Her Reality and His (Closed for MoMadness and AmbrosiaCaress)

~ Please note this Post was written by both MoMadness and myself ~

Titus smiled and said, "That is a good point. You know how safe words work right? As someone working with another submissive, I would hope you do. I want your safe word. It can be anything but words like 'no', 'stop', 'quit'. Some people use Red for stop and Yellow for slow down, but the choice is yours. I want to know what they are though. For me, my safe words are Red and Yellow. There are just some things I will not do to anyone or have done to me by anyone. What are yours?"

She knew the concept of safe words very well actually and was mentally kicking herself for not just thinking of that. It was an understanding that to utter that word, all stops. And she already had acknowledged that she trusted him. For some reason, that point did not waver.
She was not about to use words as mundane as red or yellow or even a color. So instead, as she thought, the word, easily came to her.


She wondered if he would ask why that word. But he did not, at least not yet.

He watched her and nodded as she came up with her word.

"Snake it is." Titus said calmly, wondering if that word might be used accidentally for describing a certain piece of anatomy. It was a peculiar safe word though but it was hers and that was something he would need to accept. He then said, "Then you know that when I get into a scene, nothing stops me... except that word. You say that word, I stop immediately. We can talk about it, you can stop the scene at that point or just get a breather before we keep going. I will NOT stop for any other word. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand" she nodded.

"What ...about... limits?" She knew well enough that there had to be limits. She had actually learned that from pliant submissive Jerry. He did not have many limits, but there were a couple.

"no...." how did she put this .... "bathroom play" that should cover it. ... "and no... anal" she had never done that before and did not want to start now, that was for sure. Perhaps that "may" be open for discussion later she thought to herself...

He buried a chuckle. She was kind of putting the cart before the horse. But then again, they pretty much all did at first. One of the first things nearly every submissive and sub-wannabe thought... was they would be fucked during their session. And when the session was done and they found that their bodies were... un-fucked, it always astonished them. He had, over the course of time, learned that when submissives came off a post after being used by a dominate, fucked or not, there were often left very unsatisfied. Sure, they might have gotten off, but few ever really reached submissive nirvana known as subspace.

Based on the look her own submissive had given him, this was the case with him. He suspected that submissive had issues where he just wanted to be beaten and destroyed. He had no way to know for sure without talking with him further, so he let that line of thought drop.

He looked up at her and said, "No bathroom stuff... I am presuming you mean scat and pee, versus being dominated in a shower... right? We have to be pretty specific when defining limits."

He studied her as she nodded and then said, "Is there anything else?"

Sable was observant, or at least she tried to be. She could tell there were thoughts milling around in his head. Was it about limits? There were always limits right? There were thousands of thoughts milling around in her head, that was for sure. She did want him thinking he could... well... ahem... she had observed submissives that liked... well... she just knew what she did not want to happen to her. And that included any "fluids" on her other than, well, the obvious, his mouth or his... yeah, that. For a moment a funny, yes, a funny thought came into her head from that horrible moving Fifty Shades. The scene where they are "negotiating the contract" For some reason, it struck her funny, perhaps sitting at a nice dinner, negotiating this contract... out loud... "yes, please no pee, no scat, really don't want to feel that all over my body, oh sure, feel free to Dominate me in the shower, make sure the cuffs are waterproof"
Imagine the look on the faces of the people at the next table. Sable, in her younger days had LOVED messing with people sometimes. She missed that, and the thought now almost made her giggle.

But this was serious....so she stayed serious...

Titus watched her as she struggled to think of more and he said, "This list is an evolving list. We only set a couple items on it. You can add to it at any time, take things off, change them... its your list... your controls with the stage we are to play on."

"Stage we play on" she repeated the words back to him. She had NEVER thought of it that way.

He studied her for a moment and said, "Doesn't make sense does it? Stage we are to play on. This is your body. No one is entitled to touch it. No one is allowed to do anything with it without your permission. You call the shots. You... set the stage. My job is as your dominant is to perform within the boundaries you set for me. This is the little piece that escapes so many people. I can not use scat or pee with you under any circumstances. Now let me tell you a few of mine that I will never use or do with you. NO scat or pee, no kids or animals, no actual non-con... umm non consensual. I will dominate men, but not do men... I am straight that way. Does this make sense to you?"

It also surprised her that the Dominant would have limits, but it made sense. She had limits when she was "playing" with a submissive, but she always knew that she was different from the other dominants, at the women dominants at the Club. She realized that her need was very different, and her "acting" the dominant had never really fed it.

This... was feeding it....

"It does now" she said finally. "How long have you.... done this?" the question just... popped out... she wasn't even sure why....

"Me?" Titus said. Usually this was a question that would come up. Often led to the implication of him having some kind of harem somewhere filled with slaves he would regularly beat. He said, "Truth is, being a SEAL didn't really afford me much time to do this very much. That being said, "I have always known I have been a dominant. I have never doubted that inside me. But I have only been active in this life for about 3 years since I got out. I am VERY selective with who I allow to use me though."

He let his eyes shift to her as she might have caught his curious phrase, 'I allow to use me though.' It didn't seem to be lost on her though the look was curious. He said, "A director... " Pointing to her, "Sets the stage, while an actor" pointing back to him, "Works on the stage. You set the limitations and rules..." Pointing to her, "I do what I will within the limitations and rules" Pointing back to him.

It was as if a light bulb went off in her mind. THAT made so much sense to her, an actress. She had never thought of it that way... Now she wanted to pepper him with questions, she was genuinely interested...

She knew he had been a Navy Seal, now she wanted to even ask about that. Her level of comfort with him just increased, at least for the moment. Would she feel the same after .... this?

"Have you ever set the stage? and allowed another "Actor" to work the stage?" Sable actually leaned in closer to him. She was genuinely interested...

Titus's smile wavered just a bit but then snapped it back in place. He never wavered his gaze down at her. He said, "Do you remember what I said about trusting someone completely with your body, having faith that someone is going to help you when you are the most vulnerable? You remember me telling you that is one of the bravest things a person can do?"

He watched her nod and said, "I am not as brave as you in that regard." He had his own story he could tell about what led him to mistrust in ways but now was definitely NOT the time. He then said, "It is not because I fear what that person would do, but I have no desire to set a stage at all for anyone. When it comes to this, there is very little submissive in me."

Titus watched as she processed this. He was willing to sit and talk about this all night if she wanted. The longer he sat and talked with her, the more engaged she seemed to be and thus presumed this was the NEED she really needed at the moment.

This.... this was one thing Sable DID miss... just talking to someone... for a few minutes, as she listened, she forgot she was even on her knees...

Brave. She had never thought of this as brave...

She actually leaned up, without thinking and kissed him.. her lips soft, moist, warm... but the action taking him completely off guard, let alone taking HER off guard. It happened so fast, and without thought. She pulled back with wide eyes... her cheeks flushed crimson red....

"Titus... I...."
Sable was rarely taken off guard. And she didn't like being taken off guard. But this, this competely shocked her. Never mind that she shocked herself when she leaned up and kissed him, but when he took her in his arms, his mouth meeting hers, their tongues entwining, slipping around and over one another. His hand in her hair, holding her head. Her own hands, fingers moving up over his broad shoulders, along the back of his neck. She indeed did melt into him. It had been so long since anyone had really kissed her outside of a movie script and no one, no one had ever kissed her like this.

She let her guard down, and clung to him, not wanting the kissing to end, not wanting to feel him release his arms from around her... but it did end, minutes? hours? later..

She found herself back on her knees, for a moment gasping for breath, her lips tingling, her tongue only wanting to taste him again. Her cheeks were flush, her skin heated, her heart was wildly beating in her chest. She not even realizing that her robe hung open, the soft curve of her breasts, dark nipples swollen, the gentle curve of her hips, and even the slightly breath of the soft dark curls around her sex were al visible...

She raised her dark eyes to his, lifting her fingers to trail along her lips.

"I don't regret that."

"I don't regret that either" she paused. "I am not usually that... ummmm" she let the words trail off.

She did not want him to think she was easy or a slut or any of those things. Actually, she'd rather he think her weak then either of those. Her father always thought she was a whoring slut as he would always call her... or an easy cunt.

She suddenly found herself even more nervous than she had been when this all started, but she took a deep breath and caught and held his gaze.

"I want you to... be the Actor on my Stage..... will you still do that? Please?"

Please, the word hung there... please..... She was no longer sure what she needed... him.. or what he could do for her... or both.....
Was Sable nervous, of course she was. No one had even bound and gagged her as he had just done. Well, in a movie sure, but that was entirely different. In the movie, there were people all around, male and female, and she was clothed for that particular scene.

Here, she was alone with him, naked, bound and gagged.

Yes, to say she was nervous was very accurate. But she was not scared. In fact, Sable could not explain what she felt so deep inside, execpt that she needed this.

She listened to his words, whispered, spoken, winding around her. Her eyes focused on the naked woman, so helpless, so vulnerable in the mirror. He could do anything he wanted to her right now. What if he didn't honor the safe word? What if he really hurt her? This was different than the Club. Here, she was completely at his mercy, there would be no Club employee checking the rooms before closing. The Club was a public place, this was her home, private. This was the private wing, away from the main house. Her level of trust in this man was 10 fold what it was at the Club, where she could have walked away, or another would have seen or found them. Her gaze watched herself and him as he walked around her, his words slowly relaxing her, yet his touch, his touch was igniting a flame deep inside.

No, she was not scared. She trusted Titus. She had to trust someone someday. Right?

God, his fingers, his lips, so light upon her skin, teasing, tickling, caressing. She could feel her eyes closing, the pleasure slowly warming inside her... She could feel herself starting to tremble, quiver as he learned he body, finger gliding, her eyes closed, she gasped low behind the gag that silenced her....

"Eyes front. Eyes open slave..."

She shot her eyes open, her shaking intensified, she would have apologized but she could not speak, but she did let a muffled moan escape past the gag.


He had called her "slave"

That word only serviced to stoke that fire inside her. Right now, she was his slave, to do with as he desired. She was there to please him. And she liked that.

She could see her body quivering. See the sheen of heat that lightly warmed her skin. She watched as he leaned in behind her, he was so much taller than she, she had a moment of wanting to lean back into his chest, feel his heartbeat, the wrap of his strong arms around her. But what she heard and felt sent an even more intense wave of pleasure, desire, want, need racing thru her..

"Keep your eyes locked on that woman in the mirror, bound, gagged, naked, helpless. Look into her eyes... look at her face."

His fingers had dipped within the heated wetness of her sex. Sable groaned, low and deep behind the gag, his fingers bringing a deepening pleasure that she had not felt in a long long time, if ever. He playing her like a fine instrument, knowing the music she would bring and bring it she did. The orgasm crashed thru her with a sudden intensity that even took her off guard. If she had not been able to lean back into him, she would have fallen to her knees.. Her eyes closed, she fought to cry out behind the gag, the heat searing thru her.

