
That is a good idea. Definatly out of the ordinary. I hope someone takes you up on this.

MIght also be a good premise for a 'turning the tables' type of story. (Lets say Sally Hemming has had just about enough of Thomas Jefferson...)

hungry4punani said:
I've really enjoyed, and would like to see more stories where a white man is dominated by a black woman.
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billie-asub said:
Come on, people. We're talking about fiction here. Comments that "most of the people that write these stories are white men who hate women" are sort of silly.

Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

The misogynistic and racist subtexts of these stories are obvious to even a casual reader. If you like them, fine. But don't take us for fools. These stories are written by and for White males who have a deep closeted homoerotic fear and hatred of Black men, and wish to cast any white woman who would date interracially as a rape victim or an abject white-trash whore.
Re: Re: Inter-racial

(tongue firmly in cheek)

oh you silly black people, always seing racism were there isn't any! I bet you thought Archie Bunker was a racist and a sexist too. We are *all* equal. Feel the love....

(sorry couldn't resist being a smart ass.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

The misogynistic and racist subtexts of these stories are obvious to even a casual reader. If you like them, fine. But don't take us for fools. These stories are written by and for White males who have a deep closeted homoerotic fear and hatred of Black men, and wish to cast any white woman who would date interracially as a rape victim or an abject white-trash whore.

Well, this is, after all, a sex story site. It's supposed to be about the many varieties of sex. And porn! Both fiction and reality are not so often nice, but from fiction and perhaps news about reality we can get vicarious experiences that might be too uncomfortable it they really happened to us. Or sometimes we can share experiences that others are not likely to ever have.

There is a nice story that is both interracial and deals with interracial love, sex, and even touches on porn in a nice way. It's a short novel titled "The Goddess of Love and the Angel of Death." I think it's still on some book sites like Amazon.
Re: Re: interracial lesbians

BlackSnake said:
I would think it would best go under lesbian sex. You can try the interracial category, but you may what to key in on lesbian interests.

This is what I really don't understand - you want an interracial story where the black man/woman is on the same social/economic level and the white woman/man. Right?

But, you want to have the black person to retain his/her heritage, ie., no Oreo's (pardon the expression if you find it offensive - it's not meant to be).

As a white female, I don't know that I could write that story and come up with what you want. Not because I don't have the skills or the ideas, but because, let's face it, the black community is pretty foreign to a "West Hills Rich Bitch".

I think both Destinie and BlackSnake know me well enough to realize there isn't much in the way of prejudice in me. But I neither live in an area where there are black people nor have much contact with them.

I don't think it's just me either. That's why a lot of the interracial stories portray the black man as the monster thug etc. We are just ignorant of the black community.
Like Jenny said, a lot of people get ideas about black people based on what the see on TV, or hear other people say.

I'm usually the only black man at the parties/get togethers I attend and I face questions about what it's like to be black. A question I can not answer, you have to experience it.

I'm a college grad, live in a nice home, and don't do or sling drugs. I'm as black as the day I was born, and wouldn't change it.

The only difference I see that stands out is my directness and passion. I often wear them both on my sleeve.
Not to offend, but ignorance and predjudice are very close neighbors.

I think the point isn't that every black man has to be the enlightlened perfect 'everyblackman'. In fact, it would be better if thee were simply more variety. And if the very act of being with a black man didn't seem to degrade the pretty white woman in some way. This is what I was originally talking about, and I know it exists in stories here on lit (the ones that don't do this) and maybe those who don't get what I'm saying have just been lucky enough not to run accross the other ones. Read my stuff, I enjoy degredation and so forth, and have no problem with a black man degrading a white woman in bed (all the more fun) but I just dont' agree with the premise that her mearly being with him is degrading, and in fact that attitude is usually quite obvious when it's present, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Speaking of neighbors, I had a black neighbor growing up. It was a VERY white town and she was adopted and had white parents, white siblings and an asian sybling. She maybe wast 'culterally authentic' but she *was* real. And in the end, I think that's what's most important.

ps. if a writer wants to explore the idea that the white woman *IS* degrading herself by sleeping with a black man, he should develop this idea (ie, her father is a member of the KKK, she's not a racist she's a seperatist, she was raised a certain way, ect.) and not just *assume* that the reader will agree that this is degrading. It is this assumption that lets you know that the writer has these attitudes and therefore the *truth* of there belief is *obviouse* and need not be explained. Perhaps if I could find a link that would support my point. (But then I'd be accused no doubt of slander)

Forgive me, I did not mean to go on for so long.
I'm a bit uncomfortable with people talking about "white culture" and "black culture". IMO, talk like that only widens the gap between people, making it sound like one group is earthlings, and the others are aliens.

