I come down firmly on the side of plot, but I have nothing against the "quick to shag" vignettes provided they accomplish one thing... At the end, at least one of the characters should be changed by the experience--mentally, emotionally, socially. (Add "financially" if you're buy-sexual.) 
Without SOME meaningful impact on at least one person, sex is basically sweaty exercise. (I'm drawing upon some of the one-night stands I had in my [pre-AIDS] mis-spent, sluttish youth when I say that.) Fun, yes, but about as meaningful to the outsider as a party in which everyone gets drunk and just sits there; nothing else happens. The participants have a good time but it's boring as all hell to watch. I think it's equally as boring to read about.
Just my USD 1/50th.

Without SOME meaningful impact on at least one person, sex is basically sweaty exercise. (I'm drawing upon some of the one-night stands I had in my [pre-AIDS] mis-spent, sluttish youth when I say that.) Fun, yes, but about as meaningful to the outsider as a party in which everyone gets drunk and just sits there; nothing else happens. The participants have a good time but it's boring as all hell to watch. I think it's equally as boring to read about.
Just my USD 1/50th.