Forbidden Magic (closed for Goldenbraid and Poprockz)

Lamoran stood perfectly still. He wanted her to continue, to do thing to him, to take him and …

And he wanted to do things to her, his mind started to imagine taking the dress of her, slowly or fast, kissing her or grabbing her and pushing her on the bed. He gulped and felt his erection becoming stronger just to the point where it strained against his pants. Her mouth on his neck, her fingers teasing him some more and he didn’t know how much longer he could contain himself.

Then he realized that he was still able to think about Kaeely, her blond hair, her lithe figure, her smile when she could talk about elemental magic and his current condition made him want her too, kissing her, touching her, doing the things to her that Vyln was awakening in him. And he wanted Vyln to be there, showing them things, joining them, making them…

Her hands moved away, and she stepped back from him and he nearly stepped forward to get near her again, to feel her hands on him again but contained himself. He hadn’t felt her fingers on his brow or the fact that she had collected his sweat.

He looked at the table and back at her, his face dumbfounded what to do next. But he composed himself, walked to the table and put all the ingredients together. He swirled the glass vial a bit around and watched the strange colors rotate in it. There were flashes of pink, and he didn’t know if that was normal or an effect of the fae magic but couldn’t change anything anyway.

With a sheepish grin at Vyln, who again was lounging on the bed in a most inappropriate way, he put the vial to his mouth and gulped down the content.

“So, we will see if that will work.” With that he grabbed his robe and fled the room. As soon as he was in the fresh air again, he stopped and breathed deeply. What had he done? What kind of creature had he summoned? He took a moment to catch he breath and to give his body time to get rid of the bulge in his pants and then returned to his chamber.

It tool quite some time for him to finally fall asleep and his night was filled with very inappropriate dreams of him and Vyln and Kaeely and …

He awoke before the bell and used the time to wash him thoroughly with water from the magic bowl. It took some time to get dry again, but he felt refreshed and ready for the day and his first experimentation with the effects of the potion.

The first few hours of the day where routine with breakfast and some boring lessens but during the first break he searched out Kaeely, who was sitting on a bench and discussing something with another woman. He walked up to her and said:

“Hi Kaeely, I was wondering if you could help me with a new idea for a elemental spell. I would like to use the magic bowl in our rooms to get the water to fall on me and then vanish when it hits the ground.”
Kaeely was discussing the subtle art of transmutation when she caught an unfamiliar scent on the air. Trying to be subtle about it, she cast her gaze casually around the courtyard, trying to find the source of such an alluring scent. Before she found it though, she saw someone come up to her and speak. Her eyes looked up to see a raven-haired guy with slight stubble and she was sure that he was the one the smell was coming from.

If she recalled correctly, he had once tried to strike up a conversation with her, but she had declined to fraternize. After all, just being seen talking with a guy could land one in hot water at the academy. It wouldn’t do well for her to have risked it when she had such lofty ambitions for herself. Besides, it was against the rules and she was nothing if not rule-abiding.

That being said… she couldn’t deny that she didn’t find anything wrong with his looks, especially those intelligent eyes of his. Had he always smelled that way? She didn’t recall noticing such a thing when they first met.

It was the strangest thing: she had the urge to stand up, press her body against him, rub her face on his chest, and simply breathe him in. The scent was… enticing to say the least.

At the same time, she hadn’t noticed at first, but her hair was changing color to a bright shade of pink. All of her hair. Her eyelashes, her eyebrows, the soft little hairs on her arms… it was all turning pink.

She stared at him for a moment or two until she realized he had actually asked her a question. Her cheeks went slightly pink and she started to answer him. “Oh, um. Well, that doesn’t necessarily sound like elemental magic, per se” she mused, “unless you want the water to naturally dissipate in a cloud of steam. If you just want it to disappear, that sounds more like a teleportation spell. What are you trying to-“

“Kaeely, your hair!” The other woman gasped, pointing at it.

She took a lock of her hair in hand and looked to see that bright shade of pink, her eyes widening in shock. The next professor was a stickler for the rules and wouldn’t allow anyone in if they had a “distracting” appearance. What was she supposed to do? Should she go to the nurse?

