New Poetry Recommendations

Can it be Friday already? Apparently it can and that means Tzara Reads the New Poems for You.

Only three new submissions as of 10 AM PST:

  • I suspect even the densest among us might guess what Mahir is obsessing about in his poem Your Tits, just from the title. And you would not be wrong. Rather cliché-ridden, but light-hearted and harmless. If you want to read about breasts today, this is your poem.
  • By far the best of the day, in my opinion, is Winter into Spring by gi_janet, which uses the classic symbolism of seasonal change to comment on human emotion. Recommended.
That's it for today, folks. Your fellow poets are lookin' for a little love, or at least a vote and an honest opinion or two. Let 'em know what you think.

Hi LTNS, it's a been a few years since I posted in this thread and I see there are some changes. Everyone has their own opinions on poetry and here's mine:

There are few New Poems this morning, first glance without opening any of them, I like the collective titles. Some sound interesting enough that I've clicked on the titles (yes, I am one of those readers who judge a book by its cover).

Atomic Time by Ciel_Noir©

"Atomic time
So synchronised,
So out of sync.
Good poem, go read and it's all true, but where would we be without our tech. I like atomic clocks, without them I'd still be in bed this past time change springing forward. However, I always feel rushed and late for a week afterward. Ciel_Noir also has another offering today: Veneer.

Vessel by oneiria©
OK, the title is ordinary, but the poem isn't. I like starkness of it, the word choices are good, making for an interesting poem that leaves it to a reader to decide what it is about even though oneiria had a specific subject.

Objective Assessment by Xarth©
Oh, those snarky aliens, but Xarth's damn right, we do have fantastic porn. Great little poem, go read it, it's my pick of the day. It also happens to be the first poetry offering from a long time Lit member/author.

/ / /

That's all I have for now. Maybe more poems will post. Kind of early here in Mountain time and my mind is still in bed. Being far away from Seattle now, how I wish for a daily latte (Moab doesn't have any corner coffee stands). I could use a sweet caffeinated pick-me up with lots of milk froth and whip cream. Mmmsugarandcoffee.
Mar 13 poetry review and recommendations.

interplay by Aeolis_Est

A new Lit poet and a first submission. An interesting fetish piece, with a dialogue between the object of the fetish and some inner (maybe outer) demon who is directing the action.

Cute little Daisy by ArthurScott

Another first submission by a new member. A series of cute couplets, but can't maintain the rhyme scheme to the end.

darkness by humblyyours

A long time Lit poet, but this is the first submission in about ten years. Another fetish poem, but a quite clinical piece with no safe word.

Wild Ride/Gentle Picnic by MoJo48

A sweet descriptive of an moon light picnic. I like the line, "Pale moonlight seen through red tresses."

Dearest IMspidey

IMspidey is a prolific Lit poet. This submission lacks imagery and the single image "turgid hands" leaves me wondering.

JK B-day by cavu182

A birthday wish for Jack Kerouac. I'm happy someone remembered.

Voracious by Neonurotic

Neon is a familiar name on the poetry board and his work seldom disappoints. This piece has powerful and vivid images. This is today's must read.

The Last Time I'm fucking You by ShaneReyes

Oh, fuck. A bitter lament of poorly requited love. Some of the lines are choppy, but for this kind of sentiment, chopping is the operative word. Despite the title, if human nature holds true, this is not the last time.

Clever Like A Crow by Neonurotic

Our last entry for today is another fine piece by Neonurotic.
new poems March 14

New Poems

My first pick is by Tzara, a poet whom I think is way too good to spend his talents on this site, not that this isn't a GOOD site, just I don't think he gets the recognition he truly deserves. This poem, Love is Too Early a Word showcases his talent in using rhyme without it all being end rhyme and fourth grade intro to poetry. Tzara is one of the best poets on the site and you need to read his work.

Next up- Toddling by Koba. More of a prose than a poem, but my goodness, the emotions it brought to me. Personally, I think it should have gotten an E, but it didn't. sometimes I wonder about those E's and how they are distributed, but who am I to wonder. Just read this poem, more than once. It deserves to be read.

And then there is Neo whose has transported us to Japan with one of his sexier than sex could ever be in my life with Flashback to Roppongi. Neo knows how to write an erotic poem, read it again and again and learn from this master of the eotica. whew, I need an ice bath now.

Cavu182 brings us a In a New York Minute. I like Cavu's poetry because it tells a story without dragging it out with so many superfluous words. A good read.

There are more, but these are my picks for the day. I was blessed to have so many wonderful poets post on "my" day. Read and enjoy.


