Lit blog


I have always been shy. That isn't an unusual statement to make. Something like fifty percent of people self-report themselves as being chronically shy. It's why horoscopes and psychics like to tell you things like other people think you're outgoing, but you really are very shy. Most of us go how the hell did she/he know that? and buy into the rest of the reading like trout hitting an especially meaty-looking lure.

I, though, have the numbers to back me up. Chalk it up to luck or my semi-mathematical background, but I got 'em. Real numbers. "The set of all rational numbers and irrational numbers", just to make it formal, like.

In my first semester at university, they gave us a personality test. Probably now that would be considered an invasion of privacy. Maybe not. I don't have kids, so I'm a little outside the loop on what's OK and what's not.

Anyway. Personality test. I scored pretty normal on things, generally. Close to the mean. High on the Autonomy scale, which at the time they said something like it meant I didn't like people to tell me what to do and that I valued independent thought. Could just be me remembering what I want to, though.

The one scale I was really out of whack on was the SE, or Social Extroversion, scale. Scored in the twelfth percentile. That means that a whole 88 percent of you deal better with others than I do, or did at the time. Counts as neurotic, at least. Get thee to a psychiatrist kinda number.

That was years and years ago, and I've gotten better, but not that much better. I won't go to parties, for example, if I don't already know most everyone there. They scare the shit out of me.

The odd thing is that what I do for a living is stand up in front of strangers and talk. So, performance, basically. I've learned to do it by doing lots of prep work, psyching myself up, and going show. Work the audience. Tell jokes. It's very weird.

I was at a show last week with my new salesperson, who is a very outgoing woman, but new at the job. She, oddly, seemed nervous and I ended up controlling the chit-chat with everyone we talked to, whether I knew them or not. So what do you think of that new university campus? The city is sure growing by leaps and bounds, isn't it? I don't know about global warming, but we don't seem to get as much rain as we used to, don't you think?

Fucking scaring myself.

One of the things I like about this place is that I sometimes can just let go and say stuff and if it comes out wrong or stupid or offensive or even hurtful, it's somehow still OK because it's like the one place I can just wing it and be me, however dumb and unlikable that is.

Now no "oh you poor baby" responses are required, people. This is just me as theater. Always wired, but only semi-accurate.

But remember that when I say something you object to, be gentle. I'm really very shy.
He says, "Your fascination with owl pellets is making me wonder about the quality of my submission."

Don't all poems start as something that once was alive and scurrying in your path, swallowed whole, digested as much as possible then coughed back up in a nice little package?

The biggest difference is that the owl does not stick around to see if some kid is going to get out the scapel while the poet who sits on her perch and watches. If no one comes to dissect her masterpiece, she may even send out advertisements and mating calls in hopes someone will dig into her processes, see if there is anything good among the fur and bones and cartilidge, imagine their own flesh being re-constructed into something alive.

Her head twists 360° in search of prey. She knows she could never swallow you whole, but maybe you could dance, wings lifted, chest puffed, you look much bigger. Would you hold it by the tail? Pink feet scrambling through the air for something solid.
flu sucks

i can't breathe too well and am coughing constantly

hate this, hate this a lot
vampiredust said:
flu sucks

i can't breathe too well and am coughing constantly

hate this, hate this a lot
Hey, don't spread it!

No problem, I have covered your picture by a thick layer of Neosporin.

Get well :)

Senna Jawa
You are not going to believe this, but my Uncle Frank had an owl in his nose too. I think his was trained, though, as it mostly spoke when he dozed off. Frank's crazy wife, Aunt Flossie, had a talking parrot in a painted cage. Long after she died, Frank still had to listen to her calling him lazy bastard shut up goddamn it wanna cracker squalk! The fucking owl never did anything to defend his host's honor even though he could have turned it into a colorful pellet without halfway trying.
Senna Jawa said:
Hey, don't spread it!

No problem, I have covered your picture by a thick layer of Neosporin.

Get well :)

Senna Jawa
Sorry, Senna: bactericides have no effect on a flu virus. You need an antiviral program on your computer.
I've been playing on and off with a zendo and intermittently practicing zazen at home.

