Frosthold-The Sanguine King

'Sit? No. I came here to practice killing. I mourn no enemy of mine only my companions.' Thorgrim dragged clear two long branches and cleared them of twigs. He threw one of the staves to the wolf man, 'we will spar.'

The wolfman blinked, he must have been shocked. Thorgrim moved out into the clearing spinning his weapon. 'I am slowly recalling my memory, the only thing that you can do to gain my trust is sparring with me,' the giant paused and turned to Darra, 'or you leave now.'

Thorgrim waited, in his mind someone was watching with interest, he was not alone.
Forgall saw the wolfman follow Thorgrim and motioned Cahir to follow them. Cahir slipped off and Forgall rose to greet the new group a couple humans and some more high orcs. "Well met brothers, I am Forgall MacFionn, formerly a warchief of King Cernach's fianna, and once counted among his seven dragons. Feel free to camp with our merry band we have some beer and meat and a shield circle around us all. You men came in good time."
Cahir followed the wolf man and watched his discourse with Thorgrim, he laughed at Thorgrim sparring challenge, the wolfman was no warrior, but he debated whether or not to intervene, in the end deciding to watch the spar and if it started going too bad to stop them
Ragormin accepted Forgall's greetings on behalf of his command.

Ragormin....."Thank you sir, We were returning to Westraka with two emisaries and we came here instead. My I introduce to you , Angus McFee, a prince among his people and grandson son of Connor McKay"

Angus...."Sir, Your Royal Servant. Aye but it was a grand fight. Did your group suffer badly. If it wasn't for the Red Beastman our loses would have been great. Will he be allright?
Darra O'Ferducha

Darra was slightly taken aback by Thorgrim’s request. He looked down at the wood, a fine thick branch from the oak Thorgrim had just destroyed.

“This would make a fine staff,” said the wolfman. He threw the wood to the ground before holding his own staff in front of him. “But as you can see, I come prepared. You worry I will use some sort of magic? Do not. It would only make me weaker, and knowing what you can do, that might be fatal.”

Darra crouched into a defensive position, his staff held above him. “I may be a priest, but I was also the leader of my clan. One does not achieve that by praying to the Goddess all day.”

Darra leaped forward, swinging the staff downward with one hand.
So it begins

As Darra flew towards Thorgrim He felt elated, nothing could move the soul like a good spar. He blocked the blow with ease, yet still taken aback by the inhuman power disguised beneath.

This will be interesting Thorgrim thought as he began to move and weave, with blows raining down from all angles. He ducked a sweeping blow and twisted at the same time. He unleashed a decapitating blow which was blocked with a thud.

Each warrior was fighting hard; Thorgrim was easing through different attacks and parries. He was surprised at this half wolf he was definitely a warrior as well. One thing made Thorgrim uneasy. . . the voice in his head. The voice had recoiled when the wolf man had spoke about using magic. It was a feeling of utter dislike and hatred.

The spar was a beautiful mass of power and speed, each warrior at one with their bodies and weapons. Thorgrim could sense the wolf man was tiring, and was about to call an end to the spar when he stood stock still; the voice had crept up on him while they fought. 'Hess Iss A wizardsss He mussst die' Thorgrim could feel the rage flow through him he could feel his eyes burn and He was losing control.

In the corner of Thorgrim's blurring vision - and just as Thorgrim was being lost to a rage of endlessness - Darra attacked with a jump. Both handed the staff was flying towards Thorgrim.

In my mindsss thisss isss over. The Wizardsss blow will be blocked. Then I willsss break him. . . Thorgrim recoiled at the demon inside, what was happening? His mind was being shackled, but he would not allow it. He used his last ounce of mind power and pulled away his staff leaving his left shoulder open to the blow. CRACK!! Thorgrim was back in control in a flash, the pain throwing him onto a knee. His staff lay on the floor and he breathed hard looking at nothingness. What was going on? The voice echoed away it almost sounded sad. . .