~ maria
My recommendations on this, The Ides of March, are but two.

Peggy’s Intent byBabyGirlPrecious because of her clever use of language and the humour here. I don’t like the double-space format but that’s a minor niggle.

greenmountaineer’s Valentines in Riyadh is unusual in its subject matter. Gm manages to show us a snippet of everyday life behind the veil, it’s quirky and an interesting read.

Ashesh9, studmagic and SweetOblivian also have poems up today.

Watch your backs. Tess.
Morning, all. There are ten new poems posted as of 10:00 PDT. Let's take a look at them, shall we?

  • Of the ten posted poems, four are by demure 101, a new and prolific poet and author of considerable talent. He (or she--demure's sex is deliberately indeterminate, though the narrative voice tends to be male) seems to have a fondess for rhyme and form in poetry and a deftness with meter and rhyme that suggests considerable care in his writing. Parting, for example, is a well-constructed Italian sonnet of somber mood detailing the (apparently permanent) parting of lovers. Some quite nice lines, like
    She loved so much it never would have done
    And called our love more painful still than none –​
    make the poem quietly pleasurable to read. Recommended.

    Faith has an interesting structure--two poems contrasting two women's attitudes toward their husbands (or, I suppose, in one case lover). The first of these at times seems a bit awkwardly constructed, but perhaps that is intentional. The second is rather joyous, in both style and theme. Well worth a read.

    The weakest of these four, in my opinion, is Night, another sonnet that suffers from a kind of vagueness of imagery. Perhaps demure was a bit sleepy when composing it. It isn't that bad, but certainly less vivid that his other offerings.

    Lastly, Over is an elegant little poem in a much looser style, evocative of the kind of romantic misjudgments we all are prone to. Also recommended.

    Check this poet out, people. He (she?) is good.
  • New poet Shakatak69's first submission, You Pretty Blonde is a lively, light piece that has a beat you can dance to. Pretty good and worth a read.
  • I was afraid that boorreeddd by mrmoo6969 was going to be some sophomoric rant, but it turns out to be about impression and reality.
  • Seat Mate finds cavu182 getting lucky on a flight in this snappy verse. Marred by a few typos, but not bad.
  • One would think that a poet named Pervy_Sage would of course be writing some kind of BDSM kinkfest poem, but au contraire, mes amis, Mr. Sage's From my Heart to My Lips almost pegs the needle on the Mush-O-Meter:
    I could really love you, you know?
    I mean, I could put you at ease.
    Basking in my light, your life
    Would feel instant release.​
    Speaking as one whose own poems are often hip-deep in mush, I have to say this isn't bad mushiness. Certainly seems heartfelt and it has a kind of charming awkwardness to it. I sure hope it was written for someone and that it makes her all blushy and stuff.
  • Mahir's My Girlfriend is The Perfect Dame didn't do a lot for me, perhaps because it seemed to go on too long (62 lines of rhymed couplets) and because the word "dame" evokes the wrong imagery for me. But it natters along pleasantly enough, so y'all might find it more interesting that I did.
  • Finally, oneiria posts an even longer poem. Mongoose is a yikes!-inducing 72 lines long. A very strange (well, to me, anyway) erotic poem of particularly dark imagery (and his scaly skull rose, // spat the poison into her eyes) that certainly wins the award as most unusual poem of the day. Worth reading, if for no other reason than the oddness of the imagery. Oh, and this wonderfully bizarre couplet:
    slithering down his throat
    like a forsaken warthog​
    Check it out. It's different.
That's today's selections, people. I'd like to thank all the poets for making this an interesting day to read. Why don't you all check 'em out as well?

Au revoir.
Whiplash across Her Buttocks ! by Ashesh9

A single couplet in which the title says it all.

Vestibule byCal Y. Pygia

In this piece metaphor crosses over the line into the land of literary allegory. There is no doubt of what is presented, but it all goes in too many directions at the same time.

Souless by MsDeanne

This is today's recommended read. Too many poems of this topic concentrate on the clinical and are filled of visual images, but no real feeling. I blame video porn for that. In this piece, our narrator closes her eyes in the second line and is left only with her other four senses to relate the story. It's very well done.
Only seven New Poems today.

The first one on the list is by a poet that many of us look up to and secretly wish they ( me) could write like he does.

His poem That Apartment in Lower Queen Anne received the coveted green E . I had an email from someone who asked me what is the green E.

