Lit blog


And in the meantime, as I've often said, contracts are contracts. I'd rather make my own with whom and in the way I choose, than have a set of assumptions made for me by traditional marriage law.

I've never been legally married; it's a legal and financial commitment, and I have those anyway with anyone who's important in my life. If you write them yourself, you can say anything you want, and you don't have to deal with all of the misogyny and idiocy that still characterizes marriage law.

When Denver instituted the domestic couples registry a few years back, and they had a big fabulous party down at the courthouse on Valentine's day, registering all the gay couples, we went and tried to register as a triad. It totally blew up their system. They just weren't set up to type in more than two names.

*sigh* too early. Maybe someday it will be okay to love more than one person.

til then I guess I'll just be a spy in the house of love.


Drives me up a wall. At this point, the route that seems most workable legally is a paper divorce and then marrying MIS after. That way viv would retain certain legal standing as my ex-wife and mother of my children in the divorce agreement, and MIS would gain the legal protections and standing as wife. Given medical issues and potential legal issues there, it may be the route we have to take. It's a frikken mess.

Regardless, your comment above made me think of a cool shirt she had made for me:

Amy, congratulations on your impending nuptials. I truly wish you and Sue the absolute best, and personally hope for a day (SOON, DAMMIT!) when national law will recognise your marriage the same way it does mine. (Then maybe we can work so that poly folks like myself and Bij can get our OSO's the same legal recognition and protection.)
"First it's the gay marriages, then men will want to marry their mamas! Next it'll be some guy demanding his rights to marry his horse!"
My dad is nearly 70 and quite a funny man, without really realizing it. :D
I say that you should marry who you want, if you're crazy enough to get married in the first place! :devil:
Amy, congratulations on your impending nuptials. I truly wish you and Sue the absolute best, and personally hope for a day (SOON, DAMMIT!) when national law will recognise your marriage the same way it does mine. (Then maybe we can work so that poly folks like myself and Bij can get our OSO's the same legal recognition and protection.)

One of the reasons Amy wanted to 'rush' the wedding (no she hasn't made me preggers - but she can dream) is because at the flipping 'moment' we can be legally married here in California.

This may be negated by the pending ballet initiative, but it gives Amy time to do some of her fancy financial finangiling so that the girls are better taken care of.

I don't get most of it and don't really care (other than wanting the best for the kids). But what Amy wants Amy gets. She want to be legally, officially and everythingesleilly married to me, so I'm happy as hell. Married, domestic partner or general purpose love slut- I'm good with any of them.

My Boi is so cute when she gets all forceful! Makes me uber HOT! :heart::heart::heart:
One of the reasons Amy wanted to 'rush' the wedding (no she hasn't made me preggers - but she can dream) is because at the flipping 'moment' we can be legally married here in California.

This may be negated by the pending ballet initiative, but it gives Amy time to do some of her fancy financial finangiling so that the girls are better taken care of.

I don't get most of it and don't really care (other than wanting the best for the kids). But what Amy wants Amy gets. She want to be legally, officially and everythingesleilly married to me, so I'm happy as hell. Married, domestic partner or general purpose love slut- I'm good with any of them.

My Boi is so cute when she gets all forceful! Makes me uber HOT! :heart::heart::heart:
The unfortunate thing, I think, is how all the legal aspects of interpersonal relationships (i.e., the civil aspects of marriage) have been co-opted as a religious/social thing.

Marriage as a legal institution is important for various reasons--financial, medical, children-related, etc. The religious aspect is something wholly different, it seems to me. To deny a group of people the right to protect their families because of one's own particular religious interpretation of family just seems wrong to me.

But then I live in, as I read today, the fifth most politically liberal congressional district in the US of A. So not everyone shares my opinion across this great land.

Dumb asses. :)
Thank you (re: Advair...)

Thank you Eva, Safe Bet, Angeline and Jamison for your advice.

I found a solid Internet Canada Pharmacy, 1-800-891-0844. They quoted a high price. However, they promise to match any legitimate Internet price, and they did. I've sent them a page from the NorthWestPharmacy (see my earlier post). I got the info from my childhood friend, Vlady Rozenbaum (actually--Wlodzimierz :)), who is 24h/d, 7d/week on oxygen, while leading an active life, and helping others. He became an expert on lungs problems, and has 2 Internet pages devoted to them, one of which is a public page (bothe are free opf charge). He must be a solid expert because I remember him as an historian in the best sense of the word.

There is more to all this, nothing is simple. I need to rush though.