'You should have let me kill the wizard, for both our sakessss'

Thorgrim began to laugh, he did not want Darra to worry for him. 'Well fought my furry friend well fought indeed. Alas, now I need some rest. Your goddess must be proud, a lesser man would have never sparred with me. For that I am truly grateful.'
"We fared alright, I'm a little banged up, but I've been hurt worse. Well met Ragormin and you as well Angus." Forgall said. "The man's name is apparently Thorgrim, and he will be fine. Any casualties on your end?"
Cahir watched the sparring with great interest "There is more to this wolfman then their appears to be." he said to himself. He watched Thorgrim intentionally drop his guard and Darra's stroke land bringing the red man to his knees. He moved out of cover. "Well now a warrior and a priest?" Cahir said as he approached Darra "A fiercesome clan indeed to have birthed such a creature."
Ragormin...."We lost two dead, eight wounded, none life threatining. We were lucky. When we hit there flank, they wheeled as one, like there was a leader controling them. But I had a surprise, I placed approx a quarter of my strength as archers behind us and we stood in front. The archers protected our flanks while we took their charge. We broke it three times, and then the fight changed to the far side, to the beastman and Angus moved the Archers over to help cover him and the two Radia that joined him. Then Angus and my brother Vakorrmin took up positions below the archers and tried to foght their way over to you.

They never made it as the fight seemed to slow and the beast man headed twoards our lines when attacked by the Troll. He saved all our archers when he stopped the Troll.

Angus...."Fargall Sir, Do you recognize this Staff I held out with the light green light coming from the end. It belongs to my Grandfather Conner McKay
of the Dragontooth Mountain people......I was told by my Grandfather that you and he at onr time had fought together. Sword Mates was what he said. If I ever found you, to listen to your council and learn. I started out to learn, to grow and to practice, but alas, we were sidtracked when one of our lower townes was attacked and destroyed and the servours driven to the lowlands. We was on my way to Westrake when we were Capatured by Ragormin. He was attacking a common foe and so I pleged myself to serve him and his command through the battle. Afterwouds, he instructed that I was to carry my own weapons.
Darra O'Ferducha

It had been a while since Darra had sparred like this. His time as leader of the clan had been relatively peaceful, except for the final war that resulted in his shameful banishment. Still, he did not allow such things to cloud his mind. He weaved and ducked Thorgrim’s blows, allowing the beast within him to come out and enjoy the sport. He could sense someone nearby, and though he did not wish to have an audience, it was not something he could do anything about.

The warrior was incredibly fast, blocking Darra’s strikes again and again. Back and forth they traded the advantage, but Darra could feel his strength fading, the wolf making way for the man who whispered, “You’re starting to get old, shaman.”

Eventually he could see the fight turning in Thorgrim’s favour. His shots were not particularly hard, but Darra still felt them on his arms and legs. He barely blocked a ferocious blow to the head. Darra could sense a change in the warrior; a faint glow appeared in his eyes. The wolfman knew there was no point trying to stop now. All he could do was continue fighting, and hope that whoever was watching might come to his aid if things got too far out of hand.

Thorgrim’s strikes came down harder and faster. Darra gave thanks for the ancient, rock hard staff he held. Splinters were starting to fly from Thorgrim’s, an indication of the force with which he swung the wood. Darra felt his anger build up inside him, the rage he worked so hard to conceal. Bearing his teeth and growling loudly, he jumped and turned in mid-air, striking out blindly.

The unmistakable sound of cracking bone filled his ears, and Thorgrim fell to one knee. Darra came back to his senses, knew that the warrior was hurt. Yet Thorgrim laughed and congratulated him on a good fight. From out of the shadows came Cahir.

"Well now a warrior and a priest?" he said. "A fearsome clan indeed to have birthed such a creature."

“A man must know how to defend himself and his kinsmen,” Darra replied, somewhat out of breath, and with some shame. “But now we must help our friend back to camp, and fix his wound.”

Darra kneeled down in front of Thorgrim and offered a hand. As the warrior eased himself up, the shaman moved closer and whispered, “Anyone could have seen that blow coming, yet you did not protect yourself. I trust you will tell me why when you are ready?” With Thorgrim on his feet, they turned towards the camp.
'Aye I will', replied Thorgrim as he got up, 'Aye I will.' Thorgrim grabbed his cloak in one hand mindful of his shoulder.

The wolf man was fast and strong for a slight beast. Thorgrim knew he could have beaten him, yet he was glad he did not - He was afraid of the voice inside, it was trying to take control. Thorgrim would talk to the shaman later when the time was right. For now his shoulder hurt like hell and he wanted a drink.