Well, it stands for Editors Choice. It a little green icon that denotes that whomever read, edited and listed the poem in the New Poems section thought enough of the work to give it an award, of sorts. I know several people who have deleted poems who received that award and were terribly sorry they deleted those poems. Let's Hope Tzara leaves this gem online for a while so we can all enjoy the technical mastery of his work and the feeling it gave me of just being there.

It is a poem of reminiscence, longing and of memories perhaps beginning to fade. Tzara, I read in amazement all of your work. I remember when you came here and I see with every post, how much of a talent you possess.

Read the poem, poets and poetesses, it is a good one. Leave a comment, vote! encouragement is one thing that seems to be lacking around here at times, and at others it just makes me all warm and tingly and ferociously glad to be a member of this community :)

Next up, we have Before Next Dawn by Sensual_Goddess.

It is a triplet of triplets though not an actual triolet. A short poem that seems to project the poet's observations of day and night and how she has come to be at peace with both. A lovely work by a relatively new poetess. This is only her second poem, but she is worth reading.

Next on the list is summer Cream by ShaneReyes.

Truthfully, I see a good poem in there, but the spacing is a pain to read, maybe just for me, and there are some redundancies that could be pared out of the piece. It isn't bad, but could be a whole lot better. Just some words of encouragement could help as many people here, I for one, post work I am not totally satisfied with the hopes of getting worthwhile feedback from poets who know their stuff and have the time to offer suggestions. ( jeez, was that sentence LONG enuf?????)

I know if this were mine, I would be honored for some ideas, but it isn't mine and I can only speculate about what the poet desires. Just read it and give some good honest feedback, k?

Trembles by hypnoscope is pretty good but I just don't get the "thanks for asking" three times but the ending is good, just the timing of that line's repetition feels somehow wrong to me, however, the poem is wroth a read.

Then there is Psycho-analysis of a Fetish! by Ashesh9. It is a bit of a different poem than I would normally choose, but I liked it. It made me giggle. I do that a lot when I am alone, lol. So, take a peek at our resident Freud and remember, sometimes a poem is just a cigar. ;)

Ashesh9 also has another one titled She is Me, which used to be my biography on my normal jean profile. The poem is okay, but read it and judge for yourself.

Read, vote, comment, have fun and write!

g'nite dear poets

~ maria

P.S. As always, THANK YOU to the poets who took the time to write and submit and trust the readers with their "babies". It can be difficult to let them out into the world sometimes, what with unabombers and meanies posting as anon, but I say it is still worth the effort to write and post. If nothing else, it opens your heart, clears your mind and frees your soul to grab onto something else of beauty you may wish to write about.
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It's finally Friday, again, again and time for Tzara to be witheringly sarcastic or effusively loony about the day's new poems.

Looks like today we have five new posts. Here they are:
  • I Missed My Little Nymph Today is a lament for Safe_Bet by her surviving spouse that has some tender phrases (and one grammatical error--whose should be who's). Personal and touching.
  • First-time poet Lewunrem's piece The Wait speaks to long awaited anticipations and anxieties.
  • As for Sex-addiction Central Command! by Ashesh9, I will defer to this remark by frequent commenter tazz317: A NEW ACID TRIP!!! (Note: exclamation points added by yours truly.)
  • I apologize to Dagoth123. I found his first poem, The Dark Queen, unreadable. You may not, though.
  • Finally another first-time poet, GoldilocksXXX, gives us Mine, a somewhat above average erotic encounter poem. Not terrible, but not especially interesting either, at least to me.
Well, some days you win, some days you lose. Don't let the fact I was not particularly enthused about the day's poems keep you from forming your own opinion--go read 'em yer own self and tell the poets what you think.

Bye for this week.
From Saturday's New Poems, don't miss greenmountaineer's Allentown Residential Care Inc.

Sunday's poems have three by demure101 whom I had not had the pleasure of reading before but enjoyed (Stuck and Prayer I liked best as the others were a bit too even for my taste). Finish that off with the dangerous dive into Neonurotic's Flashback to the Bayou and you won't be sorry. If you're feeling really deadly, follow up with meltme's Senses.
Monday New Poems has five that posted so far or that's it. I hope so. It's blizzard weather and all I feel like doing is crawling back into bed...

Don't miss Breath by oneiria ©

"Verdant leaves
hungrily soak up
the carbon feast."


Oh, I see, Album 6 – Diana on the Berkshire Do by Tristesse2 ©

Love the imagery of the photo made into a poem. The alliteration is fun and playful with "hurly-burly" and other word choices such as dog's tongue, really bring the poem to life.


