Frosthold-The Sanguine King

Ragormin pulled me out of line and away from the top.

"There is a party of High Orcs and others I do not know and they will soon be under attack. It appears to be a full company by the flags and pennants they carry. I will move out through the woods and get as close before we let them know we are here. We will hit there flank. First with our owm horns, then arrows and then close combat. Will you go too?

"Yes Ragormin, you do not have to ask. They are my enemies also. I take my bow, sword and shield. I can not take more, it will have to do."

"Good! I knew you would! This is my brother, Vakorrim, He is to be your shield partner. He is very good, stay with him. I trust him and so must you. I need to lead or I would be proud to stand with you. My brother will take that place."

"So be it. Vakorrim, my partner. Let us go."

And So the Band led by Ragorminand and one ally, me, moved over the top of the hill and into the woods that led to the valley floor. There was no time or way to let the other group know that we were here and coming in on their left flank. I drew and arrow and notched it on the bow string, ready for instant use.
it seems to have died, ithica hasnt posted in a bit and we're about to have a battle that no one seems terribly interested in.
Darra O'Ferducha

OOC: Obviously, the first thing to do is apologise for not posting this sooner. I've been pretty busy the last week or so, but this has been on my mind in the meantime. I really would like this thread to continue, as I have enjoyed it so far and it would be a terrible waste of a good concept. I don't know if anyone else is interested, but I wanted to contribute this post at least.


Darra and the Orcs reached a high ridge. Erag signalled for his troops to hold, then he and Darra dismounted. They slowly made their way to the top.

Below them they saw a party of High Orcs accompanied by another group, a mix of men, women, at least one elf and what appeared to be a beastwoman. Darra didn’t know what to make of the strange party, but felt that his and their paths were somehow linked.

The matter at hand, however, was the company of Fell Orcs advancing on the warriors. Darra quickly scanned the soldiers below.

“What do you think?” asked Erag.

“Even with your troops and the soldiers down there combined, we’re still outnumbered at least two to one,” replied the wolfman. “If we can divide their company, your brothers below could take the front, while we can attack the rear and prevent a retreat.”

“How do you suggest we split them?” said the Orc. “We don’t have enough soldiers here to attack their flank and their rear.”

Darra bowed his head and felt the ground below him.

“This soil is frozen, but there is still life here,” he said. “The rocks beneath our feet breathe and long for freedom.”

“What are you going to do?” Erag asked, his voice almost a whisper.

“I will give it to them,” Darra replied.

Darra gave Erag instructions to hold his men back until they saw the earth break away. Only then should they swoop down upon the enemy. The Fell Orcs might break ranks at the sight of the landslide, making the task of Erag’s soldiers even easier.

Darra stood up and drove his staff into the ground. He would be very weak after this, not much use in the battle. But it would give his companions an advantage, a chance for victory. He began whispering again to himself, ancient words in a dead language that only the shaman knew. He felt the ground tremble beneath him, then crack. Large chunks of earth and rock began to fall away. Darra did not hear the rising screams of the Orcs below him, nor did he hear Erag’s order to advance, as he fell to his knees, his energy all but gone completely.
I didn't realize how close Ragormin had brought to the fell Orcs. You reach your hand out and touch one. So we waited for the signal of Ragormin to first blow our horns and them to use arrows to confuse. We were to keep up the arrow barage for as long as posible. Then we would have to go out among them. By this time, we hoped that we had cut down the odds

There was a loud rumbling sound from the opposite side of the valley as part of the hikkside let go and crashed into the advancung line of fell orcs. Ragormin hesitated but a moment and gave the order and the deep throated sound of the High Orcs Horns rose above the din of the lanslide

At the order, the firt fell orc fell with my arrow thru his neck. I was ready to five my second shot when other High orcs hand rose from the other side of the valley. Several of the archers remained with me as we raind down our arrows on them. Ragormin ordered the rest of his men down into the melee.

