New Poetry Recommendations

There's a long list of Tuesday submissions.

There are three pieces from new Lit poet Anglsrreal.

Don't Cry by anglzrreal

Black Wngs by anglzrreal

Burned by anglzrreal

Each are short meditations, heavy on the emo side of life.

hmmnmm is a long time Lit member but just now posted some of his poems.

fun with fumes by hmmnmm

pekoe in the sea by hmmnmm

These to are odes to substance abuse, or at least substance use. The first is plainly stated and the other maybe mushroom tea. If not, it should be. In the interest of public safety, I must point out, the intoxicated feeling induced by airplane glue and most other inhaled substances is actually asphyxiation, not intoxication.

standards by hmmnmm

confetti bullets by hmmnmm

Both of these have an interesting flow and brilliant images, which makes a good read, but the imagery are in code, so the meaning will be restricted to a limited circle.

Fang by DGWolf

This is an address in second person. I always find pieces like this to be a difficult read. When I read, "You glimpse a figure in repose", I think, "I do? Where?"

When I get home by Babypiranha

A sweet love poem. We need more like this.

There are two pieces from RedHairedFriendly, both with audio.

Which Path Do We Take? by RedHairedandFriendly
Some themes are endless inspiration. This poem asks the questions, what happened and what happens next, and very well.

One Daughter's Poem byRedHairedandFriendly

This is a striking piece about domestic violence, but not the typical kind. It's told from the point of view of the abuser, who in this case is the woman.

Two delightful poems with audio by Cinner. I like the passion and honest imagery in each.

The Taming of the Shrew by Cinner

Putty by Cinner

Another poem with audio. Tara attempts to answer the question, "What would our mothers have said of this?" I actually know the answer, but that's another discussion.
Oh look. It's Friday. I'm supposed to read the new poems and tell you what I think of them.

There are six new poems today. But, perhaps because the weather is nice and I'd rather be outside, I think I'll restrict my commentary to merely noting that I did read all today's offerings.

My recommendation for the day is that you welcome back bogusagain and corndog and read their poems instead.

Just a suggestion. Have a great weekend, everyone.
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

There were 11 new poems for Saturday. Several of these were talky letter or diary type poems that I couldn't get into (though you might, so who knows?) but I did find some poems with images here and there.

Occasionally these images were quite expected or confused (feet that giggle?) but you might enjoy reading HISfriskypetslut's Spring Worship or one of the offerings by KarmaMoonfairy such as Passionate Pain.

There was also a long formish poem by MawrGorshin that some may enjoy. I found it a bit painful but that is because form is hard to enjoy unless it is employed with utmost skill. I also don't really like contemporary poems written with old timey language even if they are set in an older period. I guess that's a matter of personal taste, though. Others may really dig Thalia. Certainly the poet put in effort. With more experience, he might be able to nail . . . well someone if not something. :) Check it out and see what you think. Oh and happy Mother's Day weekend for those of you who celebrate it.


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I don't think I've come across a poetry day with so many rhymes in all my days on Lit. In fact, each and every poem today rhymes. In all, the rhymes are a bit weak, metres are off and I wasn't particularly moved emotionally or intellectually by any of them. While no single poem stands out for me today, I believe each of these poets has potential and encourage them all to keep creating and experimenting. I'd like to see more from all of them, and I'd like to see better from all of them.

It would be easy to write that I don't personally recommend any of these poems, but in light of the above I doubt that would be very encouraging. Also, I volunteered to read and recommend poems in order to encourage, not dissuade, and for today at least, I recommend some thoughts to each of today's poets.

Exakta66 offers four poems, and two of them (I Want My Poetry... and I Had A Dream) come added with 'notes' telling us when, where and for what theme these poems have been previously published. I have nothing against the pride a poet likes to take in a creation, but I find that notes like these manipulate a reader into a particular way of thinking about the poem before they've had a chance to read it, feel it, interpret it, and ultimately come to their own conclusion about it. I suggest just not doing this unless to thank a particular editor, or inform readers that a poem is part of a Lit series or challenge that can be found, well, on Literotica, of course.

