New Poetry Recommendations

Slim pickings today, only four pieces submitted.

Slave Within is really prose broken into rough verses. It’s not fair for me to comment on this subject, S and M, doesn’t interest me but I can't really call this poetry.

] March is a quirky poem – more of a chant, but it has nice rhythm. I liked it.

DGWolf is being stalked but finds safety in anonymity in Follow me No More . It’s the kind of narrative that allows the reader to use imagination to flesh it out. I liked it.

New-to-Lit KeelyDurant kissed a girl, liked it and wrote about in L Kissed A Girl . It is an expressive poem well worth reading.

It’s raining cats and dogs up here, good weather to curl up with some poetry. See you next week.
It's Friday again, as you probably have noticed, and time for another episode of Tzara Reads the New Poems!

Only two today:
  • The first is by a poet new to Lit, Suki_su (do I detect a Steppenwolf reference, perhaps?). For my Master (He who must be obeyed) is one of the odder things I've seen here—BDSM light verse, of all things. I would have thought that pretty close to impossible, but Ss pulls this off pretty well and tosses in either a cross-gendered Rider Haggard reference or, even weirder, a John Mortimer one.

    Not very deep and not meant to be, I think. Kind of funny. Well worth a look
  • And then, oh baby, the other poem. Wow. One of my favorite Lit poets, greenmountaineer really outdoes himself with A Curtal Sonnet for Frank O'Hara, a brilliant indictment of prejudice. And he does it in form.

    This is a really good poem, people. Anyway, I think it is. Read it (and that's an order, not a recommendation).

    If you're curious, here's a brief description of a curtal sonnet.

My best reviewing week ever, I think. Go read some poems, people, and have a great weekend.
Saturday, January 9th 2012

Today's New Poems were sparse, suggestive, a little rhymy. I do appreciate Demure 101's attention to metre in the writer's allusion to (it seemed to me) Odysseus at his encounter of the sirens, Lost. This chimes in theme with DetectiveSpecialist's poem on the Art of Flirting, though I was not expecting and was far from enchanted by the wife turning into a "bitch" at the end. This term is cheap and far too easy, I think. It no longer communicates anything to me. Aside from that there were some graphic works that I found a bit stomach churny but if you are a fan of Son/Mother liaisons, check the others out as well. You never know but what one woman's stomach upset might be another's heavenly escape. So there ya go and have a happy June Weekend!
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We start the day with two incest love paeans from our favorite Mama's boy.

Mom And Me Loving In Moonlight by gimmeurz

Mothers Are Never Frigid by gimmeurz

There are three submissions from the very prolific demure101

Immaculate Conception by demure101
This is a short piece about the emotional turmoil of being the Holy Family, but on a technical note, the Immaculate Conception preceded the birth of Mary, not Jesus and is not related to virgin birth.

Paradise Regained by demure101
A nice short piece.

scents by demure101

This is my must read of the day.

Giving myself by CreoleBelle

I like sweet honest poems, such as this one.

Winter Walk by DGWolf

A simple allegory of life using standard winter imagery.

Sweet In Death by SweetOblivion

SweetOblivion gets the What the fuck it's Tuesday award.
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Each Thursday I approach my keyboard hoping to find a gem, not a diamond just a semi-precious stone would make my day. Opening the jewelry box………

Analysis - you can never go back but demure101 has a bloody good try.

chess - knocking the board away would be more my style but bogusagain plays through even if it hurts. This poem is my primary recommendation for today.

The Lady's Prayer - to thee we give spanks according to the gospel by Ashesh9

Started With a Touch - out of touch and out of order, rhyme but no rhythm by elphaba69

Quayside Blues - she covers the waterfront. My second pick for today, this one by demure101, is atmospheric and descriptive. Typo in line two that Spell-check couldn't recognise.

Tally-ho, the week’s nearly done, have fun.
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It's Friday, and there are nine new poems, none of which particularly did anything for me, perhaps because we actually have sunshine(!) today in the gloomy PNW and my mind is elsewhere.

Take a few minutes and form your own opinions about today's offerings. Or just read bogusagin's poem from yesterday and call it a day.

Enjoy the weekend, everyone.
Sunday, June 17

Six poems today.

We have a positive poem from gimmeurz, a couple of heartbreak poems by elphaba69, lots of exclamation points in Ashesh9's poem along with a "chaste erect penis" that "Does'n believe in Friction" which I found mildly amusing.