The fell orcs never reached the band at the head of the narrow valley as they were hit alost at the same time from two different directions. they were being pushed together by the weight of the two charging groups , while a smaller and as deadly a group fied well aimed arrows among the now disorganized company of fell orcs.
Thorgrim - And the axe

Thorgrim looked out across the land. It had been a couple of weeks since he had awoken in this strange land. His only memory was his name; recall was a blanket of nothingness to him.
He pulled the two ends of his blond forked beard and twisted them thoughtfully.
"Hmmn, bad tidings come. But my mind is nothing", he viewed the landscape. Mountainous peaks covered in snow stood ominously in the distance, each looking like the teeth of smiling gods. Thorgrim shivered, he pulled the brown cloak over his broad shoulders. He was a giant man well over six foot tall and broad as an oak.
Thorgrim looked at his axe which lay on the ground by his make shift camp site. It was a scary twin bladed weapon of death, a heavy object of little use to normal men. The blade was covered in a green gore, pieces of orc bone and flesh clung to the shiny wings of the axe. six bodies lay motionless around the giant man and his dead fire all wore the face of death. Eyes staring out to the void of death. They were orcs, and it was the first time Thorgrim had seen the bodies.
Thorgrim was sure he was possessed or at least his axe was. He could not remember the fight with the orcs and he was sure they had stumbled upon his camp by accident. On one of the orcs he found a letter, he could only assume they were messengers. Thorgrim cleaned his blades and sheathed his axe in leather strapping which he tied to his back.
He had followed the trail the messengers had left; soon he heard the sounds of a battle. There was a skirmish happening two groups were attacking a giant mob of orcs. Arrows were flying in deadly arcs across the opening, swords clubs and hatchets dealing death in sweeps and blows. The two separate groups of human like fighters were dealing death in troves to the green skinned orcs. Thorgrim was shocked but not because he was scared of the battle but he had not seen anything other than orcs in this land.
Thorgrim was not sure what to do. He was about to run down into the fray when heard a swish behind his left ear an arrow embedded with a thunk into a tree by his ear. He dived to his left as more arrows zipped through the air where he once stood.
Thorgrim could see a group of orcs making their way through the woodland towards the battle, reinforcements. He went into auto pilot, a giant hand grabbed the shaft of his axe he undid the leather strapping and held the axe. Sunlight glinting off the metal caught Thorgrim in his eyes he began to feel strange. The orcs were getting closer he counted over ten orcs all armed. There obviously were a few sniping archers in the undergrowth too. Thorgrim felt light headed he almost fell forwards, what was wrong with him he thought to him self, but before he could even blink his arms tensed and moved the axe without his will. The blades sliced through the air and blocked an arrow that was heading for his head. He had no time to wonder what was happening now. The orcs were upon him the first two met death with a war cry and blood pouring from their throats. Thorgrim moved with a speed that was almost impossible, he was possessed; he could hear laughter in his head. A light whimsical laugh and yet Thorgrim had no control over his body he watched through his eyes. The blade sweeped and dug deep into a stocky orcs chest green blood spurted out covering Thorgrim’s chest. Two orcs slashed at the giant axe man he dodged backwards leaving his axe imbedded in the dying orc. He grabbed one of the orcs by the throat and pulled him into a bone shattering head butt. The other orc swiped his hatchet at his prey’s neck. Thorgrim ducked and pulled the axe clear and with a blur the orc was headless with blood pumping from his neck. The being that was Thorgrim tore off his cloak, red runes blazed over his body his eyes were bright red a smile etched across his bearded face. The battle raged behind Thorgrim he was not sure if his demon self could survive this much longer as more orcs were appearing in the wooded area. The axe man fought harder the red designs burning and the axe dealing death to many orcs, but he was picking up injuries. The weight of orc reinforcements began pushing the mighty man back towards the slight slope and the battle raging below. Now people on the battle field could see the glowing runes and deadly axe man fighting for his life.

(dont know If this is ok If your dont want any more people then just ignore the red runed devil Thorgrim and he can die here and now. enjoy the battle )
(optimas welcome aboard)

