, though she didn’t give it too much thought at the moment.
Vyln smiled as Kaeely confirmed the sprite was hers, meaning the hair could be too, again reconfirmed as the girl mentioned it had pulled out a hair, mission accomplished already.

"No problem." She replied as the blonde thanked her for stopping the creature. "As i said, it kind of ran into me."

She did her best to take several glances, lightly studying the mark on Kaeely's forehead, without seeming to stare, it was obviously the work a fair powerful fae, though much closer and serious examination would be needed to tell. But that made a couple things not fit the picture, one being that someone with enough skill or power to have summoned a fae with enough power should not have trouble with a simple sprite. Though the mark would have made the creature at least somewhat hostile, just like when Lamoran summoned her, a partial and momentary bond would have been made, carrying with a impression of the blonde's abilities.... and though sprites can be mischievous.... the sense of skill and/or confidence of one capable of summoning the more powerful fae, should hard influenced the small creature not to do what could be considered an attack on the summoner.

Second thing was that one so marked would expect anything summoned to react badly and therefore use protective spells, or avoid summoning pretty much altogether rather than chance mishaps or even being marked again... so why was Kaeely being so reckless? Was it somehow possible she was unaware of the mark?

"Best idea, send back to it's kind." Before you get further cursed she was tempted to add. "Maybe before it wakes up."

At least the chance of a bad reaction was mostly nil, when the creature woke up.... eventually..... it would be more concerned, and mad, at Vyln as Fae and demonic creatures hated each other greatly, even though far as Vyln was concerned they acted no different for the most part.... that light verses dark thing that had been going on for eons.

"Nice to meet you Kaeely. I'm Vyln." She replied, shaking the girl's hand. "So are you having trouble with summoning? Sprites and pixies are not normally difficult the handle."

Well might as well answer the one question.... was she aware of the mark?
"Nice to meet you Vyln," she answered with a nod.

The woman reached out and laid her hand on the sprite, speaking an incantation to banish it from this plane and back to wence it came. With a little 'poof!' the thing disappeared before it had a chance to awaken. That was probably for the best- she didn't want to have a bald patch if the creature decided to take more than a single hair.

"Oh..." she tucked a blonde lock of hair behind her ear and looked a bit embarrassed. "I've always had trouble with summoning since childhood. I used to be decent at it, but then I just seemed to lose my aptitude. If I'm lucky enough to have anything respond to my summons within two hours, they always dislike me for some reason. They either laugh at me, look at me with disdain, or do what I ask in a way that's horribly inconvenient. It's like there's some kind of disconnect or something. It makes me feel somewhat lucky that I failed my summons that one time."

It was rude to just leave someone curious with a statement like that, so she continued on to explain herself.

"When I was a kid, I tried to summon Sil'Ellynsiun. You know, the painter of the moonlight court?" Kaeely chuckled at the foolishness of such a risky attempt. "Sometimes I shudder to think of what might have happened if I had actually succeeded. Fae like that can be really dangerous. Instead of losing a hair or tasting toothpaste for a week, I could have been spirited away or worse."

It truly was a scary thought. In some ways, she considered the failure to be a blessing in disguise.
Vyln listened as the girl explain her troubles, the details definitely fitting the picture, her confusion also answered the question... Kaeely didn't know about the mark! Plus twi hours for a summoning? The type of summoning can effect the time it takes for the target to show.... general summons for a type of creature was usually answered by the one nearest to portal, it isn't a hard summons, so if a creature resisted time could be long as another was draw towards the spot, like her and Lamoran's call, where she could have let one of the other succubus go instead.... but that should only be a few minutes delay maybe. A specific summons could take longer as the named one might be a distance from as portal, they would head towards to call generally as quickly as possible.... if only to stop the slight ringing the summons created, but that shouldn't take very long time.... the ringing honestly gets annoying after awhile.

She glanced up again at the mark, there was obviously more to it than just the message meant to annoy the creatures, for it sounded like there was an effect that messed with the blonde's connection when summoning.

She failed a summons? The sounded ominous.

Vyln had a hard time covering her reaction as Kaeely explained further.... she had to admit when the girl messed up she did it in spectacular way.... pulling a high fae on what was, according to the mark, a waste of time reason... in a way she was lucky he'd not responded in temper as she fate could have been mess, painful and very final. Then fae's were more subtle with punishments at times, though this was in a way on the verge of over cruel, for by apparently wiping the girl's memory of the incident he robbed her of a chance to learn her lesson by erasing her knowledge of the crime, forever torturing her..... it was ingeniously wicked she thought though.

"Yeah, that could have ended very badly." She agreed, not sure if she should tell her about the mark right now till she could check into what to do about it, and if possible, what it might take to get it removed. "we are likely late, so guess i'll see again later." Vyln said smiling.

She waved goodbye and continued to walk till she was out of sight, then disappeared in a whirl, stepping from a shadowed corner of the room she'd met Lameran in.......
When Vyln disappeared Lamoran started to walk across the room nervously. Would that work? Would Vyln use the time to do something that could get him into trouble? As if he wasn’t in enough trouble if anybody knew what he had done. What would Kaeely say or do? Would she report him right away?

He forced himself so calm down and stopped pacing. He went to the bed and set down. Immediately Vylns scent rose up and made him slightly drowsy. Even with her not her at the moment this otherworldly being had a profound effect on his body. He was about to lay down and … what?

He nearly jumped up and gathered himself. He didn’t know when she would return, and it most certainly wasn’t a good idea if she could him doing … things. Or was it?