An erotic poem from Pervy_Sage called 'Musing' and a non-erotic submission from seannelson called 'my personal Africa' struck me as having potential. Both have a couple of nice lines, but while the poets start off in one direction, I felt they lost their way. Both poems are in need of paring down, could be worked on and edited a bit more, IMO.

None of the poems really excited me today, but they might excite you. :)
Phantasmagoria by demure101

A nice descriptive by Demure101.

Gambler Who Lost by njoyjade

This is an interesting piece about a woman scorned, or at least treated less than fairly. The point comes across, but imagery and metaphor suffer for the strained rhymes.

Friendship Shines by redgiantuk

This starts off with a bit of emo depression, but ends on a happy note.

The pain of choices by LexiRoseLexi

This is a piece about lover's remorse, which contemplates whether it would have been better to have never loved at all. The short line length and triplet form make an awkward read. There are several good internal rhymes which would benefit from being in the same line.

One Moment by PrettyKitty10

This is today's only submission in the Erotic Poetry category and it is well placed. It would benefit from more sensory imagery.
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Not intending to confuse you, dear reader, but I begin at the end……

Today Ashesh9 celebrates the EUFA and himself .

Brokenanguissette has two erotic poems, I like this one , the other I find a bit cliché ridden.

IMspidey has a sweet poem for that special person in his life but it’s an old flavour we’ve all tasted before, nice for her but………………….

Desejo’s erotic offering today is my pick for this Thursday. I like the references, the sea and things moist.

Demur101 has two, a free form and a rhyming love song . I prefer the former but the first stanza……

…..Sheets of rain, driven
before the wind, lash
against my clinging
trouser legs, obscuring
the sharp outlines of houses

…It’s too easy to read this as his damp trousers legs obscuring the houses, perhaps a rewrite?

ShiningStarr has two poems on offer.

Finally, or firstly depending on your approach, LexiRoseLexi has a third option and is recovering from burn-out. I haven’t seen options one and two so know not what caused the short circuit. *goes to look*.

In the meantime enjoy summer, day 1.
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Good morning, everyone. Friday, Friday, Friday and Dr. Z is here to read and comment and pick and prate. There are fifteen new poems today. Let's do a little reading, shall we?
  • The prolific demure101 posts four new poems today, some rhymed, some not. Surf on the Reef is a short, rhymed word-picture that works pretty well, though the second stanza seems a bit awkward to me metrically. Figs is a rarity for Lit—a subtle erotic poem. Very appealing and well worth the read. Another short poem, Acrimony ended up being a bit convoluted in exposition for me, but perhaps I just wasn't focused enough when I read it. Finally, Rift is a good little poem about estrangement of affection, with some nice imagery. As usual, pretty much everything demure101 writes is at least worth a look, as he writes with care and conviction.
  • There are two poems posted today by njoyjade—one categorized as erotic, one as non-erotic. The former, Hero of the Night confused me at first
    Lying next to you I stiffen as the shadow of the flame centers on the face of Storm
    Her watchful eyes aglow from the poster that hangs on your wall
    You had me last night, bound and tied​
    with the switch from "you/me" to "her" until I realized that "the face of Storm" was not metaphor but Storm's face. A pretty typical bondage themed Lit poem, otherwise, earnest but ordinary.

    Fair Chance is a longish poem about a failed (or at least failing) relationship that starts with an extended metaphor of a Ferris wheel, but then lapses into cliché ("wolf in sheep's clothing"). OK, but could have been better.
  • Long-time Literotican oggbashan is reminiscing about an earlier love in The Hairs On Her Arm. The poem has some interesting detail but reading it, I wished it was a little more interesting sonically. Worth a read, though.
  • New poet Swanswart posts three very different poems united thematically by the poet's flamboyant verbal style. Terrestrialoglogy seems almost stream of consciousness in structure, with a lot of polysyllabic words and neologisms (abandominiums, crackopolis). I found it hard to follow, but you may not. Virgin in Dali adds a hyperactive visual style to the mix, but also loses me in its various wanderings. Finally, Oneiric Pieces of Pisces, while still quite linguistically playful, tones things down a bit from the fever pitch of the other two, resulting in a rather silly (I mean that in a good way) erotic poem, that I quite enjoyed. All-in-all, Swanswart's poems are worth a look—for their aggressive difference from most of what shows up here, if nothing else.
  • Another new poet, TheDoxen posts an erotic poem, Hunger typical of the genre at Lit.
  • Scotsman69, prolific Lit story author, posts his first poem: Empty. Aphoristic, and only eight words, so I'll just let you read it yourself.
  • Mother/son incest poem specialist gimmeurz has two new pieces today. You can find them by following the link at the top of this post if you're interested.
Well, that's enough bruising of egos for this week. Have a great weekend, all.
Saturday offers only one poem but it is worth reading. By demure101's The Last Post is written in iambic pentameter. The meter is handily managed. The rhyme scheme is abaaab, cdcccd, so I am sure it's some form of sonnet or if it isn't, it should be. It's compelling though I was thrown off a little by extensive use of conjunctions. Still, check it out and have a marvelous weekend.
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Sunday, June 24

I think the good Pandora is a wee bit mixed up on dates, but thank you. I'd have made the same recommendation. ;)
Two pieces submitted by one of our best new members.

