London's Shield (Steampunk/Supenatural Victorian Era) PM to join

Zahlena Deswa

"I wouldn't dream of going to a party without you, Billy." Zahlena told him. She gave his hand a pat.

Zahlena bid goodbye to Georgette. "Be careful, please."

She also left by the back door. It was late and very dark but she really didn't fear anything. There were too many others who would make easier targets, that and one of her footmen was waiting in the shadows to see that she got safely to her carriage.


When she reached her home in the West End, Zahlena did not go straight to bed. Instead she had a cup of tea and wrote a letter to Mr. Dorian Gray telling him that she realized he had invited her to attend the Hellfire Club with him and that she had declined. However, not that she had time to think about it, she had changed her mind and would be very interested in attending. Would it be possible to secure an invitation for her and possibly a few friends?

She sealed the envelop and left it to be delivered to Gray in the morning.

Then finally, she went to bed.

((you can finish up whatever nighttime things you need to do and then move on to morning.))
Georgette Reinaldi
Sharpshooter and Intelligence Gatherer

Georgette watched the whore and client for a good ten minutes whilst they found their 'safe and private' nook. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He paid the fee, she gave the service. They parted ways.

It wasn't the killer. Unless he was very thorough in his research. Could he have dabbled in the wares of the women he killed on previous occasions? What was the distinguishing factor of why he finally killed then. Was he just unhappy with the service? No, plenty were but the brutality suggested a much more in depth reason. Was his mother, sister, wife or lover in the trade? So many questions.

Somewhere several blocks away there was a fearful scream. It sent a chill down Georgette's spine, or maybe that was the cold air that seemed to have settled since leaving the bar. Taking off at a sprint considering the whore was now back in the company of her fellow professionals, Georgette jumped off one roof and landed with nimble feet on the other. Without pause she continued to make a beeline for the scream. Finally stopped to look down into another dark alleyway. There was someone blowing a whistle. This time a policeman ran out of a house into the street, proceeding to throw up against the wall. This didn't look good.

Watching on for a second, more policemen showed up. Along with a Detective. And Georgette sighed. Another murder. She could have stopped this one, if she had of been following the right whore.


Rubbing her arms, she felt the chill settle in her bones. Her breath now white clouds. Waiting on the rooftops night after night was not healthy. Especially considering she didn't speak of just how long she was spending out at night trying to stop the next murder. She was still young, hoping to stop this by fluke chance.

It didn't work that way.

Sliding down the access ladder, her feet landed in a puddle of water and she listened in for another hour. Picking up the tell tale signs of the brutal murder. It was him, or a very talented copy cat. Henry would have his work cut out for him. Sometimes she wondered if he would ever take her help in studying the victims. She wanted to know exactly what happened to these women. She wanted to learn the mind of this psychotic killer. To hunt him.

Heading home, she walked the entire way. Collapsing into bed just before the sun rose. Her dreams haunted by this mad man. Even if he didn't know, he was driving her crazy with his misdeeds.
Johann Regenstein

After fixing a nice stew, Johann sat down and ate it along with bread from the day before. He noticed that he would have to get some new bread the next day. Eating his fill and finishing up, he blew out the candles, even though he did have a lamp, he only used it to read or write by. He stood in the dark, looking out of the window to the world outside, drinking a glass of water. It would be time for him to start thinking about the tales of the Dark Woods, to remember what most people wrote off as fiction... Finishing his water, he turned and walked over to his bed, he laid down and sighed deeply. Things that go bump in the night and who could turn people as big as him into a blood mist...he smiled at the thought, hopefully if that happens he will die with honor and not as a weeping, blubbering fool. Turning onto his side he quickly fell asleep
((Not sure if you would mind writing for the butler, but figured this could keep the thread going.))