Thorgrim asked Cahir to pick up Dullah the axe for him. He leaned on Darra and whispered, 'Now was it me or did you lose your cool a bit back there my friend. I’m sure I saw Hackles,' Thorgrim smiled and then laughed a booming joyful sound. 'It is good to have anger, and to be a fine warrior. I feel easier around you.' Thorgrim slapped his new friend on the shoulder sending the wolf man jolting slightly forward. He winced a bit with the pain but laughed again. He lost his mirth when he heard, 'Whatss do you dosss with the enemy? Have you forgotten he is a wizardsss! . Pah!'
Thorgrim concentrated hard and shut a mental door on the voice; he breathed a sigh of relief when he was alone in his head. As he and Darra stumbled back to the camp Thorgrim couldn’t help but wonder if he was just mad.
"Well friend Thorgrim, drink we have and good meat." Cahir picked up Dullah with considerable effort "Goddess man, you fight with this thing?" he asked laughin as he followed them.
Forgall examined the staff closely "Connor McKay you say? Aye I remember ol' Connor, a mighty man he was, your his grandson ya say? you do have his look about ya, tell me does he still live?"
Darra O'Ferducha

Darra stumbled slightly but regained his footing. He coughed and spoke.

“My temper,” he began. “My one weakness. I try always to hold it, pray for Danu’s assistance. But sometimes not even the Earth Goddess’ powers can hold a man’s anger, true?”

Darra turned his head to look at Thorgrim, but noticed the warrior seemed occupied on something else.

“I suppose we all have our demons, eh Thorgrim?” the shaman said quietly. As Cahir gained on them he brightened his tone.

“You are a fine warrior, my Prince,” said Darra. “But your weapons are your speed and your mind. Whereas Thorgrim, his weapons appear to be those giant arms of his. Or at least they will be, when we fix that shoulder.”

They continued on, the conversation light, though Darra could sense a darkness clouding over Thorgrim, one the warrior was trying hard to fend off.
"Many thanks, wolf-priest, but tell it to Forgall, he trained me, he managed to teach me his style, and managed to tweak it to accomadate the fact that i am not so physically powerful as he is, but i am faster, and he taught me how to use my magic in battle, even though he is no mage. I owe him everything, but sometimes my pride gets in the way of realizing it. But dont tell him i said that." Cahir said, chuckling at the last part.

Thorgrim pondered as he walked with his two companions back to the camp. He realized he was being distant and pushed the thoughts of his inner demon to the back of his mind. 'Anger is good my friend,' Thorgrim said to Darra, 'It has saved my life many times over; as I am sure it has saved yours.' Thorgrim winced as he stumbled slightly, 'I find your anger strange,' he lowered his voice, 'almost animalistic. . . It might seem strange to you but It makes me feel at ease around you.' It worried Thorgrim though because in some way the warrior within Darra saved his life. He was sure the demon could have killed Darra had it wanted to, and yet it seemed to be testing Thorgrim.

Thorgrim sensed Darra wanted to talk more but they were back at the camp, so it could wait. He turned round and laughed out loud, 'Come on Cahir, its only my small twig cutter. 'Thorgrim held his left arm close to his body as pain racked him. 'Here let me,' he grasped the axe in his right hand and lifted it as if it were a stick, he slung it next to a tree by the camp fire. 'Thank you Cahir, don’t mind me and a jest, I mean no disrespect.'

He then slumped against the tree and slid down on his rump. Dullah stood next to him, the blades nearly the length of his torso. It had not occurred to him how ominous the blade was, but he knew nothing of its history - Or his for that matter. 'How many deaths have ended at your edge, Dullah?', He questioned the axe quietly and then shuddered.

'Thousands,' the voice paused, 'I need to rest.'And with that Thorgrim was just himself, he sighed in relief - it felt good being alone.

Thorgrim looked up at Darra who was looking at him with a puzzled look, 'Don’t mind me Darra please sit and tell me of your self'
Darra O'Ferducha

Darra noticed a look of relief wash across Thorgrim’s face. But the warrior said nothing, only beckoned the wolfman to sit. Darra sat cross-legged in front of Thorgrim, his staff by his side and his cloak wrapped around him.

“So you wish to know my story?” the shaman said. “I will tell you now, I’m no seanchai. My grandfather – now there was a man who could tell a story, and I dare say he knew them all. Still, I will tell you a few trifling facts. My people live south of here, along the Western Ridge. For many years my family were among the most respected people. When my father died, he was given a burial fit for a king. I became leader of the clan, despite my somewhat… short temper. In many ways I should be thankful for it – that is why I have spent so many years in service to the Goddess, learning the ways of shamanism. Many looked to me for guidance.

