Mass Effect: Normandy Renegade

I would just like to point out that I did NOT keep Dizzyfish locked in another room all night. I repeat...Dizzyfish has not been tied to a bed in another room all night while I tickle her with feathers. And she certainly hasn't been locked in another room all night while I lick chocolate off of her. I don't know why she never gave us the answer to the dilemma.

Ok, so unless we have any objections, I think Dizzy's idea for the terrain sounds like fun. I've taken the liberty to come up with a few details based on her idea. These are just rough ideas, so please add anything you'd like or correct any problems I have in my assumptions.

The planet we are going to has long nights, long enough that we have to do the mission at night. If we wait until daytime, we'd lose our window.

The Blue-Suns compound is hidden away in a very dense, very lush jungle. The jungle would be near the equator, so even at night it could be very hot and humid. (We all have environmental gear in our armor, so it isn't that big of an issue)

The buildings are covered from a direct aerial drop thanks to the heavy canopy of trees. As it is a dense jungle, the only direct path to the compound would be a well guarded and watched main road straight through the jungle.

We would need to get the shuttle in to a clearing and then split the teams up to make two approaches to the compound. That would require a trek through the jungle itself, but with built in sensors and maps, the chances of getting lost would be slim.

I have a suggestion for what the base used to be, and possibly something the Suns might be using pieces of. A bio-engineering lab. A jungle would have a large variety of unusual flora, fauna and fungi (but no glowing mushrooms, damn it!) that could provide plenty of opportunity for experimentation. I don't think there has to be anything sinister behind it. The base may simply studied how to grow a stronger and prettier flower. You would be shocked at how much dangerous equipment is required for studying flowers.
I don't normally come to this section so I wish I saw this sooner, but if you don't mind another I'd like to join. I love Mass Effect and wanted a decent RP about it for a while but it never seemed like anyone in the SRP section had any knowledge of the game. I guess I should have asked here.

As to who I'd play.. I'd actually consider playing Kaidan. I'm not a big fan of him but I also didn't dislike him either. Since the plot of the thread is the Normandy going rogue, perhaps the Alliance sends him to find her and for whatever reason gets caught up in things. I'd make my own character but no real ideas are jumping out at me.

Anyway, if that doesn't sound good to you or you don't want any more at the moment just let me know.
HERE!!! WELCOME! -biggrin-
Welcome to our craziness! You
can be whatever character you want
and begin posting right away! If
you need help, you can totally pose
any concerns you might have. Feel free
to contribute to our conversation.

If you DO choose Kaiden, you can actually
come right in. He could have been monitoring
B.Suns movements and ended up in the same
place our team is about to be and join up there.
Calm down Dizzy, you're going to scare the guy.

*gives Dizzy a sugar-free cookie to nibble on*

Hopefully DormantEvil will be around so you can run your Kaiden idea past her. I always liked Kaiden. I mean Ashley was such a major bitch. Kaiden was rough, but he at least wasn't a damn xenophobe.

If you want to snag any of the ME2 crew members, just let us know. We're all working out who our secondary characters are going to be, but I'm sure no one would take a character as their second one if you wanted it as your main one.
Ashley is a space nazi.

Looking over stuff again, it seems like we have a bunch of humans already, so I'm still thinking it over. Additionally, I noticed it says the Normandy returned through the Omega 4 Relay? Is that still the case? Would have made it hard (impossible) for Kaidan to follow if so.

Thane's another character I'm interested in, though his dialogue would be a challenge to write.
Yes, they went through the Omega
4 Relay. -glares at Professor Nid-
I understand your reasoning for seeing
it difficult to portray Kaiden. But I am
sure it could work out. Everything else
has. XD

Well the basic premise of the game is that this is after the events of ME2. Shepard followed the renegade actions, told Cerberus to fuck off, told the Council to fuck off, told the Alliance to fuck off. We started the RP with us all finalizing repairs on the Normandy after the Collectors were dealt with.

Our goal right now is to stock up with whatever we can get, and eventually get a base of operations so we aren't spending all the time on the ship. Shepard and the Normandy are still focused on the Reaper threat, but she wants to do things her way and build up her influence and resources to get ready.

That has lead us to our mission that we are about to start. We're going to raid a Blue-Suns base, crack some skulls, and "liberate" their supply of weapons.

These are the characters that have been taken and are being RP'd and who is playing them.

Shepard - DormantEvil
Jack - DormantEvil
Garrus - Nidhogg
Legion - LeoHawk35
Tali - Dizzyfish
Jacob - MeanBlackJack
*New Characters*
Vincent Anastasio (human) - Avellan13
Derek Baxter (human) - RebelJap808
Yeah I should have included people who have crew member characters. I guess I was just thinking about the squad.

