Genuinely Uplifting/Support Thread


Bookish Coquette
Mar 11, 2013
I know that, for me, I struggle with shaky mental health at times. Sometimes being here exacerbates that, because there are certain expectations, and of course seeing other people happy and carrying on with their lives can be distressing when you're depressed. I wanted to make a thread specifically for people who are feeling down. You don't have to go into detail if you don't want to, but I thought it'd be a nice place to just post support and kindness.

So, if you're feeling like crap, the idea is to post here, and you can receive some kind of validation. Your feelings are valid, and you can feel any kind of way so long as you don't weaponize it against yourself or others. Feel free to post whatever, but if someone posts, please be affirming and not unkind. I hope this might help someone.
Sorry to hear about your challenges. I'm dealing with my fair share of issue lately, too. Being here is a good distraction.

Surprising this hasn't had more responses. Maybe because many of us come here to forget about our problems...
wonderful idea for a thread
i too come to the forums when i need to escape my reality, but sometimes seeing triggering problematic threads (especially in the Politics board) chases me away. i have to remind myself that removing myself is a healthy response and valid. it's my time, my energy i am preserving by not engaging with the negativity. sometimes it's a temporary removal, sometimes its more prolonged (several years the last time). it's all valid and necessary. the constant is the writing and the desire to share my writing and be inspired by the writings of others. and that's what brings me back here too.
Sorry to hear about your challenges. I'm dealing with my fair share of issue lately, too. Being here is a good distraction.

Surprising this hasn't had more responses. Maybe because many of us come here to forget about our problems...
Apologies for not getting back so soon. Been really depresssed and it's hard to keep track of all the threads.

I hope you are having better days now. Sending good vibes.
I agree that visiting here is a distraction from the trials of daily life. I’ll call it a pause from reality. For me it seems there is a dual existence. The daily guy that does what is expected and sometimes is crushed by the weight of trying to do right. And the other guy that sneaks away from reality to dwell in the land of erotic fantasies. Escape? Yes, of course. But only a temporary pause to life. Too soon reality comes knocking. What’s the struggle? The balance or should I call it the inbalance between the good guy and the desire to escape into fantasy. I’ll stop here. Thank you for your thread.
You're welcome. I mean, it is a distraction. I try not to go off into fantasy land too much, personally. I mean, there are living human beings here on the other side of the screen. I can see it helping to block out other stuff, though.
wonderful idea for a thread
i too come to the forums when i need to escape my reality, but sometimes seeing triggering problematic threads (especially in the Politics board) chases me away. i have to remind myself that removing myself is a healthy response and valid. it's my time, my energy i am preserving by not engaging with the negativity. sometimes it's a temporary removal, sometimes its more prolonged (several years the last time). it's all valid and necessary. the constant is the writing and the desire to share my writing and be inspired by the writings of others. and that's what brings me back here too.
I've experienced very, very similar, particularly in the chat. Knowing when to step away or disengage is valuable. Sometimes, when I am depressed, the jovial and flippant nature of discourse here can be very triggering. I hope you are doing OK now, friend.
wonderful idea for a thread
i too come to the forums when i need to escape my reality, but sometimes seeing triggering problematic threads (especially in the Politics board) chases me away. i have to remind myself that removing myself is a healthy response and valid. it's my time, my energy i am preserving by not engaging with the negativity. sometimes it's a temporary removal, sometimes its more prolonged (several years the last time). it's all valid and necessary. the constant is the writing and the desire to share my writing and be inspired by the writings of others. and that's what brings me back here too.
I think I went to the politics board twice: once to see what was there, and a second time to see if my first experience was as bad as I thought.

Other than that, I have found mostly positive people here. And getting a chance to express myself in a community that is stereotypically suburban and sexually uptight is a nice departure from the things that weigh on me.
We all forge our path. While we may follow someone at different stages of our lives, each step we make is our own. Surrounding ourselves with people who support us means more than having "yes people" who agree with us. We must surround ourselves with genuine people who will tell us the hard truths.

In the end, we are our own worst enemy if we allow negativity to overpower the positive aspects of our lives. We might have a horrible boss or going through a tumultuous relationship, but that by no means that part of our lives will be forever. We often step into a quagmire and think "this is it" but it's just another obstacle to overcome.
It's been rough. Have some stuff wearing on my mental health, and it's really getting old. Normally this place provides a distraction, but that's loosing it's shine currently. This time of year sucks.
It's been rough. Have some stuff wearing on my mental health, and it's really getting old. Normally this place provides a distraction, but that's loosing it's shine currently. This time of year sucks.
I am sorry to hear that. If you need to randomly talk to someone, my PMs are open for that. I find that, while I often come here when I am trying to keep it together, the toxic positivity that can sometimes occur here, or seeing other people be cheerful or happy can make me feel worse when I am depressed. I hope you are able to feel better soon. Sending good vibes your way.
I know that, for me, I struggle with shaky mental health at times. Sometimes being here exacerbates that, because there are certain expectations, and of course seeing other people happy and carrying on with their lives can be distressing when you're depressed. I wanted to make a thread specifically for people who are feeling down. You don't have to go into detail if you don't want to, but I thought it'd be a nice place to just post support and kindness.

So, if you're feeling like crap, the idea is to post here, and you can receive some kind of validation. Your feelings are valid, and you can feel any kind of way so long as you don't weaponize it against yourself or others. Feel free to post whatever, but if someone posts, please be affirming and not unkind. I hope this might help someone.
I'm feeling like I am done . I have reached am age where I really have no more milestones to reach . I have done everything , lived everywhere , and achieved all my goals . Now I am bored ! I am ready to move on ! I am just sad to be at this point ! I don't want to leave my wife alone but she is very independent and would be fine ! I have had a great time ,better than most and more than I deserve ! so as they say in AA I think ,one day at a time . I feel like I am just waiting ! thanks for listening to me whine ! Most of you are great ! Great thread !