The start of the first of the above-mentioned poems is presented:
-------"I Want My Poetry...
-------To be far more than just a rhyme,
-------An idle way to pass the time,"
I couldn't get these first two lines out of my head for the rest of my reading and my thought was singular... if the poet wants it to be more than a rhyme, then why not make it so? I thought this poem had a lot of potential. He lists everything that he wants his poem to be, but ultimately I'd like to see him take his own advice.

Arrested By The Grammar Police was by far the best of Exakta66's poems. It was humorous and it revolved around a subject I think we can all relate to, but like an episode of 'Family Guy' the joke gets carried a little too long. I bet this poem could be pared down to a nice, tight, funny limerick. The only line that I felt held any poetic charge for the four I read was from the above poem:
-------"If I want to write that the sky is blew."

elphaba69 delivers a little piece of Desire (apparently, it's the 128th poem with that title submitted to Literotica). The poem is more than a bit disjointed. There is a rhyming scheme that seems consistent, until it doesn't. I always love an attempt at erotic poetry, but this feels more romantic than erotic. Rather than be told what is happening throughout, I'd like to experience it. What is desire? I never get a sense of it here. The poem ends with:
-------"Those are exactly the words I want to hear."
This is the best line in the poem and it's something I think should have been repeated throughout, not just the words, but in all aspects of sensual 'desire'.

Devilstallion's Feast Day is all about feasting on pussy... at first. This erotic poem begins straight forward enough and then suddenly diverges into a tale of semen and Seamen. I get it. I get the metaphor. I think we all do. While I get that the poet wants to make a feast out of pussy, cock, and sperm, what I want the poet to do is either choose one or at least weave all of them with a stronger metaphor. In this poem I do like the image of sacrificial sperm, but I don't think it plays well with a 'yielding pussy'.

Njoyjade has a poem called Over Me. I'm not sure that I can explain exactly why I believe this is the best of the poems today because it's not really a great poem. Still, it has been submitted as an erotic poem and when I read it as such, and read it again, I can't help but think this is one of the most subtle, but best BDSM poems I've ever read on Lit. BDSM is about ritual in a lot of scenarios and what I get here is both ritual and repetition. I think I'd like stronger, more emotionally charged and concrete images and I'd rather end it cyclically than just end it, but not bad.
There are just a couple poems that posted today, which I recommend one of the two that appealed to me.

Traces by SweetOblivion ©
Although the language is a bit stiff (pun unintended), it's a good offering and erotic images without being a dirty poem.

That is all, have a nice day everyone!
Sister by oneiria

Oneiria is a prolific Lit poet. I like this one for the direct images, but it's written in second person voice. You read a poem and it tells you what you did, and you have no memory of it.

Erotic poetry should be fun and "an Engine of Glorious Death" as a metaphor is as fun as it gets.

Little House by SensuallyHis

This is a rhyming piece about a mental safe place. The imagery is well done, but forced rhymes and uneven line length make it a broken read.

The Defiling Hand by rqpenn

This is a strange piece about masturbation, in ersatz Shakespearean dialect. For this kind of thing to work, it either has to be out and out parody, or incredibly good.

Empty Boxes by Nigel Debonnaire

An interesting piece about the inability to commit.

Unwanted by LexiRoseLexi

A sad lament from Lexi.
Seven new poems today.

I like by newoldcentury is a gentle, rhyming piece. The meter is a bit dodgy here and there but, all in all, a pleasant thing to read.

I really like alacrity by lubricant , a sweetly rueful poem. Carpe deum. It is my choice this week.

oneiria reveals two nice works today, both recommended reading. Whisper is a short, concise piece – promise or dare? I’m not sure. Milked conjures up some interesting images, a male fantasy I think but the poem grabbed me and I like the satisfying humour at the finish.

The Summer of 99 by LexiRoseLexi is compelling and moving. The youthful realization that life is fragile leaving only memories. Nicely done.

My pet by Insignia is an on-and-off-again rhyming piece with no meter about what a Master expects of his “pet”. 'Nuff said.

The prolific Ashesh90 offers What’s the diff? . Listed as erotic here is a sample

Shooting out jism ,
just tell me this ?
what's the diff. ??
from jettin' out piss

- you decide. Some may enjoy, I didn’t.

