Lit blog

I actually rejected somebody today for my journal. I feel bad about it but I had to do it.
vampiredust said:
I actually rejected somebody today for my journal. I feel bad about it but I had to do it.

it sucks doesn't it? makes it a little easier to be on the rejected side though if that is any consolation :)

Just wait until you have to reject someone you really like :eek:
cherries_on_snow said:
I say Fuck Fuck (and hope noone else said it first.)

ahh I did not mean to give FUCK a bad name...I still encourage y'all to submit there
My last couple of days is best described in this poem I just wrote
... well it is kinda a poem, lol.

grease covered skin, been there
all day it seems. hair askew
from repeated combing
of fingers through
and through. sticking up
on ends like corn corn stalks
out in the field, amess.

a pony tail, half hung
swaying from room to room,
swish to swishing
of the dust rag
spot to spot, table to chair
mirror cleanings, and bathroom

fingers, arms, hands
hell ... whole body
bruised from daily grinding
of work, for the weary.

muscle aches, blood shot
eyes, that blink
blink and close
just for a second, to catch
up with the ass that moves
to the beat of another day
another dollar ~

I am sure everyone understands the fine art ... of cleaning, lol ~

Oh sorry it does not have fuck in it. So I will say this
Fuck cleaning ... sighs* Man that felt good, really good !!
Hehehehehe. lmao
Promising self to say that at least 5 times today~ :D

Ya'll have a great one ~


it's raining, everything is grey but the grass seems almost neon with it's color so vibrant against the sky
The irises are blooming in the garden, the good irises from germany...not your typical varieties, unusual colors...I will have to go buy some more film.
I got in.
I am officially part of the US army.
*cringe cringe cry*
My nerves are shot, and I'm still not sure if I should be doing this.
I cut all my hair off.
I look like a boy.
A boy with pink hair.
I'm going to dye it black.
Simply because I don't think any other color will cover the pink.
I eat too much, smoke too much, and don't do enough exercise.
But that means I'm FINALLY up to one-hundred and ten pounds for the first time in almost 3 years!!
now, I go to drink a gallon of sweet tea and some pringles and try and learn the ranks a bit better, and hopefully get a promotion for heading off to basic.

ghost_girl said:
congratulations, sweet child :)

I made it into the marines, but found out I was preggers and didnt wanna let my drunk hubby raise my kids, so I decided against it. was gonna be in military itelligence.

have they given your MOS yet?

good luck, I will always think good thoughts for you, and when you come to Ft Jackson, SC, LET ME KNOW!!! ( thats where MOST of the baisc training is performed and dear Lord, its hot hee in July and August, but you will be okay.)I am 15 miles from there and will visit you.

My grandpa was there before WWII and it was called Camp Jackson. He was a message runner in the army and founght in the battle of the bulge. IM fighting my own version of that right now :D

ps, look up a captain s. hamilton, he is SO fine!! yummy ;)



ps, I deleted my nekkid pics off that GB thread so yall can quit with the Pm's now... :p

Naked pictures always mean you'll be getting around 80 PMs a day. :rolleyes:

I tried giving somebody some useful advice today but they just shoved it back in my face. Some people will never learn. Period.
i'd pray to God and ask him for an hour
of sunshine today, if i thought
it'd make a difference. i'd ask for poetry
to lift their spirits and carry
them along on a journey free of loose metal
of knives and blades, of parting. i'd ask
but really, the rain is inevitable.
What the fuck difference does it's the same story over and over, the lack of trust, the fighting, the shoving, the yelling. This has not happend in a long time, I guess you were saving it up. Suspicious eyes see stories that I would never even think of, I am not like that. I know there is nothing I can say that will change your jaded heart but know this love, I never did what you accuse me of and the more you accuse me, the farther it drives me away. I know every woman before me has cut you, I bear your revenge on my soul. I carry all your stones you can't let go of.
am quite happy, I received a really nice e-mail from an editor telling me how much he loved my poetry.
It was springtime when I lost you,
the sunflowers had just begun to sprout
and I described them to you
Look! two leaves!
now four!

I hesitated before writing you
of the cliche of life springing from dirt
but I could not help it. I loved you.
Everything was new.

You were gone before the stems grew thick
but I still wrote you every day as they grew
"taller than the fence, taller than my head."
I snapped photos of myself hiding naked
behind the spiny leaves. Did you forgive me
for giving myself to him
while the flowers we planted
were still alive? While the dirt of your grave
had not frozen its first winter?