“But I am not wanted there now.” Darra said no more. Wishing to change the subject, he looked towards the fire, where Forgall was talking to a young man, the one carrying the staff. Darra pointed at him.

“See that Thorgrim? I can sense it. Old magic, very old. Before our grandfathers’ grandfathers’ time. What do you make of it Cahir? A battlemage such as yourself no doubt feels it too.”
"Aye, I can feel it. Old as the ice under the moors. Would that we could examine it, i sense powerful runes on that ones spirit, mark my words." Cahir said. "Forgall seems to know him, hes prolly the grandson of some man that Forgall quested with or somesuch. Forgall's nearing 200 years old now. He's seen much."
Thorgrim looked over, 'I have no time for magic it makes me feel uneasy. Give me a fair fight with dullah in my grasp anyday.' He paused ,'Actually I prefer an unfair fight. . . In their favour.' He laughed.

'But there is something powerful about him though.' Thorgrim looked back at the wolfman who was now talking to Cahir. He was glad he had not killed him, he was like Thorgrim in many ways. He was far from home and a slave to anger. Mostly though he may be the key to finding the demon inside.

Thorgrim rested on the tree nestling into the pain from his shoulder.
Angus to Forgall .............. Information Important to Cahir.

I waved the staff in a wide circle and sat and talked with Forgall. The ring of silence would keep all I said protected. It would last only a short time.

"AYE, For sure, his now leader of the nothern Dragontooth Mountain peoples. We alow any to remain who wish to work and to live in peace. He is not much the Warrior now than A High Druid Priest. He is a Battle Madge, but has had not to use it. His rules more civil than secular, and so is abble to keep the vasrious groups working together."

I paused watching Forgall as I described what my Grandfather was doing in the High Passes and Dells of the Dragontooth. Farms, villages, Fortied Passes, Ralley Forts (With food and weapons for the local Defenders,) WE also did Mining, Smelting and Smithing and metal workers, (For weapons and household items.) WE had woodsman, Lumberjacks, Carpenters, Masons,(for building) We had all the trades. We did it all. Alittle trade with the roving bands of humand, orcs, elves and others scattered throughout the Dragontooth range..

I was proud of my people. We worked together, lived together and if it proved necessary we could also die together.

The circle of silence was breaking down and I said no more.

"Forgall, I'll have that meat and mead now, and I have some flat bread from home you may like." I reached into my pack and removed several wraps of the flat bread and added ot to the food spread for all.
Darra O'Ferducha

"200, eh?" Darra looked at the old warrior again. "Aye, he will see much more before he lays down his sword for the last time."

Thorgrim declared an unease about magic, cracked a joke, but Darra had noticed the young wizard had cast a spell around himself and Forgall.

"I wonder," Darra began. "I wonder if he knows just how much power he holds in his hands? Could be very bad if he doesn't."

Darra stood up. "Now, Thorgrim, about that shoulder. We need to wrap it up tight. If I can make my leave of ye for a little while, I'll see if there are any herbs in the woods that might relieve you of the pain. I will not be long."

Darra disappeared into the trees before another word could be spoken. In truth, he needed some time to be alone, to reflect on all that had happened.
"Aye" cahir said as forgall put all the food on the spread. He looked upon his mentor with pride "In Eiriada we claim him to be the greatest warrior in frosthold, if not the whole world. He always says there are foes greater then he, he just has yet to be tested by them. He says that there is always something more powerful then you around, just hope that you dont run into them angry." he watched Darra leave in search of herbs and necessary materials to mend Thorgrims shoulder
Thorgrim got lost in thought as Darra went off to look for herbs. He looked at the people around the fires, all looked like warriors and this pleased him. Yet Darra had the look of both a magic wielder and warrior, this was harder to imagine for Thorgrim - For some reason he felt uneasy around magic.

He waited, talking to people when they spoke to him, but his mind was on Darra and how to eventually ask for his help. It was not fun not knowing who you are, it was even less fun when you lose control and turn into a demon. What happens if just by being here I have put all their lives at risk, Thorgrim lost himself in his thoughts - The pain in his shoulder throbbing gently like an old friend.
Forgall watched the sunrise over the snowy peaks of the mountains. What is yet more glorious then sunrise over the western peaks? he thought to himself. He went to wake everyone. "Up now lads, we go to Arkand!"
Darra O'Ferducha

OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner.