I'll try to write (I cannot promise that I will) about poetic issues mentioned in my old or recent posts, since they were mentioned (Eve! :)). I must run now. Regards,
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Absolutely. This is not the first time I've been that I was okay, for a guy, or for a straight guy at that :D I personally think that you'll do fine, Safe_Bet.


Wait a minute! Straight guy? You? I'm shocked! Shocked!. I had no idea.

Thank you Eva, Safe Bet & Angeline for your advice.

I found a solid Internet Canada Pharmacy, 1-800-891-0844. They quoted a high price. However, they promise to match any legitimate Internet price, and they did. I've sent them a page from the NorthWestPharmacy (see my earlier post). I got the info from my childhood friend, Vlady Rozenbaum (actually--Wlodzimierz :)), who is 24h/d, 7d/week on oxygen, while leading an active life, and helping others. He became an expert on lungs problems, and has 2 Internet pages devoted to them, one of which is a public page (bothe are free opf charge). He must be a solid expert because I remember him as an historian in the best sense of the word.

There is more to all this, nothing is simple. I need to rush though.

I'll try to write (I cannot promise that I will) about poetic issues mentioned in my old or recent posts, since they were mentioned (Eve! :)). I must run now. Regards,

Wonderful news, SJ. There IS a heart beating in there! We all knew it!! Come back soon.
Dear Kind Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is Sue’s world, but she is letting intrude, so I can say my brief piece:

Please allow me to extend my thanks for your kind and supportive words to Sue, earlier today. I had to pry exactly what transpired out of her, but she finally explained everything and allowed me to read your postings. You have all been exceptionally caring and generous, in spite of Sue being a little nuts at the moment.

Sadly, what occurred has been building for quite some time. I’m afraid that it was unavoidable, but I just wish it had happened at a different time, for Sue’s and the girl’s sake.

In any event, I am very appreciative of your support. She has been raving about her newfound acquaintances for the last few days and now I can see why. It seems in a remarkably short time, as always, Sue has made some very dear and loyal friends. Thank you for that most of all.


Coooeeeeeeee Amy from Annie in England snugs and huggles to you both (snuggle/hugs)

Same sex partners can marry over here I thought it was the same throughout the USA
Wonderful news, SJ. There IS a heart beating in there! We all knew it!! Come back soon.
Thank you for your encouraging and kind words. You were also quoting me thanking people for their response about medicine Advair. I was tired and missed Jamison, who was among them. I edited my post and he is listed now, but I am sorry that at first I was inattentive.

I associate that polar bear in your av also with another nickname, right?

Best regards,
The girls want to do my 100th post - they are so Cute -

Beth - :kiss::kiss::kiss: :cattail: (beth loves her kitty)

Tina - we :D:D:D love :heart: mommy :kiss: (yeah, I helped a bit, but she pushed the keys)
The Deed is Done!

Well: Miss Sue XXXXX is no more. I am now legally Mrs. Amy XXXXXXXXX, it is a pleasure to meet you all!


We are going to have a little ring exchange and reception tomorrow. Just going through it for the girls and to hear Amy say she loves me again. Couple of dozen friends, little bit of food, little bit of wine then that part will be done, as well. If the Ban on Gay Marriage Proposition fails, we will have a full-blown affair, but that can wait, because after all the paperwork, signatures and civil ceremony –

(Yup, it is perfectly safe to visualize us all holding hands and sing the above refrain as we dance around in a circle :D )

Thank you for your encouraging and kind words. You were also quoting me thanking people for their response about medicine Advair. I was tired and missed Jamison, who was among them. I edited my post and he is listed now, but I am sorry that at first I was inattentive.

I associate that polar bear in your av also with another nickname, right?

Best regards,

If you mean another alt here, not me. this bear is me, Anschul, as far as i know. I used it a while several months ago, and I wrote a 30/30 sonnet set with it, but if there's another using this bear, I haven't seen it. I'm just an old guy finding my way back to poetry after a long hard life.
I read every thing you write here, and i am in awe. Studied poetry in college, but have learned more here from you than in all my college courses.

Enough sucking up. Get your friend better, and get back here.
Well: Miss Sue XXXXX is no more. I am now legally Mrs. Amy XXXXXXXXX, it is a pleasure to meet you all!