Baby I wish you could see
their heads bend with the weight
of their seeds. Out of nowhere Goldfinch appeared.
I cannot bear to pull the dead plants
from the ground.

But I do not write you anymore.
Two seasons of flowers have passed
just like they always have.
This year sunflowers sprout under the birdfeeder
I pull them out and toss them behind the shrubs.
It gives me something to write.
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vampiredust said:
I tried giving somebody some useful advice today but they just shoved it back in my face. Some people will never learn. Period.

I am sorry this happened to you, I know it is frustrating. But people do learn. Their teachers are usually not around when they figure it out, but they do learn :) and I am sure your lesson will show up someday, most likely in the form of the individual thinking it was their own revelation. The brain likes those much better than advice from others. :cool:

I will thank you for the advice, even though it was not me who got it, because there were many people who gave me advice who I never thanked, who I most likely do not even remember or realize how much they impacted me.

you are a poet, aren't you?
would think you had some sort of immunity
to the poet's tongue,
poet's touch your arms with words
they always have
but now
they are not reaching from the pages of a book,

their hands are alive
and open, waiting,
sometimes even motioning to me
come closer trust me
I am a poet

you would think I was immune by now
but damn it
I am just a fool
"wholly to be a fool while spring is in the world*"
writes one and I fall in love
it is a safe fall
lord help me look at him on the back cover---
in that worn indigo jacket and weathered face
darkened by a sun that he never thought to block
it soaked right into his eyes
they wrap me like a cold spring morning blanket
that had fallen off the bed

Another writes
"I listen to the polluted river flow. It flows just like a clean one.**"
His photograph smiles at me
just like it smiles at everyone
and I force myself
do not fall in love with this man
do not even say hello

he is real
he is alive
and you already know how it ends

*ee cummings
**pm me if you want to know the source
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got a nice acceptance e-mail today from the lovely editor at SOFTBLOW. That made my day as did his lovely comments on my poetry yesterday.
Willows_Tears said:
you are a poet, aren't you?
would think you had some sort of immunity
to the poet's tongue,
poet's touch your arms with words
they always have
but now
they are not reaching from the pages of a book,

their hands are alive
and open, waiting,
sometimes even motioning to me
come closer trust me
I am a poet

you would think I was immune by now
but damn it
I am just a fool
"wholly to be a fool while spring is in the world*"
writes one and I fall in love
it is a safe fall
lord help me look at him on the back cover---
in that worn indigo jacket and weathered face
darkened by a sun that he never thought to block
it soaked right into his eyes
they wrap me like a cold spring morning blanket
that had fallen off the bed

Another writes
"I listen to the polluted river flow. It flows just like a clean one.**"
His photograph smiles at me
just like it smiles at everyone
and I force myself
do not fall in love with this man
do not even say hello

he is real
he is alive
and you already know how it ends

*ee cummings
**pm me if you want to know the source

love this. very alive ~!!
feeling it gurl. this one rocks into the soul
and holds tight ~

:rose: :rose:
I went to a store today to get a present for my mom's birthday, confronted by the loudest, most screechiest sales assistant. I did the strangest thing. I told her that her voice was screechy, it was the most direct, straight-from-the-mind thing I had ever dared to say. I think I must have been still high from the extra strong coffee I had earlier. Suprisingly, she didn't turn round and kick me in the nuts. She actually admitted that she was too loud, which kinda shocked me.
vampiredust said:
I went to a store today to get a present for my mom's birthday, confronted by the loudest, most screechiest sales assistant. I did the strangest thing. I told her that her voice was screechy, it was the most direct, straight-from-the-mind thing I had ever dared to say. I think I must have been still high from the extra strong coffee I had earlier. Suprisingly, she didn't turn round and kick me in the nuts. She actually admitted that she was too loud, which kinda shocked me.

:rose: :rose:
Maybe she needed the wake up call. Sometimes that is all it takes. Peeps get busy in that 9-5 swing and get into a groove, forgettin day, time, space ... :rolleyes:

My 5 yr old son told a man at the flea market ... You know your really fat, and all your stuff is really dirty. I mean everything. You need to wash it or sumfin' ... :eek:

I just about fell out and melted into the sidewalk ...

RhymeFairy said:
My 5 yr old son told a man at the flea market ... You know your really fat, and all your stuff is really dirty. I mean everything. You need to wash it or sumfin' ... :eek:

I just about fell out and melted into the sidewalk ...


That would make such a great poem. I can picture that in my mind.
