Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Few Options

“It’s no problem,” Josephine replied to Abi’s apology, appreciating nonetheless her obsequious attitude. “Shall we head to the museum, then? You have me stuck here without a car.”


“It’s no problem,” Josephine replied to Abi’s apology, appreciating nonetheless her obsequious attitude. “Shall we head to the museum, then? You have me stuck here without a car.”

“Sure, let’s go.” The command tone in Jo’s voice had the effect of both exciting Abi physically, but also making her feel insecure. As they got into the car Abi was musing to herself how she just couldn’t tell if Jo was mad at her, and how she had revealed so much of herself now she felt vulnerable. Abi had not had a real loving relationship in such a long time that she didn’t know how to act, and she kind of felt like a school girl trying to navigate the complexities of her first boyfriend.

Hesitantly Abi turned to Jo after they had pulled out of the garage and were ready to turn onto the street. “Ah, I... I don’t know where we are going. I’m sorry...”

The Chazen Museum of Art is right next door to Humanities, the building your office is in,” Josephine told Abi with a playful chuckle. “I worked there for a year when I was an undergrad here back in the Eighties. It was called the Elvehjem then. It was a part-time job as a members’ activities director.”

She found endearing that Abi had never noticed the museum literally abutting her own office building. Abi fit the classic stereotype of the absent-minded professor. Josephine smiled. “I keep forgetting how new you are to the university. Maybe instead of the museum, you would prefer a tour of the campus.”


“I keep forgetting how new you are to the university. Maybe instead of the museum, you would prefer a tour of the campus.”

“Oh! So that is what that building is! I got a tour from the Dean when I first visited but it was all so big and I was preoccupied so I don’t remember much. I have not been around campus much at all. The couple times I have gone over I just work in my little office and go home. I haven’t even found a coffee shop yet! So, yeah maybe a walk around campus would be nice, it is a nice day out!” She smiled at Jo set the GPS and headed out towards the university taking the only route she knew: the one dictated by her GPS.
Civic Pride

“The campus is too big for a full walking tour,” Josephine said. “Especially in the shoes I’ve put you in.”

She let the GPS guide Abi until they passed Hilldale Mall, then Josephine had Abi switch it off.

“Take a left at the next lights,” Josephine instructed as they approached University Bay Drive. After they had turned and gone about a block, Josephine pointed with her finger. “That building on the left is pretty famous. It’s a Unitarian Meeting House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.”


The tour

Abi dutifully switched off the GPS and then followed Jo’s instructions as she was told. As they pulled up in front of the building Abi looked out at it and smiled. “That is a beautiful building, do they still have a congregation there? I think I can see a pipe organ through the glass, and it looks like a nice one. I’d like to hear it sometime. I used to play pipe organ, a little. Never got really good at it but I could play a service.”

Abi paused and looked at Jo, “Are you religious? I actually grew up Catholic, sort of. It is a weird disconnect considering all the nudity and sex that filled our household that sometimes my mom insisted we get dressed up and go to mass. My step-brother used to make fun of us for it, and I kind of agreed with him. It seemed almost perverse that we went to church.” She stopped for a moment, talking about her mother always brought up strong feelings, mostly anger. “I’m pagan now and it is all personal and private. I am not pagan with anyone else. I have a little altar with a statue of the goddess and some incense and candles and art and a few objects. I flirt a little with Wicca, but it doesn’t really do anything for me. People think they are the same, but they are not. Anyway, I’ve thought about going to events, but never have. It was during my time working on archeological digs in Greece and then teaching ancient history immersed me in paganism. It really spoke to me and I feel it connects me with the earth, creation and with other people.” She added wistfully, “Even though I am kind of a loner.” She sighed. Whenever she talked about herself the intellectual side of her was always struck by how illogical and upside down her life really was. On the one hand, Abi feels deeply about the earth and ecology and celebrates diverse cultures and cherishes relationship with others, but, on the other hand, she has hardly any friends and doesn’t really like to be outside.