The other girl stood up and backed away in case it might have been a charm that spread person to person. “IgottagosoI’llseeyoulater!” The other woman quickly said before dashing off.
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Vyln too noticed the pink tint to the potion, hoped it wasn't a bad sign.

She couldn't see it having that much effect, as sprites were one of the least powerful faes, and it just change the hair's color, minor magic at best. Then it hit her that was looking at the wrong thing.... the mark..... the sprite's magic might be weak and have only touched the hair for a few minutes before being used, but the mark was from a high fae and she'd had it for several years from what she said, meaning it's magic could have spread to her whole body.... including the hair!

The thought came to late though as before she could say anything Lamoran drank the potion.... guess just hope for the best.

"Good luck." She told him as he left.

She amused herself for awhile wandering about the room again, plucking the odd book of the shelf and glancing through it but reading wasn't really her thing, she still felt there was something odd about the room. The room had that normal look of a summoning room... except the bed.... and even if this was suppose to be someone's personal room, the bed still didn't fit as you'd expect it to be smaller, meant mostly for resting or stretching out for awhile.... very odd. Maybe it was just some spare storage room.

Vyln pushed aside the though for now and walked over to stare at the summoning circle and the point of energy from the presently closed portal, something most wouldn't be able to see, and consider using it to call in an incubus for 'entertainment'. She decided against it in the end though as she didn't want to chance it getting loose.... she could just imagine the upheaval if one or more students or staff were found ravaged the next day.... or worse, just vanished, spirited away. So she returned to the bed, removing the tunic and laying on the bed to entertain herself, for with her skills and powers she near wanted for ways to fulfill desires even her own.

Having eventually put herself in a euphoric condition, and figuring she would see Lamoran till well in the next day, she cuddled into the bed and rested through the night, waking near mid-morning.

Feeling well rested and reenergized, and bored, she decided to see how things were going for Lamoran, so shifted to an appropriate form and went to find him.

She finally found him as he was making his approach to Kaeely. She smiled as the girl seemed to almost distractedly look about, suggesting the potion was working, and watched from a slightly hidden position as the two started to talk.... then she saw it... Kaeely's hair slowly changing to a pink color matching the hair from yesterday. And not just the hair on her head, as Vyln was pretty sure she could see the girl's eyebrows changing to, and an almost hint of pink color deep in her ear. Though shocked and upset at the situation, she quickly covered her mouth not to stifle a gasp but a chuckle, at the sight of the girl sporting bright pink hair everywhere.... and she suspected sported it totally 'everywhere'.... which made her grin and laugh harder.

Around her amusement, she did wonder if Kaeely would make the connection between things.....
It worked, was Lamorans first thought. Kaeely was actually talking to him and not trying to dismiss him as fast as possible like what had happened last time he tried to talk to her. He watched her lips move and even though his thought start wo wander to things he would rather do with her lips and her body he also realized that she had answered his rather stupid question in a very intelligent way.

He continued to take in the beauty that was her face. The lips that where beckoning him, the nose that had just the right curve, the eyes he would like to get lost in …

He realized something was wrong the same time her friend did. So the fae magic did mess up the potion. Not only the hair on her head but also her eyebrows had turned pink, and he couldn’t help himself to wonder if this change would continue to the rest of her body. He really would like to find out.

Right now this provided a problem. He and her friend apparently where the only ones who had seen the change and he squinted into the sun, pretending that it blended him and pulled up the hood of his robe and winked at Kaeely so she would do the same.

He looked around to see if really nobody else had seen the pink hair and found one woman starring at them but her face was not full of shock, which would have been understandable, apparently she was stifling a laugh und when Lamoran took another look at the face he realized that this must been Vyln in another form.

He raised a questing eyebrow to her nudged his had in direction of Kaeely, shrugged his shoulders and took a stop towards the now pink haired beauty. He grabbed her elbow gently and whispered.

“Whatever happens to you right now, perhaps we should get you somewhere private?”