Forgall was shocked as he saw the hillside collapse and then arrows raining down. "FAUGH A BALLAUGH!!!" he roared as he charged at the fell orcs. Cahir ignited his runeblade and roared "EIRIADA!!!" Forgall was already upon the largest fell orc he could reach, the orc swung its axe at him but forgall caught it on his sword, and spun, using his own axe to hew the orcs legs at the knee, as the orc fell he spun around again and drove his sword into its chest. Cahir launched a bolt of eldritch power at an orc then leapt on another one driving his runeblade into his chest. he then fired an arc of energy that hewed three orcs where their chest meets their stomach. Forgall parried and slashed and hacked with supreme abandon, until around him were the bodies of 10 orcs. the other orcs were in no great hurry to attack him and he roared "HAVEN'T YOU COME TO FIGHT!? GIVE ME ONE THEN!!" he let out a bestial roar of battle lust sticking his tounge out and beating his chest, he leapt forward into a another bunch of orcs. he slew with every mighty stroke and felt the warblades of the orcs bite his flesh but paid them little heed, he had been hurt worse. One huge orc's blade bite deep into his breastplate and lodged itself in his ribs and armor, with a roar he spun, disarming the orc by virtue of its blade in his side as he spun he caught another orc neck before killing the one who had wounded him. "FIGHT ME!!!!" he roared. Cahir slashed and stabbed and blasted all around him, one orc got a lucky strike across his chest which spun him through the air. Cahir hit the ground, seriously, though not mortally, wounded, he rose and unleashed a column of energy from his hand which pulverized the orc into a mist of bones and flesh and blood.
I now see see and feel the presence of other runes that I have not felt for a long time. At that, I see down below us, a Red Beastman locked in mortal combat. He was doing well, but the shear numbers would soon overwhelm him. I took the remaining archers and Vakorrim, my new shield partner and move to a better position to better aid and support the lone fighterand still be able to continue to support the rest of our party.

We fired several vollies into the ranks of Fell Orcs and as may fell, they realized that there was now another group on there flank and rear. A figure dressed in black pointed up to where we were and fired a bolt of light that was far off the mark. I drew my bow and lossed my last war arrow. It hit the black figure and he doubled over and withdrew behind some rocks and trees.

I laid my bow down and picked up my shield and drew my sword. I looked towards Vakorrim and together we slowly advanced down the hill, dispatching a few of our enemy on the way. Once on the floor of the valley we were set upon as many as a dozen Orcs and Ragorim was right. I trusted his brother and we dispatched quickly the twelve.

The Red Beastman was not as hard pressed and many of the Fell Orcs lay round him and now they seemed to hesitate to approach this red devil that was slaying them with ease and abandon. The archers on the hill were doing there job well as they kept up a precise and deadly barrage on the enemy on the floor of the valley.

We could not rest long, as another group was soon approaching and we prepared to meet them where we stood. Another nine joined the Departed breathern. Vakorrim gave me a smile and a sign he was ready for more. He thought that remaining with me, he would not get into the fight, but here he was we his foe, some already dead or dying at his feet. Yet there was more coming. we move slightly away from the mass of carnage we had made to another clear spot so we could move in the upcoming encounter.
Darra O'Ferducha

Darra opened his eyes. He must have fallen unconscious, thankfully out of sight so as not to be an easy target. With the help of his staff he was able to get to his knees, and moved closer to the edge of the hill.

Below him, chaos reigned. He had chosen the right time to strike – there appeared to be many bodies beneath the rocks. The majority of Fell Orcs were in front of the landslide, but the warriors there seemed fit to take them, and there seemed to be more, High Orcs he had perhaps missed when last looking down upon the valley. Erag and his men had cut through the fell Orcs at the rear, dispatching the increasingly panicked enemy with ease. Darra could breathe a sigh of relief – casualties would be light, hopefully.

Two sights, however, made his blood run cold. Not far from the main battle another skirmish was going on. It seemed to Darra that another troop of Fell Orcs had been planning to meet the main force, and was now attempting to provide reinforcements. Their plans were stopped by a band of High Orcs, firing a barrage of arrows before throwing themselves into the fray. Of much greater note, however, was a beast – not a beast, a demon. He had the body of a man, but his skin was marked with ancient runes that glowed red. He swung about him an axe that gleamed in the winter light, tarnished only by the blood of many Orcs. Was it a demon possessing the man, or was the axe enchanted somehow? Darra would find out in all due course.

The second, more disturbing, sight was that of a figure cloaked in black, accompanying the band of Orcs. As arrows rained down upon them, the figure shot a blast of light into the forest. No Orc could possibly possess such power. So who was helping them? Darra was compelled to know.

He watched as an arrow hit the figure, who slid away into the trees. Darra raised himself up and began to walk quickly down the hillside, carefully so as to keep himself hidden. He did not want, nor did he have the strength, to fight at this time.