She turned to Jo, the perplexity registering on her face. “I’m kind of weird, Jo!” She said without a hint of irony. “I’m a sexually voracious, insecure, middle-age pagan scholar who teaches undergraduates, loves classical music and opera and ancient literature and archeology and who might be book smart but who is actually rather helpless and hopeless when it comes to basic life skills.”

She looked down, her coat was open and she realized that her skirt had ridden up to the middle of her thighs. She could feel the air from the car's heater swirling around her legs and up and embracing her sensitive mons pubis under her skirt. It felt nice so she left it alone and looked back at Jo, “So, where to next?”
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“I’m kind of weird, Jo,” Abi confessed as she followed the road around University Hospital. “I’m a sexually voracious, insecure, middle-age pagan scholar who teaches undergraduates, loves classical music and opera and ancient literature and archaeology and who might be book smart but who is actually rather helpless and hopeless when it comes to basic life skills.”

“That sounds like my ideal mate,” Josephine replied too softly and plainly to suggest humor. She meant it, but returned to the quotidian matters of the moment. “Take the next left.”

As they drove east on Observatory Drive, Josephine resumed introducing Abi to her new university. “These are the intramural athletic fields and Natatorium. Just beyond are the Lakeshore dorms. I don’t get to this end on campus very often, it has all the Ag, Engineering, and Medical Sciences buildings.”

Eventually, the road curved up a hill. When they reached the top, Josephine told Abi to pull over. They parked below a majestic old observatory.


“You like archeology?” Jo nodded up the rise. “There’s a Native American effigy mound up there, but I really brought you for the view across the street.”

She got out of the van and moved around to cross the road with Abi to the public balcony beyond. It looked down a sparsely wooded hill to the huge lake beyond.


“This is probably the most romantic view on campus,” Josephine explained as she took Abi’s hand and squeezed it gently. Then she pointed to a large stone building to their right.


“That’s ‘Liz’ Waters Residence Hall. It’s co-ed now but, when I was an undergrad, it was all women. Everyone called it the ‘Virgin Vault.’ Needless to say, given that name, I never lived there.”



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The Tour Continues

Abi noticed that Jo had not answered the religion question and she wondered if that was an off limits subject. That was fine, she thought, and she made a mental note to not bring up the topic again.

“That sounds like my ideal mate,”
Abi turned her head and smiled, her eyes sparkling. She had not expected that response. Most of her partners had found her to be rather “high maintenance,” and she knew it. She had resolved to try to do better, but changing one’s personality and way of being in the world is not something that is terribly easy to do.

The tour continued…
“These are the intramural athletic fields and Natatorium.”
“A Natatorium? Can faculty use it and swim? Or is it just for the athletic department?” Abi liked to swim. She went to a pool on campus in Newark and she found it a nice way to relieve stress.

“Just beyond are the Lakeshore dorms. I don’t get to this end on campus very often, it has all the Ag, Engineering, and Medical Sciences buildings.” Eventually, the road curved up a hill. When they reached the top, Josephine told Abi to pull over. They parked below a majestic old observatory.

“Cool!” Abi was excited to see the observatory. She had always been interested in astronomy and physics, even though she did her graduate work in history, nonetheless her post-doctoral work in ancient history and archeology called upon her to utilize astronomy on a surprisingly frequent basis as the ancients consulted the stars regularly this is often reflected in their art, culture and architecture.

“You like archeology?” Jo nodded up the rise. “There’s a Native American effigy mound up there, but I really brought you for the view across the street.”

“That’s cool too!” Abi strained her neck to try to see the mound. “Is it an active site? Do students work there? Not many universities have active archeological sites right on campus!” Abi’s voice conveyed an excitement and enthusiasm. She loved this field, and even though she was not technically an archeologist, she had worked with several over the years and enjoyed the adventures very much. “It can be grueling work,” She shared, “But when you find something! Wow! There is almost nothing like it! To see an object that was treasured and valued by someone long ago and to hold that in your hand!” She almost trembled as she spoke, reliving a couple experiences she had had.

As Jo got out of the car, Abi followed and walked beside her.
“This is probably the most romantic view on campus,” Josephine explained as she took Abi’s hand and squeezed it gently.