Have a great day. A la prochaine.
It's Friday and time for Tzara's Weekly Crankfest After Reading the New Poems. Twelve new posts so far today from nine different poets. Here we go:
  • There are two poems by Sad_Brown_Eyes_381, His Tears and Last Words. Sad little simply rhymed pieces.
  • PAUL C's two offerings seem more like flash fiction to me than poems, not that there's anything wrong with that. They're also very different from each other. Daddies Need Cuddles is a brief vignette of a family with a sick wife and mother. The Bar Code is a kind of strange little story about, well, a bar code. Weirdly amusing, sort of.
  • If you're in the mood for a short poem that combines romantic regrets and fishing, then check out Pultoy's Love Comes But Once.
  • In Take Me, prettygirl35 wants someone to take her. Somewhere that seems like love, I guess.
  • Your Intricacies is a lengthy, almost unpunctuated poem about illicit sex by theIndigo218.
  • For once, the hyperprolific Ashesh9 is not carrying on about exotic Eastern sex practices, though he is still overfond of multiple punctuation marks. Outer Science / Inner Science contrasts physical science and yoga. Yoga seems to win.
  • Finally, Desejo has two poems: Capture and Ghost in the Machine. The former is a short, delicate erotic poem that works pretty well. The latter is a sad/funny twist on the Gilbert Ryle phrase that is the title of the poem. Both well worth a read.
That's all the damage to poetic ego I can do today, folks. Peace out.
Saturday's New Poems

Saturday offered up only five New Poems and none of these were entirely to my liking, but they were vivid. I must mention The Perils of Love and Desire because of the image of fingers bleeding "in the mouth of a liar." This work by EvaYvonne delivers a few interesting phrasings and complex relationship between characters. For something completely different, stripped of any usual characteristics of poetry save line breaks, check out terrywilson41's I was his. The narrative ought to please male dominants and female submissives though to me it was very oil-changey. Service with a smile. In any case there are those two and a few formalish poems with mostly regular meter and old timey language. Only five to read and comment on. Won't take long. Then get outside into this glorious weather!

Best wishes,
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Sunday, May 20

Being a bit tardy this week. It's Monday morning and right before I get down to work, so quickly:

Sunday seemed filled by BDSM themes. There were four from blondesubmission and one from Divby0. Oneiria's Total Submission was a rather lengthy erotic piece that read more like a story. Ashesh9 delivers a bit of current affairs (about the world and goings-on at Lit poetry). Intersecting by cliffgirl08 was dark and sad and made me feel like I should give her a call and tell her "everything will be okay, honey". Jabber-Walk by DGWolf plays with a character from one of my favourite authors.

With this said, my recommendations for the day are:

A Nice Accompaniment by SweetOblivion


Serendipitous Blessings by Cinner

Both attempt to give us a bit of metaphor and I liked that.
Today starts with three pieces from sensanin, a new Lit poet.

Pray I Don't... by sensanin

Not much here, a short promise.

Ode to Aoibheal by sensanin
This is a fun piece about celebrating the Elvin queen. It's a nice read. Somewhere around L16, the phrase "deep seeded" is used, where I am sure "deep rooted" was meant.

Flames of Ruin by sensanin

This is a strange piece. I have heard a lot of people now write and post from their phones, which leaves them without the standard spell check and other editing aids. Some of it can be deciphered.

I Can Dream Too... by Ancient117331

A wonderful love poem of longing from a long time and prolific Lit poet. Very well done.

Two pieces by Remec, today
Idle Thought by Remec

Running Late by Remec

Both are concise realistic narratives, which paint vivid pictures in the mind. Very well done.

Am I by njoyjade

A nice introspective piece by a new Lit poet.

Bound To Be by MagicFlute

This is a first submission by Magic flute. It is a rhyming piece with irregular meter and suffers, as most do, from the forced rhymes. There is something here and if he abandoned the rhymes and told the story, it could be so much more.
Fourteen new poems today.

First up is an audio poem by Cinner, Waiting about the agony of delayed gratification.

Sunshine and Clarity by njoyjade are both a bit egocentric in that they don’t engage or tell the reader much. After reading term I felt a bit empty.

Innocence by Gale82 is a lyrical, rhyming piece and could well be sung, pretty in a retro way.

