Lords and Ladies of the Realm


As sorian left he sensed that he was getting himself into something bigger then ever before. 'what compelled me to follow what that voice told me.I've never done this before'he thought as he started his walk to a friend who might know more.
Lady Dorynan

Lady Dorynan retired to the chambers that were to be hers. She'd taken a bath without the aid of the resident servants. She'd slipped into a long satiny night gown and climbing into the stone window that stood out from the castle wall. The padded velvet cushion protected her from the cold stone. Her mind raced. Time was growing short. She no longer felt she wanted to try and collaborate with all of these people that had been sent to help her by what ever greater being. But she knew that they were there for a reason.

After pondering the situation for several hours Dorynan was suddenly struck with a moment of clarity. She knew what she was going to do. But she needed Michaela's help.

In her bare feet she padded down the cold stone corridor. When she found the big wooden door she was looking for she pushed on it and found it opened quite easily.

Creeping in quietly she rounded the side of the bed. The figure in the bed moved. Dorynan jumped.

"Dory what is it?" Michaela whispered. "I felt something was wrong and I wake only to find you looming over my bed."

"I wasnt looming. I only just got here." she replied climbing up onto the bed next to her childhood friend.

"I've got a plan to get Brody. But i need your help. And it requires your silence. Will you give me your word. I will not force you but i ask that you not reveal what i say to you should you not go with me."

After Michaela nodded and she felt sure her friend was with her she launched into her detailed plan. Michaela nodded earnestly as she was always up for an adventure. When the planning was done Dorynan hugged her friend tightly and left the room.

She'd only made it halfway down the torchlit hallway when one of the wall hangings moved suddenly and she was grabbed by her waist and instantly hidden in the darkness behind it.
A strong hand clamped over her mouth, but not overly harshly. Dorynan struggled fiercly until the hand was removed and quickly replaced by a pair of firm but soft lips. She was stunned. And it only took her a moment to realize who it was.

"Drake I could kill you!" she hissed as soon as she could find words.

"Not in this state you couldnt." he whispered back referring to the relaxed tone to her body now that she'd been soundly kissed.

"Why in God's name are you stalking around her like a thief in the night." she demanded to know

"Why are you?" he quipped

"You truly are incorrigible."

"And you are avoiding the question."
sorian's one day journey

'I must be back there before she leaves or i fear all might be lost.'He thought to himself.he was about 60 leuges away from the castle.'why do you think that brother' said a voice in reply."Well because,, brother how are you." i asked in surprise as i saw my wizard brother walk up."i'm fine but you are worried about the lady dorynan" he said with a frown. "i don't see why you bother with them" he said with a smirk "never mind that. What must i do to keep the lady safe" i said with unusual concern.Even for me."Follow what your heart tells you."He said as he walks away into the forest.'what did he mean by that' i thought with frustration.
Stark Wyrmsbane

Despite being the larger of the two dragons, Ancaleg knew his doom was at hand, and attempted to flee. Stark, however, was prepared for the attempt, and employed dragonmagick to enhance his own speed, enabling him to overtake his foe. As Stark closed in, he breathed an enormous gout of dragonfire at Ancaleg's wing, nearly crippling it.

With a fury born of desparation, Ancaleg wheeled about in the sky, hurling himself at Stark, grappling with him and attempting to use his greater size to bear Stark down to the distant ground below. The bitter enemies screamed their rage at each other as they plummeted to earth, biting each other, claws slashing, and belches of white-hot flame burning their flesh.

At the last instant before impact, Stark managed to twist their bodies around in mid-air, causing Ancaleg to impact upon the unyielding ground first, with Stark crashing atop him; the earth shook under their tremendous crash, several large trees toppling. Both dragons were badly hurt in the fall; each of them had obviously broken limbs and black blood bubbled from their wounds. To the horror of the onlookers, neither dragon stirred.

Stark began to move first, weakly rolling to his feet. As he stood, Ancaleg also recovered, also looking very badly wounded. "No quarter, you disgrace to dragonkind!" rumbled the basso voice of Lord Stark Wyrmsbane, as he hurled himself at his foe once more, his wounds forgotten in his rage, but his left wing yet dragging the ground, having been snapped in the fall.
Lord Remy

I stood closeby and watched Dory to see what her move was going to be. I personally had never heard of this man, but Dory seemed to know him, but how? I sat back and watched hoping that the answers would come. As I listened and waited I couldn't help but think of what Dory was doing in my room, and what that trancelike state was all about. I could only wonder, but I was sure I would find out soon enough.

