How frequently would you want to have sex with someone, if you could?


..Well, I'd want to begin and end every day with sex if my wife wanted the same. I'm serious when I say that at nearly 60 my libido is unchanged from when I was 25.

We've been a pretty consistent 2-3 times/week for all of our 35+ years of being together. For me, it's important to know that my wife is interested in having sex rather than just doing it to please me.. So if I asked for more than 2-3 times, she might agree but it I know it would become rather perfunctory for her. These days, the understanding is this.. I tell her, "Honey, I'm ALWAYS interested in having sex with you - whether I've had a great day, a bad day, a busy day, or a quiet day. ..So you let me know when YOU are interested, 'cause I promise you I will be!"

That is usually how it goes until I get the sense that she wants to be asked, then I happily oblige :)
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Once or maybe twice a week (if it's still new). Otherwise i have shit going on that needs attention.
I think it depends on my partner with the right someone, some kind of relief every day or every 2 days, would be awesome, doesn’t have to be intercourse every time, some days mutual masturbation, sometimes oral for each, but a communicating willing partner will work to be sure each of us would be satisfied every day
When I was young and had no real responsibilities, I think we had sex everyday or every other day.

Now that we're grown ups, I'd day it's more like 2-4 times a week. But we're both much better at satisfying each other now, so I'm pretty happy with our current arrangement. Quality over quantity.
Once every weekend has worked for my partner and me for the last decade or so. We live separately during the work week, but talk on the phone every day. Then we get together on the weekends.
Me and my wife regularly enjoy each other 2-3 times a week, and some weeks up to about 5. On some occasions life gets in the way and its a 0 for that week but its not too often. I am very happy with the quality and amount of sex. So if the question is about with a specific someone, then im good with this.

Being a guy tho, i always want more....and not just more sex but more variety. I really enjoy the newness of sex with someone. I dont pursue it physically tho for various reasons but on here, meeting new people tends to curb my appetite
If I had a willing partner every day would be incredible but 3-4 times a week would work, doesn’t have to be intercourse just some kind of release for each of us
once daily with condom at bed time, alternate days anal bareback.