First of all, I'm a human being. Second, a woman. Third, a Scandinavian.
hiya again non author here

i think Black guys and girls are more accepted as equals in Europe, not that I know much about US culture, just going on what most of you US types seem to be saying here in this thread.

i agree a lot of males do seem to like the black evil rapist notion in stories, a totally false immpression if you take the attitudes in this country into account.

we, that is my hubby and me, have had many black and asian friends over the years, (no i haven't screwed them all, giggle, just a few, oops) and we've never felt out of place with them, and to our knowledge they've never felt out of place with us or our white friends.

you'll never stamp out racism completely, can't be done, it's animal instict to opose different kinds of animals, it happens all the time in nature with the uneducated masses of creatures, you know the one's who haven't been spoiled by human nature.

we've had black friends tell us they have family in africa or west indies who hate white people and are racist that way round, so why the big thing about only whites having to all be racist??

i aint, hubby aint, he actually sorted my first big handsome black guy lover as a favour to both of us, alton and me, alton had never had a white woman, i'd never had a black man, seemed so simple to hubby, get us together, so he did.

lorri xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry, I can't help even the score with our friends from across the lake. I was raised in the deep south. So deep that if I went out my back yard and ran south for more than three seconds I would be swimming.

I adopted my "I don't give a fuck" attitude in high school. Since then I never care what people thought of me as a black man or about my passion for women of other races.

I always took racists ass girly-boys anyway. They have to out number you 5 to 1 before they would even give you a dirty look (racist women excluded). Punk motherfuckers have to have their boys cheering and helping them. I stand on my own. Always have, and always will. A man...that....I am.
The idea of a black man and white woman has no affect on me at all even with a domination back ground. What bothers me is portraying the black man as the steriotypical "Black Sambo". That is rude, disgusting and humiliating to the writer and to blacks people in general.

I have an equally bad attitude about what has been going on in the American Culture for the past few years. We are seeing the "Black Community", the "Native American Community", as well as the historic Italian and Irish Communities.

The sixties were about breaking down the cultural walls and recognizing that Blacks, Polynesians, Irish, Orientals and all the rest are the same specie with the same wants, need, desires, feelings, hopes and dreams. This segmentation of culture going on now says to me that those who worked to break down those walls wasted their time because those walls are going right back up again, not in the same way, but just as solid and just as high.

Blacksnake is an honest, good person. The operative word is "person", not black man or any other modifier. Let's be human's people and forget about identifying ourselves with some cultural heritage.
Hi there, y'all. Just thought I'd pass along the question I received in email about this thread...

"Has a story every come from this four page discussion?"

Must admit, I'm curious about that one myself.


RisiaSkye said:
Hi there, y'all. Just thought I'd pass along the question I received in email about this thread...

"Has a story every come from this four page discussion?"

Must admit, I'm curious about that one myself.


we're chewing it over honey:D
getting back to the thread I have to say as a 21 year old black woman I do have a lot of resentment re: how I've been treated
the image of a mammy has been superimposed on me as has the role of beimg militant and abrasive. I make a comment and suddenly I'm playing the "race card" or I'm militant or what have you. I don't want to be any black queen or godess either for once in my life I just want to be a woman. As far as th Ir category goes I think intercultural / interraccial sex is beautiful when written right and in real life. The problem is seperating what's right from what's thinly disguised racism and stereotyping. I don't think IR should be a seprate category is all.
RisiaSkye said:
Hi there, y'all. Just thought I'd pass along the question I received in email about this thread...

"Has a story every come from this four page discussion?"

Actually yes, RisiaSkye,
In fact a couple of stories. The problem with "inter-racial" has always been one of definition. This thread, I hope, has changed the focus of many stories in this catagorie. I've been working on one for a long time that I just can't make myself be happy with. Now I, and others on this thread, know why we are not happy.

Admittedly this is not exactly the type of discussion you usually find in the "Story Ideas" forum, but the definitions and IR understandings coming out here have been a vast aid in rewriting for me and others.

Destinie is correct. Why is there an IR catagory at all? The hopes, needs, wants, desires, conflicts, personalities, etc are universal to all races. So why apply the old steriotypes to blacks or some other ethnic/cultural group? It's old and over done. It's trite. And personally offensive to me as a liberal white woman.

The understanding and rethinking of the old definition of IR is enough to justify the thread.
destinie21 said:
I don't want to be any black queen or godess either for once in my life I just want to be a woman.

Every woman is a Goddess
Every mother a Queen ;)
Jenny _S said:

We are seeing the "Black Community", the "Native American Community", as well as the historic Italian and Irish Communities.

The sixties were about breaking down the cultural walls and recognizing that Blacks, Polynesians, Irish, Orientals and all the rest are the same specie with the same wants, need, desires, feelings, hopes and dreams. This segmentation of culture going on now says to me that those who worked to break down those walls wasted their time because those walls are going right back up again, not in the same way, but just as solid and just as high.

Let's be human's people and forget about identifying ourselves with some cultural heritage.