"There is NOTHING weak about the woman in this mirror...."

Yet, here she was, helpless, cumming, trembling, nearly screaming in pleasure behind the gag that she bit down on, almost at his command. And he did not stop, his continued caressing, manipulating, of her now throbbing clit threatened to send another orgasm crashing over her yet again, mere seconds later.

When he slipped the gag loose, she took a deep gasp of air....

"Keep your eyes on that woman... look at the need... look at the desire... don't look away..."

Need, desire. She had always tried to keep her need, her desire, hell her feelings, hidden. She had learned with her father, and with Derrick, her last significant other, she hated thinking of him as a boyfriend, he had turned out to be such a lowlife, but she had learned to keep her own feelings, desires, wants, needs, to herself. But with Titus, her need, her desires, her wants were on display, in her eyes, in the sound of her voice, the rocking of her body to his hand that played her so intimately.

She almost said no... Not no to what was happening, but no to having to watch what was happening as his command, his command of her body...

But the words would not come, lost in another low purring moan that rippled past her lips.

But Titus was an observant man... "I can see there is a demon in you that you are fighting... a voice telling you otherwise... Remember you are in control of your body, even now... naked, helpless, bound.. You have the power to say your safe word and yet... you don't. Even now... you don't. Why? Think about it a moment... why don't you say it?

Why didn't she say it? But the answer was clear to her. She did not want this to stop, she wanted the pleasure, she wanted to desire, she wanted to climax again, and again, and again, for him.. and for herself... Her eyes were fixed on her own gaze in the mirror.

"I want to hear you tell yourself, 'I am not weak. I am a strong woman... More over... make me believe it.... convince me you are a strong woman..."

Her voice wavered for a minute as she struggled to speak between the low keening moans that wanted to come forth. Could she do it? Was she the strong woman that he seemed to think she was...???

She heard Titus and his whisper and then she heard her father... DON"T BE A WEAK CUNT...

Sable took a deep breath, trying to get her wildly swinging emotions under control. "I... am a .. strong woman. I am not weak" the words were soft, but she repeated them again as she rocked against his hand, and she was shaking. It was obvious this was a battle for her. "I am NOT WEAK... "... tears slipped from her eyes. "I AM NOT WEAK" it was apparent to Titus that she was NOT talking to him. And she was not, in her mind, she was confronting her father... I AM NOT WEAK... those were the last words that her father heard before she put that bullet in his head.... NO NO NO... WAIT... she had just killed her own FATHER.. NO....

Titus felt her suddenly tense up.. she yelled out "NO NO NO NO", her eyes rolling back and she passed out, her head falling back, her body collapsing into his arms...
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Daddy... the only time she had called her father daddy was the day she shot him. The first bullet killed him, the other 3, all in his head, all to put an end to the mind fucking he had done to her, not to mention the physical abuse. She had never called him Daddy, until after she killed him..

And now, Titus knew. He had managed to get her to that one, deeply buried, part of her personality, part of who she was, and she had blurted it out. But wait, she wasn't who she was back then, she was Sandra... Sandra Grant.. "Sandy" her mother used to call her. She was Sable now. Sable Gem. Sandra.. Sandy was as dead as her father, or was she?

She was pacing her room, the robe tight around her. What did she do now? For the next 2 hours, her mind raced thru everything. Did she fire him? Would he go to the police? Would he tell anyone? How much did she reveal? She knew she had blurted out for her "Daddy to forgive her for killing him" but how much did he know? Did she say she had shot him? 4 times? She was desperate to remember and could not.

Should she tell him the entire story? What her monster of a father, Charles "Charley the Fist" Grant.. That was what his nickname was. Wow, it had been a long time since she had even thought of her father's name. What her monster of a father had done to her and her mother. The one saving grace was it had never been sexual. Sable thought, as she sat there alone in her room, if he had ever done THAT to her, she would have just ended her life, that simple.

But there was a deep seated fear in her about revealing the entire story. Would it give him more on her? He already could ruin her with what he knew.. What she had fucking blurted out. What the FUCK had she been thinking.. WEAK CUNT... the words screamed at her... WEAK CUNT... LOOK WHAT YOU DID...

Sable knew she could not lie to him about what she blurted out, that much she knew.

She sunk down onto the floor and literally cried. She was so confused and had no one to turn to. NO one at all....
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"Miss Sable. It's Officer Ingle. Are you okay? Can I help you?"

For a minute, she had no earthly clue who that was and she nearly panicked. But, taking a deep breath and gathering her thoughts, she realized. It was Jason, the handsome red headed Security Guard. She remembered Titus introducing him, along with a couple others, that he had brought in to keep her safe. He was another Navy SEAL, if she remembered correctly, worked directly either with, or just under, Titus. She should have known it was him from is accent. She had always liked his accent.

She got up from the floor, running her slender fingers thru hair and smoothing out her emerald green robe that she was still wearing. Quickly wiping her eyes of tears, she made her way to the door and opened it a bit, to see a very concerned Jason on the other side.

She took a moment to decide if she should let him in or not.

"I am ok" she opened the door to allow him inside, but she kept the door open. She was feeling so vulnerable at this moment, it just gave her a measure of comfort...

"I got some bad news is all" she lied. She wasn't about to tell him anything, she couldn't. But it was obvious he had heard her crying. As she looked at the so very handsome red head, and damn he was, she found her thoughts going to Titus, their kiss, his arms around her, he binding her, her helplessness, he bringing that orgasm out of her so easily, the whisper of his voice, the feel of his chest when she had leaned back for support when she came....

"I'm just, not having the best of days, Jason, but I do very much appreciate your concern" She almost was going to tell him to leave now. But in truth, Sable did not want to be alone, not quite yet.

She turned away, pouring herself a shot glass of JD, she needed it. She needed to get control of herself. She offered him a drink but he refused..

"I just need to take my mind off things right now. Please.. Ummm... tell me why you decided to be a Navy SEAL and how you ended up here? This must be boring compared to that I would think".... She just wanted to hear him talk. Not just because of his wonderfully thick irish accent, but just to take her mind off Titus and her father and the shooting. Any minute she was convinced that Titus and the cops were going to come bursting into her home and arrest her, even tho she had been "cleared" of suspicion so long ago...
~~ Please Note this post was jointly written by MoMadness and myself ~~

"I just need to take my mind off things right now. Please.. Ummm... tell me why you decided to be a Navy SEAL and how you ended up here? This must be boring compared to that I would think"

Nothing like taking a strike right at the heard of things for him. He smiled and said, "Oh there is so much ta tell..." He paused and then saw that wasn't really satisfying for an answer. This could be his one chance to make a great first impression with the Queen of the Big Screen herself and he couldn't blow it. He saw her look to her bottle, trying to find more liquid courage and he said, "I was... called."

She smirked a bit at him for a moment and he realized how mundane that sounded and he said, "I... don't mean by phone. I mean... somethin called me to go into the SEALS. My band of brothers. I... well, you are going to think I sound crazy but..." He gently reached into his shirt and pulled out his silver cross with the American and the Navy flag intertwined on it and kissed it. He let his eyes shift to her as she put the pieces of the puzzle together.

With the slightest tilt of her head, she watched him, and understood. Sable believed in God, she believed God had helped her thru her ordeal with her father, she never "blamed" God for putting her in that situation.

"Not crazy" she walked to the window to look out. "A calling is a calling, I get that. Do you miss it? I mean, this has to be boring for the most part, outside of the nut trying to blow up SNL, and now an assassin which I think may be just blown out of proportion."...

But that was when the phone rang, her very private line. Her brow furrowed for a minute. Only a couple of people had that number, Bethany, Titus and her mother/stepfather....

"Sorry, hang on" she turned from Jason and picked up the phone "hello?.. Bethany?... who is this? WHO IS THIS? What? wait... WHAT???" She went white and dropped the phone...

Jason was on his feet. "What...?"

Sable looked up at him... "my mother and step-father are dead, an assassin, who just called me to tell me I was next.... " her voice was wavering... "Get Titus.... please"......

Jason didn't hesitate! He leapt to his feet and grabbed his radio! "Dominic, Trace that call that just came in!!!"

"What?" the man said on the other side.

"A line just came in on the 5876 line! I need a trace run now!" He looked at Miss Sable and said, "Please don't answer any phones." She nodded, and began trembling.

He hit the radio, "Titus! Code Indigo! Say again, Code Indigo!"

Less than 60 seconds later, Titus was bursting into the bedroom wearing only his sleep pants and holding his pistol! His eyes shot to Sable who looked alarmed then to Jason, "Report."

"Call came in less than 3 minutes ago...umm... 3:04AM. Private personal line. I have a trace being run on it. I remained on scene till you arrived." Jason said as he said, "Shall I go run patrol?"

"Why were you in here to begin with?" Titus said curiously as his eyes slid to Sable, looking her over once more...

Jason said, "I was just taking break after finishing my rounds and heard her ... crying sir."

Titus looked to Jason, then back to Sable who looked even more alarmed now that he was in the room and he said, "Understood. Go run a patrol. Run Code Indigo protocol. I will remain here till the police arrive."

"Aye aye sir!" Jason said, looked to Miss Sable with a look of confusion as to why she seemed even more afraid now and ... it occurred to him that only one thing could have caused this. Titus had done something... to hurt her. So was leaving her alone with him such a good idea?

He was hesitating too long and Titus snapped, "Is there a problem SEAL?"

"NO SIR!" His military training kicked in and he left the room. He had no proof of anything going on yet... but he was going to find out now... and if he had to protect Miss Sable from Titus... he would!

Titus watched him leave and he kept the door open as the internal alarms went off in the house... He kept his gun at his side but he would not let her out of his sight. He didn't know for sure what happened, but if she was a killer, at least he had the knowledge to keep his team safe... He eyed her said, "What did the caller say, Miss Sable?" He felt himself growing very guarded with her...

Everything from that moment of the phone call til now happened so fast, calls, radios, and then Titus was in the room, gun drawn. She had no one else to call, he was it, in this situation, he was head of security.

But she could not help but tense up with him so close to her and she did not like that feeling.

"What did the caller say, Miss Sable?"

"He told me my mother and step-father were dead, that he had killed them, assassinated them was the words he used, and that I was next"....

"I don't want the police here.. please"
she looked at Titus, stepping back from him. "Please" she was more than terrified that he would say something to them. She was so confused and usually she was the strong one, the one in control... and everything was spiraling out of control so quickly. "Please Titus, I'm begging you, no police, not here, not now. There is nothing they can do anyway if it is true... Not from here. They live in Miami"....