So close to her he could breathe in her scent and it was slightly intoxicating. Was the potion working both ways?
She wasn't sure what he was doing when he looked into the sun and brought up his hood, the action only earning him a quizzical look. It was an odd thing to do, but she had more pressing matters to think about.

With her friend having fled, she was now all alone with a man which was certainly against the rules. Should she flee back to her own room and hope she could figure out an antidote or anti-curse? Either way she was going to have to miss her next class, regrettably. Perhaps she could make it up to the professor by getting extra-credit on her next assignment. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a warm touch on her elbow.

He wanted her to go with him. Alone with him. Just the two of them. Was he crazy?! They could both be in some serious trouble if anyone found out!

At the same time... he didn't seem to be a bad sort. In all likelihood he wouldn't just run off to the headmaster as admitting such things would get him in hot water as well. Besides that... the look in his eye gave her the gut feeling that he was on her side, so against her better judgement she decided to seek his help in this. Normally she might have simply refused and darted off on her own, but they did say that two heads were better than one, didn't they? She had last been seen with him by the other student, but no one would believe that Kaeely, the rule-abiding honor-student would choose to go off with a guy she barely knew.

Just this once. Just this once she would go with him.

Kaeely brought up her own hood to hide her hair and face before answering. "Do you have some place in mind?" As long as it wasn't any place creepy, she figured it wouldn't hurt.
Vyln saw Lamoran look in her direction and hoped he would be upset at her spying, but he just nodded at Kaeely, she assumed asking what happened or maybe asking if she had any ideas.

Either way, they both pulled up their hoods and he lead the girl away to safety she assumed, and she figured if not right way the two would end up in the tower room in the end.... it was really the safest place at the moment considering things... plus Lamoran would of course be hoping she had an idea or solution.

She was about to depart and head back to the room went only few minutes after the two had disappeared, a slightly taller figure showed up with she assumed was a student, though not Kaeely's friend she didn't think, and stood where the two had been looking about. They were looking for them? She hoped not. Still maybe better safe than sorry.

Vyln moved off a ways, then shift to look about the right size as the girl had pulled a couple bits of hair forward so they hung out of the hood, and turned them a matching shade of pink, then hurried way, figuring someone maybe more than one would see her thinking she was Kaeely and at least report she was alone. Then she headed to the opposite side of the grounds, finding an unused basin and leaving a few pink stains around it plus a stray hair or two. Hoping anyone looking for the blonde.... or was that strawberry blonde, very strawberry.... would assume she was embarrassed and trying to solve things on her own... hoping also that people would assume she was the victim of a spell gone bad or a cruel prank.

She was about to leave when she heard calling and saw to figures coming towards her, pretty sure it was Kaeely they were calling she ran away from them, rounding a corner and pulling into the shadows before they could catch up, shadowing hopping away, across the grounds.

Vyln sighed in relief then changed the pink strands back before disappearing in a whirl to step from the shadowed corner in the summoning room, seeing both were already there as expected, noting the look of recognition on Kaeely's face, but staying in her student form till she found out just how much Lamoran has told her yet.

"Lamoran, Kaeely." She greeted them, moving more towards the center of the room.
Lamoran felt panic rise as he led Kaeely away from the crowd. He needed to talk to her in private but was still unsure what he should say. Should he confess? Was the potion strong enough to make her still like him after she knew what he did? Or should he move away from her hoping that it was his proximity that caused the changing hair color, but then she would make the conclusion on her own, Kaeely was one of the brightest students at the academy.

No, he first had to talk to her and make sure that she understood why this was happening … or he had to think of a lie so big and convincing that She had to believe him.

He realized that he was moving her towards the east tower, perhaps more out of habit than with a clear thought in mind, but now that he thought about it this was probably the best place to talk to her, nobody would disturb them there.

When they finally reached the room, he closed the door and came to a decision. Making up some wild story wouldn’t help him, and he realized that he not only craved to be near Kaeely, he also respected her too much to lie to her. He looked her deep into the eyes and was about to explain everything when Vyln stepped out of the shadows and into the room.

