Name a Litster that you miss 2

I see I’m not the only one missing @Daisy_Love ! Between missing her and @Scrawney and their respective brands of classy smut and filth, there’s definitely a hole or two needing to be filled around here!

Also missing @---E--- @BodieOhl @cinnamonNY @EnbyKnight @Great_Scot @MissLabelled @MrsPassion @Razzyricho @RuneBlade @Sincity09 @Trouble_maker

…and @PlanetaryNebula, always
Always her. Lit won’t let me tag her for some reason, but there’s never a moment I don’t miss her ❤️🥹
Always her. Lit won’t let me tag her for some reason, but there’s never a moment I don’t miss her ❤️🥹
Sometimes it doesn’t autocomplete, but if you type it out, the tag should work anyway. About 5-6 names I typed above didn’t autocomplete.

It is some small comfort to know she’s well-remembered here. Her kindness, inclusion, wit and everything else about her are unforgettable. Even typing “autocomplete” above, I couldn’t help think about how she got us all saying “autocunt” in place of “autocorrect.” Even though our memories of her pale in comparison to the real thing, I feel like it helps keep her spirit alive in some small way 💗
Sometimes it doesn’t autocomplete, but if you type it out, the tag should work anyway. About 5-6 names I typed above didn’t autocomplete.

It is some small comfort to know she’s well-remembered here. Her kindness, inclusion, wit and everything else about her are unforgettable. Even typing “autocomplete” above, I couldn’t help think about how she got us all saying “autocunt” in place of “autocorrect.” Even though our memories of her pale in comparison to the real thing, I feel like it helps keep her spirit alive in some small way 💗
Sometimes it doesn’t autocomplete, but if you type it out, the tag should work anyway. About 5-6 names I typed above didn’t autocomplete.

It is some small comfort to know she’s well-remembered here. Her kindness, inclusion, wit and everything else about her are unforgettable. Even typing “autocomplete” above, I couldn’t help think about how she got us all saying “autocunt” in place of “autocorrect.” Even though our memories of her pale in comparison to the real thing, I feel like it helps keep her spirit alive in some small way 💗
Agreed. I’m grateful with everything I am that I was able to know her, interact with her, see her, even if it was never in person. She was one of those people whose good soul shone out through everything she did. If she was any brighter she would have been physically glowing.
When I run into those people, my soul is brighter, happier, just interacting with them. She made my soul happy. I’ll love her always ❤️
I miss so many of the ones from waaayyy back - (some I still get to talk to/see outside of Lit but miss their wit and wisdom here)
Brad Big Brain
Black Cashmere

Those are the ones I can remember because I’m old.