He crept among the trees. The sound of the battle was muffled and becoming fainter as he moved to where he believed the figure had retreated. He eventually saw sight of him, hunched over. He still had the arrow in his stomach, but it did not seem to be causing him much pain. Darra winced as he watched the stranger force the arrow through him. He reached under his cloak and Darra heard a snap as the arrowhead was broken off. The stranger then slowly pulled the shaft from him. Blood hit the ground and Darra heard the figure whisper to himself. So he knew how to heal as well? Clearly he was a sorcerer of some kind.

Darra was about to say something when he heard the wizard speak again. This time he was louder, and with his arms raised he began his incantation, slowly at first, then faster. Darra knew the words.

He stood forward. “You’ll say no curses here, warlock!” he declared.

The figure stopped speaking and slowly lowered his hands. He began to laugh quietly to himself, a rasping evil laugh that turned Darra’s stomach.

“Honourable priest,” he began. “Such a noble act you performed, aiding your companions. Let me ask, how much energy did it take to make the mountain fall?”

The warlock spun round and another blast of light shot forward. Darra dodge it just in time, hitting the ground hard. The tree behind him was not so lucky, and began to fall down upon him. Darra moved fast enough to avoid the trunk, but it took him longer to remove himself from the branches. He stood up snarling, prepared to fight, but the warlock was gone.
Forgall' vicinity was clear, during his moment of breath he saw the red man with his glowing runes and magnificent axe. And he saw he was hard pressed. He saw an orc coming behind the devil man and forgall quickly pulled the warblade that was imbedded in his side and threw it at the orc, the orc fell with blade imbedded in his head. Forgall launched himself into the fray once again, with his mighty battle leap, this time next to the devil man. He immediately slew two orcs, one with his sword, one with his axe. "I am Forgall MacFionn, formerly warchief of the fianna of King Cernach MacEamon, and counted among his seven dragons." he said quickly as he continued to slay. Cahir saw Forgall join with the devil man and made his way over as well. "Its a regular ceili over here Forgall, and you didnt invite me?" Cahir said as he laughingly dispatched two orcs with two quick stabs. "Fight now, joke later, princeling." Forgall said but added "You looked worn out from the last one."
The orcs were pushing the red axe man back with their superior numbers not by skill. The twin bladed axe hew down many numbers of orc warriors, yet they still came screaming war cries.
An arrow slammed into the flesh of the axemans leg, through the haze Thorgrim felt the buzz of pain. The pain bringing a fury Thorgrim had not felt for a long time, pain bringing memories back. Thorgrim did not have time to think he was back in control of his body with a disappearing voice saying 'Not now, it was jussst getting good' Thorgrim felt the shaft of the arrow, he pulled it clear with a roar. He would have to find out what that strange voice was later now he was in mortal danger and so were other people.
Thorgrim swiped an orc with his axe the blade splitting the beast’s skull with a dull crack. But before he had a change to pull the blade clear an orc was stabbing a rusty blade at Thorgrim's exposed stomach. Thorgrim clenched himself for the killing blow but it never fell.
The orc stood gawping, a blade had pierced his forehead and he dropped in a heap. Thorgrim looked for the origin of the missile. He was shocked there were bodies every where, some with arrows but many without. A man and his companion had just saved his life, he nodded his red eyes burning towards his saviors. He brought death to all around him it was awe inspiring the bestial strength of this powerful man.
Archers were firing into the reinforcements and Thorgrim looked over to them. Just as he did so he felt very weak. He stumbled off leaving his axe on the floor, the two warriors who had come to his aid continued the fight. Thorgrim was closer to the archers now when all of a sudden there was a crashing noise behind him.
Was it just his imagination but the archers seem scared of him was it his eyes? He looked at his blood covered hands and back at the axe which glowed a moody red. Time stopped. . .
Thorgrim there isss no time to explain but you are in grave danger. You must give your mind to me, our body isss weak.
The whole battle field had stopped in Thorgrim’s mind, he did not know what was going on. He felt a sleepiness cloud over him and he was gone.
The archers were not scared of the red devil they had seen fighting in an inhuman way. They were scared of the troll that was just about to kill him. They saw a strange look on Thorgrim's face before he was smashed with a tree trunk. His lifeless body flew through the air and smashed to the ground some fifty feet away, right in front of the archers. The archers were not sure what to do this was turning out bad, very bad indeed. The troll charged at the archers they were helpless against a fearsome beast like a forest troll. Just as the archer's leader realized what was about to happen to his men a flash of red shone over the whole battle field. Then blazing all in red Thorgrim stood(or at least the body of Thorgrim), not one ounce of his flesh was not glowing. He had a manic look on his face, he turned to the troll that was thundering down upon him and the archers.
The axe man did not have his axe, it was still upon the embankment. He charged at the massive monster screaming in a language that had never been heard in this land. A red blur and slobbering monster crashed together, the whole battle could hear the clash. A cacophony of sound emanated from the two fighters. The beast was a good two foot taller than the glowing man, but he fought like a crazed animal and punched the troll in the stomach, the troll flew back wards the tree trunk fell from the troll’s hands crushing two orcs. The red devil was upon the troll in an instant and straddled the troll’s chest he brought his two hands down with a crack, time and time again until the troll's face was a pulp and a foot twitched uncontrollably. The being that was Thorgrim screamed to the heavens, "Is that all you have, who is next," the red axe man turned and looked at the archers he made to go towards them menacingly, but he took one step and dropped to the floor. The red light extinguished Thorgrim fell face first totally unconscious, green blood and gore all over him. The battle was over for Thorgrim his fate rests with the others. But what about his axe was the last thought as he drifted to the sound of the demon voice laughing.
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Forgall looked in awe as the devil man tackled a fully grown forest troll and beat him to death. Not just killed, forgall could do that, but beat him to death. With his fists. beat. "What manner of man or beast is he?" Forgall said as the fell orcs retreated. Forgall and Cahir went over to the side of the devil man. Forgall called for camp tonight and Cahir began drawing shield runes in a large circle.
Thorgrims dereams