Don't tell anyone.

there's another girl, and this one is slightly more serious. Another of the ones with unique backstories (you should read that as, 'immense baggage'). Let's go down the list:

1. Practicing, raised from birth Satanist, who had also dabbled in prostitution. High points of our relationship included aborting herself in my bathtub and passing out there for me to find, she is now a confirmed, baptized and married christian woman. All my efforts may not have been in vain - or, you know, I was so bad she had to turn somewhere for salvation. (Scary, but those could be the same statements, phrased differently)

2. Paranoid Schizophrenic, who thought it'd be ok to not mention that fact until I came home, one day and found her in the shower - with the lights off and her clothes on, crying because the voices had been too much to take, that day. She cheated on me with her ex boyfriend for a month and then offered me drugs before breaking it off. I'd have been just as vaguely bemused without the oxycodone, but... Hey. Free drugs.

3. A slew of raging alcoholics, followed by one of the most emotionally repressive, outright crazy women I've ever met (That I'm fair certain I'll love more than anyone else - ever. Bold statement, but I'm a bold (or stupid. s'the difference?) guy.)

4. (most recent) A recovering heroin addict (5 years clean, recently) with intimacy issues and about the severest case of oversensitivity I've ever encountered. We waited almost a month to sleep together - and she hasn't called in a day. Was it my technique? (Ah, here i go being bold, again) ... probably not. I'm not sure I had the energy to pay her maintenance fees, anyway.

Cowboy Bebop sez: "Easy come, easy go. See you, space cowboy."

Some days, I wish you could make shit like this up. My beard and hair get longer, daily, and I've been worrying less and less about seeming clean and pressed at work. The corporation's going to come around and bite my ass, but I'm moving past something in my head and it feels more important to focus on that than whether I'm dressed to code. Starting to feel like I'm ready to stop coasting. Scary.

I write, but it's all about Her. I get so foolish and romantic about her - and I'm the one that left, this time. This time. Fuckin'a. How many times?

Evil hope/twisted sadist whispers: " 'Til you get it right, fucker."

And deep down, that's what I want. Her, the capitalized girl. My poison, my sick muse, downfall, my addiction, my drug of a woman.

She's not the greatest looking girl I've ever been with, doesn't have the best body, or the coolest personality. She's got a fat ass, mismatched tits, and she's a cranky bitch that fucking hates everything. I'm relatively cute, fairly charming, quick witted and generally self confident. I could have and have had other, better looking, nicer girls. But I remain distant from them. I should get a tattoo that says, 'Sorry, honey, here to go.' And that makes me an asshole for knowing better and doing it anyway. I feel like I should try.

I love Her. I love her enormous ass and her little breasts, her bad attitude and how sometimes I can make her laugh until she can't breathe. I love who we can be for each other, when we're not being awful.

I know, also, that it'll never work, because we're not right to each other. FOR each other, maybe - god knows we shouldn't inflict ourselves on other, more innocent people. But we're not right TO each other, ever.

I have drugs, a large bottle of soda, fried rice and a video game.

Didn't go to work, today.

Probably won't go tomorrow. Yay, open ended doctor's notes and general amusement at irresponsibility. Boo, infections that require antibiotics and large amounts of painkillers.

Birthday on Wednesday - insurance rates drop and then I have nothing else to look forward to that's pinned to a specific age, unless you count 40, but I'm not sure I'll want to celebrate what everyone makes feel like the beginning of the end.

I love you, sometimes. but I'm secretly certain we're idiots.

It's ok. A human failing.

My roommate and I have started a photo collection of ourselves in various establishments, having weaseled/fast talked our way into getting shots in the most intimate settings possible - back rooms of warehouses, donut shops, gas stations - we tell lies about internet photodocumentaries or photojournalism diaries, or just straight up ask, "Hey, will you pose in a picture with one of us, say... in your office?" It's an amusing diversion when we're out and doing nothing more than maybe getting a few beers or a late night 24 hour donut fix.

that's all I've got.