Georgette Reinaldi
Sharpshooter and Intelligence Gatherer

It was shortly before lunch time when Georgette knocked on the front door of Countess Zahlena Deswa home in West End. She often visited to speak privately with the woman, not out of feminine closeness but merely out of professional standing. But today she needed some advice. And if the time and moment permitted she may ask, but for now she was happy to simply pass along her opinions on the newest murder, drink some tea and act civil. It was her way of shutting herself inside and ignoring the sounds and sights of London. How she missed the open seas sometimes.

It didn't take more than a few moments before one of the butlers opened the door. He looked her up and down and shook his head from side to side.

"Miss Reinaldi, once again I must ask you to clean your boots before entering. Once that is done, you can wait inside."

Looking down at her boots, Georgette took a moment to realize that the light brown mud she had been walking through again wouldn't decorate the floors well. Sighing, she sat down on the steps as the door closed again and took a few moments to scrape and then wipe the mud off. It was rather sticky this morning.

Once they were cleaned she straightened out her clothes from the night before, ran a hand through her short reddish hair and entered the house.

Inside she waited in the foyer. Taking a seat until the Countess was free. Looking at the clock on the wall, Georgette realized it was probably close on Zahlena's lunch time.
((Okay here I go hehe.))

Catriona Gallager


Catriona woke up with a start. She had another nightmare, but at least this time she didn't scream. The last thing she wanted to do was to cause Ms. Zahlena anymore worry. She owed alot to the woman and want to show her she could be a strong person. Still the nightmares always brought it back, that terrible day where her innoncent world had been torn to pieces. Instead of blocking the emotions, Catriona let them run their course as tears ran down her face. She learned that by bottling her emotions left her more vulnerable and drained. After she finished crying, she took deep breaths. She looked and saw sunlight peaking through the curtains. Catriona got up and started to get ready for the day. After she was dressed she went downstairs to go eat breakfast.

((Um, what kind of place does Zahlena have? I guess since she's a countess she lives in a mansion hmm? They still had servants at this time right?))
Zahlena's Home in the West End

((Yes, lots of servants, upstairs maids, downstairs maids, cook, servers, a butler, footmen, grooms for the horses and carriage. Catriona probably has her own maid to help her dress if she wants. I should have put in the OOC section that all of the servants are extremely loyal. Zahlena has gotten them out of bad situations, some supernatural, some not. Any one of the would die for her, so her secrets are safe.))

((She would be Lady Deswa, or my lady, but she's rather informal, so I suspect at home she and Catriona call each other by their first names.))

Zahlena awoke when her maid, Molly, came in and opened the curtains. "Miss Catriona has just gone down for breakfast."

"Let her know I will join her shortly." Zahlena said stretching. "I am expecting a visitor, Jeeves already knows."

She got up and saw to her toilette, got dressed and joined Catriona in the dining room. After she was settled with her food, she turned the conversation to the Shield. "I saw a man last night. I think he may be useful. I have a good feeling about him. Billy has asked him to come here today. If he does indeed turn out to be what the Shield needs--he's in. If not, Jeeves will remove the memory of the meeting and things go on as usual."

"I've gotten information that not only have the vampires broken the treaty, they are behind the Whitechapel murders."
((Okay that helps alot. Also as far as how Cat addresses Zahlena, I think it should still be a bit formal because Cat was raised to show respect to nobility, but still informal. Um, you'll get what I mean in a secound here.))

Catriona Gallager


Catriona listened as Miss Zahlena talked about recent events. She knew about Shield and the people in it. Her guardian had asked her several times if she wanted to join, but Catriona was still on the fence because she really didn't know what help she could be. Besides, what good could she be if she was still uncomfortable going out in public. At least now she was trying because Miss Zahlena told her that the more she got out, the stronger her shields would be. Since Catriona was an empath, her number one priority was to guard herself mentally and emotionally. If she felt too much around her, especially if it was negative emotions, it would drain her. She actually fainted the first time she went out in public with Miss Zahlena and it took her several days to recover. Still, she'd like to think she had some of her family Irish stubborn attitude and she did not want to be a weakling. Of course with all these murders now, Catriona was more reluctant to go out in public, even during the day.