Abi squeezed back and put her arm around Jo and her head on her shoulder.
“That’s ‘Liz’ Waters Residence Hall. It’s co-ed now but, when I was an undergrad, it was all women. Everyone called it the ‘Virgin Vault.’ Needless to say, given that name, I never lived there.”

Abi giggled, then she kissed Jo on the mouth passionately. “Do you think we could have actually find any virgins there? You know in Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta ‘Princess Ida,’ there is a ‘Virgin Vault’ called Castle Adamant which is a castle filled with girls that is broken into by three boys. And when the boys get in get in they discover that all of the girls including the teachers and chaperons are all very lusty! I would expect that is not an uncommon discovery! I would not need to use my basic archeological skills to discover that!” She giggled and kissed Jo again as she felt a cool breeze lift her skirt slightly.
Simply the Best

Josephine languished in Abi’s sweet kisses, grateful that times had changed and attitudes evolved such that they need not hide this aspect of their relationship while on campus. Back in the car, they proceeded across the northeast side of Observatory Hill. Josephine pointed again to the left. A slight rise of land contained a circular patio and some standing stones among a scattering of trees.


“That’s Muir Knoll, which I consider the most romantic place on campus,” she told Abi. “Of course, it was more romantic back in the Eighties when I was an undergrad. They had not thinned out the trees then, and you could not see the clearing from the street. It was the first place I ever made love outdoors.”

Just then, the car tilted forward as the road descended sharply through a walled S-curve that separated the knoll from Bascom Hill.

“Take a left at the stop sign,” Josephine instructed as they reached the bottom of the slope. “There’s parking under the library.”

Having parked, they emerged from the garage onto the turnabout at the north end of Park Street.

“Look down there,” Josephine suggested pointed to the railing to their left. A line of small sailing skiffs sat on a lakeshore groomed with several piers and docks, with larger craft moored to these or to buoys further out in the water.


“Those boats belong to a club called ‘Hoofers.’ It’s mostly students, but anyone affiliated with the University or Union can join. They also ski in the winter and do all kinds of outdoor activities if that sort of thin appeals to you. Now, come see the coolest place in all of academia!”

They strolled a quarter of the way around the circle and looked over the railing facing east. A complex but comfortable assembly of stone patios and terraces stepped down to the shore from the huge gray building to their right. Round metal tables painted in green, orange and yellow, with matching chairs, would, on a warmer day, provide seating for hundreds of visitors.


“This is Memorial Union Terrace, the social hub of the campus,” Josephine spoke with evident pride. “Let’s warm up here with some coffee or tea, and then decide what we want to do next.”



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“That’s Muir Knoll, which I consider the most romantic place on campus,” she told Abi. “Of course, it was more romantic back in the Eighties when I was an undergrad. They had not thinned out the trees then, and you could not see the clearing from the street. It was the first place I ever made love outdoors.”

Abi looked the place over, she noticed that it didn't look very private. “Too bad they cut the trees down, it looks otherwise very romantic.” She smiled, “Happy memories I hope!” While Abi had had plenty of assignations with (mostly) boys outdoors and in, she could not point to any particular place as the first since her firsts all happened when she was fairly young.

Abi continued driving, following Jo’s directions and parked in the parking deck underneath the library. Both women got out of the car and Abi locked it and accompanied Jo as left the parking garage and began to wander. Abi had not seen any of this. She had not been in town very long, but she had been pretty focused on her move and getting settled and had not explored. Actually she wasn’t one to explore on her own anyway, but she was enjoying this time with Jo and finding that Madison had a lot more to offer than she had originally thought.

“Let’s warm up here with some coffee or tea, and then decide what we want to do next.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Abi and she followed Jo and ordered for herself a cup of cappuccino. After they were seated, Abi spoke, “I’m surprised you haven’t seen anyone you know. I would not have been able to tour around UDel without running into students and staff. But I guess this is a larger school. I’m not sure that had completely registered, but we have covered a large about of territory and all of it is University property. It is kind of amazing, really.”