I respectfully disagree. I think cultural heritage is a wonderful and beautiful thing. I also think that along with "Black Comunity" and "Irish Comunity" and "Native American Comunity" there is the "White Comunity" which is largely invisible and more often regarded as the "Mainstream." I believe that 'forgeting our ethnic heritage' and being absorbed into the "mainstream' is ultimately not abandoning heritage, but choosing one ('mainstream, WASP, ext) as better or more desireable. I think that we can hold on to and celebrate our diferent heritages and historys and still recognize that we all have the same wants and needs as human beings. We should learn to know and love others not because 'we are all the same' but because we are all unique. If we all must abandon our cultural identity in order to be accepted, I believe that only fosters intollerance. If we must all be the same to be loved and accepted, it will only make our obvious differences that much more unwelcome. We will never all be exactly the same, so why try?

Religion also divides, but few would advocate that we should forget about our beliefs and adopt a national or worldwide faith.
Politics divide, but I wouldn't give up my right to vote for myself.
Our challenge is to learn to respect each others differences, whatever they are. I can identify myself as a Democratic Irish ExProtostant Neopagan Feminist and still respect Rush Limbaugh's basic humanity. Some people can't and that is an unfortuate fact that will probably never change no matter how many walls come down.


*If we were all the same, their would only need to be one of us.
Story Idea

Wouldn't it be a fascinating story (Novel) of interracial love that explored all of these opinios, pov's, experiences, prejudices, beliefs, desires, ect.

In fact, I think it would probably make a pretty awsome CHAIN STORY if done properly. (Exploring one particular relationship from the veiw of several different characters who where multi-dementional, have there own story that is somehow intertwined, and who are 'real' and *not* simplified stereotypes.) And yes, I think a skilled group of writers could make it "HOT" as well.

Any takers?
I only write F/F erotica and so this may not quite fit, but I do enjoy using people of different races in my works. When I choose to write a character from a different cultural background I always attempt to show them in a positive light and do my best to be respectful of and sensitive too their cultural differences.

For myself the differences are something to be celebrated in an erotic work. Photos, movies or stories with people of differing origins are some of the most erotic I can imagine simply because of the contrasts. A black woman, in white lingerie with a white woman in black lingerie on a bed with a neutral colored comforter is infintely more erotic than two black women or two white women would be simply because the contrasts in skin tone can be so exciting.

This thread caused me to look at my works and notice something, I have never written a black femme. I have written white women as both butch and femme and hispanic women as both, but all of my black characters have been butch. I am not sure if that says anything, but it is an oversight I will try to correct. In all my works I strive to show characters of different backgrounds in a positive light rather than using the percieved status confered by thier ethnicity in a negative light.

As an aside, I was born and raised in the deep south. When I was growing up any white woman with a black man was thought of to be "lowering" herself. Even strictly plutonic relationships of this sort were frowned upon. A black woman with a white man was thought of as trying to "rise above her station". There is a strong cultural biase that still exists in my home state and it is this very biase that makes interracial relationships so Taboo. It leads me to wonder how much of the negativity you see in so many of these stories is based upon the author's perception that ANY story which features such a relationship is by default one of uneven status, rather than one celebrating the contrasts of the characters.

Re: interracial

Nudemodel said:
Well, this is, after all, a sex story site. It's supposed to be about the many varieties of sex. And porn! Both fiction and reality are not so often nice, but from fiction and perhaps news about reality we can get vicarious experiences that might be too uncomfortable it they really happened to us. Or sometimes we can share experiences that others are not likely to ever have.

I'm not complaining about variety. I like the interracial category. (There are others who feel it's very existance is a bad thing- I am mearly saying that there's a lot of unfortunate crap in that category at present, and we should all give it a go to fill it with good stuff, and LOTS of variety. -not mearly Political Correctness either, but really do this category justice for all the rich possiblity that it has.

Hey, Indian babes are hot. Sunday even my babe and I went to an engagment party of a friend. There was nothing to drink I was warned ahead of time.

Right from the start the women started dancing pulling everyone up to dance with them. Very fast paced music. Some of the women were dressed in traditional grabs and others wore pants.

It looked like something right out of a movie, the way they danced. Very sexy. Most, if not all had big tits although covered. My babe caught on to the way they moved and right with them, while I stomped around like the other men enjoying everything.
There is ONE good thing about the Interracial category, though. It makes it easier for people like me, who find dark skin and dark eyes sexually attractive, to find stories that will appeal to me. I hate starting to read a story that seems nice, and then the woman checks out this red-headed guy with freckles, or this blond surfer-guy. Just not my type. But put "tall, slim, chocolate-colured" in the description, and I drool like Pavlov's dogs - and not from THOSE lips...;)
the focus on interracial has always seem to lean towards black/white relationship which has become more like a niche. Funny thing is I don't seem to find much stories involving guys of the orient which I absolutely adore. Mexican men are my cup of tea too.

here is my amateurish work

would like to see stories with the other underrated races.