High school blues. Check ooc before joining!

Tetsuya et Rikku

IC: A paper airplane. I never thought I'd fine a use for it. Oh how time have changed and my plans will still be carried threw. After all they would be fools to think the clock tower was the only place those arcane powers exist.

I leap off the edge of th building. Choose your battle grounds wisely. I have always done that and now I will have more of an edge. They don't know where they fight, who they fight, or why they fight I will not lose again.

As I fall I throw the airplane and it lands on the table of food.

IC: Rikku:

As I downed more rolls of bread my compition was knocked over. I now could take the lead. Throwing a lump of patoes in my mooth I noticed I was chewing on paper. I pulled out an airplane.

"Okay who threw this?" I fliped it open seeing writeing on the wings. I only hoped it would be good enough for me to stop eating.

"Shit its the ransome note for Milo!" I read down the paper and some eary feeling came to mind. The hand writeing looked familar to me, and I know I haven't seen Tetsuya write before. "Theres a cave some distance into the forest. He marked it on the map and tell us to come."
Sparrow slowly backed out of his chair with an dark expression on his face. Mai quickly put her hand on Sparrow's shoulder holding him back "Hold it Sparrow! We need to find Eiji and Touji, they know Tetsuya the best out of all of us!"


IC: "Right lets go find them and then give them the note." Rikku smiled and handed the paper to Mai. "Grab Lee please. Oh and don't lose this." She then went off with the others.
Mai gave an nod and ran up the stairs.


"Where is he?" Mai said to herself, as she looked around for Lee's room "319... 320... 321... Ah! 322!" Mai quickly knocked on the door, "Lee! Where are you?!"

IC: "Comeing.... Comeing" I had stretched all of my mucles almost. I just couldn't figure out a way to stech that mucle at the back of my head. I was geting a headache from trieing to solve the problem but I swear there is no way to do it.

OPening the door I spoted Mai. "Hey... by any chance do you know how to strech this muscle?" I placed my hand on the back of my head.
Mai sighed as she put her hand on Lee's cheek "This is going to hurt a bit..." She said as she quickly shoved her hand to the left, stretching out the muscle.

"Now come on Lee! We just got an ransom note from Tetsuya!"
Eiji smirked as he saw Touji was still tence. He put his hand on Touji's right shoulder, "You really need to loosen up Touji!" He said lauhing. He put the feather sword in the hilt.
"Lea" Mai shook her head, knowing who Lea really was, "Lea was the one who told me where you were, but we can't find neither Eiji or Touji."
Tetsuru sighed as Yoshiro struggled to his feet, bewildered.

"So he's luring us to something," she murmured, scratching her head. Obviously, she didn't see much of Milo -- not even at school -- so she didn't know him very well. Even so, she had to help him, but if this was going to be dangerous...

Yoshiro scratched his head. "Eh, Tetsuya? We're fighting him now?" He shrugged and got to his feet to stand next to his sister. "Yeah, well, as long as it doesn't take too much time out of our plans..."

They glanced at each other, sharing an unknown thought.


Touji grimaced.

"Not now, Eiji," he said quietly. "Let's go see if everyone is done with breakfast."

Without another word, he turned and began to walk toward the hotel again.
Eiji himself grimaced, he wondered if Touji made that sudgestion just to beat Eiji. Knowing Yoshiro and Lea would be at an war of food shoveling. He shivered at the thought, And Mai says that I'm worst than them some times! He shuddered again and followed Touji into the room.
Yamanaka jogged upstairs, finding Mai in Lee's room.

"Come on, guys!" he said, grinning cheerfully, his hands on his knees. "Everyone's ready to go Tetsuya hunting!"

He offered his arm to Mai jokingly. "Walk with me, won't you?"

It was an odd gesture -- Touji and Eiji had been rivals since forever, and Touji would often grab Mai to make Eiji come and fight with him... so Yamanaka would sometimes guard her from escaping. It was an odd situation, to be sure... but Yamanaka's funny smile seemed to lighten the mood...

...and it belittled the power that he truly held inside of him...


Tetsuru blushed nearly imperceptibly.

"Good morning, Eiji-chan," she said, smiling cheerfully.

Yoshiro eyed Eiji and scratched the back of his head, a small smirk on his face as he shook his head slowly.

