Have you ever bumped into someone from lit?

Not that I know of, but it’s entirely possible I’ve crossed paths with some SoCal Litsters at some point
No one from here but did bump into someone from Fetlife. Kind of neat. Didn't say anything to them in person but then messaged them later about it. They were really cool about it.
I had that thought today while talking about my car. Pretty sure I'd just grin and ask if they liked my story 😁
It was the other way around. I had a fuck buddy for a while until we went our separate ways. Then she suddenly and unexpectedly showed up here on lit. She read my stories and recognized many scenes as being us...and sent me a very nice message saying my description was what she recalled. Then she dropped out of lit after a few days - probably because she saw I was on it...
Yup, I have a Lit friend who lives nearby. I'm surprised we don't bump into each other more often than we have.
How would you even recognize anyone from here? I haven't seen anyone's face here nor do I want to. I could be passing Litsters constantly but I would have no way of knowing.
By accident...no.
On purpose, I have met around 8 Litsters.
I went to one's wedding last year and it was mazing meeting and hugging face to face.
IHateClowns, who posted his face a lot, once related a story about picking his dog up from a Vet or groomer and the guy asked him if he was Clowns from Lit 😂
Thing is, what's to worry about? I mean, you are on Lit, they are on Lit too. What the hell are you doing on Lit? Yea that's what I thought. Just here to read the articles.
No but someone i can't stand is a member.. thankfully he isn't attracted to big girls cuz im sure the answer to the question would be yes..

By accident? Not that I'm aware of. Intentionally? Yes. We were mutually interested and ended up being FWB. Don't be afraid to reach out and explore.
Not that I'm aware of. Occasionally a vocal inflection will make me double take, a subtle reaction to something I say .. I want my anonymity here but it's kinda hot thinking we could be interacting and not knowing it. But if you think you know me.... NO you don't 🤣
I haven’t bumped into anyone from
Here that I know of but once years ago I was at an Outback Steakhouse for a birthday party and this woman came in that looked awfully familiar . She was an amateur model for a pantyhose pot site that I frequented at the time .
No, but I have suggested Lit to a couple of people I know. I don't know if they ever did sign up.

I do wonder if I'd ever make a comment to a stranger if I saw them scrolling Lit. I guess it'd depend on how spunky I felt that day. 😁
Possibly... I referenced my car as 'valley girl' and got a look. Kind of wish he'd mentioned summer in the conversation.