Thorgrim Lay unconsious, nothing could wake the giant man and he dreamed.
Vakorrim and I made a fine fighting pair as we Held of another assault and broke the final wave trying for our archers up on the hill behind us. We saw and followed the Red Beastman and saw the attack of the Forest Troll and when he went down, we were rushing to the aid of our archers when the Red Beastman Rose again and and attacked and killed the Troll.

We worked our way back up the hill and rejoined our archers and Vakorrim congradulated his fellow countrymen for standing their ground. I was handed my bow and I slung it across my shoulder along with a full set of fresh arrows.

The remaining Fell Orcs were sounding there shrill horns and they all fell back and returned the way that they had come. We shot many more of the enemy as they passed bellow us. We continued untill there was nothing left to shoot at. The High Orcs' Archers had donr themselves proud this day and had slain many of the enemy. I was prod to had stood with them all.

Vakorrim led us back towards the rim of the valley when we came upon Ragormin leading the remainder of his force back to the rim also. There were a few who had been killed, but there many wounded, though none seriously. I watched two Radia approach the Red Beastman and to attend him. They were the same two that had fought beside the Red Warrior. The larger of the two had picked up his axe and set down next to it's owner.
Forgall had called for water and food to be brought out. He started pulling off his breastplate, one of the strikes had embedded a large chunk of the plate into his side that hooked into his flesh, with a grunt he pulled off the breastplate and a large chunk of flesh with it. he growled in pain, and reached into his bag for bandages and herbs to put on his wounds. He was getting too old for this. He produced his pipe and lit it, and looked at the warriors who had joined the battle. "Well met brothers, I would rise to meet you but I am old and wounded at the moment. Come now, bring out your pipes and have a fill of my leaf. You came in good time." He said chuckling and opening a bottle from his pack for a sip.
Thorgrim still sleeps.

No matter what people tried on the axe man he would not wake he was sweating. A pool of sweat and fever held him hold. The rest of the group began to worry about the giant man. He had no red lines on him now at all and he looked tired. Even the axe blades looked dull.
Darra O'Ferducha

Darra ambled slowly out of the forest, his strength regained but his balance still unsure. He had searched for the warlock, but to no avail. As he cleared the trees, the sight before him drew a blade through his heart.

All before him the bodies of warriors lay. Many had fought hard, he knew, and had sustained the most violent of blows before they fell. “The God of War will call us all home,” he said to himself.

Erag and his men were making their way around the blocked path. Darra waved to them. They had lost a number of soldiers, but had fought bravely. Their actions today would ensure they wouldn’t be patrolling deserted roads again. He turned to see High Orcs with battlewolves, and the mix of warriors camped not far away. Darra began walking towards them but was stopped abruptly. Some invisible force was blocking his way. He looked around him and saw runes scratched into the ground. Someone was a good student.

