Mass Effect: Normandy Renegade

I think that people playing Garrus
and Jacob, should probably take
charge since they are group leaders.
^^ That means you Nid!
He already has. Did no one else notice Baxter get punched in the face by Garrus for being insubordinate? Seriously?
I agree, Garrus seems like a good choice, and Jacob is a good leader (However he might not like leadership considering how Jacob saw how it affected his father)
Ok...I'm now starting to lose interest in Baxter. Seriously. He acts like a douchebag to the members of Shepard's personal squad. Shows no respect to the two characters who have been with Shepard since the beginning, or respect to anyone actually. How the fuck was this guy in the military at any point in time? He not only won't listen to people in charge, he actively fights them. I mean even cerberus has chains of command.

So he gets punched for being a complete dick, and his response is to pull and prime a grenade? Ignoring the multitude of ways that is fucked up...if you can't handle your character not being the ultimate bad ass who is always in control, then go write a fan-fic.

So far, your guy has managed to brew illegal booze in the engines of the most advanced ship in the galaxy without anyone noticing until now. When they finally notice it, his first reaction is to threaten to shoot a personal friend of Shepard's. I already brought up the whole issue with him somehow having a second and incredibly expensive prototype weapon designed just for him. Now he is being as intentionally antagonistic as possible.

Here's the final issue.

RebelJap808 said:
But the Alliance was able to keep him around somehow...right? So figure it out *leaves it to you*

It is not our job to figure out your character. You can't expect us to react to your guy based on backstory and just ignore his actions.
Taken care of.

Rebel, work out your own character.

Nid, get us moving, please.

Avellan, do whatever you were doing.

And Legion is keeping the Cain. Character issues be damned.
You know, I actually don't think Garrus or anyone (except maybe Tali) would have issues with Legion holding the Cain. I mean if you're going to fire a nuke, it sure seems like a good idea to be able to make a couple thousand calculations before you pull the trigger.

Alright we're going to deal with Baxter and get the mission going. We still need to design the basics of the planet (or at least the terrain of the combat zone) and the compound. So how about we start working on that?

On a note with characters, I think we've lost the person who was going to do Morinth. After this mission is done (and I get more in to the swing of Garrus) I think I'll start doing Grunt in addition to Garrus. Even if we don't focus on our second character as much, I think we should all think about doing 2 characters. If for no other reason than to keep the ship feel active.
I agree about controlling a second character. How about I take over Joker. He and Vincent interacted at beginning and there good friends so they get along.
Thank you, Nid.

And I was thinking we could do it something like the planet for Zaeed's loyalty mission. With the thick vegetation and everything. But not an oil refinery. Maybe just a normal base in the vegetation?

And I'll think of who I'll take on. Any suggestions?
I am on board with taking more
characters. ^^ I love all you guys
and want to help the story further.
I might take Mordin. XD Seeing as
how he is the only male I feel comfortable
portraying. But I might stick with a female.
Since... I am ... a female. XD
The Zaeed mission base is a good way to start. Blue Suns seem like they like to take over abandoned or poorly defended places. We could do something industrial, like a mining complex, or possibly just a chemical manufacturing plant. The plant could provide for more of a challenge, as stray shots would cause a lot of problems.

@ Avellan13
Joker is a good idea. I think we need someone to play Joker. He is so damn essential to crew moral. I mean I know Chambers is the psychologist...but Joker is really what keeps the team sane when shit gets crazy.

The way I think about it, you have two options for a second character. Someone you feel really comfortable with RPing. Or someone who is the complete opposite of Legion so you don't feel like you're doing the same thing over and over.

The opposite of Legion might be Zaeed. But he just doesn't seem like a lot of fun. As a DLC character he didn't get much character development. Grunt was just the first thing that popped in to my head, though. So I'm not going to claim him if anyone else wants to be Grunt.

I'll give some thought about what character I want, but honestly...Garrus is the only one in the game I really wanted to play. I can probably pull off just about anyone else, so you guys pick your seconds and I'll choose from who's left.
Ah, yes, I would like to say something to you, Rebel. If Baxter tries to take the Cain from Legion without Shepard ordering Legion to relinquish control of it, Legion will put Baxter through a wall and break his neck. He would probably do it even if Shepard ordered him because that would be a very poor decision and Legion's higher reasoning wouldn't allow him to hand it over to Baxter.

As for my second character, I'm debating over Thane or maybe actually using the character design I posted earlier.
@ LeoHawk35

The other turian? I liked that idea. On the surface he seems sort of like another Garrus, but you didn't give out a lot of details. What popped in to my head looking at that character is he seems like he could be what would have happened if Garrus hadn't lost his hopes and ideals. Which would make for good storytelling.

