New Memoirs of a Lady Thread (spoilers inside -- BEWARE)

I love Pepsi, and I loved writing my chapter. What an interesting experience this has been. Congrats all!
tired of the story

sorry but, i think your stories are over rated.......
to much narrative, no talking....
Re: tired of the story

L.A.W. said:
sorry but, i think your stories are over rated.......
to much narrative, no talking....
Someone didn't like the whole thing!

There's not very many of them out there, though.
We did a HELL of a job.
Congrats to one and all.
I loved being part of this.

Did i tell you that i used my Chapter as a writing sample to get into a Master's Creative Writing program? I'll be hearing about whether i'm accepted in the next few days. The faculty member who urged me to apply to the prog, who read my chapter and gave me a thumbs up on it as good enough to get me in (IF they don't all die dead before they can admit me cuz it's... ~shhhh~ ... erotica) said that as far as he knows, no one up here in the Great White North (and i mean that as an allusion to this being the Arayan Nations stronghold bit of USA geography) has ever submitted erotica as a writing sample for this program. I'm a ground breaker!
I thought it was an amazing effort. Each chapter was brilliant. The whole story flowed well. Awesome, awesome, awesome work.
LAW, you were bored by every single chapter? That's too bad. Really. Maybe you didn't enjoy it because of the memoir-type style we used. Personally, I don't usually pick up auto-biographies, so I'm not really a fan of that type of writing either.

And to be frank, I wasn't bowled over by every chapter either. I think that's to be expected though. There were as many writers as there were chapters, and what I enjoy reading isn't necessarily what others enjoy writing.

I'd be really interested to see what you might liked to have seen in our stories instead of what we wrote. :)
law, I personally give a flying fuck about your opinion why again? I read your stuff. Color me underwhelmed. An example of sparkling dialog in law's opinion, "OH...OH...OH. YES DADDY, FASTER... HARD, DADDY...YES...YES... OH DADDY... "

The only thing dialog sin you don't make with any regularity is the NEOM. I'd go on, but this isn't the appropriate thread to finish it.

To all others, Congratulations.
Now, Muff...just because someone isn't the greatest writer in the world doesn't mean his opinion is worthless. (For the record, I've not read a word of LAW's, outside of this BB.) You don't have to be able to make a good movie yourself to be able to judge whether someone else's is good or bad.
There is an appropriate forum to discuss whether a story sucked or not and why. It's not this thread. This is about working the chain, not about why it sucked in one moron's opinion. If he had the guts to do it, he'd trot his happy ass to the feedback forum, open up any one of the threads dedicated to each chapter, and post a lucid version of his opinion.

There is a term for what he's doing on this thread. It's called trolling. He is being inflammatory in a thread whose topic is designed for a single purpose. He is not even giving a lucid, supported opinion, he is simply giving out a generalization that tells me that he didn't read the whole chain. Since it's about dialog, I'm willing to be he didn't even get through the first chapter.

He wants to give feedback, fine, do it. Where it belongs. This is not the place to do it. A lot of hard work went into that thing and this is where we were congratulating ourselves on finishing it with some good efforts on everyone's part. We did not solicit feedback here. Feedback was solicited on the feedback board. Of course, that means that he would actually have to read.
cymbidia said - Did i tell you that i used my Chapter as a writing sample to get into a Master's Creative Writing program?

You GO girl! That is so awesome. Be sure to tell us how it turns out. *crossing my fingers but never my legs for you* :D

The End

Well, it had to happen :( . I enjoyed every story and thought the different styles of each author still tied in with overall theme while allowing a freshness to each chapter. Congrats to all of us I say!
Intro Posted

Dear Authors -

A Memoirs of a Lady - Introduction was posted today.

I wrote it at Laurel's prompting (It was something I thought of from an inspiration by Mickie), but she edited it...Thank God!.

Anyway, it has a short Introductory paragraph for all who are not familiar with the concept and then links to each chapter and each author contained all in one page.

The access page is here:

And, naturally, as these things go, there is a tiny mistake that may make some of you not able to see a "Chapter #" listed at the beginning of the description lines. I have corrected this error (my error - sorry!) and sent it on to Laurel and Manu.

Hope this is "OK" with everyone. I really felt strongly about packaging everything together in some simple, elegant way that looked like the site.


- Judo

PS - Oh, by the way, I used the title (if you used one) as the chapter titles listed at the bottom. If you didn't give your chapter a title, I used the description you submitted with the piece. - JJ
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Great job, Judo! It says just enough and not too much. Thanks!
