Lit blog

Ugggg ~

I have a fever. Coughing and so damn sick. I can hardly catch my breath for all the darn coughing. I been lurking around here all evening. Wanting to write just no inspiration, and no stamina. Just feel yucky ... Until
Ex pm'd me. All pissy about *bashing him last week on the threads. So I had to retaliate, not nice. I should have resisted I know, but sometimes a girl has to say what she thinks, and this was one of those days it just hit me wrong. Told me he thought I was in a fowl mood ... if he only knew. ~

So if ya read any of my last poems ... writes, vents. Take heart. I am going to bed before I explode. Or worse, have a freakin stroke ~

Nighty night all ... Happy Writing ~

:rose: :rose:
wildsweetone said:
i'd pray to God and ask him for an hour
of sunshine today, if i thought
it'd make a difference. i'd ask for poetry
to lift their spirits and carry
them along on a journey free of loose metal
of knives and blades, of parting. i'd ask
but really, the rain is inevitable.

Just missing ya my friend. Hoping all is well.
Looking for the sunshine ... following the rain ~

:rose: :rose:
:) hubby is taking me to the beach today. Oh, yesterday, in the State newspaper, there is a picture of the Butt Meat sign. The little town where it is, Paxville, got its first stop light this past week and that sorta thing makes the news in SC.

there aint nothing wrong with butt meat, if its spanked properly

you guys have a nice week


normal jean said:
:) hubby is taking me to the beach today. Oh, yesterday, in the State newspaper, there is a picture of the Butt Meat sign. The little town where it is, Paxville, got its first stop light this past week and that sorta thing makes the news in SC.

there aint nothing wrong with butt meat, if its spanked properly

you guys have a nice week


What better place to get butt meat properly tanned than the beach? Have a great time, NJ!
Today was a big day for me.

For two years a journey has been nearing its end. Finished, just not quiet at its completed end. Closure is a strange thing. One can reach for it, until it is held firmly in hand ... looked at, pondered upon, watched so closely a blink couldn't be missed. What does it really mean? When something is over, ended is it ever really, truly done? For so long my goal has stood before me, egging me on. Camped outside my door, its flame beckoning ... follow. All will come in time. So once one has reached the finish line, what then? All T's crossed. I's dotted, notarized in triplicate, signed, sealed and delivered. Another trophy piece of paper ... to stash, file away for future references. Never dream the impossible, for the impossible is right over the hill, around the corner, in the alley, at the end of It Could Happen To You Too Road ~

:rose: :D
Woke up at 3 am. Fuck. I seem to be getting less and less sleep these days. Went back to bed and got just four hours more before deciding to get out of bed. Thank god for caffeine, I would have fallen asleep at the Post Office today if it wasn't for that.
RhymeFairy said:
Today was a big day for me.

For two years a journey has been nearing its end. Finished, just not quiet at its completed end. Closure is a strange thing. One can reach for it, until it is held firmly in hand ... looked at, pondered upon, watched so closely a blink couldn't be missed. What does it really mean? When something is over, ended is it ever really, truly done? For so long my goal has stood before me, egging me on. Camped outside my door, its flame beckoning ... follow. All will come in time. So once one has reached the finish line, what then? All T's crossed. I's dotted, notarized in triplicate, signed, sealed and delivered. Another trophy piece of paper ... to stash, file away for future references. Never dream the impossible, for the impossible is right over the hill, around the corner, in the alley, at the end of It Could Happen To You Too Road ~

:rose: :D

one door closes because another is waiting to open.
RhymeFairy said:
Today was a big day for me.

For two years a journey has been nearing its end. Finished, just not quiet at its completed end. Closure is a strange thing. One can reach for it, until it is held firmly in hand ... looked at, pondered upon, watched so closely a blink couldn't be missed. What does it really mean? When something is over, ended is it ever really, truly done? For so long my goal has stood before me, egging me on. Camped outside my door, its flame beckoning ... follow. All will come in time. So once one has reached the finish line, what then? All T's crossed. I's dotted, notarized in triplicate, signed, sealed and delivered. Another trophy piece of paper ... to stash, file away for future references. Never dream the impossible, for the impossible is right over the hill, around the corner, in the alley, at the end of It Could Happen To You Too Road ~

:rose: :D

Congratulations. Now let the healing truly begin and live life once again. Am happy for you.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Thanks Sweet ~ LeBroz :rose:

Seems my door has been *flung open. Been sooo busy. Is it not amazing what happens when one gets a day off. Think I would rather work ... lol.