As Sorian told of his purpose, Dory listened intently. Suddenly we were interrupted...there was a raucous out in the Great Hall. I ran there, it was the scouts, they had ridden hard and fast and their horses were exhausted. They were panting as they tried to tell us of the news. Finally they caught their breath long enough to inform us that the trouble we'd feared was fast approaching. With that I gave the orders to my men to ready for battle. With that I turned to head upstairs and make ready for battle. I donned, my leathers, and then my chainmail over that, then finally my armor. I was prepared, I grasped my father's sword by the handle, raising it up, admiring it....the sword I'd taken to battle so many times, just as he had before me. The blade was long and straight, razor sharp on both sides. The blade widened out as it met the ivory carved handle, on the butt of the handle the family crest was carved in. I slowly slid the blade down into the sheath and seated it with a solid thud. I donned the smaller sword on my right, this was the one I'd trained with when I was younger, I was faster with this sword and well skilled, perhaps my better weapon of choice, simply due to the hours and hours spent practicing with it, I knew it's every contour, it fit my hand perfectly. With that I grabbed my helmet and made my way downstairs to meet the others.
Lady Dorynan

The time had come more quickly than she had suspected. While she watched everyone in the castle hurriedly get ready for a battle, it was easy for Michaela and herself to quietly blend into the darkness and back up the stair case.

They searched for the leather bags that were hers and after a few moments time she found what she was looking for. Her mother had used these when she was alive....or so she was told. The costume of the ancient ninja. Her mother had travelled to the East several times and had learned of their arts of fighting and control. While she had not had the privelege of teaching these things to her daughters her clothing had been left behind and would now come in handy.

Donning the all black hood with only the eyes left uncovered and the black free flowing tunics and pants and black knee high boots wrapped 'round with leather laces the two women nodded to each other and crept down the servants staircase.

They went completely unnoticed so their descent to the old barn a few miles back through the outer bailey. Dorynan breathed a sigh of relief when she got there and the two black horses were there as she had ordered.

Little did anyone know she had no reason to stick around for the battle that was too ensue. She felt some guilt for leaving this battle but she had a greater cause and an intuition she had learned never to ignore.

Mounting the horses they took off into the night. Took off in the direction she had felt her nephew's weakened spirit call to her. She only looked once over her shoulder when she heard the clashing of metal and the yells of men engaging in battle. Leaning down over the neck of her mount she whispered a prayer to keep the men in her life safe and strong as they fought what could legitimately be called her battle. She also cast a spell sending the faeries of the land into the fray to lessen the blows that would land on all those who fought this battle.

*battleaxe held at the ready, standing guard over the sleeping form of MoonLight...Gazing occaisionally to her lovely form...thinking about what might have been...and about, if stark survives...and will accept it...the wolf within can affect healing on other magikal beasts...Howls out both a warning...and a challenge...calling forth his army from the multitude of portals he opened, all around this field, before his return*

As Moonlight lay recovering from the energy she has spent, she can hear in her mind, Nightwolf make the call to his armies. As he does so, all hell breaks lose, the Dark Lords army spilling forth from a great doorway that opened up in the side of the clifs, and the two armies meet in a thundering roar.

Moonlight awakens, and tries to right herself, reaching for Nightwolf to help her to her feet. Instead, he scoops her into his strong arms, carying her away from the main force of the fighting to safety.

Looking deep into his eyes, she sees the tenderness, the caring he has for her, and it touches her heart deeply. As he sets her down on the cool grass on the side of a babbling brook, their eyes lock, and their lips touch in a tender kiss that leaves her a little breathless.

In the distance she can hear a roar, and she knows the battle between the two dragons continues, and there is nothing she can do to aid the dragon she gave her heart and body to, all she can do is pray he will be the victor, and survive.

[Edited by Moonlight_33 on 05-13-2001 at 04:07 PM]
Lord Stark

When Ancaleg saw the forces that surrounded him, servants and allies of the Wolf Lord, he assumed the posture of surrender, his head lowered, wings spread awkwardly. Stark pulled his battered body to an upright position and painfully made his way to Ancaleg.

In a cold, cold voice, Stark growled, "What part of No Quarter did you not understand, you traitorous scum?!!" The Lord Dragon raised one mighty hind leg, and struck a mighty blow to Ancaleg's outstretched neck, snapping it instantly.