After listening to Miss Zahlena, Catriona spoke.

"Why would the vampires do something like this? It's a huge risk."

Thinking about the deaths already sent shivers up her spine. She could sometimes feel the negative energies that bursted out from the deaths and last night, she felt sick to her stomach at one point. She had a feeling that there was another murder. Thinking about it, she thought she better tell Miss Zahlena.

"Um, miss, last night I got sick again and I think there was another murder." she said.
Johann Regenstein

Johann walked up to the gate that bore the number of the place as showed on the card given to him to the quite eccentric Irishman. He placed the accent and now he was following what his heart told him to do. As he entered the gate he looked about him, this looked like a rather fancy affair, not the dark and gloom he was expecting. Soon enough he stood at the front door, having made sure that his boots was clean from any mud and he knocked. The door opened and a fancily dressed man greeted him, he seemed a bit taken back by Johann's appearance.

"Greetings sir, I have been told to come here by a Billy McCraik?"
((I edited my last post to make any reference to lunch time, breakfast.))

Georgette Reinaldi
Sharpshooter and Intelligence Gatherer

It had been at least twenty minutes since Georgette had arrived before there was another knock at the door. As the butler moved out of a sitting room to open the front door, he gave her another odd look. Checking her boots, there was still mud on them, but at least it wouldn't stain the floors and carpets. Perhaps she should take them off. No, there were more important matters.

Listening to the men speaking at the door, the voice sounded a little familiar. Soon the face came to her, one of the men from the bar the night before. What was he doing here? But if he was here, it was not just a coincidence. Probably another recruit.

Standing up, Georgette moved over to the open door.

"I can take him through," she said quietly.

Waving her hand, she headed off towards the room where Catriona and the Countess would have been engaged in breakfast. As they entered through a set of double doors, she overheard mention of another murder.

Clearing her throat she confirmed it.

"Good morning."

"Miss Gallager is correct unfortunately. I can confirm that another murder occurred last night. I witnessed the scene shortly after the murderer made their escape. He's slipped through my grasp again."

Georgette seemed rather annoyed at this fact, but soon let her own feelings of anger subside. Stepping aside, she motioned to Zahlena's guest. Mr Johann Regenstein.
Catriona Gallager


Catriona sensed two different people come through the door. The first one she didn't recognize, but the second one she did. Even though the Countess had excellent security, Catriona made a habit of sensing the energies of those who come through the door. She figured out that every person emitted different kinds of energies, even though some could be similar, but just like the different personalities people could have, they also had their own different energy signals.

She turned when Ms. Reinaldi came through the door and verified her feelings. Another murder. Would it ever end? She didn't want to think what happened to this latest victum. She looked at Ms. Reinaldi again to make sure she was all right. If there was one other person she felt safe with, besides the Countess, it was her. She actually admired Ms. Reinaldi for her ability to hide her emotions. Catriona was the total opposite. She had to let her emotions out or it would drain her. She looked when she saw the other person come in. Catriona gapped at the mere size of the person. He was HUGE!!! She couldn't hide the fear from her eyes either. Even though instinctly she didn't feel any evil from him, her head was telling her another story and right now her heart was complying with that.
Henry Jekyll

Henry awoke from his slumber with a start. It took him a moment to remember where he was, then he sat up with a groan, swinging his feet off the bed onto the thick mat laying on the floor. He sat, head bowed, trying to get his bearings.

It had been the dreams again; those awful, horrifying dreams. In his sleep, Henry couldn't keep his subconscious from moving back and forth between his duelling personalities. He had imbibed laudanum in an attempt to quell his imagination, but it didn't have much effect and Henry didn't increase the dosage for fear of addiction. He was already an outcast and a monster; let's not add opium addict to the list.