Momiji, confused as to what Yoshiro's gesture meant, shrugged and smiled at Touji.

"Hello, Touji," she said softly, smiling.

"Hello, Momiji," he responded quietly. His expression didn't change... he still had a brooding yet scornful look on his face...

What is Tetsuya thinking? I'll beat him as badly as I could beat anyone here, now that I'm gaining power again... it would be interesting to have a rematch against Eiji... but I'm not as interested anymore.

"Yamanaka has gone to get Lee," he said quietly. He glanced sidelong at Eiji. "Eiji, is that odd dog coming too?"
Eiji smiled at Tetsuru as he walked in, "Morning!" He said happily. He taken an extreamly short glance at Yoshiro, he seemed an bit confused.

'Yamanaka has gone to get Lee,' Touji said quietly, he gave an glanced sidelong torwards Eiji. 'Eiji, is that odd dog coming too?'

"Cerberus? Not sure, I'll have to check..." He said as he walked up the stairs. He taken an different way than Mai since he wanted to get to his room as quickly as he could.


Mai giggled Yamanaka could be cute sometimes! Although I do owe the little runt a wallop or two! Mai thought to her self as she remembered some of the times Yamanaka stayed gaurd when Touji kidnaped her. The only reason she din't just tear Yamanaka limb from limb was because she feltan powerful energy from hoim just waiting to break out. It was her skill to feel peoples hidden powers, although she couldn't feel neither hers or Eiji's hidden power... But that was an good thing for Eiji's sake, since Mai had an power more exteam than Katala, Reese, and Hotaro combined...

"I will thank you!"
Yamanaka grinned and linked arms with Mai, but not before holding the door open for her.

Shaking his head, Lee followed, and Yamanaka took the opportunity of Mai walking outside the door to check her out.

Ahh... I wonder if she knows how pretty she is? I hope that Milo kid doesn't have any designs on her.

He smiled at her cheerfully and walked her down the hall, whistling cheerfully until he arrived in the dining room.

"Everyone except for Eiji is here then," said Yoshiro, before sneaking a bite of roll off the table. Tetsuru slapped his hand, and he stopped. He glanced jealously at Rikku, who had begun to eat again, but said nothing.
Eiji headed up the stairs and opened the door, "Cerbie? Cerbie where are you?" He said as he felt an frightning feeling in the air. "Come on Cerbie, where are you man?"

Eiji heard an whimper under the bed, carefuly, he knelt down and pulled up the covers "Agh! What happened to you?!"

Cerbie was hog tied by an pice of rope, had an bone tied to his mouth so he couldn't speak, and had an bib for both of his heads, but probaly the most embarssing thing was that some body had the crulety to put and diper on Cerbie. Eiji quickly taken the bone out of Cerbie's mouth so he could talk "Answere me!"

Your sister thats who!

Eiji slowly shook his head "You probaly deserved it..."

WHAT!?! How could you say such an thing?!

"Because its true! Now what did you do?" Eiji asked as he taken off the dipere and untied Cerbie


"Fine, it doesn't matter to me" He said as he taken the bibx off of Cerbie and stood up "Come on, we gotta go!" He said as he turned and walked out the door.


Eiji walked down the stairs with his hands shooved in his pockets. Cerbie gave an low growl looking at Mai, but said nothing.
Sparrow Grunted as he got up and left for the door, Mai saw this and Quickly signaled Eiji with an look "Sparrow!"

"I'll be waiting for you guys outside." Said grumbling

Eiji shook his head "He was smarter when he was an kid!"


Sparrow cursed under his breath as he sat against the wall "Why won't they fucking hurry up?! I want to take this Tetsuya guy out now!" He screemed at the sky and taken a deep breath, "I'm starting to get that hot temper again..." He said, as he relized he was twitching.

Sparrow taken a quick glance around, and saw some strange guy walking torwards the Jomon forest "Who's this guy?"
Sigh I've been hear for an week now,mom and dadsaid I wouldmeet some frinds here but... Like any other place I feel like an out cast... "said an boredand slightly sad Buster. He pushed back his shoulder lentgh hair and sighd "I need to cut my heair... " He muterd to himself as he looked around. He relized that some people where staring at him intencly as if he was an alien from outerspace. A tired smerk cameacross his face, " Just like every other place I lived in... Its like they never saw a scrapper befor...