I feel this poem and readers will too: Fluoxetine by Ciel_Noir ©

Being a long time suffer of depression myself, this poem puts it in a perspective that others can easily understand. Sometimes I wonder if it's better to feel everything or nothing at all. Great sensory poem, chilling.


Don't forget Love in the Labyrinth or The Old Ones by DonovanCrane ©

That's it folks, go out and have a great Monday... as for me, I'll be in bed, wrapped up in a quilt Zzzz.
Forbidden Fruit by demure101

Demure101 is new Lit author, who has posted quite a bit if work in a short time.
This is my favorite out of the bunch. It is a choppy read at first, but has interesting images in the second half.

Almost by sexycharlene

This is a sweet little piece. Nice imagery and very erotic.

Biophysics by thirdimage

I'd like thirdimage

My Toothbrush by thirdimage

Thirdimage has three submissions today. The first attempts to be erotically gentle with metaphors that border on euphemisms. The second is direct and more to the point. The third is confusing.

50 year old Bare Bottomed Baby! by Ashesh9

A flash narrative of spanking as stress relief therapy.
New Poems

Just a few today and I am starting at the top.

First up is Tzara with Grief.

It is a tight, well written poem that expresses very deep emotion without being sappy or pretentious. I loved these lines-

She went from old to ancient

at the moment of my father's death

and can relate. My father passed on May 28 2001. memorial day and my mom passed December 28 that same year. To lose both of them in 7 months was harsh and that is how I felt, Like I became an orphan in the blink of an eye. I would say thank you for this poem, and I will, but the way it made me feel is difficult to explain. I hadn't thought of them as dead for a long time, just absent. It is an excellent poem. One of your best.

l8tbloom offers us a very good piece called The Physics of Love ( A Spectre)

Night after night I whisper, "Stay with me."
Let our marriage be a mutual gravity

of souls, minds and bodies attracted to one another,
clinging surely and safely together.

This ( the above) passage is really good, but I think if you rearranged it a little, you could get more pow for your words. Like this,

Night after night I whisper, "Stay with me."
Let our marriage be
a mutual gravity of souls, minds and bodies
attracted to one another,
clinging surely ( or) safely together.

The last part, you have two adverbs and you really only need one, of even that. If you decide to edit, at least try using only one of them. Read it aloud and really think about what you are saying.

This is an excellent piece and maybe I just hand out too many imaginary E;s, but I would have given both yours and Tzara's an Editors choice today.

and yet, another poem you should not pass up. In the Kitchen
by Koba. This is another poet who has been on fire lately.

This is a personal narrative, a heartfelt, deeply honest piece unless he is so good he tricked me into thing it's real :)

There are a few places where I would lose a word and that would strengthen the piece, in my opinion.

These lines made me tear up because when we lost our home, I had to be pried away from that door frame by my daughters' bedrooms where in one year, my youngest grew 4 whole inches. This is a really good poem. Another Maria E

When the room became a vacant space
I looked hard at what could not be taken:
pencil marks on the doorframe
which had recorded the heights of growing children;

Pervy_Sage gives us Far Too Long which is like Champ said, lyrical. I agree. So go and read it :) or all of them, the link to New Poems is at the top.

Have a great evening you guys-

~ maria

eta- I just went back to new poems and now the order is reversed! Isn't that the odd? oh well, must be bizarro Lit, lol
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I’m not a superstitious person so the 13 new poems didn’t deter me today….here goes……………….

To start off The Waves by thirdimage, a new-to-Lit and quite original poet.

Next Human Truth is a bitter little poetry-pill.

I found untitled difficult to read and gave up before finishing so I have no idea what it’s about. I don’t like poetry/prose in this format but you might – give it a try.

Demure101 has nine poems on offer today of varied subjects and styles.

First is Wouldn’t it which, if you can get through the repetition of the first three stanzas isn’t bad, a trifle directionless but some nice lines.

Fall to Glory is inspired by the story of Daedalus and Icarus. It is well done

Paradise Lost is a dreamy work, I like the exotic feel and the yearning present without hammering it home.

Loss is a narrative poem of unrequited love in a time of war.

Midnight is short and precise. I particularly like the owl imitating the train’s hooting.

In Morris On demure101 takes us to a traditional English Morris dancing display where a small daughter is engrossed by this alien – to her – ceremony. It is descriptive and sets the scene well with a nice little twist when we’re told of the daughter’s origin.

Happiness is rhyming verse that manages to avoid the clichés so often found in such poems and the meter is pretty smooth throughout.