He nodded at her and then collected all his bravery and started to explain things to Kaeely in very broad strokes.
She had followed him back to the tower willingly, inhaling his scent through her nose all the while. Each time her body let out a breath it seemed a pity the she couldn't simply continuously breath in to prevent any lapse. As time went on, she had found her panties dampening slightly from the moistness of her cunt, her nipples becoming a bit pert as well. She wasn't a complete stranger to arousal, but it was infrequent enough that this was unusual. Not that she did anything when she felt such things; Kaeely's body was untouched both by man and by herself. Who had time for such things when she was so busy with her goals?

When Vyln stepped out of the shadows, she jumped slightly, not having expected her to be there as well. Why was she here? He had said he was taking her to somewhere private. Wait... was this some sort of hazing or bullying thing? Her eyes became wary as her stance became more balanced as she prepared to cast defensive magic at a moment's notice. If they wanted to attack her, they would find another thing coming.

However, instead of having hexes thrown her way, he had seemed to compose himself before trying to explain things. Her eyes widened as she heard his explanation. Apparently, he had summoned Vyln and she had provided him with a recipe to seduce her via smell. It had gone wrong since they used the fae-changed hair.

It was a lot to take in, so she sat on the bed for a moment, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees and her fingers rubbing her temples. There were many things going through her mind. Firstly, she was angry that he would think to subject her to any magic methods of seduction. Of course it wasn't half as bad as love potion, it was still somewhat underhanded in her opinion. Secondly, she felt flustered that he had just confessed to desiring her; such a revelation made her cheeks flush. The only romantic experience she had was turning people down before they asked, so she was a fish out of water in that regard.

Thirdly, she was actually impressed that he had employed such an ambitious plan for getting in her good graces. To summon an extra-planar entity for the sole purpose of getting closer to the object of your affection was quite bold, especially if Vyln was a high-level demon or fae.

After a few moments of stewing, she sighed and looked up at him. "Look. I'm flattered, really I am. But you have to understand that this academy does not even allow friendship between opposite sexes. Even if I did find you interesting-which I'm not saying I do-" she had added hastily in a flustered manner, "-I'm not going to risk obtaining the position of top student for anything. I'm on track to be named by the end of the year." There was a pause, "Well. I mean, if I can get my summoning to be somewhat consistent."
Vyln was surprised as Lamoran just let it all out, telling Kaeely everything, well not every detail, but noticed he left out what she was, simply describing her as a summoned being to help him.... why admit the rest and leave that out?

As the girl sat and seemed to think over things so too did Vyln, slowly coming to realize that he hadn't mentioned it because he didn't know either! Suddenly things started to make more sense, the lack of protective and binding spell, his reactions to her and some of the stuff she did, but it also opened more questions. If he had just been summoning someone to help, how had his spell targeted succubus directly? She glanced at his circle on the floor, it was perfect that she could see, not some half hearted thing that could be summon anything depending on how the magic interpret it. Had it been his desire to attract, i.e. seduce Kaeely that had aimed it at the demons known for seduction? She turned to the book shelf, pondering. Did he use one of the books from there, that did make sense, and if he maybe misunderstood the spell or part of it, that could explain it..... there were books there written in other languages than the Common Tongue. Possible, but Lamoran gave the impression of someone more careful.... she made a mental note to look far more carefully at the books and circle.

It dawned on Vyln, that if he was unaware of what she was, he might not even know what side she was from, that she was infernal not fae..... boy these two were made for each other!

As Kaeely started to speak, her attention refocused on the girl, and she had to stifle a grin as the girl tried to make out she wasn't attracted to Lamoran, for she was giving off a strong aura of aroused energy, but as she mention her summoning Vyln figured this was the time to mention the mark.

Shifting back to the original form she taken upon arriving, she spoke up. "Well, that isn't going to happen anytime soon, or possible even, as you are marked, under a fae curse." She informed the girl, noting the surprised and questioning looks she got. "You two can't see it as it's only visible to those summoned from the outer planes, but it is there."