"Just find out if it is true, please"
~~ Please note this post was jointly written by MoMadness and myself ~~

She was pacing again. She so wanted to talk to him. Their connection in his room had been nothing short of electric. Why... why had she blurted out what she had.... WEAK CUNT... the words rang in her mind..

A moment later she turned to him. She knew there were no recording devices in her private bedroom. It was the one place, other than an office and Titus' room, that had none, not to mention the bathrooms of course. But all the other rooms were wired and had cameras.

She moved to the door and shut it, but did not turn around. "You know what I said, earlier... Please do not bring the police here".... She needed to know about her mother and step-father, but she needed to know his intentions as well... It seemed like her world was spinning... into a dark abyss and she did not know how to stop it.

Titus tensed slightly as she secured the door to the room and spun around to face him. Would she try and reach for a gun he didn't know about and shoot him? Killers were like cheaters... once they get the taste, they want more. He wished with all his hope he could go back and unhear what she had said. She had murdered her father in cold blood. Shot him while he slept in bed so the reports tell.

He wished to god he could have unheard what he had heard but you can't put the genie back in the bottle. He needed to know. If she was a cold blooded killer, he just endangered his entire team and his friends. Everyone!

He finally made a decision... he reached to his own radio and said, "Belay calling the police for 10 minutes."

"Belay it sir?" Dominic said confused, "But Code Indi..."

"I wrote the fucking protocol. You have my command... follow it! If you don't hear from me in 10 minutes sharp, proceed forward with Code Indigo." Titus growled

Dominic hesitated but then answered, "Your the boss boss... 10 minute countdown."

He killed his comm. He then walked to her dresser and set his gun down. He said, "Your name is Sandra Grant. Your mother is Holly Grant, now Holly McGregor, Retired Private Real Estate Agent, living in Hileah, Florida, 1422 West Citrus Avenue, which is just outside Miami. She is married to Lawrence McGregor and is a Mid-level manager in a grocery chain. Your birth father is Charlie Grant, aliases as Charles, Charley, and the Fist. You shot your father point blank in the head four times. The police never found the gun so they couldn't trace it to the shooter and there were no witnesses. You changed your name to Sable and moved to LA once the investigation was closed. You admitted to me just now in that room over there that you killed him. You have ... 9 minutes now... to convince me why I shouldn't say a thing."

With that... he fell silent and waited.

How..... How had he known all that. She knew she had NOT blurted out those details.

"How... did you....." but she let the question trail off. She did not think he would answer anyways.

"yes, I killed him. Yes, I shot him 4 times" She turned and looked at him, before lowering her eyes. "He used to beat my mother so severely, that she barely recognized me anymore because of the damage he did. And when I was 10, he kicked her to the curb, she could barely think, barely function and could not take care of a 10 year old child, so he got custody. He didn't have her to punish anymore, so he turned his temper and his aggression on me. He beat me so badly, so often, that I did not know any other way of life. I went to school with black eyes, bruises, he would beat me with a switch, or a cord, or his belt, or his fists, it didn't matter. And no one cared. The school, the teachers, they saw the bruises, and did nothing. For 10 years.

"When I was 16, he started accusing me of being a Fucking Whore "like your mother" he always said. My mother had remarried, but didn't care or have the inclination to help me. And her new husband is nothing more than a weak minded loser who did not even know how to help. I was on my own, with my father. "

"I went from being a Fucking Whore to a Weak Cunt... because I could not stand up to him."

"When I turned 18, I got the gun, a 9mm Glock. I learned how to use it behind his back. It took me 2 years to work up the courage to finally break out of the abuse and ...... Yes.... I shot the bastard.... I meant to shoot only once, hoping it would look like a suicide, but in my anger, I shot 4 times. I wanted, needed, to make sure he was dead. I could not take another beating. "

She walked to the window... "And what is so fucking sad and fucked up is ... I missed HIM... I missed that fucking monster..."

"No one helped me. I had no one.. I had to do... something... or I think he would have killed me"...

She was staring out the window now, arms wrapped around herself, shaking.

"Please, don't...." was all she could say...

Titus listened to her confession with all the respect it deserved and his mind was a whirl of confusion. He knew what it meant and felt to kill a person. He had 18 bodies to his name. 18 people died to him for far less than what Charley did. He had had a few minutes after she turned away from him, she staring out the window, he thought through her case, what she had done... it was a cold blooded assassination. Four rounds to the head. Four rounds that had been thought out and planned out. He had been in bed, asleep, not even attacking her at the time. Based on her confession, she had committed premeditated murder.

Did she deserve to go to jail for murdering a man in cold blood regardless of her reasons? Was she justified in doing what she did? Where was that line in the sand in which a murder was justified? Who was to say he or her had the audacity to think they could set the line? The truth was, he should call the police, notify them of her testimony, have her arrested and taken back to the state of the crime where they would most certainly have the death penalty. If found guilty, she would most likely end up getting the needle in the end and dying a slow painless death in a cleared chamber surrounded by the press and media.

He heard her whisper, "Please, don't...."

Titus stood in silence for at least 3 more minutes, before he hit this radio and said, "Dominic."

"Yea boss." The man on the comm said.

"Stand down Code Indigo. I am making a field command decision." Titus said and then said, "Passcode Foxtrot, Umbrella, Charlie, Kilo."

"Standing down boss. What do you want me to do about the trace?" Dominic said afterwards.

"Keep working it. Also, contact Hileah Florida Police Department. Ask to do a wellness check to 1422 West Citrus Avenue. Let them know there was a death threat made to the daughter about them." Titus commanded his troop.

"You got it boss... making the call now." Dominic said and the comm fell silent.

He studied her for a long moment and then walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. He felt her tense for a moment at the touch. He gave her a gentle squeeze and said, "No one should go through what you went through. I have killed ... for similar reasons."

He felt her trembling as he said, "I will keep your secret though. But by doing so makes me an accessory after the fact. If your secret were to get out, I would go down too. So, here is how we are going to play this out. When this mess is sorted out, you and I are going to plan an unscheduled trip back to here your dad died... and you are going to retrieve the gun for me so I can dispose of it properly if you haven't already done so. Once this is done, we will come back here and go back to business as usual."

He slowly turned her to face him and looked genuinely troubled by saying, "I am sorry I opened that demon up. That was not my intention." She leaned into him, seeking his support, needing his support and hugged him tightly. He immediately felt embarrassed as his cock pressed into her tummy as she did. He said, "Sorry."

Titus then said, "I need you to understand what I am about to say though. This is very important... I need assurances that this isn't going to bite me in the ass. I need to know that you have my back like I have yours. Does that make sense?"
She was still leaning into him as he spoke, and she heard every word. He... understood. Maybe not entirely, no one would unless they had actually gone thru it of course. But he understood enough to keep her secret. It put him at risk, but ultimately, he knew her life was on the line. If convicted, she'd either end up in prison for life or the death penalty. It wasn't like she had shot in when he was beating her. She shot him in bed, when he was essentially defenseless. Not that her father was ever defenseless. She bought a Glock 9mm because HE had a Glock 9mm.

"I need you to understand what I am about to say though. This is very important... I need assurances that this isn't going to bite me in the ass. I need to know that you have my back like I have yours. Does that make sense?"

Sable looked up at him. She had no choice but to trust him, after what she had blurted out that lead to her confession. He was choosing to trust her. Two completely different scenarios. She was doing it to save her own ass, and keep her out of prison. He... was doing it to save her ass and keep her out of prison. Two different scenarios, yet the same reason... her and her ass... and prison...

Not to mention what this would do to her career if this ever got out. Even if an inkling got out. Sable was fighting with everything she had to gain some control over what was happening.

"yes.. Titus.... I understand. I have your back and you have mine. I know this is ... asking... " she stopped, taking a deep breath.. "not even asking.. I know this is begging ... and expecting alot from you... Thank you." She was shaking again, between this and the call.

"And you did not open up the demon. My father was always there, I just kept what he did to me so deeply buried and you.... you got ... in....I let you in..."

Bethany burst thru the door at that moment, Sable had never locked it. "Miss Sable, are you okay?" She looked from Titus to Sable and back again. She had been filled in on the phone call and the threat. "We have not heard back from the Hileah police yet." she confirmed, but all of them knew that was not good most likely. If everything was all right, Sable was sure her Step-Father would have called.

It was then her private line did ring... Maybe...she thought to herself... Titus released her and while she picked up the call, he signaled his team to start the recording.

"Hello? Lawrence?..."

"I see you called the cops. Let me assure you, they are dead. Watch out. You are next Miss Sable"

Sable dropped the phone, she was white as a ghost and she passed out, falling into a heap on the floor....
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Her mother and step-father were ok, thank the heavens. So the asshole who called apparently just wanted to scare her. Was this nothing more than an obsessed fan? Or was this something more? Sable did not like this at all. She felt completely out of control of everything. Her world was spinning around her.

All she wanted to do was curl up and forget all of this was happening, or had happened. She felt a chill so deep inside her and she could not seem to get warm. She drew that robe tighter around her as the Detectives entered the room. She shot a look at Titus with her dark eyes, and it was obvious that she was scared to death, but his nod and wink actually worked to calm her down some.

They asked the standard questions. What time did the calls come in? Did she recognize the incoming number? Did she recognize the voice? Had she had any other suspicious calls? Did she know of anyone who would want to harm her or her family? Had anyone contacted her regarding the attempted bombing at SNL? Had she contacted the Bomber Seth? Lastly, was she ok to remain at the home or did she want to be moved to protective custody?

Sable answered that question with a resounding no. She would not be driven from her home. It was bad enough her life had been turned upside down already. No, she would stay put with her security team, and with that, Sable dismissed the Detectives. For a few minutes she sounded like herself and she felt Titus watching her, was he smiling?

Truth be told, she was exhausted, physically and mentally. She had missed her meeting with the Broadway producer due to all this, on top of it all. It had be rescheduled, but she was not happy about that either.

"Get out" she finally snapped, even a bit at Titus. She hadn't meant to, she was just so very tired. She mouthed a "Sorry" to him. She still was not sure about this whole situation with Titus knowing about what she had done. Had she made a mistake? A huge mistake? It was too late now, but she was second guessing herself. Should she have just lied to him about it? Would he have bought that? Something told her he would not have. God, she was so fucking confused...

She paused... "Please get out" she ammended. She just wanted some quiet so she could process her thoughts...
It had gotten to a point where she no longer cared what the others thought. She was tired. She was more than tired, she was exhausted. She wanted them out. And she wanted to feel as if she were in some kind of control. Right now, it felt to her as if the asshole who had called her with the threat was the one calling the shots and she hated that.

