It is odd that I, born with a squid (penis) resent my own but adore theirs. I abhor mine but love his. The penis‘ I love show their love for me. I lick, look, lick, kiss, fondle, lick… lips to glans, wet w ooze….I tease while my body slowly squirms… a snake with prey still in mouth…..deeper, lovingly…..with gentle force….deeper….I crave this organ, testicles, scrotum….push his legs apart….show him my thanksgiving feast…work my tongue in tiny circles…..stab at the middle….hear the moans….his fingers in my cunt……my body bent open….oppressed….the weight of him on the smallness of me…..going like a race car……my mind aswirl in grateful abandon…..
that’s the fucking I got and gave tonight
that’s the fucking I got and gave tonight