Vyln slowly approached the girl , stopping a few feet away, then at her own forehead as an example. "The mark is right here, and labels you as a waster of time. It is why creatures are always hostile when you summon them, for it tells them you are likely drawing them here for something that is going to be unimportant and a waste of they time being brought here." She tried to explain. "And i suspect there is even more too it. As the long time it takes for creatures to come, suggests it interferes with your connection, weaking it."
The smooth transition from student to object of most men’s desires caught Kaeely off-guard when she saw the being change forms. She had to admit that the woman’s curves and the soft, plumpness of her lips even made Kaeely feel her pulse quicken a little. Even from a few feet away, the being had a scent about her that was just as alluring as the one Lamoran had used.

What exactly was she?

The question lingered in her mind for a moment before Vyln moved closer and spoke about the mark.

It was shocking to hear, but she decided that she believed what she was being told. It was the first time she had been given any inkling as to why her skills were so poor in that area. Of course no summoned fae creature would have told her what was going on if a high-fae had cursed her. That would have been a very good way for one of them to step on some very important toes.

A demon might have told her, but she hadn’t risked summoning any demons, being that such a thing would be exceedingly dangerous given her lack of skill. So… if Vyln didn’t mind telling her, then she was obviously either a demon or a very foolish fae. She didn’t strike Kaeely as foolish, so she was obviously the former.

The woman tried to recall that first summoning she had tried, but the memory just wasn’t accessible. It was as though someone had neatly removed the memory from her mind. Fae were certainly capable of this, so she had to conclude that it had been that particular high fae that had cursed her. Why though? And why did the rune say “time waster?” She had so many questions, but she decided to start out with one more immediate query.

Her eyes narrowed warily at Vyln and she asked in a firm but cautious voice, “who are you, really, demon?”
Lamoran watched Vyln examine that summoning circle and the books as seeing them for the first time. What was that about? She gave him a strange look and then listen to Kaeely.

He was used to Vyln changing forms by now so he wasn’t surprised as she did yo, but the scent of her that was getting stronger was still distracting. It didn’t help that Kaeely as well gave off something that made him want her even more and in ways he somehow didn’t think before.

He looked from Kaeely to Vyln and back to Kaeely again. What was that about now? He had thought this was all about him getting his hearts desire to notice him but now it was about summoning and a mark that Kaeely hat? He had to help her somehow but didn’t know how right away but apparently Vyln already had an idea. Then Kaeely asked the question and Lamoran was dumbfounded. He hadn’t thought about that for a second. Vyln was a demon and what kind of demon knew something about love?
Vyln was surprised as she had assumed with the information about the mark being revealed, it would be the main topic, but instead Kaeely regarded her with a strongly questioning stare and asked who she was.

She figured might as well get it out of the way, the worst thing that could happen was she is sent back and this is no longer her problem, she gets back to fun with some incubus maybe.

Standing straight, she grinned. " i'm Vylnore Elrinelin Xylaris, of the Shikima, a clan of demons who specialize in the sexual arts. Guess you could say i'm a succubus of sorts." She informed her calmly. "And despite being an infernal, i sure you i mean no harm."

She waited to see what their reactions would be....
Lamoran looked at Vyln and felt his head turn red. He had summoned a succubus? A powerful demon versed in the sexual arts? His desire to seduce Kaeely had taken a real strange turn- How had he been able to do something so powerful yet so utterly stupid? He looked at Kaeely who seemed less surprised than he was and tried to smile a little bit sheepishly at her. Then he walked over to the shelf that contained the book he had found the spell in, pulled it out and presented it with the corresponding page open.

“I found the spell in this book.” He told them and. “there is no mention of succubae or demons here.”

“Besides, why would such a book be on the campus grounds, even in an abandoned room?”

Then he realized that he was standing awfully close to both women and their scents intermingling were intoxication. He breathed in deeply, which was a mistake. He immediately felt his body react, his groin twitching and sweat collecting on his brow. Apparently the proximity of Vyln and the effect of the potion where interacting somehow.
The revelation of what the demon truly was made her suck in a surprised breath. If there was anywhere such a book would be, then an abandoned room in a tower with a bed in it certainly fit the bill. Her eyes went down to the floor and she noticed that not only had he summoned such a demon, but he also hadn't put any binding or protection spells in place. The fact that he still had his soul intact was rather surprising to her, though she wouldn't wish such a thing on her worst enemy.

