Lord please do not let this become a dumpster fire

It certainly FEELs like it should be ok. Like, Sex Ed happens. Hell, you could probably write a story where the teacher is teaching sex ed to under-18 teenagers and it'd be fine as long as we're not actually reading about those same teens aren't later having sex.
Plenty of my own stories feature characters alluding to underage sex, their first time, etc.

The line Lit draws is sexualizing that encounter. It can't be described in any significant way.
Hmm. I just had a story bounced back for referring to that. I wonder how close "alluding" can get.

I seem to remember one sex ed class on a single day. The whole course was called something like "Health Ed." I remember it being rather boring rather than arousing.
Everyone's different, and there always seems to be one kid whose nervous system gets wound up just over talking about this stuff even in a clinical and inappropriate setting.

For a lot of these kids, it's the longest conversation they've ever had about sex or anything sex-adjacent, too.

It's probably not even a thrill - just a reflex. They're probably just confused and mortified about it.
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Sex, sex, we're talking about sex! Oh, my goody gum drops, we're talking about sex.
Everyone's different, and there always seems to be one kid whose nervous system gets wound up just over talking about this stuff even in a clinical and inappropriate setting.

For a lot of these kids, it's the longest conversation they've ever had about sex or anything sex-adjacent, too.

It's probably not even a thrill - just a reflex. They're probably just confused and mortified about it.
The longest conversations I have ever had were with my friends. That was when Chrissie Evert was at the beginning of her tennis career, and pictures of her would be in the sports section of The Daily News. Cute tennis outfits, that was for sure.
The longest conversations I have ever had were with my friends. That was when Chrissie Evert was at the beginning of her tennis career, and pictures of her would be in the sports section of The Daily News. Cute tennis outfits, that was for sure.
Woo woo!
Pops said he had it in Junior High School as a one-day, two-hour event. They dumped it on a student teacher named Miss Alice Cluck, and she was visibly upset about having to teach the class. He remembers a particularly mean bully saying things soft but where they could be heard, "Miss Cluck, cluck cluck, paging Miss Cluck, cluck, cluck for demonstrations on the art of baby making." He was in the class early, and as people came in (before she arrived), he'd chant that. Right after he finished the chant, she walked in and gave an angry look around the room, trying to figure out who'd said it.
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Well, who did you like? I also developed an interest in women's ice skating. I loved it when they would skate backwards and stick their behinds out. The first time I saw that, I thought, "Am I really seeing this on TV?" Like tennis players, they also had nice strong legs. But I found out what a triple lutz was.
Well, who did you like? I also developed an interest in women's ice skating. I loved it when they would skate backwards and stick their behinds out. The first time I saw that, I thought, "Am I really seeing this on TV?" Like tennis players, they also had nice strong legs. But I found out what a triple lutz was.
I was a little young for Chris. She was already Evert-Loyd by the time I ever heard of her.

I liked the skating, too. And like 80% of the models on MTV.

Susanna Hoff? Fugedaboudit.
I seem to remember one sex ed class on a single day. The whole course was called something like "Health Ed." I remember it being rather boring rather than arousing.
I think the strategy is to get the least sexy teacher in the school to run the class.
I donā€™t remember my sex ed class at all. Maybe because I already knew all about it at the time thx to adult thrillers and cheesy romance novels Iā€™d been reading. I also watched films like Dirty Dancing and Pretty Woman that featured quite a bit of it.
I was a little young for Chris. She was already Evert-Loyd by the time I ever heard of her.

I liked the skating, too. And like 80% of the models on MTV.

Susanna Hoff? Fugedaboudit.
You mean The Bangles? They seemed to run out of momentum after a short while. She's 65 now anyway.

Oh God, thread drift. Let's see, the dumpster fire of sex ed classes in stories.
Did you describe the event in *any* detail?
The "offending line was:

ā€œTouching a girl was a big deal back then. Touching it bare was like climbing Mt. Everest for the guys.ā€

I removed the reference and it went through.
I remember the film breaking in the projector. šŸ¤£
So you had a movie to watch. There are a bunch of them to be found online, from the 1940s through the '70s. There are a few parodies, which are quite funny. The real ones are a bit "creepy," as one is described.
Well, it isn't sex education but a movie from 1936. Check out Reefer Madness 1936. Hilarious.