Joker - Avellan13
Kelly Chambers - Dizzyfish
Eh, I'll take Thane. We can replace him for Baxter on the mission or something like that. Though if I remember correctly, Baxter was on Jacob's squad? We may have to do some tetris-ing there. And the layout for the mission sounds good.

And I take offense to you saying the people in SRP have no knowledge of Mass Effect.

Just saying.
I was not able to find anyone
in the SRP doing Mass Effect.
It may just be inexperience with
navigation through those parts Leo.
^^ I am sure he didn't mean EVERYONE,
everyone. :3
Mainly it was hard to find females who knew much about it, I suppose I should say.

Anyway I guess if you're taking Thane then I'll stick with my original idea. I'll probably wait for the thread creator to weigh in before making any final decisions.
Well wait, if you want Thane,
I think it's only fair that you
have first choice of the mission
team characters, as you yet to
have one. :3
I agree. I know you had decided to take Thane, LeoHawk35. But you do already have Legion. That is just my opinion, though.

Despite having taken charge of getting things rolling and somehow gained a professor tenure-ship, DormantEvil is still the one in charge. We should just wait until she gets back on before decisions are made.
I wasn't terribly set on Thane. I just thought we had a lot of humans and he was the only non-human character that I think I'd be interested in besides Garrus. Technically I could write for any character if it's ever necessary. Just not many I'd want to play full time.

Kaidan seems interesting to me because he'd most likely be the moral voice to contrast the jaded Shepard and the rest of the crew, since most of them seem to trust Shepard so much that they're not going to do much to oppose her. Seems like it has the potential for the most interesting dynamic.
Of course. I was only saying that I had decided on my secondary character. If he wishes to choose Thane as his, it is his choice. I don't want any more friction than there already is.
Kaidan seems interesting to me because he'd most likely be the moral voice to contrast the jaded Shepard and the rest of the crew, since most of them seem to trust Shepard so much that they're not going to do much to oppose her. Seems like it has the potential for the most interesting dynamic.

You know, I really like that reasoning. I'm sure DE will too, and I don't think she'll have any problem with bringing Kaiden in. And if for some reason she can't think of a good way to get him on the ship, well we're all creative folks here. We can probably bombard her with more ideas than she'd know what to do with.

LeoHawk, you're a gentleman and a scholar. I'd tip my hat to you, but I haven't got a hat.

I'm sure Dizzy can magic up a hat or something.
It is with great luck that I do have a hat.

*tips, then holds out to Nidhogg*

Geth don't wear hats, so you can have this one.
-skitters into room with a handful
of hats- Oh... There is no need for
my magic hats? Bummer.
Totally haven't read much on the last page...but from what I saw...

People without any characters can have dibs...unless someone else has already started posting with the character they wanted.

But if no posts have been made, then those people currently without anyone, can have dibs over someone who already has someone.


How you work that out, is up to you guys.

Other than that, all seems good to me.
That only made sense after I read it three times.

Anyway the dibs stuff is moot, I'm sticking with my original choice in Kaidan.

So one question, then. Where's the Normandy, currently? I looked through the posts but still not quite sure. I figure the Alliance sent Kaidan to try and locate Shepard. Perhaps they were secretly monitoring Terminus system mercenary groups seeing that, well, Shepard had been running into them a lot lately.

But I'm open to suggestions if anyone else has an idea for how he might enter.
I kind of stuffed up here.

Currently the Normandy is sitting in the space crator (lol) where the Collector Base used to be. Beyond the Omega 4 Relay.

But since the Blue Sun's group wouldn't be there. The Normandy is going to have to jump back through it, which its done before now.

So whoever makes the shuttles leaving the ship post, can include that we jumped back through etc in brief.

Hope that helps.
Yeah, that definitely addresses my main confusion, thank you.
Though I am not sure if this helps,
I am going to incorporate what you
said and what I had said previously.
If the Alliance wants to find Shepard,
the only way to do that, is the method
the collectors were using. Be where
the Alliance thinks Shepard might go.

While still keeping tabs on this weapons
thing the Blue Suns have got going on.... I
don't know how to... say what I am thinking
into words.

Just do the whole, "ambush," thing. The terrain
offers great coverage for a small Alliance vessel.
And no doubt when heads start rolling, Kaiden is
going to see the action and confront the team
or get caught in the cross fire and be forced to
assist... or what have you.

There are my thoughts. Take it or leave it. XD
Yeah, that was kinda my thought, too. Also since we've established the Normandy has to make a return through the relay, it's possible they're monitoring it as well.

But I'll wait to see where things go exactly before deciding which entrance I wish to make.