We are going to have a little ring exchange and reception tomorrow. Just going through it for the girls and to hear Amy say she loves me again. Couple of dozen friends, little bit of food, little bit of wine then that part will be done, as well. If the Ban on Gay Marriage Proposition fails, we will have a full-blown affair, but that can wait, because after all the paperwork, signatures and civil ceremony –

(Yup, it is perfectly safe to visualize us all holding hands and sing the above refrain as we dance around in a circle :D )


on your Wedding

Wedding Song

I love you more than ever, more than time and more than love,
I love you more than money and more than the stars above,
Love you more than madness, more than waves upon the sea,
Love you more than life itself, you mean that much to me.

Ever since you walked right in, the circle's been complete,
I've said goodbye to haunted rooms and faces in the street,
To the courtyard of the jester which is hidden from the sun,
I love you more than ever and I haven't yet begun.

You breathed on me and made my life a richer one to live,
When I was deep in poverty you taught me how to give,
Dried the tears up from my dreams and pulled me from the hole,
Quenched my thirst and satisfied the burning in my soul.

You gave me babies one, two, three, what is more, you saved my life,
Eye for eye and tooth for tooth, your love cuts like a knife,
My thoughts of you don't ever rest, they'd kill me if I lie,
I'd sacrifice the world for you and watch my senses die.

The tune that is yours and mine to play upon this earth,
We'll play it out the best we know, whatever it is worth,
Whats lost is lost, we can't regain what went down in the flood,
But happiness to me is you and I love you more than blood.

Its never been my duty to remake the world at large,
Nor is it my intention to sound a battle charge,
'cause I love you more than all of that with a love that doesn't bend,
And if there is eternity I'd love you there again.

Oh, can't you see that you were born to stand by my side
And I was born to be with you, you were born to be my bride,
You're the other half of what I am, you're the missing piece
And I love you more than ever with that love that doesn't cease.

You turn the tide on me each day and teach my eyes to see,
Just bein' next to you is a natural thing for me
And I could never let you go, no matter what goes on,
'cause I love you more than ever now that the past is gone.

Bob Dylan​

Wish I'd written this...Played it at my wedding.

Along with PP&M's Wedding Song--my favorite wedding song, but that one's all about "man and wife," so it doesn't fit, and i didn't want to offend you. But the sentiments drop-dead perfect. Look it up.

Congratulations, Mrs. Amy, and to Amy as well. I very happy for you both :D

*throws birdseed*
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I'm feeling a bit off right now. I was up til 5am last night, hanging out and joking with two of my oldest friends, AP and Red. I've mentioned AP before, and he and I have been friends for 15 years now, most of that time spent really close. I also met Red about 15 years ago, but didn't really become friends with him until a couple of years later.

I was in college, and still heavy into RPG's. Red was this annoying 14 year old kid that started showing up, and desperately wanted attention, approval, and acceptance. Well, he was a friend of a friend, so he wasn't completely shunned out of hand. After a while, he grew, matured a little, and we all sort of got used to him. Eventually, I couldn't help but realise that, goofy as he was, he was a good kid and I became friends with him. He always looked up to AP and myself, and would come to use for advice. Probably had to do with the fact that his mom left his dad when Red was about four years old. I wasn't a surrogate dad, but I was certainly an older male in his life, and he needed that.

He was a typical slacker, and wasn't really going anywhere. High school grad, but no aspirations for college even though he's a bright guy. He was going nowhere until he got a job as a locksmith. He loved it, and it turned him around a bit. Still a goof, he started growing up, becoming more stable. I was happy for him, and it did great things in his life. I'm happy to say that AP and I were the ones that convinced him to give that job a shot.

Anyway, his career path was limited here, so he moved out west, to the bay area in Cali. It sucked to lose a friend, but he did really well out there. The job paid well, he loved the work and the area, and he met a girl. They were great for a bit, but then she got pregnant. He decided to marry her even though he wasn't in love, because he wanted a better chance of being in his kid's life. His parents never married, and the dad was excluded from his life due to lack of legal standing apparently.

They have a second kid a year after the first, and he finds himself looking at his life, his career, his future, etc. He decides to change careers, and joins the Marines out of the blue. I was stunned when I heard this. First, Red was not a small boy. Always on the big side, he had to lose 100lbs+ prior to joining. He was also a happily functional pothead, and gave that up for the Corps as well. The kicker was that he was something of an anti-military-use pseudo-hippy carrying around misplaced liberal guilt for American military force used in support of settlement in the great drive west, so that made it even more weird.

Regardless, he showed up last night in his dress uniform looking like he was carved from blued steel. After almost five years of not seeing somebody that I considered almost family, I didn't recognise him. When I did, damn, my heart swelled in my chest and I was smiling from ear to ear. My buddy Red was all growed up, and looking bad ass. He was every inch The Marine, and the kind of guy that you want watching the fires at night.