Mr. Wayne - Federal Bureau Investigator: Here is an example: A 16-year-old lad apprehended in the act of staging a holdup - 16 years old and a marijuana addict. Here is a most tragic case.
Dr. Carroll: Yes. I remember. Just a young boy... under the influence of the drug... he killed his entire family with an axe.
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The "offending line was:

ā€œTouching a girl was a big deal back then. Touching it bare was like climbing Mt. Everest for the guys.ā€

I removed the reference and it went through.
Yeah, that seems consistent with previous rejections Lit has handed down. You've sexualized the event.

Here's one of mine, for reference.

"Did I ever tell you about the first time I got high?" Lucia slurred, tiredly.

She shook her head.

"I was fourteen. I'd just come back from mi Abuelas. Guitar lesson." Her eyes unfocused, and her breathing slowed. "My sister, Myrna, was there with her boyfriend."

"Is Myrna the one that joined the Highway Patrol?"

"Border Patrol," Lucia growled.

Vivian nodded and tried to commit that to memory. Lucia's family was big, and it was hard to keep them all straight.

"Anyway, they were drunk. I forget where everyone else was, but it was gonna be a while until they got back. Myrna passed out, and it was just me and him. I liked him. He was cute. We were playing Smash Brothers, I think, when he kissed me."

Vivian's brow furrowed. "Myrna is.... the second oldest? What, seven years older than you are? Something like that?"

Lucia nodded. "I just felt really special. Like, I'd had a crush on him. I think he knew. He was a little older than Myrna. Anyway, he went out to his car after that and came back with a couple of Oxy pills."

Vivian waited patiently while Lucia's eyelids drooped a little.

"He finished before Myrna woke up, but we weren't, like, put back together. He was still half-naked, and I was completely naked. She threw him out, and then... there I was. Still there. And barely coherent. Myrna was always Dad's favorite, but after that... I was the scapegoat for, like, everything. I was the only one that didn't want to be a cop. I wanted to speak Spanish all the time. They wanted to completely forget that we're Mexican. I got picked up a couple times for dealing. My uncle was usually the one to bail me out, but I embarrassed them all.

I yadda yadda yadda'd everything between the first kiss and the aftermath. No description of anything between those markers. In my experience, this is how you can reference underage hijinx on Lit without getting it sent back.
Well, it isn't sex education but a movie from 1936. Check out Refer Madness 1936. Hilarious.

Mr. Wayne - Federal Bureau Investigator: Here is an example: A 16-year-old lad apprehended in the act of staging a holdup - 16 years old and a marijuana addict. Here is a most tragic case.
Dr. Carroll: Yes. I remember. Just a young boy... under the influence of the drug... he killed his entire family with an axe.
How the world has changed.


I guess it's mild compared to 'tranq," which is an animal tranquilizer that makes people shuffle around like zombies.
I was a little young for Chris. She was already Evert-Loyd by the time I ever heard of her.

I liked the skating, too. And like 80% of the models on MTV.

Susanna Hoff? Fugedaboudit.
I was a little young for Chris. She was already Evert-Loyd by the time I ever heard of her.

I liked the skating, too. And like 80% of the models on MTV.

Susanna Hoff? Fugedaboudit.
Now, Martina Navratilova and Gabriela Sabatini? You have my full attention!

Though you weren't allowed to admit to liking Martina, because she was a lesbian (which I hadn't known until being informed you couldn't like her...)

My school took sex ed so seriously that we had a lesson a week for all of year 9 about it, besides what's in GCSE science (years 10-11), a dose from the science teachers in years 7 and 8, and way too many personal anecdotes from the RE teacher after all that (years 7-11 are age 11-16, but school continued to age 18). Even one detailed anecdotes would have been too much, tbh.

Met her husband at some event and he asked "What has Brenda been saying about me?" Took me all my effort not to to say "well, apparently your cock is back to full firmness since your vasectomy, but now bends a bit to the left..."