Jekyll finally rose to his feet and stumbled across the floor towards a bowl of warm water. It had been left perhaps an hour ago; Henry took the opportunity to quickly scrub his face, using a comb to straighten his tangled hair. He debated shaving but, seeing that the hour was already late, decided aginst it.

Henry opened the door to find two guards standing to attention on either side; it had been agreed upon quite early that they should be near in case... he tried to take advantage. Jekyll didn't think either soldier had much chance, but he remained polite and nodded his head to them as he made his way past.

He was met at the bottom of the stairs by Danielson, one of organisation's most trusted servants and the man in charge of keeping the lving quarters in order. He had a nervous look about him that Henry's own aura didn't help.

"Ah, Danielson," said Jekyll. "Could you tell the cook to bring my breakfast down to the laboratory? I still have much work to do, examining the victims."

"I'm afraid you must postpone your work, sir," replied Danielson. "Two police officers from Scotland Yard arrived early this morning. They informed me that another victim of the Ripper was found last night."

Henry sighed and said, "I'm sure the Countess will want to speak with me. Prepare a carriage."

Danielson nodded his head and quickly left. Henry walked downstairs to the lab and picked up everything he had noted so far about the victims, placing the files in a leather satchel. Then he climbed into a carriage and quickly made his way to Countess Deswa's opulent mansion. He steeled himself at the door, intent on putting up a confident, strong air. The butler may or may not have been moved (it was always hard to tell how he felt about anything) and led Henry to the dining room, where some of the others were gathered, including a huge mountain of a man who unnerved the scientist to no end.

"Uh, Madame," said Jekyll, clearing his throat. "I recently heard - there's been another murder?
Johann Regenstein

He noticed the nervous glances he got from most of the people and started to feel slightly embarrassed, here he was in a strange room with strangers and they looked at him like he was here to beat their heads in. He placed his hands behind his back and looked at the people as they stood and sat in the room. He took it that The Ripper had struck again last night and that alone was something to worry about. If he was not to be stopped he would reign unchecked through the streets of London and that was something that could not be allowed at all.
((So sorry I've been away so long. RL is a bitch.))

Zahlena smiled at Regenstein to put him at ease. "I'd like to present Mr. Johann Regenstein. Mr. Regenstein, this is Miss Catriona Gallagher and Miss Georgette Reinaldi. I am Countess Zahlena Deswa, welcome to my home. Please have a seat." She rang the bell for a servant to have them serve breakfast.

Once everyone was served, Zahlena began, "Mr. McCraik asked Mr. Regenstein to join us. I believe he may be of great help to us. Mr. Regenstein, we are a small group devoted to helping to solve crimes and protect the citizenry. We have found that not all crimes are the kind that the Yard is equipped to handle. Case and point, the Ripper murders. I have reason to believe there is more to them then simply a lunatic who likes to kill prostitutes in a horrible bloody manner."

She was easing into things, she knew that Billy had given the man a hint that the supernatural was the focus of their work. But to just blurt things out--she didn't want him to think they were some eccentric spiritualists.

((Johan, feel free to ask questions and others, feel free to help fill him in if I'm not around when you post.))
((Hey glad to see you're okay though.))

Catriona Gallager.


By the time Miss Zehlena finished talking, Catriona mananged to get herself in control again. She was focusing on breathing at the moment. Her guardian always told her to breath deeply so she wouldn't panic. He also helped her focus too. She reminded herself that Miss Zehlena would never put her in any danger. While she coouldn't relax completely, she did manage to nod when she was introduce. Having someone like Mr. Regenstein on their side would definitely help. It was then she realized that Mr. Jekyll was there too. The guy unnerved her as well, but he appeared to be nice. He always seemed to be nervous about something too. Catriona wasn't one to ask though because she honestly didn't know if she would like the answer. She continued to listen as everyone else talked.
Johann Regenstein

He bowed as elegantly as he could manage,

"Countess... Miss Gallagher...Miss Reinaldi, it is an honor to meet you."