Buster felt somebody watching him, He... Must be a tourest... Because he isn't afraid of me...

Sparrow looked at the guy intencely "He's just another guy if you ask me... So why is every body looking at him like an out cast?" Sparrow said to him self, as he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on, and walked over to the guy. "Hey... Whats your name?"

IC: As I fallowed Mai into the main hall where every one was Eiji and cerbi where there amung the others. I leened in close to Mai, and wispered into her ear. "I found your brother."

I then walked to the pile of plates and bones that was the table I picked up the last roll. Theres no way I would ever misplace my relatives I'm just to careful. Hey wheres Rikku?

'Thats my roll!' I looked up into the air and Rikku was decending on me as if I had comited a great crime against her. "Crap!" I ran out the door takeing a bite of the roll. I didn't see her behind the plates.

I ran out into the street screaming for dear life as I finished the roll. "Help me! she's Psycho!" 'First you destroy my Kitty and now this!'
Eiji did every thing in his power not to break out laughing. It seems that he destroyed something of Rikku's and that blew her temper. Plus he did eat one of Rikku's rolls "That girl can be teritorial when it comes to food!"

Mai slowly walked over to Eiji, and stared at him for an moment. "Eiji..."


"What are we going to about Sparrow, I don't think he's in any type of conditon to fight."

"I know that... I'kll find a way."
ooc: Ok, nobody posted for the past couple of days... its starting to really worry me.

IC: Blood trickled down Milo's face,. He was just starting to get up, and just starting to gain focus on whats going on "W-Where am I?"

He looked around with his one good eye. where ever he was, it was dark and dank. he heard sounds of water dripping and heard short screeches of sleeping bats. "Wh-whats going on? What happened???"
K- Tetsuya

OOC: Well no one was interacting with Lee or Rikku. Also I wanted JC and DC to post replys but JC should take her time before posting. After all there is no point posting if you don't have a clear head. Prehaps I should take my own advice every once in a while.

IC: I stand here stareing threw the wall of ilusion I built around Milo. "Hmmm so sad Maki was defeated. And Milo has been greatly weakened, he can't even get past this illusion. Granted this is no ordinary illusion but he should be imune to all illusions. He has become so sloppy." No matter his bloody body will not be able to leave this room. Now to atend to my foes once more.
Milo staggered a bit, his body was completely sore, but it didn't matter to him, he just wanted to get away from where ever he was. "damnit, I can't see with just one eye... and I can't heal myself." He wipped the blood away from his eyes and looked around "Its just an cave... But... theres no exit This is just fucking great!"

Milo was completely fustrated as he tried to find an way out. at the moment he just stood there, trying to figure out whats going on.
Yoshiro scratched his head, surprised, watching Lee and Lea dash away.

"Kitty?" he said softly. "No, but, that was me, not him... what?"

Confused, he shook his head.

They must be talking about something else... eh heh... He blushed slightly. Good thing I didn't say that too loud... I might've embarassed Lea...

Tetsuru would've been surprised at Yoshiro's expression, if she wasn't busy gazing at Eiji with a blush and a smile now that he had returned. She didn't appear to notice much else.

Yamanaka swung Mai around cheerfully, giving her a twirl like that of a fancy dance, before letting her hand go once she stood next to her brother. He bowed, and grinned as Touji slapped his forehead with a grimace, shaking his head sadly.

"You're just jealous the girls like me," said Yamanaka with a teasing smirk at his brother and a wink at Mai. I hope she blushes... I bet she's cute when she blushes... or even cuter... eh heh heh!

Touji rolled his eyes as Momiji surpressed a giggle. "Alright," said Touji wearily, "we're all here except for... that Sparrow boy." The reformed thug glanced around, one eyebrow raised. "I wonder what he's up to. Should we wait for him, you think, Eiji?"

IC: I ran into the building. "As long as my lifes in danger can we go get Tetsuya!" I fly into the air. As my head bumps the ceiling I'm forced to lean over. I begin to catch my breath.

'You aren't safe up there!' Rikku yells before jumping against the wall and spring boarding to attack me in mid air 'I'll teach you to eat the last Bagle!'