Of course personally, I think we should work on the existing characters. Thane might be the person who has the hardest time handling the Renegade actions, so he would need some good development. You know, once we all get in to the swing of things, we could all probably handle 3 characters. Just a thought.

Also if Garrus could get the shot off (Legion is pretty damn quick I imagine) he'd plug Baxter in the knees if he made an aggressive move. We all seem to have forgotten that Garrus was C-Sec trained. Sure he's gone all vigilante, but he still knows a lot of methods for non-lethal takedowns.

He's also got at least some detective skills. I know that doesn't come up in the games after he joins the Normandy. But it might be handy sometime. Who knows. Garrus might have been a shitty detective. I mean you assume he was good because he got handed the Saren case. But since they were protecting their precious SPECTRE, his bosses could have saddled that assignment on him because they knew he'd do a bad job.


Alright...we need to keep working on the planet and compound. Input, people?
Next to Garrus, Thane is my favorite.
I have this dream with the two of them
in it..... >.> Don't ask. Just know, it involves
a tea set and a banana.....

I have decided, I shall be taking Kelly Chambers.
I like the idea of giant fauna.
Giant glowly mushrooms. And
all cool. It should have a really,
really long period of night. Like,
not where it's cold, just the nights
last longer than the days. XD That's
what I envisioned. The added darkness
makes it easier for the B.Suns to move
about without much detection.
No no no.. you didn`t kill the thread. Some of us are waiting for DormantEvil to return and others have other post and threads to take care of.
I agree with the setting. A planet with a lush jungle and forest enviroment is very interesting.
We don't need luminescent fungi on this one. But I do like the idea of the mission happening during a very long night. There can also be weather issues, but we don't have to use ALL the cool stuff in the first mission.

So what kind of giant fauna do you want? Giant versions of those monkeys? The thing about megafauna is it could add another layer of difficulty...but most likely we wouldn't see any large animals because they'd likely avoid the compound because of noise, light, and the Blue Suns would probably shoot them for fun.

Giant flora could be neat though. Or we could go the complete opposite and do a desert environment. Sand or rock desert would be interesting, and the looming threat of sandstorms could force us to move faster.

A lush jungle could provide a lot of interesting stuff. Jungles are also pretty varied, so lets start with simple stuff first. I'll just a few options, and we'll go from there.


How should we have to travel to get from landing zone, to compound.
Up - (Zone is on ground level, compound is on a hill/mountainside/etc)
Down - (Zone is ground level or on hill and we have to move down to compound on valley/chasm/etc)
Level - (Zone and compound are roughly on same elevation)

-Terrain Cover-

How much natural terrain to move through to get to compound
Dense - (Compound will be approached by moving through lots of trees/rock formations/etc providing cover)
Average - (Some cover)
Sparse - (Compound will have little cover on the approach. We would need a good plan to get through this)

-Time of day-

How much natural light are we working with

Day - (plenty of light)
Dusk/Dawn - (some light that will diminish/grow during mission)
Night - (little to no light)
I vote for Napalm
*is glared at*
Fine...fine...I'll just make another "new" character to balance out what I have now...
I like the idea of a dense place. Because
like. Mass Effect, it was sort of easy to
navigate through everything. With something
being dense and hard to see through, it would
be interesting to see how it's all going to work
out. We should do long nights. I still like that
idea. A leveled elevation is ideal, along with a
well concealed base, because the B.Suns aren't
that stupid to have this giant gap in fauna
that can be seen from above.... just my...input.
Well we don't need to spend a lot of time on the terrain and compound, so we should go with Dizzyfish's idea. I think it will make for a suspenseful first mission.

I have a picture in my head of the compound exterior being similar to what the outside of the Cerberus lab was in Jack's loyalty mission, just more of a jungle/rainforest. We didn't see much of it, but that is still the idea I have when I think about it.

One more detail, though. What should the compound's original purpose be? The Blue Suns don't seem like they'd invest in their own real estate, so it would likely have been something else before they moved in.

Suggestions and ideas?
-looks around at the silence, then raises hand
like a sixth grader, squirming in seat- OH! ME!!
KNOW! -squirms more-
Wait...when did I become a professor? Am I like...Professor Farnsworth level of professor? Or more like "can't apply what I learned in school so I just teach it to other people to pay for my alcohol" kind of professor?

Also, if I'm a professor now then I am going to need this yard-stick. Umm... hey... Dizzyfish... you wouldn't happen to own a schoolgirl outfit, would you? You all can work on the assignment...I'm just going to take her to another room and uh...we'll be back later.
That's what our I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N
is for. -looks down at school girl uniform-
See? Works everytime!

You can be.. Professor like... the second
one. But you actually know stuff. You
would just PREFER to be a drunk. XD

-dragged off- But wait! I know the answer
to the dilemma! Don't I get to tell it first?