Stark then calmly collapsed atop Ancaleg's corpse, unconscious.
Lady Dorynan

An eerie highland mist had taken over the valley Michaela and Dorynan had stopped to rest in. Dew collected on her eye lashes as she kept watch.

The mist lifted and lowered, dancing across the rugged terrain laid out before them as if playing hide-n-go-seek with the formidable stronghold they'd come upon several hours before.

It was there that Brodhan was held and bless all that was sacred and holy he was still alive.

Dorynan spied no movement around the outer limits of the castle and could sense absolutely no other life forms within the interior of the castle other than her nephew.

She watched for any movement and listened to every twig break and every whisper of wind and found the surroundings oddly yet definitely void of inhabitants.

"This can't be right." she stated apprehensively. "Surely they weren't so confident as to leave him alone and unprotected."

"Surely not. Dorynan it has to be a trap. Some sort of glamor or spell...."

"But I sense nothing. No faeries, sprites, nymphs. Not servants or even animals. None but Brody." the apprehension she felt was beginning to ball up into a tight knot in her chest.

"I could cast a spell that would establish whether or not it were faerie glamor or other magic but I would have to be much closer. It would take some time to gather all the pertinent herbs for such a spell to break that which already exists." Michaela was already digging into the leather pouch she never went anywhere without.

"Michaela, I do not have the time with which to afford you such a luxury." she stated with certainty

"You also can not afford to squander that little boys life away because of your penchant for hastily made decisions."

The voice of reason challenged her once again. And the voice of reason was once again successful.

'I must find the lady dorynan' i thought as i started to track her.'I fi don't i fear all might be lost'
Tolerance is the path to wisdom

[Edited by silverwolf on 05-14-2001 at 10:17 AM]

*picking up MoonLight and running to the fallen dragonlord*

We must heal him, M'Lady. Without him, all is lost!

*gently standing MoonLight beside him as he reached the unconscious Wyrmsbane, he holds his arms outstretched, as if to hug someone...the white light pouring forth from his body...enveloping the fallen dragon...motioning for MoonLight to help him heal the dragon*

M'Lady!! HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!

Seeing her beloved dragon fallen, Moonlight stumbled to his side, wrapping her arms aroung his big neck and allowing all that she had left to flow into him, opening up her chanels to her universal energy, absorbing all that she could and transfering it through to the wounded dragon.

"Wake my darling. Wake."

*knowing now that there can be nothing between himself and the Lady MoonLight, he lets every last ounce of his energy flow into the fallen dragonlord...ending his life...but saving his loves love*

Just before his consciousness fades forever...mind to mind, he sends this last message to MoonLight...

I do this for you, My Love. I give you the one thing you desire most, his life, and the end to my suffering. Fear not, for I am were I belong now. I am free. It was your love for him, that allowed me to break free my bonds of pain and sorrow. Weep for me not, M'Lady, for I do this of my own free will, and out of love and respect for you, and him. I would have loved you as best I could, but that was not to be, for your heart belonged to another. My spirit will always be near you, M'Lady. If you need me, just call to me, and I shall answer you. Fare thee well, M'Lady MoonLight, My Love.

as i 'm walking i see the lady dorynan from a distance and thank all the powers that be that nothing has gone wrong.I start to run twoard her but i do not yell for they are in front of a stronghold and from what i can sense it is where the one they search for is.
Lord Stark

Stark drifted in a black space, at peace, knowing his duty had been performed. Then, from a distance, he felt a tug... something called him, someone? With a rush, remembrance came, and he knew his duty was not, after all, done! His Lady needed him... he allowed her sweet voice to fill him, her force to heal him... her force, and that of another... the wolf Lord? The warriors' life forces mingled briefly, then the lupine one faded into the black, while Stark awoke to blinding sunlight.

Ghost of NightWolf

*allows his spirit to briefly mingle with MoonLights'...this message going directly to her 'Be happy, M'Lady, for I am finally free. The were-folk will follow you now, for they know you will not mistreat them, nor will you abuse their powers. I do hope that the faerie folk allied with me will do the same, but I cannot speak for them. I believe they will, as they came to me, when their King was killed by uncaring woodsmen. Tell the DragonLord not to worry about me. I couldn't make you happy in life, but mayhaps my death will bring you the joy you sought for so long. I will never stop loving you, MoonLight. As long as I exist, in whatever form, my love for you will burn hotter than the fires of your phoenix. If ever you need me, just say my name, and I will be there.'