Watchin movies with the kids,
and making treasure chests.
It's Pirate week at Summer Camp ~

ooohhh, guess what I saw!! ;)


there is a boardwalk built to the shoreline at the state park where we stayed. i have only seen one other snake up really close, this one was a huge specimen.

hubby and I were walking along and a man and his little grandson, Bryce, ( he was about 4 I would guess), the older man was talking to hubby and me and the little boy walked ahead. I happened to notice a movement at the base of the boards and it was the tail end, about 6 inches of fat, thick snake. I was looking for the head, ya know, to see what kind it was and boom, there he was looking up at me!!

hubby said, oh hell, baby!! I stepped back and the little boy stood there with his mouth gaping open as the snake slithered away. He took a deep breath, wonder filling his precious eyes and he screeched, Papa!! that???!!

it was precious, the amazement in the child's eyes. I saw him react to his first snake. I was never with my own kids when they saw one in the wild until they were completely grown up and it didnt amaze them ...

we had a good time

I can't sleep. Something's bothering me, and it's not the heat. A few months ago, I did something stupid. I was really depressed and things came to a head when I tried to kill myself. Hell, I tried the easiest method I could think of at the time: an overdose. My doctor had given a prescription for a two month supply of antidepressants (citalopram) and I decided to use them. One night, I swallowed 55 of them, one after the other. In a minute I had swallowed close to two months worth, I was waaay over the recommended dosage and was on lethal terms. I knew death would come.

But I didn't die. For some odd fucking reason I didn't die. This whole thing is really bothering me.
vampiredust said:
I can't sleep. Something's bothering me, and it's not the heat. A few months ago, I did something stupid. I was really depressed and things came to a head when I tried to kill myself. Hell, I tried the easiest method I could think of at the time: an overdose. My doctor had given a prescription for a two month supply of antidepressants (citalopram) and I decided to use them. One night, I swallowed 55 of them, one after the other. In a minute I had swallowed close to two months worth, I was waaay over the recommended dosage and was on lethal terms. I knew death would come.

But I didn't die. For some odd fucking reason I didn't die. This whole thing is really bothering me.
I found this link,link: Citalopram, lethal dose unknown. For what it's worth, I'm very glad you were unsucessful in your attempt. Try not to let it bother you anymore, worry about it. Get some good sleep and move on. Focus on good things that are happening in your life and hopefully it all turn around. :rose:
vampiredust said:
I can't sleep. Something's bothering me, and it's not the heat. A few months ago, I did something stupid. I was really depressed and things came to a head when I tried to kill myself. Hell, I tried the easiest method I could think of at the time: an overdose. My doctor had given a prescription for a two month supply of antidepressants (citalopram) and I decided to use them. One night, I swallowed 55 of them, one after the other. In a minute I had swallowed close to two months worth, I was waaay over the recommended dosage and was on lethal terms. I knew death would come.

But I didn't die. For some odd fucking reason I didn't die. This whole thing is really bothering me.

hey there my favourite pom!
it seems there are more things for you to do in your lifetime.
i too am glad you are still here.
I am also glad, vampiredust, that you didnt succeed inyour attempt. we have a distressing bond between us, dont we ;)



well, the beach was fun fun, but I woke up with a horrible sore throat this morning. I believe it had to do with eating at buffets, I get so grossed out, imagining all the microorganisms on spoons and tongs at the counter. I just dont trust most people to be as clean as I am :D I saw a lady once, at a Ryans, drop a large plastic salad spoon, she looked around then picked it up and stuck it back in the lettuce bin.

I casually walked over to her and asked her if she would want her food to touch that, she called me a name and I just told her to think about how disgusting what she did actually was... IM a bitch, I know..sorry

I just blame the buffet for my throat, couldnt have been the wind at the shore, or the heat, or anything else, right? :cool:

oh well, more ice cream should do the trick....

oh, just a tidbit from microbiology class a while back..

we did swabs of ordinary items used by people everyday at our school, then made cultures of them...the water fountain had more bacteria than the toilet seats we tested :D
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I have been reading through some older writings/musings of mine. I see such a difference btwn now and then. I wanna rewrite it all. Yet, it touches me, plays with my mind, making me work it through ... how. What if I ...

It is no use I know. Too much, but now I wonder. Which is better now or then. I know others here have felt the same. Maybe there is a happy medium somewhere. Just no clue where that road leads but I know I shall find out.