Goodnight, kids. I've got a game to play.

annaswirls said:
You are not going to believe this, but my Uncle Frank had an owl in his nose too. I think his was trained, though, as it mostly spoke when he dozed off. Frank's crazy wife, Aunt Flossie, had a talking parrot in a painted cage. Long after she died, Frank still had to listen to her calling him lazy bastard shut up goddamn it wanna cracker squalk! The fucking owl never did anything to defend his host's honor even though he could have turned it into a colorful pellet without halfway trying.

this is a riot !! lmao ~

I see him dozing off
feet spread eagle wide
mouth agape, as nostrils flare
sparing no one of his speaking owls
horn rimmed hoot ~

imagery ... is everything eh ~

DeepAsleep said:
I've been playing on and off with a zendo and intermittently practicing zazen at home. . .
Ah, D.A.!

I like to think of you as my bastard Omaha love child.

Yes, I know that's redundant.

Good day. :rose:
Fall is a wonderful time of year. This is our first fall in Texas, so
it is not the apple cider, warm sweater, leaves on fire kind of fall
that I grew up with, but it rained three inches the grass is green and
our yard no longer feels like a sidewalk, the thermometer has not
broken 100° in a few weeks and a whole new set of wildflowers has
grabbed the opportunity to make a run for it while the going is
good.... so yes, fall is still a lovely time of year.
DeepAsleep said:
Well, I'm a bastard, at least.


perhaps but at least you are a relatively cute, fairly charming, quick witted and generally self confident bastard :heart:
annaswirls said:
Fall is a wonderful time of year. This is our first fall in Texas, so
it is not the apple cider, warm sweater, leaves on fire kind of fall
that I grew up with, but it rained three inches the grass is green and
our yard no longer feels like a sidewalk, the thermometer has not
broken 100° in a few weeks and a whole new set of wildflowers has
grabbed the opportunity to make a run for it while the going is
good.... so yes, fall is still a lovely time of year.

Sounds like a wonderful time. We had temp here in the upper 80's till yesterday.
Now our nights are at freezing point and days ... 50's :eek:
Time to drag out the ear muffs and scarves ... :D
Or find a big stud muffin snugglebug eh ~ :devil: ;)
I left fall behind
in Virginia
then came home
to the tail-end
of a Carolina summer
normal jean said:
I left fall behind
in Virginia
then came home
to the tail-end
of a Carolina summer

this sounds beautiful :rose:

I see what your saying,
just your wording touches my silly heart :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
this sounds beautiful :rose:

I see what your saying,
just your wording touches my silly heart :rose:


I went from long sleeves, sweatshirt and coat to shorts and a tank top by the time I got here, lol.

the leaves are further along up there, usually down here they go from green to falliing off... :cool: I hope to be in Florida before it gets too cold
arsenic and smurfs, no lace

the job though is bad in some ways, great in others,

I got up there expecting to be a top helper and the general foreman that hired me and hubby met us at the gate and told me, "julie, youre gonna be a journeyman on this one" and he winked at me.

The boiler houses have many different things in them, but our task is the removal and replacement of the burners. Somewhere along the process, the coal is pulverized into powder and then shot through these huge tubes that weigh 1145 lbs, it is mixed with a low shot of nitrous and then entered out the other end of the burner into the boiler where it burns and heats the water in thousands of giant, long tubes. The resulting steam turns turbines and that produces the electricity...

well, the burners that we are replacing, are in a section called the wind box, and it is filled with left-over fly ash, a by product of burned coal. That fly ash is just loaded with all sorts of yummy stuff like arsenic, so when we go in to put the burners back , we have to wear blue Tyvex suits and respirators.

The boss man couldnt contain himslef when he first saw me in that suit, said I looked like a Smurf nurse. I pretended like he insulted me, but I really did look like a smurf nurse with a hardhat.

There are people abating asbestos and lead all around us all day long. Anyime we have to cut something or grind on it, we have to have the paint tested first.

I love the mechanical aspect of that job, learn so much, and something new everyday. I am not the only female on this one though, there are probably 50 women on site not counting the office girls.