Ashesh9 is feelin’ unloved and unappreciated in A Poets Dilemma . I don’t know about my fellow recommenders but I’m not "lookin' for Shelley, Keats or Byron" each week, just something that grabs my attention, makes me glad I read it. If I don’t like it I do “just forget it” but I’m beholden to do this every Thursday and really want to find something to recommend.

darkest lover
and shared elation by new-to-Lit poet viperous did nothing for me. There’s nothing new under the sun, or the covers.

hmmnmmm has two poems up today. Of the two I prefer rainy day waiting nicely depicting the grim, grimy grind of the bus stop. His other poem unhinged is too obscure for me.

demure101 writes sweetly rhyming pieces about pretty grim subjects, bit of an oxymoron, both No Through Road and Full Stop fall into this category.

I didn’t get to the end of I Think I AM by Ancient117331 . I kept hearing The Beatles’ “I am the Walrus”.

First submission by renae48 , Please Fuck me Hard is just what you’d expect except we learn, in a detailed addendum, just what the poet dreams of plus the fact that she’s “nt on the pill”.

elphaba69 gives us Take a Chance on You , the description of the tentative first steps of a sexual encounter. I wish the poet had dispensed with the sometimes forced and unnecessary rhyming which I find distracting.

That's it from me, read as much poetry as you can folks, it does make a difference.
By golly it's Friday, and time for me to be mean about the new poems again.

Oh, wait. There's a greenmountaineer poem! I'll save that for last, as it almost assuredly will be the best of the day.

So let's see what else we have. Hmmm. Thirteen poems again. Perhaps someone is trying to tell me something. Eight poets. Let's dig in, shall we?
  • New Lit poet HottieKatie starts her Lit career out with a short illustrated poem, Until The Sun Comes Up Again. I find illustrated poems a funny category--they're often very nice to look at (as is this one), but the poem part often seems a bit lacking (as does this one, at least for me). It's a difficult category in which to do something really well, though we have some poets who excel at them (Neo, in particular, comes to mind). This one is quite pleasant, though thin on the poem side. Kind of like a nice greeting card (and I do not mean that as criticism). Take a look and see what you think.
  • Ashesh9's poem today, Poetic Dilemma on Literotica seems to me to be almost a rewrite of the poem he posted yesterday--a justification for "writin' full-frontal / Red-hot porn". Poetic porn, one assumes. My comment on that topic is that while I have no problem with poetic porn, I think it is extremely rare to find any that is done well, i.e. is actually arousing. Matter of taste, I suppose.
  • Gods Unto Us by sensanin has a number of spelling errors that make it hard to follow at times. The narrator talks about three gods as potential lovers. Some of the rhymes are interesting--like Adonis/honest or Cupid/lucid.
  • Another new poet with the intriguing Litname of Ghostpolitics writes about his fantasy for Oh Tub Guy. That's probably all I need (or can think of) to say about it.
  • There are two poems today from elphaba69, one labeled erotic and one non-erotic, both featuring rather simplistic rhyme. In Secret Rendezvous, a lover's tryst is described: My pants are no longer there / There is nothing between us but air. In The Truth the narrator decides that a NSA hookup was perhaps not what she wanted after all.
  • There are three poems by EvaYvonne. Parallel Lines- chapter Two (apparently chapter one is missing) is about mirrors and images and cracks in the mirrors. Or something like that. Ribbons is actually pretty good, with some thought-out word choices. It's a short piece about attraction. Finally there's August. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it is supposed to be about, so can't tell you anything about it, other than the word "silver" appears twice.
  • Another poem with an interesting title, The Body Hardware Poem by gimmeurz is apparently about incest. Mom, O Mom / I am thrusting my full erect penis / Into your hot moist and pulsating cunt is as far as I got. If that sounds like your thing, follow the link.
OK. Enough of all that. Now on to something actually worth reading, gm's new poem The Last Days of de Sade. I can't think of anyone at Lit who does narrative poetry (especially on historical or literary themes) as well as greenmountaineer, and this poem is characteristic of his excellent style and choice of subject. There is some interesting use of internal rhyme and indented lines as well as the vivid characterization (tough to do in so few lines). Some references for readers: (1) De Sade spent the last years of his life as a prisoner in the asylum of Charenton, where this poem is apparently set. (2) Latour was Sade's manservant.