She sipped her coffee.

"What else do you have planned for us this afternoon... Mistress?" Abi whispered the word "Mistress" and smiled.
Sotto Voce

Abi’s voice fell to a whisper when she addressed Josephine as “Mistress.” Nonetheless, and despite the smile it brought to her lips, Josephine instinctively glanced around to ensure no one had heard. Still, even with the concern that the wrong eavesdropper could create a storm of gossip, having Abi acknowledge the nature of their relationship in such a public place excited her.

“There’s still that art museum,” Josephine reminded her. “Or shopping on State Street.”

Now Josephine let her voice drop so that only Abi could hear. “I don’t want to return to lovemaking too soon, Darling, because I want you so horny when we do, that you’ll do anything I want.”


Now Josephine let her voice drop so that only Abi could hear. “I don’t want to return to lovemaking too soon, Darling, because I want you so horny when we do, that you’ll do anything I want.”

Abi blushed and then giggled. She too looked around and then in her softest whisper, "It is funny how even though I haven't known you very long I feel this complete trust. I just have this instinct that you won't take advantage or hurt me on purpose. I haven't felt like that about anyone else for a long time. I am generally pretty cautious and untrusting especially with lovers. But with you I seem to have thrown caution to the wind." Abi looked around again, she felt a nagging fear in the pit of her stomach... "what if..." it said. "What if she betrays you just like everyone else in your whole life." Abi took in a deep ragged breath. She placed her hand on Jo's hand, " I will do anything you want.” She looked into Jo's eyes as she spoke and she felt her eyes fill with tears.

Then with a shrug and a quick wipe of her eyes with the napkin she spoke in her normal voice, “I don’t really have a preference, I like art museums generally and I don’t mind shopping but I’m not into shopping like some women are… as you probably noticed from looking at my wardrobe.” Abi looked around again and returned to the whisper, “You are well on your way to accomplishing your goal, by the way.” She leaned back so that the dress pulled tight against her breasts, her erect nipples clearly visible. She finished her cappuccino then she said softly and seductively, “I might need to get a towel.”

“That’s one reason I had you wear a slip,” Josephine explained quietly when Abi suggested she may need a towel. Josephine also had an active libido, and became easily excited, but she rarely got so wet that she worried about it showing through her clothing. She’d had previous lovers like Abi, though, who practically dripped when turned on. Josephine sniffed the air and thought she caught a whiff of Abi’s natural musk. “But I suppose we should get up and going, then. Walking will help. I’ll show you the best part of this Union later.”

Instead, she led Abi out the building’s front door, across Langdon Street, and past the fountain on Library Square. Pointing to her right, Josephine continued their tour.


“That’s Bascom Hill, the spiritual center of campus, where all the original buildings stand. It’s probably most famous for the time the student government covered it with pink lawn flamingos to fulfill a campaign promise. They’d also promised to move The Statue of Liberty to Lake Mendota. They kept that promise, too.”

Although she had not originally intended it that way, it occurred to Josephine that this tour had turned into another demonstration of dominance. It told Abi: This is my place, my domain. I know its geography, society, legends, and lore better than you ever will. That makes it make sense for you to become dependant on me.

She smiled at that thought.



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“That’s one reason I had you wear a slip,”

Abi paused, “Yes Mistress,” she whispered but she was skeptical. Abi was often in a constant state of arousal and she usually got very wet. She actually loved the feeling. She loved the tingle she got between her legs and the feeling of her juices dripping onto and coating her thighs, but it was kind of obvious sometimes. And it was not uncommon for her to completely soak a pair of panties and to feel herself drip down her leg which is one reason she rarely went without panties. The other issue was her scent. As much as she loved the smell of her arousal she was also aware that it was rather obvious at times. But if this is what Jo wants then Abi was content. It would not be the first time she left a little puddle on her car seat.

“But I suppose we should get up and going, then. Walking will help. I’ll show you the best part of this Union later.”