Once everyone was gone, she locked her door. Only Titus and Bethany had the key, so she felt safe.

The last few days had really taken a toll on Sable.

"Then be Sandra for a few days" the words floated around in her mind, just as she was falling asleep. "Be Sandra for a few days"

She had decided, that night when she shot her father, that the "old" her was gone. Gone was the girl who had been beaten. Gone was the girl he had humiliated. Gone was the girl who wished her mother had saved her. Gone was the girl who cowered from most men for fear they would be like her father.

That really was the night that Sable was born. But in reality, Sable had been there all along. Sable had been strong, had helped her internally with words of encouragement, helped her decide when to buy the gun, helped her to learn to use it behind her father's back, helped her pull that trigger that awful night. If someone had thought to get her to the right kind of Doctor, they may have realized what happened, that she had created Sable to cope with the hellish life she lived.... But that never happened.

She woke up with a sudden flash of a memory, dream, nightmare, that's what it was, a fucking nightmare. She had not had nightmares in years. She thought she had gotten over those horrible events when even when she slept, her father appeared, a hideous monster, chasing her, hurting her, screaming at her... WEAK CUNT!!!

"God Damn" she whispered, shaking her head, trying to rid her mind of those lingering nightmarish tendrils that always seems to haunt her when she woke up.

As always, she made her way to the window overlooking her back pool deck, looking out into the darkness. She was naked, she always slept naked, but a robe was always within reach. She could see the slight refelction of her bared body looking back at her in the window...

She could hear Titus, whispering in her ear...

"There is NOTHING weak about the woman in this reflection...."
"Keep your eyes on that woman... look at the need... look at the desire... don't look away..."

Titus... her thoughts moved to her head of security. It had really not been that long since he was hired. Yet now he was such an intricate part of everything, and he knew so much... he knew too much thanks to her... She bit her lower lip, shaking her head slowly. How had she let him in like that. How had she..... but she could not get him out of her mind, out of her thoughts.

She.... needed....

She .... needed.... him...

Her bare feet a mere whisper along the soft thick carpet of her room, she moved to her closet, and slid her favorite red satin robe around her naked form. The satin felt cool, caressing her skin with a soft, slick, touch. It felt relaxing, and reassuring, and it helped calm her sudden nervousness.

She... needed.... him...

His room was right next to hers. With a gentle click, she unlocked her door, crossed the short distance, it really was all of 4 or 5 steps, to his room and let herself in, shimmying past the barely opened door, letting it nearly silently click closed behind her, followed by the imperceptible thunk of the lock engaging.

He was asleep, she knew he had to be tired to. Superman or not, everyone needed sleep. She needed sleep, but she needed to feel him, holding her at least.. She needed that more right now than sleep. She made her way across the floor to his bed, her movements almost mimicking a cat, feline, fluid, smooth, the red satin robe fluttering from her body to settle on the floor...

"Titus..." her voice was deep, sensual, a bare whisper in his ear as she crawled onto the end of his bed and almost slithered up his body... "Titus.. it's me... Sable...I.... need.." she let the words trail off with a purr....
~~~ This Post was written by both MoMadness and myself ~~~

Titus stood at the cross at 'The Whipping Post'.

He studied his subject whose chest was pressed to the posts, arms and legs shackled to each branch of the post. He walked up behind her, knowing it was Sable there, grabbed her by the hair, yanked her head back to reveal a 6 inch cock gag shoved into her mouth and down her throat!

"P....s.sir.. Mas..." She tried to say though the gag. Fear filled her eyes as she looked up at him helplessly..

"I told you if you ever lied to me, I would fucking own your ass completely..." He growled at her as he grabbed her hips, spread her ass cheeks nice and wide and shoved his cock hard and deep right up her ass! He felt her scream out....

It only took Sable a moment to realize that he was locked into dream as she so slowly squirmed along his form. His body was tense and almost quivering, his cock was erect and throbbing. What was he seeing in his mind's eye? Should she leave him be? Slink back out of his room? Was this the right thing to do? "yes.... " came the voice in her head. She needed to feel him holding her, she needed some semblance of safety... or did she need... more... than that...

"Titus... Titus.. it's me... Sable...I.... need.."

His hand had snaked into her hair, thick fingers curling easily into the long ebon tendrils and grasping hard, pulling back her head, her breath hissing in as he did so. What was this dream he was having, her wildly scrambling mind yelled at her???

Titus' eyes opened wide as he realized he had a handful of hair in his own grip and Sable's body was pressed into his! He panicked as he reoriented himself to his situation! Sable was here in his bed, his cock was NOT in her ass... thank God for that... and ...

He let her hair go "Wh... at are you doing here?"

For a minute her mind went completely blank. What was she doing? What was she thinking? She was not one to crawl into a man's bed like this... She had never been like that no matter what her father screamed at her to try and convince her otherwise..

"I... " the words seemed to get stuck, just behind her trembling lips.. "I... did not want.. to be alone" she barely whispered. It sounded so fucking lame to her. What was the matter with her? But she knew it was more than that. So much more. She needed... he had woken up a desire within the very depths of her. She had already cum, nearly at his command, and that was just with his fingers. Her body hungered, thirsted for more and that desire finally overrode her logical, reasoning thoughts.

She was naked, poised just over his body in his bed... the moon's light allowing just enough of a reflection for him to see and realize that this was not a dream, not a dream at all.

Images of Titus ripping Sables ass apart as she struggled on the cross still plastered across his mind as he strained to reorient to the new situation. He heard her whisper, "I did not want to be alone' and he studied her intensely. Did he dare cross this line? It was one thing to dominate another person... however, crossing the line into sex was a different story. People acted... funny after being intimate with someone else. With dominant/submissive, one could simply start the session and end the session. It was almost like being a hooker in some ways as rigid he tried to keep the two separate. But when you fucked them, particularly when they wanted to be fucked, they became attached to them in ways that could sometimes be prickly to unattach.

Another hint of a thought crossed his mind... Did she come in here to kill him because he knew her little HUGE secret? He dismissed that quickly though he opted to have his locks changed out, just in case. Crawling in next to him so vulnerable seemed an impractical way to assassinate someone. When he felt her hands pulling his sleep pants down his legs, that answered that question pretty completely.

He smirked and said, "I am not going to regret what happens next... will you?" As he spoke those words, he pulled her on top of him, letting her straddle him on his upper thighs. The sheet fell to her waist and revealed her entire magnificent incredible body before him, his cock rock solid just in front of her. Her eyes locked on him, then down her body along his chest and waist, till they set on his cock. He looked at her and said, "Make the call..."

She did not hesitate. Hesitation was gone. With a slow shake of her head, her voice whispered, barely audible but he could hear it loud and clear... "no, I will not regret this" .. as she felt his eyes roaming slowly down her body, pausing at her round, full breasts, a full cup size or more larger than the perky Bethany, dark nipples peaked, she moved ever so slowly, her own eyes having taken in every... inch ... of ... him... she lifted her hips, rolling forward just slightly to allow the soaking wet lips of her sex to tease the head of his erection, but she did not come down upon him just yet... the heat and the wetness sending several slim rivulets of her own slick juices down from the head, along the thick shaft.

She lay her hands on his chest, letting the warmth of her tease him, before she lowered to glide her lips across his jawline, throat, and the top of his chest, her long hair tickling his skin.... Again, the tight, wet grasp of her pussy just barely teased the thick head of his cock.......

"please"... she lightly begged against the skin of his chest, her breath hot, quivering.....

Titus' self control was definitely being put to the test! He laid his head back, looking up at her eyes as she whispered, and he smiled saying, "You may..."

He wanted to take control. He wanted to be in charge. He wanted a million things and with the dreams of him taking her ass still echoing through his thoughts, he wanted it all... He grabbed her by the hair, pulling her into a kiss... a deep, invasive, overpowering kiss! He would not take control just yet in any other way. He growled, "Claim your cock..."

As soon as his hand went into her long dark hair, fingers entangling, she felt the heat inside her intensify. Her soft, moist lips parted to his kiss, and she found his tongue snaking into the warm wetness of her mouth, curling around her own, claiming it as his, her low moans vibrating past her lips and against his. She returned the kiss, her tongue fighting it's way into his mouth, tasting him... when the kiss broke, after what felt like an eternity, her cheeks were flush, she was near panting for breath...

"Claim your cock".... Her cock... she liked that, at least for this moment. How had he known that she needed just that little, tiny speck of control when everything else was spiraling out of control around her...

Her mouth found his again and her "yessss" that she managed to speak was fed into the kiss that once again deepened, her tongue seeking, caressing, twisting around his. Her body, her hips, lifted slightly, she letting the soaking wet opening to her sex, find, and slowly lower down over his long, thick shaft. The tightness, and she was vice tight, giving just enough to engulf him in a wrap of searing heated velvet softness.. and as he filled her, penetrated her, impaled her so very slowly, she allowed the quiver of a moan to escape into the kiss....

She pulled back as she came to rest with him buried deeply and completely inside her. It had been such a long time for her... such a very long time.....

Titus held his hands up and open for her as she slid down him and then locked his fingers into hers when she put her hands into his. He had never felt anyone so tight before in his life. She was so tight he feared maybe she put him in the other hole... but he had watched and enjoyed the moment so intensely.

He watched her look up at him and smiled at her saying, "Good girl."

He felt her blush and he said, "You have your cock, now, what would you like to do with it?" God it was so fucking hard not to take control!!!

He felt her body shift slightly and he felt every quarter inch of her hole coiling and rolling and tightening on him! Titus moaned himself, losing some of his prized self control as he muttered, "Fuck me...."

The smile that pursed her lips was quite satisfying as she began to ride on him, rolling her hips on his shaft, her clit rubbing on his hard pelvis! He tried his hardest to be still and follow her lead though this felt more like a fish teaching a bird to swim... But something told him that the wrong play would be to take over and conquer her rough. It needed to be nice and slow and gentle...

He spread his arms wider, which made her arms spread and her torso lower to him, her breasts just in mouth reach.... He kept his fingers locked with hers as she rolled on him. He looked at those mounds and licked each one... each aerola... each nipple... then sucked each nipple into his mouth, rolling each with his tongue... god she tasted amazing!

"You have your cock, now, what would you like to do with it?"
~~~~ This post was written by both MoMadness and myself ~~

She liked his choice of words, she wasn't going to deny that. The smile on her face, curling her lips ever so seductively, told him she liked what he had said. But the "Good girl" had not been lost on her either.

Sable began riding him, ever so slowly. She rolled her hips forward and back, while lifting just enough that his length almost slipped free, and she would lower again, that vice grip of her sex opening once more to welcome him into her very depths. She saw soaking wet, searing hot. Lacing drops of her juices, her slickness ran down and coated his balls as she moved, almost undulated, upon him. God he felt so good so deep inside her. Every nerve ending was on fire, screaming in pleasure that radiated out thru every nerve ending...