Sound as weird to you as it does to me? lol
Wiggin out from not enough sleep I guess.

he has moved from trying to win me back to the anger and revenge stage, which makes it a lot easier to resist the pull to fall back into him, but I do not like to see him hurting. I do not mind the attacks, I know he is angry, I just hope he does not do anything foolish or follow through on his threats. I am not going to try to talk him down, that would just give him power and make him want to use more threats. I have to say I am surprised to see him like this, I did not know he had it in him.

what are the five steps of grief? I guess it works for relationships too.

denial- I think I am still there :) but will be patient

which one am I missing?

but that is nothing new


and I know, I know they do not really come in any particular order
Ending relationships

It is the hardest thing to do, I think, and something they don't teach in school. And it gets tougher as you go because down the line there are investments at stake, children, etc. So many people do it poorly. I had a psych professor once say that men stay in the denial stage longer than women do, and that is why breakups get messy; he said women mourn the relationship like a death and have more pain for less duration, whereas men tend to draw it out, convincing ourselves that we still have the power, somehow, to stop the split. Further, I think some men take it very personally when they can't impact the situation, like a kind of emotional impotence. And they don't sell enough Viagra to help with that. :rolleyes:
Reading through the weekend

As I think I've written before, I love books—am basically addicted to buying books. I spend a lot of time in bookstores and buy all kinds of things.

Lately (this is probably not surprising) I have bought a lot of poetry books. Many, perhaps most, of these have been books I've deliberately gone looking for, but there have been quite a lot of more haphazard purchases as well. Yesterday, for example, I was at one of my favorite bookstores, browsing around on the remainders table. It's a large independent bookstore associated with the university, so there are quite a lot of books from which to choose, often several remaindered poetry books. Such was the case yesterday.

I ended up buying four different books, for about five dollars apiece. All were by authors I had never heard of before. When I got home, I started poking around in the books—ruffling the pages, reading bits here and there, looking at the covers. Reading the blurbs.

Here, one in particular caught my eye. Blurbs are what the publishing industry calls those little quotes you see on books that are usually written by other authors. The kind of thing where you find that Stephen King thinks the book you're holding in your hand is "A gripping read! I couldn't put it down!" or that John Updike wants to tell you that the book is "Elegant and surreal. Accomplished!" (Blurbs like to use exclamation points.)

On poetry books, the blurbs I'm used to seeing are by other poets—ideally, by poets one might have heard about before. Ted Kooser would be a good blurb, for example, as he's both Poet Laureate and a Pulitzer Prize winner. Seamus Heaney? Good—Nobel laureate. "Long Tom" Dorcaster? Bad. Who the hell is he?

Publishers think blurbs influence you to buy the book.

One of the books I had picked up had interesting blurbs. Or, more accurately, blurbs from interesting people. Rock and pop stars, to be exact (Jeff Tweedy of Wilco and some guy from Sonic Youth) along with your more typical poet-you've-never-heard-of. Even more interesting, the foreword was by Richard Howard (poet-I-have-heard-of), and George Plimpton was mentioned among the acknowledgments. Still further, the poet sounded interesting as being simultaneously: (1) a professor, (2) publisher of an esteemed small press with connections to The Atlantic and Paris Review, and (3) editor of a little magazine of some history.

Yipes! I thought, This guy must be Superman on coke or something.

And, at least at first glance, even the poems seemed pretty good. So I wanted to know some more about the guy.

Paging Google!!

Now things turn weird. Guy's small press had prestigious competitions (poems, fiction) sponsored by Paris Review. Guy took a lot of submissions, along with entry fees. No response. Press dissolves, bankrupt, fees not returned. No longer professor at school listed in his 2005 book's bio. Blogs galore start strafing the guy as a rip-off artist and lowlife supreme.

I wanna go, what the hell happened? Excess of ambition? Cash flow problems? Guy is apparently on the fast track to academic and artistic success and the whole damn train apparently derailed.


I still kind of like the poems, anyway.
my head feels like an untuned radio

damn this heat
and all this jazz
dancing with my
stress declining

Hi. A few of you knew I was planning to relocate to New York this week, but one of my major issues was that I had no firm plans of where to stay once I got there, planning to stay in a hotel until I got a place. This weekend brought me great luck in terms of having not one but two places that will work as temporary digs for me and my cat. So, I am homeless no more. Yay for old drinking buddies. They come through more often than one might think. :)