I have pictures of the plant from the parking lot, cameras arebanned at this one too... :(
annaswirls said:
perhaps but at least you are a relatively cute, fairly charming, quick witted and generally self confident bastard :heart:

I think bravado got lost in the shuffle, but it seems to come across, anyway.
Anna Kournikova

My writing partner introduced me to ANNA. Why he ever did that is a mystery, as I did not get anything productive done for an hour afterwards.

I googled her and then oogled her and then fell sleep dreaming about wrestling her to
the ground, she put up quite a fight, surely, that fiesty young thing.

Maybe it was the Raging Bull I had for dessert but there I was, my hands tight around her wrists, forcing her onto the sand, black dress torn, my leg pressed between her thighs damp bikini on my knee and I would force my mouth onto her until I could feel it happening, the rise of her pelvis ever-so-subtly, lifting herself to meet me. Just like any good rape fantasy, of course she began begging for it what else could I do but give the girl what she asks for?

What has he done, introducing this forty-love fashion remix damn this girl can squeeze testesterone from an ovary and I swear if I wake up with hair on my chest he is in big trouble.
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annaswirls said:
My writing partner introduced me to ANNA.
You mean the tennis star, right? It's Kournikova.

(Navratilova may have similar longings to yours).

annaswirls said:
My writing partner introduced me to ANNA. [...]

I [...] then fell sleep dreaming about wrestling her to the ground, [...]
Even in your sleep you can hardly dream about wrestling to the ground Maria Sharapova, not likely.

Senna Jawa said:
Even in your sleep you can hardly dream about wrestling to the ground Maria Sharapova, not likely.


ha ha ha are you the dream police come to write me a ticket? :rolleyes: come on now SJ -- shall I move my post, is this a strictly non-fiction thread?

oh wait... or are you introducing a new player? who is Maria Sharapova? I have no knowledge of the tennis world beyond the fashion shots that I saw which surprised me in googling Anna Kournikova, as I had never heard of her before
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annaswirls said:
ha ha ha are you the dream police come to write me a ticket? :rolleyes: come on now SJ -- shall I move my post, is this a strictly non-fiction thread?
I am not into policing anything (that's why I can't really be a true, professional teacher). And dreams are very bloggish anyway. I just don't want you to get bruised even in your dream.

oh wait... or are you introducing a new player? who is Maria Sharapova? I have no knowledge of the tennis world beyond the fashion shots that I saw which surprised me in googling Anna Kournikova, as I had never heard of her before
Maria Sharapova is another Russian tennis beauty, not 20 yet. She was even world number 1 tennis player, for a short time though, and now she's number 3. She won Wimbledon and Masters in 2004, and US Open this year. If I remember correctly, she's currently making more $$ than any other sportsman (I mean on the tennis court + outside the court--mainly outside).

Now, about wrestling, Maria is 6'2" or 6'3" (about 188 to 190cm, depending on the source) and in a pretty good shape.

Anna Kournikowa is softer, more feminine. Maria Sharapova is still more like a 14 year old teen, despite her development, so to speak. They look differently. That's why we need polygamy. Oh, and there is also a third young and beautiful outstanding Russian female tennis player, Maria Kirilenko.

Enjoy :)
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thank you for the tutorial! I should pay better attention to sports I suppose :)

Senna Jawa said:
They look differently. That's why we need polygamy.
Enjoy :)

you are the best :) and thanks for watching out for me, I will make sure to be careful when selecting my dreamtime prey (in reality, I am a pacifist, and would never get further than an attempt at a tickle) because I know as well a most, the bruises of dreams are often as tender as those of "reality"

~Anna Swirlzova
annaswirls said:
thank you for the tutorial!
When in a new territory, you can use all advice that you can get.

I should pay better attention to sports I suppose :)
I love swimming and water, but don't ask me about those other water sports.

thanks for watching out for me
Any time. And pay attention. Negotiate with Martina Navratilova because it's her terrain; or sneak around her but carefully, very cartefully.

Martina is a tennis legend, one of the three best ever, possibly the best. She still played this year, doubles. Martina is not exactly young but the tone of her biceps is intimidating.

Good luck, Anna, in your dreams and away from dreams too,

(that's a nickname for Vladimir--I was born Vladimir, and was called Vova or even Vovochka)