If you and the Person above you were Stuck On an Island

Hide and seek

Wrap him in palm leaves, shove an apple in his mouth and roast him slowly until he was tender and juicy, then feed him to Hannibal the Cannibal who had just arrived, and timely, with a boat. Way to take one for the team. :)
Wrap him in palm leaves, shove an apple in his mouth and roast him slowly until he was tender and juicy, then feed him to Hannibal the Cannibal who had just arrived, and timely, with a boat. Way to take one for the team. :)

Yikes, this must be the wrong side of the island....runs to the other end :)
I would have her collect coconuts and open them. she is from Florida so she must know how.

I think I'll need a quick reminder, you've spent some time with the salt water in your face I'll make you crack them open while I lay out and enjoy the sun
I would have her collect coconuts and open them. she is from Florida so she must know how.

Have a suntan contest that I will, of course, win. His penalty for losing is to make me a lobster dinner and act out episode four from season three of Breaking Bad for my entertainment.
Have a suntan contest that I will, of course, win. His penalty for losing is to make me a lobster dinner and act out episode four from season three of Breaking Bad for my entertainment.

I am a tanning ninja so better brush up on your lobster cooking! I think that I will have you act out a scene from Game of Tatas.
I am a tanning ninja so better brush up on your lobster cooking! I think that I will have you act out a scene from Game of Tatas.

Oh dear. As an extra penalty he will have to catch a monkey and train him to Brush my hair and answer to his new name, George Harrison.
We'd embrace our new lives, as the Pirate lords of whatever we decide to name our new paradise. At least until we warred over who should rule the land. She'd crush me, of course. Beneath a particularly elegant boot heel, no doubt.
Oh dear. As an extra penalty he will have to catch a monkey and train him to Brush my hair and answer to his new name, George Harrison.

Based on the color of your skin in your profile picture and my genetics you are already far behind. All I will do if you win is catch a fish cook it for you and make you a comb out of the bones! Monkeys are too bitty for me to tackle.
We'd embrace our new lives, as the Pirate lords of whatever we decide to name our new paradise. At least until we warred over who should rule the land. She'd crush me, of course. Beneath a particularly elegant boot heel, no doubt.

We’d co-rule, ushering the island into an Age of Enlightenment. Then when he got careless, I’d don a pair of my elegant, if not soggy, boots and crush him. I am woman, hear my war cry.

Based on the color of your skin in your profile picture and my genetics you are already far behind. All I will do if you win is catch a fish cook it for you and make you a comb out of the bones! Monkeys are too bitty for me to tackle.

I’d graciously accept defeat after realizing the damage all that tanning would do to my skin. And eat the fish., graciously.
You are right. Sun damage can be dangerous. I'll catch fish since that's what I do. I'll cook it too and maybe even smoke some.
*Hands more fish to fry* Love to eat ocean fish

Let's cook them on the beach:heart:
