Lindi’s Lovely Little Lit Location

Hi there & welcome ☺️

I really enjoyed having a few threads during my first wee stint on lit. The first one went a little pear shaped and the second is no longer applicable. I’m trying to find my people, my tribe and wanted to potentially create a space here. It’s more for; fun, chatting, being silly, flirting, and to potentially share pics. I feel these threads take on a personality all of their own.

Please follow the forum rules in addition to the following:
- Don’t be a dick. People with (and without let’s not discriminate) dicks are great, people being dicks are not, unless it’s satire/banter. Most people know the difference. You’ll be told by someone if in doubt.
- Remember we’re real people (for the most part). Things get misinterpreted and misunderstood especially in an online environment. Refer to previous rule.

Aaaaaand that’s it for now. Pretty simple right ☺️.
Does it cost anything?
Do I need to apply?
If chosen, do I get to choose whether I'm categorized as "your people" or "your tribe?
Is it possible to be bothered?
Will there be snacks?

Sure wish I was more bratty sometimes. You guys look like you have so much fun!
Oh no… you are absolutely perfect just the way you are. Pulls you in for a hug. If anything gets too much. Come and rest with me for a bit. I always welcome a snuggly reset 🫂
I'm too tired to be bratty
It takes all types. And who doesn’t LOVE toast 😘
Does it cost anything?
Do I need to apply?
If chosen, do I get to choose whether I'm categorized as "your people" or "your tribe?
Is it possible to be bothered?
Will there be snacks?

No fee
No application
All kindness and friendliness co side red entry to my tribe.
I have my person but that’s a whole other convo 🤪

There are ALWAYS snacky snacks
Hi there & welcome ☺️

I really enjoyed having a few threads during my first wee stint on lit. The first one went a little pear shaped and the second is no longer applicable. I’m trying to find my people, my tribe and wanted to potentially create a space here.
Woohoo! I love a Lindi thread. Hi hi hi. Hope you're keeping well ❤️