Darra had spent a long time in the forest. The wild world, his connection to the earth - we are all one, we are all brothers.

He tried to console himself with such thoughts, but the night moved on and his mind grew ever more clouded with worry. He had found a few plants that might help Thorgrim with the pain in his shoulder.

Darra was becoming more and more worried about what he had gotten himself into. He knew this was his destiny, to help Cahir, to assist him in any way possible so that they might defeat the Sanguine King. But now he was here, part of a motley crew of soldiers - a young, no doubt inexperienced mage and a possessed warrior among them. The path, once so clear, was now covered over by a thick blanket of fog. Darra could only feel his way and hope that he did not fall.

He returned after some time. He did not say much, merely ground the herbs down into a paste, mixed them with some honey, and gave the mixture to Thorgrim.

"Drink that," he said. "It'll help you get some sleep. Not that there'll be much time - the sun will be rising soon."

He bandaged the warrior's shoulder tightly, then bid him a goodnight. Yet Darra found sleep difficult. His destiny was tied to these men now, all of them, and if he was to see this journey to its completion, he needed to form a bond of trust with them. Darra wondered if that would be easier said than done.

The sunlight hit him. He shook the dew from his cloak. Forgall called the others to rise as Darra walked down the path. This was not going to be easy, he thought to himself as he stabbed the earth with his staff. He spit into his palm, pressed it into the earth. It was not long before the seedlings trapped under the frozen earth began to stir. They broke free, tiny saplings moving through the dislodged rock blocking the pathway. Their trunks became thicker, their branches stronger. Soon the earth was being moved up and to the side. The trees melded together, forming a strong arch underneath the earth. The path would be clear enough for people to travel across.

The magic, however, had left Darra feeling light-headed. He ate some meat, but still needed assistance onto a horse so that he could travel with the others.
deevo said:
" Darra had noticed the young wizard had cast a spell around himself and Forgall.

"I wonder," Darra began. "I wonder if he knows just how much power he holds in his hands? Could be very bad if he doesn't."


After my talk with Forgall, I had wandered around camp, talking with a few people. I had taken note of Darra and I made a decision to talk with him when we had a chance. If he was going with us, maybe I still could continue my traing with hom if he would have me.

During the fighting I had trusted my magic only once when I cast a light spell holding the second wave untill we had finished with the first. I would have to remember my teaching and call upon my limited powers when they would be of best use.

I found my group and set about setting myself up to get some sleep. I think I was going to need all I could get.
Dreams of nothing.

Thorgrim thanked Darra as he was bandaged up. The pain seemed to dwindle as the foul tasting herbs began to work. Thorgrim tumbled into a deep sleep.

Thorgrim awoke, he sensed an utter stilness, not at sound. He looked around the clearing every one was still, He got up and realised he must be dreaming as his arm was not bound to his body for support and there was no pain.

He looked to one of the camp fires, there was a figure in a cloak sitting warming it`s hands. He looked around for Dullah it was nowhere to be seen, the sense of panic rose like bile in his throat. He turned searching frantically, his back was to the mysterious figure. He turned round and the figure was standing inches from him.

Thorgrim woke with a jump, even my dreams are strange he thought to himself. He could see everybody packing supplies for the journey, so he got up and turned to dullah. Dullah was wrapped in the leather sheafing but a small edge portruded out, the sun glinted off the axe with a brilliance.

Thorgrim pulled on a cloak over his bound arm and slung his axe on his back. He was offered a horse but replied, 'I am no horseman, I was born with legs - and I shall use them, I mean no disrespect.' He felt in high sprits, but could sense an omnious cloud in the back of his mind. Where is that wolf shaman he thought, would he walk, Thorgrim bet he would. The giant man walked to the rest of the group feeling slightly uneasy around all the chatter, people still seemed anxious around him. Well the power would scare me if I had seen it. Thorgrim got lost in thought.
I intently watched Darra as he cleared a way out of this valley, I noted all that he did and said. Was he the one to forward my education or only a short tme instructor. I was going to have to meet him.

I moved out with my group led by Ragormin. We had been set as rearguard incase the orcs came bake for some revenge. We placed our two wounded on my horses and I walked with the rest of the group. After the small battle, this group accepted me as one of their own. Like me, this was a young group and one day I knew that it would become one of The High Orcs main battle legion.

Today I carried my staff, sword and shield All the rest lay on the pack horse along with the remainder of my equipment.