Her head snapped up to him and her eyebrows scrunched into a frown as she stepped closer to him. "Are you nuts?! You didn't know exactly what you were summoning and you didn't put any binding or protection spells in place?! She could have sucked out your soul-" she glanced at Vyln and added a little "no offense," before continuing. "You could be dead right now or worse if she wanted you to be. What did you promise her in exchange for her help?" At this point Kaeely's voice was a bit shrill, her eyes wide as she waited for a response from him.
Lamoran took the revelation of who or more what she was pretty well, embarrassed it looked but calm as he retrieved the book he'd used for the summoning spell and showed it to her and Kaeely. Glancing at it, she had to admit it mentioned nothing about summoning anything specific, and appear a general spell. Odd, as she was sure when she'd answered the summons it had been only for succubus! Then what narrowed the summons? It could have been his intention to seduce the girl, but that one would think should have aimed at incubus, as they were the ones who seduced women, succubus tending to go more for men as victims.

Noting the increased sexual energies coming from him, she moved to the shelves looking over a few other books.

Kaeely took the news of her identity a bit more... hard.... though still handled in without great panic, she had to agree with the girl that if she'd been inclined she could have done a variety of things to him, ranging from not good to very bad. So she just nodded with a slight grin as she answered her back. "None particularly taken."

As she read a few more of the titles on the books she began to wonder what half of these were doing here, and why the other half were not somewhere more secure, as this was a pretty complete collection of the best in summoning books.... something would expect to be just sitting around getting dust.... much less left in a nearly abandoned room. Then there were the other half, may written in obscure, long dead and unused languages, and some in not even written by mortal hands..... the one she plucked from the shelf, being in old Achoron, and a detailed guide to Succubus and Incubus.....
Lamoran looked at Kaeely with a pleading expression.

“I promised nothing and she asked nothing, actually she had been nothing but helpful… in her special way.”

He took a step back so he could think better. The scent of both women so close to him was still affecting his mind. He shook his head and then looked at Kaeely again.

“Yes, I have been stupid. If I had known what I was summoning I wouldn’t have done it and even if I somehow thought about it, I would have made sure to include some safety measures.”

“If I were able to would undo all of this,” he continued, not entirely sure if that was the truth. “But we can’t help it now, besides perhaps this is a chance for you as well.”

He pointed at Kaeelys brow were the mark must be.

“If Vyln can help you get rid of your mark you really can be the best student here at the academy, isn’t that what you want?”

His shoulders slumped as he realized that he had messed up everything tremendously. Not Kaeely would always remember him as someone who got her in trouble.
She gave him a long, hard look before sighing and running her fingers through her pink hair in a stressed manner. “I’m not angry at you, just so you know, but you put yourself and everyone else here at risk. Demons are capable of pulling other demons through the entryway, so if she wanted to, there could have been several succubi or incubi making a snack out of the students.”

And with how sexually repressed everyone was here, she couldn’t imagine it being very difficult for any of them to lure the students into acts of depravity that would ultimately mean their doom. He was lucky that she didn’t report him immediately. Why wasn’t she reporting him, actually? Well, she wasn’t sure, but perhaps it had to do with the earnestness with which he had spoken to her.

“That being said…” her eyes shifted to Vyln and she regarded her with a wary curiosity. “As benevolent as Vylnore has been so far, I’m unsure if she would be able to remove a cursed mark left by a high fae, and I don’t think she would do it for free if she could. My soul is staying right where it is, so I have nothing to offer her.”
Vyln listen to them talk, talk about her more precisely, and began to understand partly how the girl had managed to summon a high fae at such a young age for she showed great knowledge and understand, for it would take little more than a act of will to call her fellow Shikima, and have them turn the place in to a orgy of carnal pleasure and debauchery.