Her hands slid into his, his so much larger than her own. They locked fingers and she let her body lower, she still rising and falling with her hips, his cock still moving slickly, wetly, in and out of that tight grasp.

Sable had closed her eyes, letting the sensation flow thru her when she felt his mouth lick, caress, then grab and suckle a nipple. She cried out, a sound between a purr and a low pitched moan that came rolling off her lips....

"Titus..." her voice was quivering just a little in her desire, her pleasure. "Take me Titus. Please.." no actor, no stage... she wanted him to take her. In her desperate need for control, was a more desperate need to give it up at least for this moment. "please... Titus... take..... me".... Her breath as hot across his ear as she whispered her pleading need within.....

As hard as Titus was inside this girl... her words made him diamond hard!!! He looked into her eyes and could see the desperation pouring through... her teeth biting at her bottom lip, the pure lust in her eyes!

With those four words, everything changed! He sat up nearly bolt right... catching her a little off guard. He pulled her hands behind her back, locking her wrists into one of his hands. His other hand reached around her waist and clamped vice tight on her. He pushed his mouth onto hers, making his presence her one and only thing... and he began fucking her... fucking her hard... fucking her deep! He felt her scream out in the midst of her kiss and that was all she had too do to make him cum! He growled in a nearly wolf like manner, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkk" His cock pulsed deep into her and at the same time, he felt her body tightening, if it were even possible, even tighter. She screamed out in his mouth rocking on him as he pumped into her!

It was only after that pump of his seed filled her body, did he let her lips go from the kiss. He rolled her onto the bed, rolling over her and stared at her. While he remained inside her, he took her arms and spread them out and up over her head spread eagle fashion. He smirked as he snatched up her robe, pulled the sash off, and gently bound her wrists together with a tail that he used to tied to the head board overhead. His cock was not softening in the least inside her vice grip. He then whispered, "I have been wanting to do this I first met you..."

He began to explore her... nothing powerful or fast or hard... This.. This was nice and slow... taking time to learn this body and each of it's little quirks... He slid out of her though it resulted in her pouting... and he smiled at her as he said, "Patience... you will get what you want... "

He moved his lips down her face, along her chin, her neck, and shoulders... He cupped each breast, rolling her nipples and licking and kissing each mound. He moved down to her tummy, her belly button, her hips... he rolled her onto one side, then the other... She wanted him to dominate her and he suspected she thought it would be like all those other fake doms who look for a quick lay and a notch on the headboard. He was like no other doms....

She was trembling with each touch of his tongue, each wash of his heated breath against her wet skin, her body felt as if it were on fire, and that was nothing compared to how she felt so deep inside her, in the depths of heart and soul. Don't get confused, she was not falling in love, Sable was not one to fall in love at the drop of a hat. Sable had never even been in love. This feeling was more of a deep seated hunger, an urgency, a desire, a craving, like a drug... and it was now alive inside her, wanting, begging...

Titus knew the only way to truly dominate your submissive... is to learn them. Learn how they think, how the react, how the feel, the little birthmarks, moles, scars, and blemishes... This was out you truly Mastered your submissive. You learned their body... you learned their mind. You conquered their soul...

He got down between her legs and rather than going for the honey pot, he kissed and explored down each of her inner thighs, her knees, even her ankles and feet. He recorded every giggle that was a tickle spot, every sigh of a hot spot and there were a lot, and even the silence that meant no reaction. He then moved back up to her pelvis, his hands spreading her pussy lips nice and wide and smiled at her clit bulging. Her body trembled to his touch... goosebumps covered her head to toe... and yet he didn't stop. As he curled his tongue around her clit, he felt himself chuckle as she screamed out, her climax ripping thru her, she writhed upon the bed, back arching, her hips rolling upward to his mouth, her hot cum poured onto his face and lips... her keening cries the only sound she could make. She had been on that edge... He had taken her careening over it. If she could have begged for more she would have, but her mind was swirling, and words would not come, not now, not for a while, as she gasped for breath.

And that is how to MASTER a slave...
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Sable knew she was not the most experienced. Her "body count" as so many called it, was low for someone her age. But she had certainly had sex, and while it may have been with only 3 other men, she had sex a goodly amount with all 3 of those men, well as mentioned, one was her high school sweetheart.

But she had never... ever.. had sex like this. As soon as the words slipped past her lips... "Please take me Titus" ... He took control. And now, she was laying beneath him, almost completely spent. She had climaxed more than once. She had felt a level of pleasure she did not even know was attainable. He had thrust his cock so hard and so deeply inside her she felt the head hit her cervix, causing a mixture of bliss, gratification, coupled with blistering heat scorching thru her. She came so hard, she thought she was going to pass out as the orgasm rolled thru her over and over... the force of his release, she felt every pumping spasm of his cock as he filled her with his seed, the heat was boiling when he shot out deeply inside her body....

Now, she had just cum again, this time to his mouth, she had been on that edge and he sent her careening over it, another wave of pure desire, pleasure, scalding hot, tore thru her as she writhed on the bed for him, crying out over and over, her voice quivering, her body shuddering...

When her climax finally released her from it's grip, she was left laying beneath him, gasping, trembling, her body covered in a sheen of her passion.

"Oh God Titus" she had finally managed to whisper, her voice still failing her... she could feel his eyes on her, watching her, learning her.. claiming her.....
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All Sable could feel at this point, was the thrust if his cock ramming into her pussy as he mounted her. She could not even form a coherent thought anymore. The reams of pleasure, lust, desire, craving, pain, hunger, that flooded over her with every hard, punishing, animal like slamming of his body into hers was all she could feel.

Her cries were nothing more than a low to high keening sound... deepening when he slammed the head of his cock into her cervix, and heightening when he pulled back. He reaching around and manipulating her clit, which was pulsing painfully...

He rode her like a prized mare, and he rode her hard. She was not sure if the climax she was having was one, or many, but it felt never ending and when he exploded inside her, his scalding seed splashing over the spasming walls of her pussy, matching his pumping cock with a rippling grasp around the shaft as if milking him, her body feeding off him...

She fell onto the bed, gasping, her eyes closed, words would not come, her mind could not even comprehend speaking now, or even thinking now. All that she could feel, in her mind and body, was him, inside her. She felt him pull the blanket over her naked, shuddering body, and rest her against him. She could feel, maybe even hear, his heartbeat, let alone her own that was wildly beating in her chest. And his own deep breathing, the rhythm of him inhaling and exhaling was slowly soothing her.

It was a little funny when she finally did manage to regain her voice, altho it was hoarse and raspy due to her almost continous screaming out. "yes... I am okay" .. Yes she remembered that he had actually asked that in the middle of it all. But she was in no position and had no ability to answer it at that particular point in time.

"God Titus..." she finally whispered, she could still feel his seed dripping from her, mingled with her own slick, hot cum. "I have... I have... never been taken like that"..... She was still shaking in his arms, but it was slowing...

The thing was, and this realization scared her just a little bit. She wanted more of it.

And it was that thought in her head when she fell asleep against him.
Rolling over gently, she felt his arm across her hip as she moved beneath His grasp. Her dark eyes slowly fluttered open, and it took her a good 2 minutes to figure out where she was, and what had happened. Well, her body told her some of what had happened, she could feel that familiar, yeah, it had been awhile, but the sensation was famliar, ache deep inside her pussy. It wasn't pain, just that tenderness from being used, and being used hard. Damn that man knew how to fuck. She had not been taken like that ever, really. Not like that.

Her eyes narrowed a bit when a entertaining thought crossed her mind. If she were, tender, chances were he was a bit raw. Friction would do that. But the remedy for that...... She slipped quietly under the covers, easily finding his semi erect member. She had to smile for a minute, wondering of he were dreaming of what had happened.

She let her lips gently glide downward, and then back upwards along the surface, feeling every vein, tasting the light saltiness of, well, her and his own spent fluids. She did it just light enough to not wake him, not yet. She just wanted to get a inkling of his size, his taste, his smell ...before she ... began... One thing Sable enjoyed was giving a blow job. Maybe it was because she felt in control for the most part. And she liked the taste, the texture, the feeling of a hard cock along her tongue, gliding into her mouth, pushing down her throat. She hoped, as she took the length of him deeply into the warm, wet embrace of her mouth, he would wake up with a smile....

But that... was not to be....

The door slammed open, the lights flashed on, and Bethany burst in screaming, at the very top of her pretty squeaky little voice... "SIR! SHE IS GONE!!!" All of this caught Sable, who was under the blanket... enjoying Titus... completely and utterly by surprise and she bit down.... she bit down hard....

Titus howled in pain, Sable screamed in shock and was half thrown, half rolled backwards, falling off the bed and onto the floor in a heap of blankets and sheets.. Bethany screamed when Titus did.. If this had been a comedy routine, well it was pretty fucking funny. But it was not a comedy routine, it was reality and Titus, was now curled up in fetal position with both hands locked in a death grip on his agonizing, throbbing cock.

"Titus.. I" Sable blinked, trying to apologize as she squirmed out from under the blankets, looking up at him. "What the hell..." she shot a look over at Bethany who was also staring at Titus.

"Girl, you know better than to break protocol and just burst into another person's room like that." Sable, still naked stood up. "Bethany, report to the Shift Super that all is ok here. I don't want people barging in here and they are about to. Once you have done that I want you back here... Understand?"

For a minute, Bethany just stood there looking at Titus and then at Sable then back to Titus. "What are you waiting for. Do as I have instructed.. NOW GIRL"

Bethany blinked, wide eyed. "Yes... Miss Sable" she turned tail and got out of there. Sable estimated she would be back within 10 minutes. Her nursing instincts kicked in and she quickly wet down a soft washcloth with cool water. Not too cold, Titus certainly did not need another shock to the system. She didn't think she broke the skin, she could not remember tasting blood, but she had to check.

"Titus... Titus... let me see... Just let me see" He was groaning, still holding his painfully pulsing cock. He started to relax just a little at the sound of her voice. Slowly, carefully, Sable opened Titus' fingers so she could examine his cock. There were teeth marks, yeah, she left teeth marks and the area was enflamed bright red. But the skin had not been broken, so that was a good thing. Most likely he was going to be really sore for a few days. The inflammation may even cause him some pain when he urinated, but as long as he could urinate, he would be ok. She would have to make sure to monitor that.

"Titus, listen to me, I have a cool compress here.. let me... let me put this.... yes.. that's right...." she wrapped the softness around the shaft. "Just relax.... the pain will subside... I promise and I am sorry. She surprised me and I... I did not mean to bite down. I am so sorry"...