The Truth Inside deals with disappointment, here it is in finding last year’s walnuts have become inedible but it could be a euphemism for any disappointing realization.

Rape is a sad little poem about the brutality of growing up suddenly and the breaching of trust.

If I have one critique of demure101’s work it is the “wordiness”. I think she or he can achieve the same results with less. Apart from that the work is well worth reading and has been quite prolific of late.

That’s it from me and that’s all I’ve got, as always read, comment and vote.
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It's Friday, but there are no new poems, at least as of 9:30 AM PDT. So I'll let you enjoy your day instead of having to read my simplistic opinions.

Thursday, April 5th and eleven new poems for you today.

StormyNyghts submitted two poems and newoldcentury four.

MadieKim and DGWolf one each.

Well done all, it’s a big step to share your poetry. My strongest suggestion to all poets is to read as much of others work as possible, not just in here but in the “outside world” too.

Fleur-de-Lis is erotic poetry at its best by none other than the illustrious Tzara. Delicately constructed and perfect in its simplicity, as Koba said, “another gem”. It is my recommendation this week.
I don't exactly have Friday on My Mind, but I have to admit it is Friday and time for another edition of Tzara Makes Inane Comments on the New Poems.

Six new posts today. Let's take a look:
  • Lucretia Bradshaw is a verbally dense poem crammed with polysyllabic words by IrmaCerrutti. I'm not sure I quite understand what the heck it's about, but I found it kind of interesting anyway. Worth a look.
  • Ashesh9 once again tries to sell us on his brand of Eastern Sexual Practice in transform a short-term pleasure. Best as I can tell, it's intended to make sex last as long as the hours Sting and Trudie were supposed to be able to last. Now, granted, Ashesh9 doesn't detail quite how this is supposed to happen so much as advocate it, but maybe you need a little hard sell (cough) to give it a try.
  • Of Adoration Made is the latest from Cal Y. Pygia. As Cal does not have either comments or voting turned on, I will not comment on the poem.
  • The master of the Lovecraftian/pornographic/sonnet mashup, Nachtexe offers up a slew of half-rhymes and a mixed English/Italian structure with wings and burning cheeks. Not quite so explicit as some of his poems, it still has some pretty strange imagery. Worth a look.
  • Poor peoples by newoldcentury is a brief poem with prominent rhyme about, uh, poor people. The simple style evokes the rather barren life of the subject. Not bad.
  • Finally, oneiria serves up some ickily funny images (that's a compliment, by the way) with Zombie Love:
    my severed hand
    still reaches for your breast,​
    I don't know what this national obsession with zombies is all about--perhaps there is some kind of Zombie Chic that I've somehow managed to miss out on--but if you want to read a love poem with a zombie in it, this poem was meant for you. Recommended.
Anyway, y'all, that's the view from here. Get off your duff and read a few poems, whydontcha? It's National Poetry Month, after all.

Saturday, April 7

This was the only new poem posted on Saturday. Because it was my birthday and I am in Paris (yay!) the title (Yes Yes Yes) resonated with me. It is mostly written in a long stream of one word lines but the sonics are pretty.

Sorry for being late and not doing my "mea culpa" Sunday review this time but the Louvre calls. DO check out Sunday's poems, though. There are a whole bunch of them. Anyone want to take on Sunday review? You can call it a birthday present to me if you wanna. :rose: Or to the forum.

Best wishes all. Fabulous job as always, Tzara.

Especially, don't miss this by Tzara, actually. Very sexy knotting, Sir!
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Ugh ok. Tzara's poem Shibari sucked me into a Sunday review. Do visit that one and then check out this series of haiku ish knots (well senryuish really, but I'll let others do that definition work) by SkinandSin and see what you think. Next stop off at Oneira's provocative Communion. Recover your senses with Neo's Cold Snap (better than a cold shower! Now I'm off to the Louvre, really!)
Gab365 has three submissions today. Each is a sweet piece constructed from rhyming couplets. I'll give them all bonus points for enthusiasm.

Punishment from Master by gab365

Oral Sex by gab365

Plea of a Virgin by gab365

Alarm by CeliaisAliena

I love the imagery in this piece. Very well done.

Lily, I'm by CeliaisAliena

A second piece by CeliaisAliena. The short lines, three or four syllables combined with lack of punctuation make for a choppy read.

Broken streets by newoldcentury

Very nice imagery in this piece from a new Lit poet.

Acronyms by Ashesh9

This is a clever construction, but I don't get it.

Tension by mick60a

A short sweet piece by a very prolific Lit Poet.