Force-X: New Blood Rising

Arko Denial O'Neal

"I heard you two talking. You know him... Eric was right, you people really do want to hurt me!" The young women stated, obvisly ervous.

"Him? No, no... no I honestly do not know him or what he wanted. I was just getting cover from the rain." Denial said a little caurous as why that man attacked her.

The felt cold in the rain, the wet hair on his feet aqnd hands hurt a little with being wet.
Joe let the truck go to a slow stop, unsure just what to do. He thought, for a moment, it was something in the suit that was telling him what to do. He thought maybe it was molding with his mind. But, no, that couldn't be it.

Why would his suit talk to Andrew?

Andrew heard it. The look on his face told him everything. Joe didn't really know what to do. The door was up, they were minutes away from victory, and someone was telling them to stop.

Could this be a trick? that was something that kept going over and over in his mind. This must be a trick. The government had a bunch of little lab rats just like him and Andrew, one of them could be a mental psychic. They were trying to get him to stop, turn around.

But, could it be the real thing? Joe just didn't know. Why would they come here, what was the point? Unless, the point was to save him in the first place. Did they really want to save him?

If they really wanted to save him... they wouldn't care if he left on his own, or stopped and turned around. Right?

This was so confusing, and it didn't help the fact that whoever this guy was, was probably running through his mind right now. He wished he had a shield or something.

"Ok," he spoke aloud, seeing guards setting up outside, already losing time. They were getting closed in by the second.

"I don't have any reason to trust you. I trusted these guys, and they brought me right in here," Joe spoke aloud, although he realized he probably didn't need to. It just felt better that he did.

"We're leaving this spot. Ain't nothing, not even a promise of help going to make me turn around. You follow me out. You follow us out, if you are who you say you are, you won't stop up. You'll follow us, and you'll meet us on our own grounds. That's the only way I'll trust you."

Joe kicked the van in its ass, as tires peeled, and they ran past guards shooting wildly and setting up.

"Where's the exit?" All he could see were high gates and concrete walls.
I'm not running through your mind, Joe. I'm only picking up surface thoughts. The conscious thoughts you're thinking right now. I know you're scared. I know you don't know who to trust. Everything has been going to hell for you since you found that suit. You want help. We can provide it. After all, we are students of Charles Xavier.

Seer hoped to God that one of these two men had heard of Xavier and his work. However, now was not the time to have an in depth negotiation.

Very well, Joe.....Andrew. We'll meet you on your terms. On your land. Where do you suggest we mee....

Two soliders appeared at a doorway near Net and Seer brandishing weapons.

"Toss away any weapons you have and put your hands up!" The bigger one of them shouted. Seer sighed.

"I can't toss my weapon away," Seer replied while tossing their weapons aside with some quick telekinesis. "Now sit tight and be quiet."

The two soliders sat down obediently. And then Seer realized that Joe and Andrew were getting ready to speed off.

Joe! Where do you want to meet?

Andrew felt the van slow after the 'voice' in his head spoke to them. He turned to say something to Joe, but ducked as yet another guard appeared, shooting wildly. Andrew turned again, firing three shots back at the guard and the open garage, forcing the guards to keep their distance.

"Half a mag left kid. Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast!"

"We're leaving this spot. Ain't nothing, not even a promise of help going to make me turn around. You follow me out. You follow us out, if you are who you say you are, you won't stop up. You'll follow us, and you'll meet us on our own grounds. That's the only way I'll trust you." Joe said to the empty air, apparently making up his mind as he stomped on the gas pedal.

"Good call kid." he said from the back. "We'll be more cooprerative once we're out of the lion's den."

Joe nodded as he looked around. "Where's the exit?"

Andrew peeked up front. The base was coming alive with activity as the initial shock and suprise of their escape wore off.

"There!" he said, pointing forward towards one of the closed gates. "Ram the gate and anything else in the way. Just get us in the clear and we can make a break for town!"
There wasn't much left to do, except destroy what little they could. GRoups and groups of guards, soldiers, and other authority figures were running outside now, some with weapons, others without. If the gate hadn't been as locse as it was, he was certain they wouldn't make it out.
In a hail of bullets, they rammed through the final gate. A silent airy explosion sounded as their tires fell flate under the chains. The front grill was twisted to shit, and the entire rest of the truck was being bombarded by bullet after bullet.
Outside of the complex, they looked like a war torn truck limping passed te boundary. On the rims, and squeaking very badly, Joe didn't think this thing could hold up any longer.
He let them turn past a corner, on the edge of the city, trucks and cars behind them now pulling out of the wrecked gate.
"We don't have much time," Joe said, jumping out, and running as fast as he could towards the empty alleyway.

Adndrew braced himself as best he could but he was still bounced around horribly as the van plowed through the gate with a crash. The van was badly damaged. Even without being up front to see, Andrew could tell it wouldn't last much longer. The engine rattled and chugged as Joe struggled to keep it from stalling all together. The suspention was also in shambles, making it nearly impossible to see what was happening outside, let alone offering the chance to fight back.

Still, Joe and the van struggled on, but as suspected, the van finally chugged, lurched and died. Joe leapt out, running for the edge of town, but Andrew, being in the back of the van, was forced to exit out the back, and into an increasing hail of gunfire.

Bullets zipped all around him as Andrew ran, zig zagging towards the cover of a dirt and rock pile. The plile looked to have been bulldozed to one side, making way for the road towards the base. He dove behind it, scrambling back around to level the rifle back towards their pursuers. Taking careful aim, he squeezed off the first shot, but not at the pursuing guards. The bullet struck the ruined van with a metallic 'plink'. A second shot made a similar plink, but with no other effect, but the third struck an all-important spark as it pierced the gas tank.

The van blew apart in a fantastic fireball, sending their pursuiers reeling backwards.