Bethany came running back in, winded. "All set Miss Sable, but the Shift Supervisor wants a report from Titus"

"Oh he does, does he... " Sable quickly picked up the phone. Her voice was soft, she did not raise it once. "This is my home. You are my Security. All is well here, and you will disregard the alarm that my assistant raised. She was mistaken when she did not find me in my room this morning.... Where was I?... and since when is that your business. We will not discuss this any further"... Sable knew the camera in the hall most likely caught her making her way into Titus's room overnight, but what business was that of theirs? She paid them well to keep her safe and keep their mouths shut. She trusted that Titus had only hired the best, the most discreet.

"Bethany, you will sit over there and be quiet. I will deal with you shortly." Sable finally reached for her satin robe and pulled it over her bared body, fishing the sash out from the entangled sheets and blankets that were still on the floor.

"Titus... " she ran her hand along his cheek, nothing sensual, only to get a sense of his pain, was he still trembling or not. She knew he had been thru a lot in his life, his scars told her that. But she was also sure that getting your cock bitten down on... hard... was probably one of the worst pain anyone could experience.
"BETHANY" the sound of command in her own voice came thru loud and clear. The girl suddenly shut up and stepped back from the very confused looking guard. Sable shot Titus a glance and then stepped out from the bathroom, a quick grasp of the robe sash to ensure the robe was tight about her naked form, the last thing she needed was to give the guard a fucking show, and she stepped into the hall.

She merely pointed into the room and Bethany complied, stepping past her very irritated boss...

"Listen, no one bit anything off. It was a misunderstanding when Bethany found my room empty, she burst into Mr. Porter's room and startled myself and Mr. Porter. I managed to tumble out of bed, and that was it. Mr. Porter is fine, I am fine, and this will be forgotten, do you understand?"

The Guard slowly nodded. "You will hear from Mr. Porter.... " she paused... "Titus.. shortly to confirm. Do you understand?" He nodded again.. "Good... Glen" she gave him a little smile, having read his name off his tag. "Now report back to your post"

Once he was gone, Sable turned to Bethany. "What the fuck...." Sable began, but she stopped, choosing her words a bit differently. "From now on, only Titus or myself will address Security for any incident that may happen, do you understand?" Bethany lowered her gaze and nodded.. She heard Titus emerging every so gingerly from the bathroom, and shot him a look, as if looking for his approval of what Sable was saying.. "Don't look to him. You work for me. Remember that Bethany. You... are ... my............. Employee" she let the words hang there...

"Now, I need you to cancel the morning interview. Reschedule for later in the week. The rest of the itinerary should be fine. Email me the details and times. I will come to your room for you when we are ready to leave. Now GO..."

Bethany again looked at Titus before ever so slowly backing out of the room...

Sable turned to Titus... and stepped toward him. Then, surprisingly, she let herself fall to her knees. She felt so incredibly bad for what she had done, biting his cock of all things. She wanted him to know that she truly was sorry. She did not beg, she did not plead, she felt bad, and after what he had done for her.

"I'm sorry Titus, I am really sorry. Please know I did not mean for this to happen..."
"It was an accident. I understand that. I am not mad at you... though I do think Bethany has some repayment to make..."

"She knows better" Sable muttered, loud enough for him to hear. "We can deal with her later. I sent her back to her room with orders to stay there until I came for her"

Without even a second thought, Sable followed his command and let the robe slip gently free of her body and she crawled into the bed with him. Did he have any clue how good that felt for her? First off, just to have another in her bed. Her nights had been lonely for a very long time. Not that, of course, she did not have suitors, fans, other celebrities who wanted to be in that exact spot that Titus was now in, naked in bed with the famous Sable Gem... But she knew, or felt, that Titus did not see her as the famous Sable Gem.. He just saw her as a woman and submissive...

She curled into him, liking the feeling of his deeper breathing vibrating thru his chest, against her back.

"Your teeth... are sharp..."

Sable had to bury her face in the pillow to not laugh at his remark, or cry, one or the other. It was funny, one would have to admit, it was funny, but she felt awful about it.

"I am sorry. I was trying to be funny... Turn towards me. Come on... it's okay."

Titus turned her so she looked up into his eyes and his into hers. "This is going to get complicated... now. Not the bite... that is not what I mean. We are ... invested in each other. What are you feeling about that?"

Sable took a long pause as she looked within his eyes. He was right. This would be complicated. If he were just a suitor, a boyfriend, that would make all kinds of sense. People would get that. People would understand. Her her fan base may have taken a hit. Her being single, available, at her age, fed the fantasy of so many of her fans. But add to that, the small but very important fact that Titus was not a boyfriend to her. What he made her feel, what he had now done twice to her in one capacity or another, was like a drug to her. To give up control that way, to let him take control of her, take her to heights she had not even thought possible, and Sable already had the feeling this was just the tip of the iceberg.. If any of THIS got out to the fans... Never mind the studios and other actors. You had to be mainstream to be as famous as she was. This.. would ruin that. She would loose the bulk of her fans, and she would surely gain the crazy ones, who would want to make her their slave. The thought made her shudder, hard enough that Titus felt it.

"I'm scared" she finally admitted. "Not of you, but of what would happen if anyone found out. And this includes your security team. Fucking you is one thing. That is nothing more than tabloid fodder... Hell 2 weeks ago, the Enquirer had a story that I was fucking both Brad Pitt and Ryan Reynolds, at the same time... I think I met them both at an event a year ago and that was it. But what.. You... do to me.... outside of fucking... Titus, NO ONE can find out about that... No one... "

She paused "But I think Bethany suspects, because you Dominated her too".....
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Sable did trust him. She was really not all that sure why. But there was some kind of connection that had been forged that night at the Whipping Post. She didn't understand it. But yes, she did trust him. He could ruin her so completely right now. She'd offer him millions to keep quiet. Yet he never asked for that. Even when he threatened to call the police once he figured it out, he never mentioned blackmail money..

Maybe it was his military training. Maybe he was just a nice guy. But did nice guys do what he did? Well now, that made her think, as she let her own eyes close for a few minutes, still wrapped up tightly in his embrace.

The dream came to her almost instantly. She was at The Whipping Post, the private back room. She was on her knees, arms spread and chained, another chain snaking from a steel collar around her throat and upwards to a hook embedded in the ceiling overhead... She was helpless ... Titus had his hand entangled in her long black hair, had her head yanked back, and was ramming his thick, long cock, down into the depths of her throat, his hips pumping as he fucked her mouth mercilessly. She had tears racing down her cheeks as she stared up at him...

She startled herself awake, pushing herself to sit up. She could not focus at first, the dream still running in a loop thru her mind, until she shook her head to rid herself of the image. But, as Sable slowly and carefully extracted herself from the bed and a deeply sleeping Titus, it was not lost on her that she was soaking, absolutely soaking wet...

She made her way into his bathroom for a moment to splash some cool water on her face, lacing her robe around her body as she did so. She needed to get that image from the dream out of her head. While washing her hands, it occurred to her that he may need another pain pill when he woke up. "I'll leave it by the bed with water for him, so it will be right there"... She opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the pill bottle. Out of pure nursing habit, she read the label to make note of the dosage, refill time, etc. There was no label. There never had been a label. Narrowing her eyes a bit, she popped open the bottle. She knew Oxy when she saw it, she knew it well from her Nursing days.

Did he not have a Script for this? Was this.... street bought Oxy?

Sable put the pills back. Nope, she was not going to say anything. She was not even sure if he was addicted and buying illegal narcotics or if she was just mistaken, and the script bottle was ... She took a deep breath. She would just watch... observe... that's all...


It was an hour before the photo shoot. Sable had gone back to her room, showered, and dressed. For this particular PR shoot for her newest movie, she chose black shorts, and a pale blue blouse that tied at the waist. She was supposed to look the "girl next door" personality. She completed the look with a long dark braid down her back. She knew they would have other outfits as well they would want to photograph her in, but she thought this fit the bill. Around her throat, a sparkling silver chain with a heart locket.. a girl next door would have a boyfriend right? And his picture would be in the locket, right?

She fetched Bethany and sent her to get the car pulled around.

Then she went to wake Titus up. Normally he would be awake and waiting for her, but Sable knew he needed to sleep after what she... well... what she did to him...

"Superman... time to wake up"......
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Sable tilted her head slightly, letting her eyes roam over him while he walked to the bathroom and got dressed. It wasn't really sexual, well, he was damned fine to look at, so yeah, it was sexual. But she noted the several scars that marred his body. She was not sure what they were from.. Bullets? Knives? Accidents? His Service? She was tempted to reach out and touch a couple of them, but she restrained. There were bounderies. She was not about to just start randomly pawing at him.

As he dressed, she listened to him work. He did know what he was doing, that was for sure. Sable felt completely safe with him now. And, as he smoothed the tie down and slipped on his suit jacket, she had to wonder what the fuck she had been thinking that day in the hot tub when she told him to change out of the suit he was in. She must have been delirious, because as good as he looked naked, he looked even better in a suit.

DAMN Sable... stop thinking that... She shook her head and turned, about to walk out of the small room when she felt him lightly push into her, moving her to the wall, pinning her, arms over head, her small wrists easily secured in his one large hand, his other gliding down along her side, the curve of her hip to grasp the swell of her backside.

"Mine" His whisper slipped into her ear. Sable felt her heart nearly stop, her breath caught and something, and she could not even describe what it was, Pleasure? Craving? Hunger? Need? Raced lightning fast thru her... She was sure he felt her tremble, the whole of her form quivering against him...

His kiss was quick, but was possessive, his tongue claiming hers before allowing the kiss to end..


Bethany was more than concerned about the fact that the news of the threatening call had gotten out. Sable waved it off, giving a quick and simple statement that her Security Team were well aware and yes... yes she felt completely safe with them. Right now, she was sitting in the car with Titus, Jason and Dominia. The press was following, there was nothing they could do about that. But the location for the shoot was under lockdown, so that should keep them away.

Sable was so used to these photo shoots that all was running smoothly. Several shots were taken of her in the outfit she arrived in. She then changed into a flowered pink sundress, lace along the bottom, straps demurely falling off one shoulder. She herself hated that stupid dress, she looked like a prairie school girl trying to be sexy, at least that was what she thought. She caught Titus eyeing her hungrily at one point as she was ducking behind the curtain to change and she stuck her tongue out at him. When one of photographer's assistant's asked who he was, Sable couldn't help herself and quipped "Superman" then she whispered, as if keeping a secret "he's in disguise, don't tell anyone!" Of course Titus was close enough to hear the whole thing... but he managed to keep a straight face... Sable just winked at him as she disappeared to change yet again, this time she emerged in a stunning, form fitting, white dress, it flowed down to her ankles with a long slit up one side to show her shapely leg, thin straps looped over her shoulders, the white silk clung to her breasts snugly.. her midnight black hair was now loose flowing down in dark waves over her shoulders and back..she looked spectacular. As she passed Titus on her way back out to the shoot, she let her eyes meet his... and she held his gaze within the heat of her own.