He took a seat and waited for the food to be served,

He listened intently and nodded his head,

"That would really explain why the city people is so scared, never move around in groups of less than three people. I heard rumors that some murders never made it to the press..."

He stroked over his chin,

"Some of these murders looked like a wild animal killed the victims and we all know that wild animals in a highly populated area points towards vampires or werewolves, are you looking in that direction? Or is there some other theories what is killing all these girls?"
((Oops, sorry. I missed that Jekyll actually came in.))

"Dr. Jekyll, I'm so sorry, I was making introductions and didn't see you enter." Zahlena gave him a charming smile. She introduced Johann to him.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Johann already know of vampires and werewolves. Not a skeptic in the least. How fortunate. Jekyll was a man of science and it had taken her sometime to convince him that there were more things in the world than science could explain.

"What I have been able to put together from my sources is that although it looks like a beast may have done the murders, they are too meticulous. I believe it is vampires at work." Zahlena explained. "I know it is highly unorthodox of them. They generally just drain their victims and clean up after themselves. They have been very careful. But not now. Organs are missing from each body. Did you know that? I suspect they are planning something. A ritual of some sort. But the purpose, I don't know. Whatever the purpose, it cannot bode well for we mortals."
Georgette Reinaldi
Sharpshooter and Intelligence Gatherer

Picking up the conversation when there was a brief pause, Georgette spoke softly but with purpose. Her voice showed her dislike for the information, and her annoyance at the situation in general. "It also explains why I've been unable to arrive on the scene and find the culprit. Or traces of how they escaped from the area so quickly."

Picking up her glass, she made herself busy drinking from it. Hiding herself from the lime light of the conversation. Her mind continued to play over the night, arriving on the scene within minutes of the latest murder. Blood still flowing from the mutilated body. The crime was only minutes old...she should have been watching that woman. If she had of been, perhaps the murderer, or murderers would have been interrupted in time.

Could she have stopped vampires?

Georgette had to assume she would react fast enough, or at least cause enough ruckus to scare them off. She had already decided to switch out to special ammunition, capable of stopping anything that took damage, but with enough extra for some of the more 'magical' of beasts.
Johann Regenstein

Johann blinked,

"THE Dr. Jekyll? What a surprise, I have heard that you were killed, seems there is more in this world than just a few goblins."

He chuckled softly,

"Excuse me for asking, but something have come to mind, what organs are missing? Are they different? Removed with precision or ripped out?"

He took a bite of the eggs on his plate, it was really good, he chewed as he waited for the answers and then continued.

"I have heard about a certain Dr. Frankenstein, he seems fascinated with bringing corpses to life, also there is whispers of a Dr. Benton who is working on prolonging his life with other peoples' organs. That is the one thing we could also try to think of, but as far as I know, not one of them actually had much success with their theories, but they will need test subjects not true?"
Zahlena deswa having a breakfastfast mtg

"One woman was missing a uterus, another part of her liver. The intestines were pulled out and draped over some of the victims. It's all in the file that a friend at the yard gave me." Zahlena explained. "I realize that this isn't appropriate breakfast conversation..." She paused and took a sip of tea.

"The Yard is looking at all the butchers in the area. The cuts are clean, precise. They are also looking into doctors and those with a knowledge of anatomy. But I am sure that vampires are involved. Normally they are very secretive and do an excellent job of covering their tracks, but this...They are planning something."

"I don't believe I've heard of Dr. Benton." She told Johann. "The vampires are already immortal, they can't be using the organs for anything like that."
Last edited:
Catriona Gallager


Catriona remained silent as the others conversed around her. All this talk of death and vampires was making her uncomforable. So instead of worrying about it, she focused on eating her breakfast, abite more slowly than usual. She wish she was stronger about many things. Maybe than she could help out Miss Zahlena. However some of the things her guardian did made Catriona scared at times because if anything happened to Miss Zahlena, she didn't know what she would do. Finally she had the courage to speak up.