Abi smiled, “Great!” And with that she picked up her own and Jo’s trash. She walked over to the trash receptical and deposited the paper in the recycing. Standing there were a few students, a couple girls with a boy. She felt their eyes on her as she moved. She looked at the girls and smiled. They didn’t respond, they just looked at her. She blushed and joined Jo who was waiting at the door.

Looking out and surveying the green and building Abi laughed at Jo’s story about the student council putting out the pink flamingos. “That must have been a sight. I had not heard of that. I was a college student in the 70’s We were more into sit-ins and love-ins frankly. Though I did put food coloring in a fountain once. But a few drops of food coloring really were not really enough to have much effect.” Abi dutifully followed Jo who was pointing various things out here and there. It started to get to be a little overwhelming for Abi. “I won’t remember all this, but I am impressed how beautiful this campus is.”

“And it’s become all the more beautiful since you joined its faculty,” Josephine responded to Abi’s opinion on the beauty of UW-Madison campus. Hand-in-hand, they crossed the mall and made their way through an alley between the Humanities Building — in fact, right under Abi’s office — and the Conrad A. Elvehjem Building, which housed the Chazen Museum of Art. Upon entering, Josephine pulled two directory brochures from a rack and handed one to Abi. As they leafed through them, Josephine wandered into the first gallery, exhibiting ancient ceramics, statues, and coins. She stopped in front of a finely painted and glazed Greek oil jar.


Tan and black, it displayed two finely dressed women.

“I know it’s not politically correct,” Josephine commented. “But I’ve always been fascinated with, even admired, the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.”


“And it’s become all the more beautiful since you joined its faculty,” said Jo.

Abi blushed and her eyes sparkled. She squeezed Jo’s hand as she walked with her into the museum. Abi looked around and Jo handed her a directory and she began to page through it. What she could see looked rather familiar to her.

Jo stopped in front of a finely painted and glazed Greek oil jar. Tan and black, it displayed two finely dressed women. “I know it’s not politically correct,” Josephine commented. “But I’ve always been fascinated with, even admired, the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.”

“That is one of my areas of expertise you know. I know that piece. You know that is a funerary object. It would have contained perfumed oil to be used in anointing the body. That it depicts two women indicates that the deceased is also a woman. Women bathed and anointed women and men bathed and anointed men. Also, note that they are well dressed. These are not slaves. I find it interesting to realize that in many ways people in antiquity had a much more realistic and healthy understanding of death. Death is woven into every dimension of life in ancient society. Our society is afraid of death and popular Christianity helps modern people deny the reality of death – this is not completely biblical but it extends back into the early Middle Ages.” She paused and realized she was lecturing, “Sorry… For the record, I am not afraid of death. I have looked into the eyes of death and am not afraid of her. Death and life are all a part of the experience of life. I learned this from the ancients and it fuels my way of being in the world.” Abi was embarrassed a little at going off, but this was the way she tended to be; touch a button and she can go on and on. Her husband used to berate and belittle her for it; her kids laughed at her for it. But Abi is unrepentant of her knowledge and deeply in love with the ancient culture.
Poetic Depths

“Don’t worry about rambling like that,” Josephine reassured Abi. “All us old academics do it, and I like it when you do. You have so many depths I’ve yet to plumb.”

Suddenly laughing. Josephine shook her head. “Double entendre not intended... except that I do intend to plumb those depths later.”

She squeezed Abi’s hand and smiled. “Anyway... the way you talk about death makes me think of one of my favorite E.E. Cummings poems: ‘dying is fine)but Death.’”


“Don’t worry about rambling like that,” Josephine reassured Abi. “All us old academics do it, and I like it when you do. You have so many depths I’ve yet to plumb.”

Suddenly laughing. Josephine shook her head. “Double entendre not intended... except that I do intend to plumb those depths later.”

