Fuck @jenn89 that AV is super hot
Marry @13Fantasies he seems like he'd be ok to live with.
Kill @Seadog777 no particular reason just had to kill someone.
Fuck @Photog1rl for while I love her work, I need more than that for marriage.
Mary @dawn_of_night because she is awesome.
Kill @deefalttwunnyfor Sorry. I don't make the rules and someone's gotta (I'll be next).
Fuck @dawn_of_night
Marry @Photog1rl, because I don’t know her and I always wanted to do a proper Vegas wedding
Kill @UnquietDreams because I didn’t get a recording of him playing the bodhran
Fuck @Cjbdd and see if she really that explosive
Marry @dawn_of_night because she so funny, if never get bored
Kill @Biggalute but not before picking that pretty tulip in the pic this morning