Darra knew there were ways to break the shield, but it would take time, and he was still feeling the effects of the landslide – which he would have to fix in the morning, unfortunately. He walked around the camp and managed to get closer to the group

Two of the men were Riada. Riada – what business would they have in Arkand? The older man bore many scars, and by the looks of things would bear a few more in the morning. The younger warrior was barely a man – he was eighteen, nineteen maybe, certainly no older. Regardless, Darra felt it was them he should address.

“Noble Riada!” he called. “Please do not be alarmed. My name is Darra O’Ferducha of the Western Ridge, humble servant of Danu, Goddess of the earth. I have travelled to this place in the company of the soldiers now riding towards you. I congratulate you on a battle won, and ask that you would permit me and my companions entrance into your camp.”
"Well met beastman!" Forgall said as he turned to see the newcomer. Cahir spoke a few esoteric words to allow them past the shield. "I am Forgall MacFionn, formerly a warchief of the fianna of King Cernach, and once counted among his seven dragons."
"And i am Cahir MacCernach," Cahir said "exiled prince and battlemage." Forgall once again spoke "Come, bring out your pipes and smoke with me, we have some beer and meat to toast our victory."
Thorgrim lay still, in his head he could smell the smoke of a pipe and roasting meat. He wanted to wake but he could not. He was trapped in his own mind and something, or someone was stalking him.

Thorgrim was a boy again he was in a strange castle; deep down he knew he was dreaming, or dead. He got to his feet and moved to a wooden door he began to open it. As he pushed it fully open he looked down a winding set of stairs. He walked down the steps for what seemed like an eternity.

At the bottom there was another door not unlike the door he had just opened. This one was slightly ajar. A beam of light and smell escaped from the slight opening. Thorgrim retched, it was the smell of burning flesh. He walked to the gap in the door and peaked inside. It was a room about six feet by six foot, at the far side was a beast. The beast was manacled to the wall by its wrists.

The beast was tall over six feet, the roof was lower so its head hung limply towards the floor. It was the shape of a large man, but was glowing red. The beast had injuries and burns along all parts of its body. Thorgrim felt a pang of sympathy but that soon disappeared when he noticed what was on the floor by the red devil.

In front of the beast lay a weapon that glowed a deep red. A twin bladed axe, it was a lot bigger than the boy Thorgrim. He was drawn to the weapon, his eyes lit as he moved towards it. He touched the blade and it sang to him, he slid his hand along the metal of the blades. It was warm to the touch it, and felt somehow familiar.

Thorgrim was concentrating on the axe when the red devil screamed.
Do not touch the blades of dullah!!!

Thorgrim woke with a scream, the people in the clearing looked at him in shock. It took him a couple of seconds to realize where he was. He could not remember much but it came back slowly. There had been a mighty battle, he recalled something else controlling him and his axe.

His axe where was his axe? He turned around panicking, it was beside him. One of the warriors must have placed it by him. He felt very tired almost deathly tired. He picked up the axe, the axe now called Dullah. Thorgrim walked away from the group and ignored the calls for meat and pipe smoke. He had to think.

Once away from the group he sat down, a couple of times he had been forced to stop by some runes on the floor, but finally he found a quite spot to think.

Good fightsss Thorgrim
'Who are you?', Thorgrim thought to himself. He was getting scared he was losing his mind, but he needed answers.
Thasss not for now, too much would that be at ssssuch an early sstage. You needsss to think a while, we will talk again. Thiss isss the start of remembrance. Clean Dullah, and We will talk later.
Thorgrim tried to ask mental questions in his mind but it was useless. He was getting no answer anymore, it was as if a door had been closed in his mind.

Thorgrim cleaned Dullah his axe and slowly felt stronger. He sheathed the giant blades in leather and moved back to the group of warriors. He found his cloak and put it on, he rested Dullah against a tree by the group and sat down against it.

'Well met Forgall MacFionn', Thorgrim bit into a chunk of meat. 'The lads did a fine job. You have a grand title and one which I wish I had, but alas I am unsure of anything save my name of Thorgrim. These are not my lands and I fear I am lost.' Thorgrim used some meat fat to smear into his two braided beard.

After small talk of deeds and wars, Thorgrim looked solemn. He still had no memories of anything, only the axe and his name, and how come he could fight so well? He did not remember the fight, not all of it anyway. He left the moody thoughts behind.