She squeezed Abi’s hand and smiled. “Anyway... the way you talk about death makes me think of one of my favorite E.E. Cummings poems

Abi had not gotten it right away and when Jo laughed and expressed her desire to plumb her depths Abi blushed and giggled and felt a tingle between her legs. She looked into Jo's eyes and expressed her desire and lust through the look. "Anytime. Anywhere!" She said softly! Abi squeezed Jo's hand in response and and listened as Jo recited the e.e. cummings poem. "That is a very beautiful poem. I like that one, I also love the John Donne poem. But how about Epicurus: "Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." or my favorite from Democritus: "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is just opinion."

Abi whispered, "love is the most sublime of opinions and as long as we exist the greatest work we can do is to explore the depths of meaning, physical joy and love - double entendre intended!" Her eyes sparked as she felt a drop on fluid on her thigh.
Change of Plans

Abi’s words confirmed that the considerable beauty of her face and form paled compared to the beauty of her soul. A thrill of love shivered down Josephine’s spine, igniting quivering desire in her loins.

“Let’s forget the museum for now,” she growled lustfully as she pulled Abi with sudden urgency toward the entrance. “Do you have your office keys?”


Abi’s words confirmed that the considerable beauty of her face and form paled compared to the beauty of her soul. A thrill of love shivered down Josephine’s spine, igniting quivering desire in her loins.

“Let’s forget the museum for now,” she growled lustfully as she pulled Abi with sudden urgency toward the entrance. “Do you have your office keys?”

Abi looked in her purse and then remembered that she had driven them to school and all her keys were together, “Yes, of course. I keep them all together otherwise I would loose them.” She had a hunch but asked the obvious question, “What do you have in mind mistress?”
A Nice Thought

“It’s about a three minute walk to your office from here,” Josephine said, her voice hoarse with lust. “I think we can get there before I simply take you in public.”

She never actually would do such a thing, of course, but the thought of having Abi right here among the ancient art simply inflamed her desire.

Lust on the elevator

Abi felt her heart rate quicken and her breathing become ragged as she turned and walked with Jo out of the museum and over to her new building. It being Saturday the building was deserted, though it was unlocked then walked together to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed Abi took Jo into her arms for a deep passionate kiss. Opening her mouth she used her tongue to explore Jo lips and mouth as they pulled each other’s bodies close together.

Their tongues fluttered within each other's mouths as Josephine reached down and gathered the hems of their dresses in one hand. The slow elevator ride would last no more than a half minute. She nonetheless pulled up their skirts so she could push her right thigh forcefully against Abi’s exposed womanhood. She moved her leg so that the varied texture of stocking, skin, and garter tantalized her lover.

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Their tongues fluttered upon each other as Josephine reached down and gathered the hems of their dresses in one hand. The slow elevator ride would last no more than a half minute. She nonetheless pulled up their skirts so she could push her bare right thigh forcefully against Abi’s exposed womanhood.

Abi moaned as she felt her skirt being raised and Jo's leg pushed forcefully against her wet exposed pussy. She rubbed her vulva on Jo’s leg and squeezed Jo's left breasts as the elevator came to a halt. They both quickly pulled apart pulled their skirts down. Abi peeked out of the elevator. There was no one in the hallway. They headed to Abi’s office as she fished her keys out of her purse. Trembling, she tried to unlock the door but dropped them, bent over to pick them up and felt Jo’s hand on her ass. She inserted the key and opened the door. Both pushed into the room and Abi closed and locked the door. The window was already covered with some newspaper. There were still boxes of books stacked, but Abi's desk was empty except for her closed laptop and the desk chair was just where they had left it exactly 24 hours earlier.

Abi dropped her coat on the chair as she turned and faced Jo slowly lifting her skirt exposing herself again to her lover.
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Abi slowly lifted the skirt of her polka dot dress to expose her womanhood to Josephine.

“Don’t presume, Rat,” Josephine chuckled as she employed the nickname she had given Abi in the shower that morning, wondering if she would remember. She settled into Abi’s desk chair, lifting her dress so that she sat directly on the cool leather, which she assumed had been treated to resist staining. An erogenous thrill shot up her spine. “I still haven’t decided if I’ll let you come now, or stick to my original plan and torture you all afternoon. For the moment....”

Josephine spread her stockinged legs, her garters framing the object of Abi’s intended attention.