She was fully aware of the reputation of demons among mortal, and honesty, most had more than earned and deserved those reputations, and as an infernal she was counted among them, but she felt she'd been more than good about things. Lamoran hadn't offered, nor she ask, anything for her help, she'd simply lent her assistance for nothing more than satisfaction of her curiosity and maybe a bit of enjoyment helping to break a few over strict rules. So felt she deserved a bit more kindness, and was sort of.... hurt.

So it was, when the girl simply assumed without asking, that she'd demand payment to help and commented her soul stayed with her, Vyln let her annoyance slip a bit. Shifting slight so her eyes turn red with an fiery glow, and the hint of fangs graced her mouth she turned to give the girl a very wicked grin.

In a voice that was scary but filled with carnal promise she spoke to her. "Dear Kaeely, it's not your soul i'd take if i was so inclined." She told her with a cool and calm tone. "I'd tear the clothes from your body till you stood bare and defenseless then i'd use my powers and skill at sex craft to invade and ravage your body with waves of pleasure and lust, pushing you to higher and higher levels of ecstasy till your mind broke, leaving you nothing but a sex crazed toy for my amusement."

Catching herself, Vyln rained in her emotions, leaning on the shelves for a few moments as she shifted back, voicing a soft "sorry", and when calm again, she turned back to them. "You are right, i'm not powerful enough to mess with the mark of a high fae, especially one of the senior circle." She admitted. "So i'm going to have to ask the advice of those more powerful and more knowledgeable than me."

She stepped over by the circle and pushed the fingers of both hands into a thin rift of the closed portal, using a small bit of magic to open it as she moved each hand to the side, and started to step through. She stop, and looked back at Lamoran. "If anything happen or you needed me before i return, just make contact with the circle.... even a part of a foot on the edge... and call my name."

She turned back and started to step the rest of the way through the portal.....
All energy left Lamoran when Vyln vanished. He walked over to the bed, flopped down and buried his head in his hands. It took a moment for him to find enough strength to speak again.

“Yes, I messed up tremendously, I’m terribly sorry for that.” He looked up at Kaeely with a sad expression in his eyes.

“You see, I feel something for you and I thought this would help me get near to you, but I guessed I made everything worse. Perhaps I didn’t think at all and let something else guide me?”

He shook his head.

“Frankly, I don’t have any real explanation, and every apology feels somehow hollow.”

He pointed at her hair.

“Perhaps it will get back to normal when you are not near me so you can go on with your life.”

He got up, looked at her once more with a nearly pleasing look in his eyes and walked to the door.
Vyln's outburst left her feeling simultaneously afraid and aroused. The imagery of being pinned down on the bed while Vyln did what she wanted with her... it made her swallow hard. Innocent and virginal as she might be, she knew what happened between people in the dark of night, and she was not impervious to seduction.

It made her think though. Why was the succubus so seemingly offended, and why was she helping them without anything being asked for in exchange? Such a thing was uncommon among humans, let alone succubi. It was possible that Vyln was just a benevolent succubus who didn’t care much for the rituals of man, but it was hard to believe. Perhaps when she got back, Kaeely could ask her what she was getting from all of this.

It was a welcome distraction when Lamoran started to speak.

To be honest, she felt bad for him. Rules were rules, but in this case she personally felt the rules were rather stupid.

“Lamoran…” she said gently, “you don’t have to go. The only reason I’m scolding you is because you could have been hurt. I… personally think that the rule about fraternizing is stupid.” Her cheeks became a bit rosy and she continued, “I think you’re handsome, and obviously you’re talented if you were able to summon such a demon. You don’t have to feel bad about wanting to be close to someone.”
Lamoran stopped and turned around. On one hand he wanted to believe her, wanted to be close to her, wanted to hold her and just feel her beside him… and wanted to do the things Vyln had mentioned, getting lost in what she called “carnal pleasure” but on the other hand he was afraid to get his hopes up because it basically was hopeless anyway. Would Kaeely really consider breaking the rules with and for him?

He let go of the door he had been about to open and took a step back towards Kaeely and looked into her beautiful face.

“You really think that?”

He started pacing around the room avoiding getting to close to her because he could still feel the potion affecting him as well somehow.