She finally tore her gaze away from him when she heard a very very familiar voice "hey Sexy"

Sable stopped in her tracks. She knew that voice. She knew it very well. "Derrick... what the fuck brings you here?" She stood her ground as Derrick approached. He reached for her hand, but before he could get ahold of it, Titus was there...

"Derrick, this is Titus, he is my head of Security. Titus, this is Derrick, Derrick Roach, my ..." she stopped, shaking her head...

"Hey, we were engaged remember" Derrick piped up. "Yeah, I remember.... " she shot Derrick a look before turning to Titus. "Roach fits him, trust me."

"Derrick, I'm working. WHY are you here and how the hell did you get in here."

"Bethany vouched for me Sweetness" he purred, reaching for her hand again.........
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What the fuck just happened? Derrick had shown up, Titus had intervened, Derrick had kicked Titus in the balls, just what he needed after her incident this morning.. Now Jason was leading her away, yelling to Bethany that the shoot was DONE and they were heading to the car.

"No, NOT without Titus" she insisted. "He either goes with us, or goes to the Hospital"

Jason turned to Dominica "Find out what the Boss wants to do, fast!!" She nodded

Sable turned to Bethany, her eyes boring into the girl... "And you, what the fuck were you thinking letting Derrick into a closed shoot???"

Bethany blinked, stammering to find the words... "I... I'm sorry Miss Sable. He... he... he said you invited him. I thought maybe you and him were getting back together"

Back together? Bethany thought that she and that lowlife Derrick were getting back together?? After what he had done to her, cheating on her, stealing from her, he even drugged her with X once because he loved having sex on X and wanted Sable to be as uninhibited as well. And she thought that she wanted to get back together with him?

"Bethany...." Sable was seething.. "I will deal with you tomorrow. But you listen to me, I am not, do not, and will not EVER get back together with Derrick again. Do you understand? He is not allowed on site with me, he is not allowed in my home and he is not allowed on any set I am working. Is that perfectly fucking clear???"

Bethany was shaking now, and she nodded feebly.

Sable took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. First the threat, and her thinking her mother and step-father were dead, then the threat to her, her realizing Titus knew her biggest secret, then, well fucking Titus, that thought drew a slow smile from her, and now Derrick shows up. What the fuck else was going to happen.

"You know what Bethany, I don't even want to look at you right now. Go sit in the front with the driver and keep your mouth shut"

She again nodded and quickly climbed out of the back and into the front. With the privacy shield up, Sable could neither see nor hear Bethany which was just fine by her. She leaned back in the seat with a low, deep sigh.

"Are you ok Miss Sable" Jason asked, offering her a cold water as he did so. She reached out and took the water, offering the handsome guard a smile. "Thank you Jason, it's just been a trying couple of days... " she paused.. "Oh and thank you for taking the time to talk to me yesterday, when I was so upset, I very much appreciated it." He smiled at her and nodded politely.... But Sable did notice that his eyes slowly wandered down her still white silk clad form, and back up again. She was used to being gawked at, but this was different, it was more genuine. When his eyes alighted back on her face, she smiled at his blush "I'm sorry Miss Sable".. he looked away.. "Jason, do not be sorry, I am flattered, thank you"

Dominica came back... "Boss says he is ok, but I am not so sure" she reported to Jason.

"Let me talk to him" Before Jason could argue and stop her, Sable exited the car and made her way to the changing room that she had seen Titus duck into. Things had quieted down, and all she really wanted to do was go home. But she would not leave without her Security Cheif.. it was that simple.

She found him, still bent over and it was obvious that he had vomited. Shutting the door behind her, she moved to his side and knelt down "let me see... Titus... let me see.. Remember, I was a nurse..." He nodded slowly and released the death grip he had on his sack... Sable took one look and saw the swelling and bruising.. "You have to go to the Hospital Titus..." When he tried to wave her off... she moved in front of him, kneeling down, she looked up at him, placing her hands on either side of his face...

"Listen to me. You told me not 3 hours ago that I was yours... in no uncertain terms. Well, I am telling you now, I need you, I want you, I want to belong to you for a long time. You are my... Dominant... I am your submissive. Please do not take that away from me, please.......... Master" she leaned up as she whispered that last word, letting the warmth of her breath brush across his ear ...

He still had the strength to lock eyes with her and actually entwined his fingers into her hair... Sable smiled.... "Come on.." she helped him up, she could only imagine the pain he was in, but she got him to the car, Jason running to help... "Beverly Hills Medical Center" she ordered the driver.

She knew she was going to have to deal with Derrick too... but that would be something for tomorrow....
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She did not want to leave Titus' side. Mainly because she wanted to make sure he was OK. But he was right. Her being at the Hospital, even the Beverly Hill Medical Center, where most of the celebrities went, would just cause confusion and distraction. The press were already following her.

So she followed his "advice" and headed home. But she instructed Morales to keep her posted on his condition.

She sat on her bed, wondering what the hell Derrick wanted, showing up at her photo shoot that way. Derrick had always been a taker. Sable, unfortunately, made a bad, bad choice when she fell for his lines. Yes, she got engaged to him, but she was never, never really in love with Derrick. The engagement just seemed like the natural next step. Damned good thing she came to her senses before she married the idiot...

She was sure he'd make bail. Or whatever. Well, he would not get into the house, that's for sure. No one came in that was not vetted either by herself, Titus, and well, Bethany, but Sable already revoked that privilege.

It had been a long day, and before she knew it, she was yawning. The last update she got from Morales was that all was good, just inflammation, they were giving him meds for that and would be sending him on his way soon. A funny idea sprung into her mind just as she was falling asleep, and it was enough to get her back up for a few minutes. He'd get a kick out of it, she thought.

She went to her closet, and rummaged around for a bit. Sable was a bit of a saver, NOT a hoarder by any means, but she saved small things that meant something to her. There really was not much, a toy horse that her mother had given her for Christmas one year, the key to her first car that, surprisingly, her father bought for her. Little things. One thing she had always enjoyed when she was little was superheros... She realized when she was grown up WHY... it was because she wanted one of them to rescue her, but even when little she understood that would not happen, they were just... not really real... But she liked them anyway. They managed to give her hope....

Superman had always been her favorite. The quintessential good guy... So she had saved the Superman and Lois Lane dolls that she had bought for herself with her allowance, when she got an allowance, when she was 11... Sable knew, at this point, having gotten the text from Morales, that Titus had been released and as she found the Superman and Lois Lane dolls, she heard him arrive, hearing the door to his room open and then close. She waited, yawning, but determined to stay awake, for another 30 minutes. She then took the dolls along with a note she had written and snuck out of her room and into his. She was in there only a few moments and he, was sound asleep, which she figured he would be with the meds they had given him..

She positioned the dolls accordingly, with Lois Lane kneeling in front of Superman... and left the note...

Sorry for all that happened this day. Please forgive...

She figured he would need a laugh when he woke up in the morning...

With that she went back to her room and crawled into bed and fell asleep. Her dreams this night were nothing really coherent... alot of jumbled images from Titus to Derrick to her on her knees, another she was strapped to the X frame at the Club, another was Bethany strapped to the X frame....


Derrick, needless to say was PISSED... It seemed that the guy he hired to scare Sable had not succeeded in scaring her enough, and had MISSED his opportunity to kill her mother and step-father. Derrick knew THAT would have most likely driven her back into his arms. The bitch was worth a fucking fortune. All he needed to do was get back with her for a bit, convince her to marry him and then he'd have access to all that money.

He knew she was about to start filming a new movie... So getting to her when that started would not be easy. Well, he was a actor himself, not like her. His roles were mostly commercials and an occasional TV show. Maybe if he got cast in her new movie... He'd have to make a few calls......


She was up early the next morning as she had a conference call with her Agent to discuss the next movie... The working title was "A Not So Perfect Summer" where her character meets a Cop after he rescues her from a potential Kidnapper. The Kidnapper, of course as they always do in this movies, comes back after her, determined to have her. Sable and her Agent knew that the public LOVED damsel in distress type movies, and that what this was. Sable, of course was cast as the lead female "Maya" and Randall Stephens, the newest male acting sensation, had been cast as the Cop, Mitchell White....

"Dinner? tonight? Sure that will work" Sable agree'd. She did need to meet her new co-star after all.....
Sable had not heard the .... "misunderstanding" between Bethany and Titus...

She was sitting near the window, that was a thing for her. She liked being able to look out over her grounds, or where ever. She just liked that the outside was so close at hand. When she was little, with her father, sometimes... when he was hitting her, she would stare out the nearest window and wish she could fly away. It always helped her cope..

So, she was sitting near the window, enjoying a lemonaide, apple buds in her ears, soft music playing, allowing her to relax and read the script for the new movie. Hence she never heard Bethany's cries when Titus "taught her a lesson"... She carefully studied each line for her character... Being the star that she was, she was often allowed to change some lines for her character to something more befitting to how she was playing the role. Sable liked to get into the head, the mind, of most of the characters she was playing. She was not a method actor, she did not stay in character all the time. But when she was on camera, she wanted to get a sense of what the character was thinking, feeling. In this case... Maya, her character, Maya Woodman, was almost kidnapped by an obsessed lunatic. How would that effect her? How would she handle that stress, the aftermath, and when he comes back for her...

She was gazing out the window, thinking on just that, when her phone vibrated in her pocket.. She paused, and fished it out.. to find a text from Titus...

"Come over pet..."

She lifted her eyes to the door, and got to her feet. For a moment, she thought about changing into something more... alluring. But then she thought, he wanted her right then, he would get her right then, her in her comfortable navy blue jogging pants that loosely hugged her hips, and pink tank top. She had not expected to be seeing anyone this afternoon after the Zoom meeting call with her Agent, so she was dressed ... well... comfortable.

Her bare feet whisper along the carpet as she took a last sip of her lemonaide and headed out of her room and into his. She did not even knock, he had invited her after all...

She stepped in, closing the door behind her and flipping the lock. "You... rang... Superman?" she could not help but smile at him. He looked as if he were feeling better, sitting up in bed with nothing but a sheet over his midsection. But it took her only a moment to see the frustration? Anger? Still in his eyes...

"What's the matter?" she slowly crossed the room to him. Perhaps she could have dropped to her knees and crawled, any good slave would do that. But Sable was not just anyone and expectations had not yet been set. Perhaps she would even argue the point if he expected that. But truth be told, as she crossed the distance to him, she moved like a hunting feline, graceful, smooth, lithe, her body swayed ever so slightly when she walked in bare feet, a natural motion that one does not get when walking in heels.... She felt him staring at her, his eyes never leaving the seductive movement of her body...

