Fuck @sallysparrow23 because she is very flexible and wooed me with her banjo
Marry @Wand3rlust because she’s hot and funny
Kill @EricaLynch because we’ve already fucked and married several times over
Fuck @morelikeasong no reason needed!!
Marry @RaineDrops because what better way to meet someone
Kill @EricaLynch for the insurance money. There was insurance money, right?
It is NEVER easy with three ladies ahead of you. But I think Erica the most likely of the three to off me if given a chance, so...taking the initiative
Fuck @Indie Hi. Nice to meet you. My name's Amanda. I hear you have a fabulous ass.
Marry @EricaLynch
Kill @Azuldrgon I'm not sorry this time. What do you honestly expect?
Fuck @morelikeasong. (It's been a while.)
Marry @Amanda330 . (It's what you get for killing me early. Still love ya though.)
Kill @BodieOhl because default.
Fuck @Azuldrgon he seems like he’d just enjoy a sex based relationship
Marry @Nicefella since he seems like a nice fella
Kill @BodieOhl because his name just makes me think of Ohio even though I know it’s not Ohio
Fuck @Nicefella since he is such a nice fella.
Marry @Azuldrgon because the monopoly man and a dragon would make quite the power couple.
Kill @Bry1313 and save a poor beaver.
Fuck @Bry1313 and all the beavers he’s fuckin
Marry @SirConradPeckereye so he falls in love and we have beautiful cyclops babies - it’s possible - dudes can have babies now
Kill @Azuldrgon because only I can have eye for Peckereye
Fuck @Nicefella - don’t worry I’m bringing the beavers
Marry @MissLabelled - I’m a sucker for igloos
Kill @dawn_of_night - I just can’t get past Dunkin