AP showed up a little while later, and we sat around BSing until my folded ass was nodding off. Red's back home today, as he only had one day's leave here before he could go home. In less than two weeks he ships out for a seven month Persian Gulf cruise. He's not scheduled to do any groundwork while he's there, and is not likely to even set foot on ground outside of friendly ports. I still can't help feeling this sick dread, and I don't know why.

It's no secret that I'm against this war, and no secret that I have friends over there right now. Mike, one of my best friends has spent many many months there, and just got back. But Red is different. He's like that annoying kid that you don't know why you care about, but you do. Even when he screws up and picks a stupid fight, you still step in to pull him out. And he's not even a kid any more. He's 29 for fuck's sake. And he's Strack, man, nothing but muscle and motivation, and the Corps has prepared him damned well.

But I'm still sick with the feeling that I'm not going to see him again, and that his two beautiful little girls are going to lose their daddy. I hate this feeling. Out of all the friends and family, including my own father, that I watched ship out into harm's way, to hostile waters, and shooting wars, I've never felt like this.

I hate this feeling.

Come back home safely, Devil Dog.
It is you that has prepared him for life and now because of you he is this strong capable person instead of being someone who could so easily have slipped through the cracks and ended up with no hopes. Of course you will worry it's natural and not something to let eat at you, this is his choice and you made him ready to be able to face life with strength and purpose, Don't please hurt yourself now keep believing in yourself and him
It is you that has prepared him for life and now because of you he is this strong capable person instead of being someone who could so easily have slipped through the cracks and ended up with no hopes. Of course you will worry it's natural and not something to let eat at you, this is his choice and you made him ready to be able to face life with strength and purpose, Don't please hurt yourself now keep believing in yourself and him

That's kind of the problem. I feel responsible for him.
I am writing about him today. Because I have had reasons to think along these lines lately, I have gone back over my life and counted the number of people I know personally, who have taken a life. Not in self defense, not in a military way.


seventeen. doesnt that just blow your mind?

Um, Jean, baby, you are travelling in some scary circles.

I'm sitting here thinking of my own life, and the scary folk that I know, and I can come up with.... two, and one of those was someone that took their own life. Not sure if you are counting suicides in your tally.

I think about it sometimes and studied through different religions to see where I might belong and I feel like a Quaker, lol, but I took and online religion quiz and it says I am 99 percent Reform Jew, then next in line is 92 % Buddhist...Catholic & Baptist were at the bottom of the list next to athiest.

Do you happen to remember where you found this? I'd like to take it.

I hope stilts are what finally gives her the boost she needs to look over a crowd and see herself, successful and happy in the future.

I enjoyed your wording here.

I don't really know what to do or say, I am afraid she has that fucking Scots_Irish gene, you do know, that is where bipolar mania originated, lol. So we all have something in common if descended from that place in the world.

This is fantastically interesting. History shows us that the Scots and Irish are just a wee bit different from the rest of the world, and this is as good an explanation as any other. I'm a quarter Scots, and I'm a moody bastard. Might explain my grandfather too, a big old 100% Scottish boy in North Carolina, and brutally fucked up as a person. The things you described your father doing could just as easily be stories about my grandfather.

Really interesting thought.
<snip> I would rewire my head if I could, but I cant, and that also, has to be okay, just because there is no other choice.
Hi J. You don't need to rewire, with acceptance comes power, without power the light wouldn't shine and we would be less for that darkness.

Have fun at the circus and don't get freaked by the clowns. They're just trying to make us smile.
PS., here is the link to the religion quiz-
Interesting. I score:
1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (96%)
3. Liberal Quakers (79%)
4. Nontheist (79%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (73%)
6. Neo-Pagan (70%)
7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (66%)
8. Orthodox Quaker (58%)
9. New Age (51%)
10. Bahá'í Faith (50%)
11. Reform Judaism (47%)
12. Sikhism (46%)
13. Mahayana Buddhism (45%)
14. Taoism (43%)
15. Jainism (42%)
16. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (41%)
17. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (35%)
18. Islam (34%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (34%)
20. Seventh Day Adventist (34%)
21. Hinduism (33%)
22. Scientology (32%)
23. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (32%)
24. New Thought (29%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (28%)
26. Roman Catholic (28%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (25%)​
which is probably dead-on for the number one slot. The only other label I might self-identify with is "nontheist" which, while accurate, carries no implication of any value system.

Kind of fun. Thanks for the link, NJ.