"Whoever did this is evil. That's all I could feel from here, there was so much evil energy." she said calmly, trying not to sound scared.
Johann Regenstein

"Dr Benton is a chemist who is dabbling with some arcane studies and combining it with chemistry to find a way to live forever. But if all these killings seems like vampires, yet parts are being the removed..."

he frowned,

"Could it be that they have the same blood type? Or even organs that is compatible with each other?"

A thought struck him and he grinned,

"Just how far are we from Walpurgist?"
"If one subscribes to the notion that vampires are soulless demons that feed on the blood and lifeforce of the living, I cannot think of anything that could be more evil." Zahlena said as she buttered a croissant.

((Unfortunately blood typing hasn't been invented yet. I believe it's in it's very rudimentary stages.))

"I don't think the organs or blood or even the murders themselves have anything to do with chemistry. I believe this is something preliminary to the actual ritual they are planning. We need to find out what they are trying to do. But perhaps the women have something in common other than their occupations and being easy victims. They are not related."

Zahlena reached for a folder and pulled out a map of Whitechapel. She had marked in red the locations of the murders so far. It seems that there is a cross of sorts that is being formed."

"They are already immortal so clearly, that cannot be what they are trying to do. They are already powerful. What more could they want?" She had her own theory but she wanted to hear from the others.

"All Hallow's Eve, Samhain, Walpurgistnacht, at the end of the month. I am thinking along the same lines as you are Johann. It is a powerful time of year for working magic. Whatever they are up to, I believe the culmination will be October thirty-first."
Georgette Reinaldi
Sharpshooter and Intelligence Gatherer

Finishing up her plate, Georgette thought back to the reports, and to sightings and suspicions on the streets. A few seemed to have more radical ideas, but most were simply assuming it was a normal human serial killer.

"Dorian would have resources into any connection with immortality, wouldn't he?"

She pipped in, and followed on with a second question she had been waiting to ask since arriving.

"Speaking of which, how did the invitations go?"

Picking up her glass of red wine, she sipped at it slowly. Wondering just how many of them would be attending. She turned to glance at Catriona. Would she be attending? Did she even go outside? There were many questions she wanted to ask that lady, but for now, she trusted the Countess.
Henry Jekyll

Henry sat at the table. He didn't eat much; he just sat and listened, smiled nervously when the big man Regenstein addressed him and muttering something along the lines of, "A mistake by the press."

Slowly, there seemed to be an increasing consensus that the crimes were being committed in preparation for the end of the month. More supernatural talk; it did nothing for Jekyll's mood. Ever since joining London's Shield, his undying belief in the strength of logic and reason had taken a beating.

Johann's mention of Victor Frankenstein actually cheered him, in some perverse manner. For some reason, Henry was more comfortable with the idea of the murderer being a man of science. It made more sense, in its own way. He of all people knew the risks men would take to further their understanding of the world.

Ms Reinaldi spoke of visiting Dorian Gray again. But what could that foppish fool achieve, other than perhaps cool whatever fires Georgette clearly had for him?

"Hell, I could do that," said a coarse voice in the back of his head. Henry pinched his leg under the table and tried to push the thoughts back.

"Mr Gray would no doubt take delight in hearing about the latest perversion on London's streets," he said; there was a slight trace of venom in his voice that was hard to miss.
"You would know that better than I," Bahiya said to Georgette. The Shield has wondered about how he maintains the appearance of youth, but immortality? I think not. So far the only immortal creatures I have encountered are vampires. Mr. Gray is many thing, but he is not a vampire. However, my sources say the Hellfire Club is a way for the vampires to hide in plain sight and I do believe that Mr. Gray is involved with them."

((This makes me laugh because I'm doing this same idea on another site and The Dr Jekyll there--and the invisible man, who is also a doctor and chemist, are both _very_ skeptical of the existence of vampires.))