He asked Forgall, 'I am a lost warrior and I am not sure of many things, but you and your companions are noble and just. Until I know myself and my task may travel with you. I have no money but Dullah my axe will slaughter any army or champion that threatens any that travel with you.'
Darra O'Ferducha

“I thank you for your hospitality,” Darra said. “I must decline your beer as I do not drink – a clear mind at all times for the Goddess – but I will gladly eat with you.”

Darra sat with the group and they shared their stories. The warriors were heading to Westraka to speak to the High Council of Arkand and seek their alliance. Darra told them he had been travelling to Westraka to meet someone, though he did not know who it was.

“All I know is, Danu has pointed me in this direction, and I believe our meeting was no coincidence. I would be honoured to accompany you on your quest, and offer you my services.”

Darra’s attention was drawn to the man lying unconscious some distance away. Where before, a demonic warrior stood, now there was only a man. He was tossing and turning, clearly in pain.

“Our friend doesn’t seem to be faring so well,” said the wolfman. “I saw some lungweed in the forest, which might cool his fever-“

His words were interrupted by the warrior’s scream. He rose slowly but did not immediately join the group. He seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts.

In time, he did join the feast, introducing himself as Thorgrim. Darra wanted to question him about his great power, but the warrior was still tired, and if he was telling the truth, he knew as much about his power as Darra. Still, he made the wolfman uneasy. For the moment, however, he did not seem to be a threat.
Ragormin led us to the top of the ridge and when we looked back, parties that took part in the battle were making camp.

"WE will join them presently, but first I shall put my command in order." Ragormin said as he check his command, noting who was missing or dead and the wounds of others. Once satisfied everything was in order, he called his brother Vakorrim and I to join him at the head of his colum.

We passed over the crest and Ragormin had the horns blow to announce our presence. We traveled to the Camp and was met by Erag. He took ragorim aside to find out who the human was that was with him and carring weapons.

I felt the presence of mystics and of runes as my grandfather and mother told me I would. I had returned the bow to my horse and now carried my granfathers staff. If they didn't know me, they would surly recognize his staff.

The top of the staff had a pale greenish glow as I stood there and waited. I had no idea of who was here or who or what they represented. I was going to find out soon, I hoped.
The talk of fighting was making Thorgrim uneasy. The talks of killing a forest troll with his hands that made him uneasier still.

Thorgrim wanted to learn about his past, about. . .himself. Who or what was the voice in his head, why could he fight so well. Even without the demon voice being in charge of his body he felt strong- so strong. He fought without thinking killing with abandon and ease. It scared him but at the same time it was like putting on a familiar shoe.

With his thoughts spinning he walked away from the camp fire and the tired soldiers. He slung Dullah out of the leather strapping and looked at the edges; they shone and glimmered with menace. He found a clearing with large trees around the circle. He checked no one was looking and pulled free his cloak. He stood in the clearing steam coming in puffs of white from his mouth. It was not very cold just crisp and his body steamed.

Thorgrim felt the handle of his destroying axe sliding and gripping in all the right places. It was another case of that perfect worn in shoe, he had a feeling he had held this axe all his life.

A distant memory came into his mind of a training dance he had been taught -by whom he did not know. He twisted dullah in one hand, the blades swishing through the air. He slammed the points of the axe into the ground with a thud it stood up right in front of him.

Thorgrim closed his eyes and breathed deeply letting the night air fill his soul. He stood motionless hearing all the night animals moving, he centered himself and grabbed Dullah as Thorgrim the axe man for the first time since being in this land. Both hands a blur the axe was spinning, sweeping and slashing wide arcs in the clearing. Inhuman speed and power swept through Thorgrim and his axe. As one the two intertwined and dealt death to invisible foes, Thorgrim began to sweat. However before he opened himself completely he felt someone’s presence near by he slowed- he was almost embarrassed of the power. Just as he thought he would stop he heard 'I do not think you ssstop now, I will show you what wess sshould be.'