As always, intelligent and interesting poetry from gm. Highly recommended.

Hey, y'all have a great Memorial Day weekend--at least those of you in the USA. Those elsewhere, have a great weekend as well.
Saturday May 26 Poems

Several interesting New Poems today. bogusagain has a poem about a chance meeting with a long-ago lover in Circumstance. Neoneurotic favors the rain lovers among us with the erotic poem Moab. For more on the storm theme, you may want to check out EvaYvonne's poem Ghost. LexiRoseLexi draws a narrative rather effectively within the confines of narrow lines that reinforce the theme in her poem Freedom. Letterman999 unconvincingly voices the rantings of a misogynist in the mouth of a madame in his effort To Her Girls. This work does contain the compelling line "Desire's a nomad blind to border-wire." There is other stuff, too, but start with bogus. Have a great weekend!
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Sunday, May 27

Both The River and Storm by EvaYvonne are solid poems with fantastic imagery and poetic language. There are more layers of meaning here than many other poems I've read more recently. There is a lot I like about these two poems and I highly recommend them.

Lullaby by demure101 is another mention. It holds the rhyme throughout and although there is 'likely' one typo (A python sends tits charmer to the sky) and there are a couple of places where it doesn't roll off the tongue quite as smoothly as I'd prefer, I did enjoy it overall.

Nothing but her tongue by SweetOblivion seems like a technically perfect sonnet to me and ... it's about lesbians. Who doesn't love lesbians? Was initially confused by the word 'chit' since I immediately associate it with restaurant slang, but in another, more proper definition, it works. ;)

As an honourable mention, since Memorial Day in the U.S. is tomorrow (today) Sound Your Drums... by IMspidey. I just thought some would appreciate it and so I am pointing it out. It looks like the original was written five years ago and it was recently revised by the poet. While it's not bad, there are still some spelling mistakes and the poem could use another revision.

All in all, a nice day for Lit poetry.
Monday, May 28

11 new poems this Monday, which I read, but only a few I thought were interesting enough to mention.

PoeticAvarice, a new poet her, has two poems, No More Of You and Drowning In Them All, which I like liked the latter the most, because I thought: "Bones of jealousy fleshed with paranoia…" was a good start for a poem, good imagery actually. Though the rest of the poem seemed to have too much of a thesaurus used, making it more of a verbose mountain than most readers would want to climb.

oneiria's Vixen, is a good poem. I mention it since I had a similar experience and was moved to write about it myself, but oneiria did a much better poem than I did. Although the last line is the saddest it does leave a lasting image to think about.

demure101 also had two poems, Dead End and Untimely Frost. I like the latter of this set of poems as well and I would say it was my pick of the day. It was well written, good imagery and metaphor. However, it was placed in the erotic poem category, but I didn't get an erotic feel since I'm sure I came away with a different theme then I suspect demure101 intended.​

That is all from my end.
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I've read, well - gone through all 7 new poems for today.

kaysea has two, Complications which isn’t complicated at all, simply a list of emotions predominant in relationships, more is needed to intrigue or even engage the reader. At least Fires Lick Me held my attention to the last line but the “sometime” rhyming detracts and it is a string of unfinished ideas, what about “Shattered by a pink heart on a silver chain”? Whose? Why? How? Is there a story there? Apparently not because we go straight away into series of emotions and sensations the writer feels/felt for some reason. All we’re given are two sets of eyes, brown and black-rimmed green. There’s conflict here but what?

Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Shakespeare must be doing somersaults in their respective graves.

Where’s the beat? Let me Count the Ways by RogersBgirl is stolidly rhyming but totally lacking in rhythm or beat. Simply put it’s a catalogue of sexual gymnastics. If you want to write rhyming verse you need rhythmn.

Demure101 bit off a bit more of a mouthful with To W, S. re-sonnet XV11 . I’ve read it through and through and felt, at times, it has merit. Perhaps it just needs a bit of work but you can’t beat The Master or even parallel his works. Nice try though.

In spite of being spattered with poor grammar my choice for this week is The world inside my head by LexiroseLexi because the rhyme and meter are consistent and the poem tells me something.

Ashesh9 and Meshy_Pet have one each today.