He started pacing again, walking to a shelf and fetching a random book browsing the pages without really reading them. It took much too long for her to return; he thought but had no idea how much time had passed. He put the book back and fetched another when Vyln stepped out of the corner of the room. He nearly jumped because her sudden appearance surprised him. He put the book back and looked at her. Even in this much blander form she looked like herself and was still rather pretty, even though her other form was much more … appealing?

He forced a hopeful smile on his face.

“Did it work? Did you get some hair from her?
"Yes i did." She informed him, taking a moment to shift back into her form appearance. "Though it is touched by fae magic, so hopefully it won't effect the potion any." She told him holding out the pink colored strand.

She didn't think it would cause any troubles, especially being just from a sprite, the added magic only altering the strength or duration of it up or down slightly, if luck having no effect. Then one could never tell, it could add an unexpected side effect, alter what the potion did, or even make it fail, as magic could sometimes be a fickle thing.

Vyln stifled a giggle as she imagined the image of Lamoran's scent alluring Kaeely as intended but causing her hair to turn pink when he was near her.

"The potion should make your natural scene smell comforting and even alluring to her, and last about two or three days." She explained calmly. "Enough time to wire her brain to connect the two so even when worn off, she should still find you nice smelling." She finished winking.

Vyln moved over and sat on the bed again, wondering if she should mention to him about the mark? Would it worry him and disrupt the plan? Or change his mid all together? No, she had learned over the centuries that mortals in love would look over a lot of things. Anyway, she had no idea what could be do or if it was even possible, so maybe better to say nothing for now.

"Either way, up to you to brew the thing and see what happens." She commented off-hand laying back on the bed again.
He took the pink colored strand and looked at it dubiously.

“You are sure it is from Kaeely?” he asked but her look was answer enough, she was sure, and he had to trust her. He didn’t have much choice either.

The fact that the hair was touched by fae magic made him nervous again. Fae were fickle creatures, never really cruel intentionally but their sense of humor was so outlandish that they could cause a lot of harm. Would this affect the potion as well? Vyln seemed to think it was safe and since it was her recipe he had to trust her with that as well.

He again read over the ingredients and made sure everything was ready and then he realized that the drop of his sweat was still missing. He grinned sheepishly at Vyln who was sprawling on the bed in a most indecent way and made some squats. This shouldn’t be a problem. After the squats he did some pushups and when he felt exhaustion rise, he got up and swept a finger over his brow. It was damp but not really wet.

He realized that a whole drop of sweat seemed to be not so much, but it was not so easy to produce as he thought. He threw a sheepish smile at Vyln and continued to do some exercises hoping the drop would come soon.
Vyln watched distracted as he read over the recipe again, then she assume remembered the drops of sweat as he grinned at her and started to exercise, seeing him bobbing up and down past the edge of the bed. Then he disappeared, making her roll on to her side, her head propped on her hand, and watched more closely as he pushed on the floor raising himself up and down. Lamoran finally stood up and tested his brow which appear a bit damp but not enough for what was needed, so grinned at her again and went back to exercising.

She admired his determination, but looking about, Vyln was sure there was no way in this sort of drafty and coolish room exercise was going to work to get him perspiring enough..... this might call for a different method.

A fireplace would have helped, but the room didn't have one and she assumed it would have been safe to light one if there had been, so it seemed she have to light his personal fire.

Rising off the bed, she walked slowly toward him, her moving seeming to halt his actions momentarily, and as she started to circle him, ran her hand lightly over his chest, sides and back, giving him a very alluring smile. When she was again in front of him, ran both hands over his chest. "Now come, i nice healthy fellow like you should be able to give me three little drops." She cooed, her hands moving to his stomach then starting to trail towards his groin......
He tried some more squats and pushups and felt much more exhausted but realized that the drop wouldn’t come as fast as he hoped. Perhaps he would have to stop because of exhaustion before enough sweat had gathered.

What kind of stupid potion needed a whole drop of that stuff? Should he simply forget all this? Now most certainly not. He now was determined to go through with it and the thing he had thought hardest to get was right there on the table. He got up again from the pushups and realized that Vyln had stood up from the bed and walked over to him.

Her scent was stronger now. Did she do that on purpose? Then she gave him a smile that nearly made him forget Kaeely and everything else and get lost in her eyes.

Then she touched him, gently on the chest at first but then around him on his back and the chest again. He wanted to just enjoy the feeling and he wanted her to do so much more.

He didn’t really heard her words as so much felt them and then her hands wandered down over his belly towards his groin where his body now showed a reaction to her ministrations. Sweat was collecting on his brow …
Vyln could see it was working, as Lamoran's brow damped, so continued her explorations, her hands reaching his groin but just before touching the growing bulge in his clothes, they separated the fingers instead trailing in a circle around both side of it, just barely out of touch. Smiled as the bulge grew even more, and she could swear twitched sharply, but the best part was his brow was getting very damp, glistening readily with growing droplets of sweat.

"Mmmmm.... very good boy." She said alluringly, her hands running down along his thighs then curving inward to the insides of his legs, meeting just below the now seemingly strained bulge.

She leaned in, letting her breath tickle against his neck, as her one hand finally slide up over his trapped erection, stopping at the top to twirl about the tip where it pressed against the fabric, then fingers started to move up and down, nails dragging along the surface, as she smiled invitingly at his face, making soft sounds as she continued her stroking. Her other hand rose up, fingers twirling about each other for a minute till a small glass tub appear, which she reached up and pressed quickly to the spot between his eyebrows, catching several drops starting to collect and run down the bridge of his nose.

"See told you, you could do it." She said smiling, as she moved off, placing the glass tub with the other ingrediencies and returning to the bed.....