With that Thorgrim felt a rage an unimaginable urge to destroy. The demon inside oozed out and Thorgrim began to glow a bright red. The axe spun now with such force that even when the blade paused a blast of air would continue. The trees began to move as if a giant tornado was blasting them to pieces. Thorgrim screamed in his mind but to no avail, yet he was in control, he could feel the movements flow freely. With one last swipe a whole tree smashed in two as the blades smashed through like a mallet through butter. The tree fell towards Thorgrim. Time slowed again, he heard the voice( and what it said filled Thorgrim with fear.) ’You are not yet powerful enough to holdsss me, you must watch yourselfsss, for you have the mark of the devil lord. And as such I must destroy you itss sssmy duty. . .Now save yourself. . . if you can.
Thorgrim was in control and once again his mind was blank. He heard and felt the huge tree falling behind him he turned it was upon him. To late, he was dead, he was angry was this how it ends. He had a moment of madness and punched at the falling tree it exploded around him with a gigantic crack, Thorgrim looked down at his hands they were glowing a deep red, and his eyes shone. While standing there he had a slight thought that he could feel the presence in his mind, but in a blink he was just alone.

Not totally alone, he could still feel someone close by but he was not sure if they would talk to him. He was still shocked at what he had done, he had been a man strong enough to kill a forest troll, of that now he was certain.

He pulled on his cloak and tied up Dullah, tied it to his back and waited to see if any one would make them known to him.
"You're welcome to join us," Forgall said "As long as your prepared to fight against terrors your mind has not yet comprehended. For we go to do battle with the Sanguine king, and to retake frosthold from Prince Cahir's brother, who has turned to great evil in his mad quest for eldritch might. But for now we go to arkand to speak to one of my sworn brothers, the current king of the high orcs, Grom."
rengadeirishman said:
"You're welcome to join us," Forgall said "As long as your prepared to fight against terrors your mind has not yet comprehended. For we go to do battle with the Sanguine king, and to retake frosthold from Prince Cahir's brother, who has turned to great evil in his mad quest for eldritch might. But for now we go to arkand to speak to one of my sworn brothers, the current king of the high orcs, Grom."

Earlier back at the camp....'I am pleased to help you Forgall, and there are horrors far unerving in my head, but I will die protecting all on your quest.'

Thorgrim thought as hard as he could, yet he could not recall anything.
Darra O'Ferducha

Darra had felt a strange sensation as he sat by the campfire. Another band of High Orcs was approaching the camp, accompanied by another person. This person seemed human, and carried with him a staff. It was old, made from fine ash, and a pale greenish glow seemed to emanate from it. Darra could sense ancient power. Whether the staff’s young owner was aware of how much, he did not know.

Such old magic gathering in this place, Darra thought to himself. The gods were making themselves known tonight. Darra’s premonition was becoming more real as the night progressed. The vision that had been haunting his dreams for so many nights was a picture of the battle to come.

“The path has been laid out for us, brothers,” he said. “I do not know where it will lead yet, but I do know that we must follow it to the end, regardless of where that end may be.”

He could see some of the others wanted to question him about what he meant, but Darra had noticed Thorgrim slip off into the darkness. Deciding that this might be his only chance to talk to the warrior in private, he made his leave of his companions, suggesting they welcome the newcomers.

“I will return soon,” he promised, and then followed Thorgrim.

Darra found him in a small clearing, hidden away from the others, engaged in some sort of ritual. As Darra watched, Thorgrim continued his dance of death, his axe slicing through the night air. The warrior was skilled, of that Darra had no doubts – a man who was one with his weapon. The axe, an extension of himself. But it did not explain the ferocity of his attack on the battlefield.

Darra’s presence was revealed by the faint snap of a twig under his foot. He knew the warrior had heard it, for his movements slowed. Darra had not meant to embarrass the warrior, and was about to speak, when he noticed a glow in Thorgrim’s eye.

What happened next defied belief. Darra watched, eyes wide, as Thorgrim began to swing with a wildness that cast a shadow of fear across the wolfman’s face. With one swipe, he cut through a tree, not just felling it but completely destroying the noble oak. Darra almost cried out as the tree fell upon the warrior, but with a single deadly strike Thorgrim punched the thick trunk and split it perfectly in two.

Darra watched as Thorgrim stood in the centre of the clearing, steam jetting from his flared nostrils. He seemed calmer now, his eyes no longer burning. Darra approached the warrior slowly.

“I am sorry that I have deserved your ritual, Thorgrim,” he began. “Among my tribe, we often perform rituals after battle, to mourn our lost brothers, and to beg forgiveness from the gods for the enemies we slay. I apologise if you were doing the same. But I followed you to this place as I wish to speak to you. May I sit with you?”