That’s it – have a great rest-of-the-day.
It's Friday, unfortunately. "Unfortunately," because I have already taken a quick read through of the day's ten new poems and I am less than enthused at the day's offerings. Rather than waste my time, your time, and various authors' time by making some tepid comments about poems I really don't care for, I think I'll simply mention two—Chamber Music and Pain, both by demure101. While I'm not bowled over by either of these poems, demure is a poet whose work always shows care in construction and consideration of craft and who, therefore, is always worth a read.

The rest vary (in my personal opinion, of course) from clichéd and dull to simply uninteresting. This may very well be due to my mood today, as I'm in one of my depressive states. Why don't you all take a few minutes and try to be a bit more encouraging of the offerings today?

Anyway, over and out. Have a great weekend, all.
Saturday June 2nd, 2012

June Bug, today there were only 6 new poems and I will make your life super easy. Just read this one. It is kind of goofy with the short lines and rhyme, but you still may enjoy as I did GMs humor tinged with sadness aplenty. Otherwise lots of rhymey BDSM and sickbed stuff. Have a good weekend.
Sunday, June 3

Today, SweetOblivion brings us another sonnet in A touch of Jealousy. I'm not particularly satisfied with the last line and feel it could be tweaked, but I really liked this part:

Trespassing with such candour: ugly gems
Coolly assail her throat, but won't disguise
Or divert loveliness and gentlemen

I've been watching too much Mad Men, I think. ;p

Interrogation by Remec is my favourite today, but just so that you know, I am biased. I've known this poet for a lot of years through the boards and have always appreciated his style and his use of language. He amazes me with his ability to rise to challenges, but when he sits down to do his own thing he shines even brighter. Even if I did not know him, I would love and mention this poem. It's active, it's interesting, it makes me curious about 'round two' and I think it can be read both non-erotically and erotically, depending on how you approach the poems language. I like the way the poem is structured, I love everything about the second stanza and there is some choice imagery in both the first and third stanzas.

Note: I will be on vacation next week and will miss doing Sunday's reviews.
Monday, June 4

Hello all. There are 17 New Poems with only a few that I liked. It's quite hot here in Moab today, I feel like I'm a puddle in front the laptop so here are a few recommends:

Two of my recommends are from bogusagain, a model pose and Turning The Other Cheek. Ah ha, turning the other cheek, uh not what you'd think the title referred to unless you're familiar with bogusagain's wit. I like the style and image as it seems to be a vignette of the poem and feel as if I've had a lesson in writing good poetry.

Although demure101 submitted several poems, I like Crows, Not the moon I'm After, and Epiphany. The latter poem, Epiphany is my choice for today. I enjoy the use of natural things made into metaphor. However, I didn't quite understand the stylized line breaks and believe it took away, giving the reader something "just nice" to look at. Overall, this is good poem and imagery, though needs a quick spell check.​

That's all folks. I'm going to make myself a tall iced latte and sit in front of my AC, getting ready for tonight's premiere of Hell's Kitchen (I love that show, everyone is "dumb donkies" according Chef Ramsey).
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Viperou is a new Lit poet, with three submissions today.

Eternal Love by viperou

This starts as a sweet erotic address to a lover, but the second half becomes an Romeo and Juliet commentary on a love that crosses the tracks.

First Time by viperou

This is much of the previous poem, Eternal Love, but without the Romeo and Juliet thing.

Follow Me by viperou

This is more song than poem. It would be fun with the proper music, but in a silly campfire scary story way.

Deadly Game by SingingFlower

Another scary campfire story poem.

Mom's Vagina Is A Cunt by gimmeurz

It's not everyday we get a maternal lust incest poem. I am sure she is very proud of her poet.

I Bet by Meshy_Pet

An introspective poem from the point of view of a person with low self esteem.

Incest/Taboo by Sojournalist

A humorous couplet, which as this point in the afternoon is a welcome relief. Today's recommended read.

Reach by 123seven3

A first submission by 123seven3. Short and sweet love poem.

Heartless Affection by PoeticAvarice

There is one great line in this piece, "I have faith in my doubts so don't betray them" The rest is adolescent love angst. I wish I could say love and poetry get better with age, but it doesn't.

A Moment by csherrenbrueck

A spare and bare erotic request

lost in translation by live4passion

Something is lost here in contradictory metaphors.