annaswirls said:I went to my first poetry workshop. The prof called parts of my poem sophomoric and prosaic and he used the term Kludge for my phrase "mucky gutter water"
And you know what, I LOVED it. Every minute. And the two other women writers there were also rough, as we were with their poems.
I love the internet of course, very helpful and I feel a sense of friendship and professional relationships here, but it felt so good to have someone sitting right there with my poem tearing it apart line by line. Either this is going to make me a better poet or make me crazy.
All I know is that writing well, writing mindfully, is really fucking difficult.
He gave us homework the motherfucker.
same title challenge
I love workshops
I've had a few at uni for poetry and prose. It does make a difference, esp if you've got a professor whose really passionate.
love that word kludge you posted
has a nice sound when you say it out loud
makes me laugh a little