"Why... are you staring.. what??" When she reached him, she did lower to her knees before him.. No, she did not bow. Instead she reached up and let her palm gently touch his cheek.. "Are you OK... I was worried about you. Morales said all was well....You were sound asleep when I checked on you last night and I did not want to wake you this morning".....
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~~~ This Post was written by both MoMadness and myself ~~~

Titus watched her slink to her knees at the side of his bed and he spun slightly so his feet were on the ground, his boxer briefs in place. "I got woken up by Bethany this morning."

He saw Sable's anger flair and he said, "We will deal with her in a bit. I want to take a few moments and talk about ... this..." He waved his hand between her and him.

"I want you to know something. I meant what I said about this is your stage and I your actor. Those aren't just words to me. So with this said, I want to know more about the stage I am going to acting on. What can I do and not do with you? When is it safe and not safe? Can you elaborate for me?"

He took her hands and pulled her so she was directly between his legs and ran his fingers through her hair as he waited on her to think this out. Sable let her eyes close for a moment, to just enjoy the feeling of his hands combing gently through her hair. She did not answer right away, not that she didn't have an answer. She just wanted to make sure she would answer him fully and not leave anything hanging. She understood that limits, safe and not safe, was fluid. Nothing was ever set in stone and things changed as trust was established and built upon. She got that. Funny, but she learned alot of that from compliant little Jerry at the Club, he was quite the chatterbox at times, and he adored her.

"This can be complicated. I can not allow my body to be marked. That being said, I will never appear nude in any movie, so that allows for .... marks... upon certain parts... I think you understand. Nothing that involves golden showers or.... scat" she made a face when she said that.... "no... Ummm... shock therapy... no baby play, and I only know about that because I remember a room at the Club and a man in a .. diaper" she just shook alittle, but then again to each their own... "and lastly no sharing. Only you get to touch me on that stage.."

She was relaxed, so much so, she was leaning into his leg.... her dark eyes looked up at him, and then she asked her own question... "What about you? Do you have limits? What will you do and not do?"

Titus yawned instinctively and then said, "Sorry... not at you... I am not fully awake... " He flushed slightly.

He said, "My limits fall in line with what you say actually. No kids, no animals, or... and under no circumstances will I ever slap a person in the face."

She squinted just a little at him when he said that. She didn't want to be slapped, that was not it. She just wondered why it was so specific a limit..

Titus noted her reaction being peculiar and he said, "One of the first ... I dominated, I slapped her in the face, hard. I broke her cheek bone and it marred her... but more importantly, the look of betrayal was too much. Your face is your identity, it is who you are. Everything you are is housed right here..." He tapped on her head and said, "I won't do that. I won't ever do that again."

Sable nodded, understanding.. and it made her respect him even more.

He fell silent as he looked at her and said, "I don't do part time domination either. You are either all on board or you aren't. I won't play that kind of game of trying to guess. You are in the spot light all the time. Everyone is watching you. So... you have an image to keep and me walking you around with a collar on your neck isn't appropriate or acceptable... I am MUCH smarter than that... but when I give a command... whether verbal or non-verbal, I will expect you to comply... within reason."

He could see that was making her a bit uncomfortable. "If I ... am following you around on set somewhere and I text you that I want your panties... you will remove them and give them to me as soon as you are able. No questions. And NO... I will not humiliate you in public with public sex or what ever.. You will have to trust my judgement. The catch is, you can overrule me at any time by doing this." He put his hands together in a X pattern. "That will be your safe signal in public and I will comply without fear of reprisal. That signal is your safety net with me."

Titus then said, "Is any of this making sense?"

Sable listened to every word. Yes, it felt a little uncomfortable, but only for a moment. As she thought deeper about it, she realized that, well, she wanted that. That accountability to someone she trusted, that feeling of, the only word she could come up with was.. safety. She had never ever really felt safe her entire life. She was always looking over her shoulder, waiting the next "shoe to fall" whether it was her father or Derrick or even her career. One wrong move career wise and everything falls apart and that was all on her... Even this, if this was discovered, could ruin her. But she needed this, for herself. She desperately needed to do something for herself, in a world where it was all for others.

And Sable understood what he was saying. Requesting that she remove her panties had nothing to do with sex or humiliating her. It had everything to do with her trusting him and allowing him that kind of control. For some reason, it was starting to feel natural to her. Like a missing piece had finally fallen into place...

"yes... it all makes sense" she whispered... her eyes locked within his... She dared then lean upwards, nuzzling along his thick neck, right where it met his shoulder, her breath ticking, teasing... her lips brushing along the sensitive skin... she wanted him to feel what she was about to say and not just hear... so as she spoke, her moistened lips caressed his throat ever so lightly...

"I submit to You... Master"

She was trembling as she said it.......

Titus looked down into her eyes, and put his hands on either side of her face, then gently slid them down to her neck, her shoulders, her arms and waist... they slipped under her top, then moved up, taking her tank top off. He tossed it away. "By submitting to me, you submit to my authority, particularly while in this room. Do you accept?"

He reached down again and slipped his fingers under her bra... and pulled it over her head.

"When in this room... my word is law. You will not say no to me... ever... in this room. Do you accept?"

As she answered, he reached into her waistband of her sweats and pushed them over her hips helping her kick them off. He said, "By submitting to me, you allow me free reign with you, your body, and your mind, within the limits set. Do you accept?"

He listened to her answer and the reached down to her panties and slipped his fingers under them, and helped her slide out of them too... tossing them aside. He said, "By submitting to me, you accept all judgement, punishment, discipline, and challenges set by me within the limits i set. Do you accept?"

As each piece of her clothing was removed, as each statement was made, Sable answered quietly... "yes, I accept" Until she was naked, before him. Her body was trembling ever so slightly....

"When a slave submits to a Master, she is never clothed... so... lets try this again... shall we?"

She canted her head just a tiny bit to the side and a ever so sly smile crossed her lips. She was going to take a different tact this time... She slid back from him just a little and lowered to a deep bow, baring the supple plane of her bared back to him, long dark tendrils of her ebony mane tickling along the skin. She lay her moist lips to his feet, just a light kiss of respect, and more... she then ever so fluidly began to almost slither up along his legs, letting him feel the softness of her breasts against this muscles of his calves, then his thighs...
she kept climbing upwards along his body, lifting to slide very carefully upon his lap, she pressing her breasts, nipples peaked and hard to his chest as she leaned in to nuzzle against his throat, her breathe hot, quivering... and she again let her lips be felt as she spoke, the words a soft, pleading whisper....

"I ... submit.... to ... you... Master" the sound was almost a purr... as the last "rrr" sound in Master reverberated past her lips she leaned back, letting her head fall back and baring her throat to him.... her throat to claim... with his mouth, with his hands.. or even with a discrete collar... "I submit..." she whispered again. She was sopping wet now, she was sure he could feel it against his thighs... her body was tight, as if ready to release her orgasm at any moment.... "please" she begged.... "please... Master".....
Her dark eyes followed everything he did... everything.. from fetching the bag from the closet, to securing her wrists and ankles, to sliding the body pillow under her hips. When he knelt down between her widely spread legs, she bound and completely helpless, her eyes caught his, and she stared at him, no words, just her trembling body, the heat and scent of her desire so very evident, and the fire of her own passion alight in her gaze.....

She then did whisper one word before he announced his "intentions". One may have thought it would be please. One thought it may have been Master. But the word that came purring from her quivering, parted lips was "Yours"....

Sable squirmed, her body arching as much as it could in the restraints that held her tightly. He was driving her completely out of her mind with every wet glide of his tongue, the waves of pleasure that coursed through her, tingling, searing, she was panting, crying out, her eyes rolling back as she let the desire control her... let him control her... her slick sweetness coating his lips, tongue, really the entire bottom half of his face. "Please.... please...." she started begging.. the words were hushed, barely heard amidst her passion filled cries as he continued.

She knew she was going to orgasm, she knew it was about to grip her. Once she got to that cliff edge, she was going to go over and nothing would stop her and that is exactly what happened. She screamed, a loud keening sound that she was sure the entire house heard, yet she did not care. Luckily, his and her rooms were at the far side of the house, the only one who heard was Bethany, whose room was also close by. Sable had picked this house for just that reason, having her private bedroom so far away from everyone else..

She shook on the bed, gasping as her climax shot thru her like a cannon.. she had never climaxed so violently before, and it took her by surprise.. leaving her gasping... and trembling.. She dared to look down at him.... and God help her she wanted more. She wanted to feel him inside her, she wanted to feel him fill her, take her, so deeply, so completely... her entire body was screaming for it... "please..... Master.... Please.... Titus.... ".... she could not believe she was begging, but this came from her most inner depths... Her heart was pounding, her body on fire... and she needed him to claim her, to dominate her, to possess her, she was desperate for him to .... to.... take her, fuck her, to spill his seed, his desire inside her....

Sable was still quivering from the orgasm when he presented her with her own panties, pushing them into her mouth. She was actually a little glad that he did, because she knew how loud she had just been, and she knew she could be so much louder. Not that anyone had ever gotten her to scream like that during sex, but her screams when her father had beat her had rattled the rafters. Her father would slap his hand over her mouth, he had never been smart enough to gag her.

So she knew just how loud she could be.

Her dark eyes watched every move he made. For a few moments, she was a bit confused. What was he going to....?? Then it dawned on her when she saw him retrieve the rest of the items. She usually kept herself trimmed, but she was between movies and had, well... lax'ed a bit in that department. Ok.. this would allow her to relax a bit.... right?


"I require you clean shaven from the neck down at all times..."

"You MUST remain as still as you can be now."

She nodded, that would be easy... right?


Sable gasped suddenly when he slid his two fingers of his left hand into her still soaking wet, slick, warm pussy. What was he... she gasped and this time groaned deeply behind the gag of her panties when he curled them inside her... right where her G-spot was. She felt her breath catch. And he wanted her to remain stilled... perfectly stilled... Sable leveled her narrowed eyes at him... He was testing her, and she was damned going to make sure she passed... She tried to keep her breathing steady, slow as he want to work slowly shaving her... agonizingly slowly... He surely could hear her little whimpers behind the gag... His fingers inside her were not moving , thank heavens, but the pressure, and her need, were building. She closed her eyes finally, tightly, and willed herself to remain still, quiet, calm, while he worked with the razor. She could feel the sharp steel easily gliding along, clearing her most inimate parts of her. When he was done, there was not a part of her sex, her pussy, her ass, the lips, the folds, everywhere, that he had not seen and touched.
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