“You see, I never was one to follow rules that precisely, especially when it seems that there are things to explore. It’s why I was able to find this room with this books.” He pointed at the shelf.

“And it’s apparently why I was able to summon a succubus … “ he made a apologizing face, “ … that somehow seems to be more benevolent then should be possible.”

He turned around and finally stepped closer to her.

“Do you think that there is any way for us to be together?”

He felt the effect of the potion getting stronger again as he was close to her. He was smelling her scent much more pronounced now and he was wondering what it was doing to her.
She had nodded to his first question, then watched him pace around the room. He was right; it took a truly adventurous soul to wander about the place and experiment with unknown magics. It was reckless, yes, but it was also brave. It was funny how the two often went together.

Together… was there any way for them to be as such?

She looked up into his intense eyes and wasn’t sure what to say for a moment. His scent was filling up her nostrils from his proximity, and she once again felt something affecting her in ways she couldn’t quite understand.

Her lip trembled and she said, “I… honestly don’t know. I might consider giving it a try, but how would we get away with something like that without anyone knowing?”
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He took another, the final step towards her and took her hands in his.

“So you are not against spending time with me, you are afraid that we will be caught?”

Perhaps not all was lost. He felt a kind of current run through her hands into his body and wondered if this was normal or some kind of side effect from the potion.

“I snooped around her for weeks and nobody took note of me. We have to find an excuse for our absence today, but when I can sneak out of the dormitory at night you should be able to do so as well.”

He looked at the window where the sun was now a bit lower, and he knew they would be missed at supper in any case.

“How about we return to the mess hall separately and if your hair still is pink, you can say that someone pranked you and you tried to catch whoever did it. That way you can explain the hair and your absence.”

He looked her deep in the eyes.

“And if you really like we can meet here again tonight?”
Again, she had nodded to his first question. If there weren’t such rules in place, she wouldn’t have turned him away that first time either.

His plan was sound, and she decided in that moment that she would see what came of it. This whole situation was far from what she would normally do, but she couldn’t deny that she felt a bit excited about following him off the beaten path and into something unknown.

“Yeah… that sounds like a good excuse and…” she broke eye contact, unable to continue holding his gaze. She felt like if she hadn’t broken free, she might have had her heart beating out of her chest. “I’ll come back here tonight. Give me just a second.”

With that, she took some spare chalk from her pocket and drew a complicated diagram on the corner of the room: a teleportation circle. If she hadn’t broken free the same one in her own room, she could move between the spaces with ease and with a low probability of discovery.

She then wished him goodbye and quickly made her way to the mess hall. There was a thrill running through her veins and for some reason she couldn’t stop smiling to herself. Her hair faded to its original blonde hue, thank goodness, and she gave her friends the excuse Lamoran cooked up.

Later that night, she drew the corresponding teleportation symbol on a mat in her room and stepped into it. With a flash of light, she was passing through the planes and to the tower once more.
When Kaeely was gone Lamoran took a moment to compose himself. He realized that he was grinning from ear to ear. Apparently, it had worked after all, Kaeely not only liked him she was willing to take the risk and meet with him again.

He made sure the room was tidy again except for the two chalk circles and when he thought that enough time had passed he also went to the mess hall. He stopped at the entrance and looked over the crowd. He could see Kaeelys blonde hair at the other side of the room and breathed a sigh of relieve. So the pink hair was caused by proximity and as long as they stayed apart in public nobody would notice. He took a seat as far away from Kaeely and the exit as possible and started to eat. He hadn’t realized how famished he was.

Alekomar joined him and again he looked at Lamoran strangely, this time he took the time to ask him what made him grin so much. Lamoran concocted up some story about a success with a spell and kept quite the rest of the meal. He couldn’t wait for the night to come were he would be able to see Kaeely again.

Finaly the time had come and he sneaked again to the east tower, opening the door, slipping in and closing it again. He went to a shelf, picked a book and sat down on the bed. He started to read he was much too nervous to really understand what was written. So he was relieved when Kaeely appeared in a flash of light.

He stood up and greeted her.

“Hello Kaeely, you really have come.”