*gives her a true soul kiss...then departs her body...his essence hovering near the edge of the field where his body lays*

*as soft as a whisper on the wind...'Please set my body atop a bier, and give me a warriors' funeral. Send my ashes to the four winds...Please.'
Lady Dorynan

Lady Dorynan immediately sensed the presence enter the forest.
"Michaela get down! Someone is here." she whispered fiercly.

Flattening themselves against the stone they were near they sat and waited.

"Isn't that...?" Michaela said spotting the figure.

Anger rose in her throat so swiftly she thought she would vomit. Jumping to her feet she confronted Sorian. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!! HOW DARE YOU ENDANGER US BY SNEAKING UPON US IN THAT MANNER!"

"But M'lady, I was sent to protect you. I'm just here to help." he replied shocked at her display.

"I DO NOT NEED YOUR PROTECTION. You sir are a danger. You are unpredictable! I do not want you here you are a distraction!" she nearly yelled at him.

"But Lady Dorynan.." he tried to plead.


"Do as I say for if I see you here at a later date I will kill you myself. Wizard or NOT!!"

Sorian took her words seriously. She was more angry than he'd ever seen any woman especially mortal.

"I apologize for this infraction m'lady. Forgive me." Sorian bowed slightly and turned and descended quietly into the forest.

Moonlight was thrilled to see her beloved dragon awaken, but as Kightwolf fell dead, it was like a part of her died as well.

"NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!" she ran to his side, falling on his body and holding his still warm corps to her breast, sobbing in desperate greif.

"No, Locklin, don't leave me, I need you, I loved you both, what will i do without you?" Her tears plashed across his motionless face, her heart ached with pain she knew no cure for. Strong arm embraced her and lifted her from Nightwolf, pulling her away gently as the wolven worriors came forth to claim the body of their fallen king. She turned and pressed her face against the chest of her beloved Stark, sobbing uncontrolably, "I loved you both."

At the flames rose higher, claiming the body of the man she called friend, the wolven worriors turned and kneeled before Moonlight

"We are yours to comand our Queen" and Moonlight new he was truely gone.
OOC: Sorry about the crappy writing. I had a beautiful post ready, a full page long and very well written, but then I accidentally clicked on clear fields, and it was gone! Damn it!

Lokken and the Thirteen charged forward and battled madly. Lokken summoned Thrinta and they fought together madly.

*Where the fallen werebeast once lay dead, now lays Locklin, alive and well, but seemingly unaware of what has happened around him*

*looks around*

Where am I? And more to the point, who are you? *gesturing to the others in the field around him*

I guess, I should be thanking one of you for freeing me from the bonds of the werebeast, but if I were to do that before being propely introduced, it would be unseemly.

I made my way back to the battle as quickly as possible.and arrived there with what seemed time to spare and i hurtled myself into the fray using my dagger and ice spells on any enemy in my way.Taking gashes and slices along the way
As the battle raged, my armies held strong, although if it weren't for the help of the others who had come surely the castle would have been stormed. I was prepared for a large onslaught, but nothing like had descended on the castle. The Dark Lord was truly powerful. As I fought, I didn't even notice that Dory wasn't there. I weilded my weapons well, and they served me well as they always had in the past....with speed, and accuracy I swung both blades, raining down fierce blows on the dark creatures before me. They archers high in the towers were dropping the creatures everywhere around me. The trebuchets took out the far back of the oncoming army, but as that happened more and more of the dark army keep rolling out of the woods at the edge of view, it seemed there was no end, but fortunately we had all been blessed with the spells of the fairies, and we were protected. As the battle raged on, I got the impression that this army might only be here to stall us....since their effort was not to take the castle, but to prevent us from ending the battle and leaving to find the child, it was then I noticed Dory wasn't there. While lost in that thought I almost lost my head to a swinging sword when an archer dropped the black, twisted creature just to my left, I spun that way just in time to see it fall dead. With that I pushed the thoughts of Dory from my mind and refocused on battle, I only prayed that she was safe and that we could withstand the oncoming army.

As i fight in the raging battle i wonder why the lady didn't want my help.And where is this endless army of vile creatures are coming from.Then it hits me.There is one thing i can do to greatly reduce ther number but it may kill me.I make my way to the leader of this eppic battle"Bring your men int a line in front of the castle."I said as i saw the questioning look on hiss face."I don't think we want to lose men to what i'm going to do"He nods and starts to do as i bid him. I figured that by the time he finishes i'll have the spell almost finished and the fire ball (whuch i barely ever use ) will be big enough to significly reduce there number.I climb on top of on of the big castle walls and start my spell.