Prejudice by demure101

This is a poem where editing makes a difference in the read. The first letter of every line is capitalized, which makes the eye see new sentence and breaks the rhythm. This is usually a frustrating trait of word processing software. The imagery bleak and strives to encode the emotions. I hate to use the critique of "text poetry", but the label fits this poem perfectly. It has the potential to be a very good and expressive piece.

Junk by demure101

Demure's second submission shares most of the features of the first, but makes up for this with imagery which paints a clear picture of the emotional pain of a break up and separation. The rhyming scheme in this poem makes an easier read, even with caps on every line. The rhyme scheme does force some awkward lines, but it's not a great loss compared to the power of the words.
This is today's must read.

Violence by FrostyZen

A short and terse piece.

Beautiful Breasts by gimmeurz

There will always be a place for happy celebrations of female beauty. It may seem like the title says it all, but there is much more.

Rocket 88 by cavu182

The title of this one caught my eye. I can't begin to count the lies I have heard which followed the sentence, "When I had my Rocket 88." The original Rocket 88 was a song by Ike Turner about his Oldsmobile convertible. This rhythm and blues song is acknowledged to be the grandfather of rock and roll, rockabilly and led more men to claim to have owned a brand new Rocket 88 than Oldsmobile actually built. I'll call the poem a tribute to the song.

Ebb by Zrnko_Pisku

A very nice short piece. Everyone should read this one.

pray by newoldcentury

An interesting rhyme scheme and cadence make this piece a nice read.
First of the three poems that appeared today is School Detention with Sister B by green mountaineer who, as Tzara says in the comments, just keeps getting more and more impressive. This poem builds an atmosphere very subtly and equally skillfully gives it the punk voice of NY youth without hammering it home. A must-read.

That is a hard act to follow for sure but Growing Old by demur101 is a very different kettle of fish. Poignant without being maudlin it is a lyrical definition of – well, growing old. I’d like the line breaks reorganized but that’s just a personal thing. I liked it.

Manscape by desejo is also about aging but takes a different approach. It’s an interesting exercise to read them both side by side, see the variety possible in verse, rhyming and free, humour and more serious.

For Canadians, have you wonderful Canada Day week-end and you lesser mortals – or unfortunates – enjoy your week. :) :rose:
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Hello! It's Friday, but as of 9:55 AM PDT there are no new poems posted, so y'all get a day off from my smug commentary. Go read yesterday's poems, all of which were good.

I'll check back later to see if any new ones show up, but here's wishing you all a great weekend.
Oh, hey. Some poems have shown up, finally. So you lucky people get a special nighttime edition (well, really a late afternoon edition) of Tzara Reads New Poems!

Lessee what we've got:
  • The highly prolific demure101 gives us a clever and well-written sequel to a famous Edward Lear poem with The Owl and the Pussy-Cat ctd.. Well worth your time, if you recall the original at all. (And who could forget lines like O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love, / What a beautiful Pussy you are?)

    Well, perhaps that is just me. Anyway, very good for what it is trying to be.
  • With Tantra-Yoga made Simple !, Ashesh9 wants to introduce us to the controlled joys of Tantric sex. (Sorry, perhaps that should be "Tantric sex!!!") You know, that Sting and Trudie thing that turned out to be false.

    Anyway, if you're interested, Ashesh I'm sure would be happy to talk about it with you. E'een if you are Le Fool, as I am. (am!!) :)
  • New Lit poet LaRascasse ("rascasse" is "scorpion fish" in French) gives us some rhymed, metrically irregular couplets in Soldier Boy. Seems forced and a bit ordinary to me, but perhaps you'll like it. I like LR's enthusiasm, though, so give him a welcome, people.
  • SensuousLady strives for wild eroticism with her Enticing Images, a long (36 eight-line rhymed abcbdefe stanzas that should probably be broken into 72 ballad stanzas, based on my quick scan) poem that I lost interest in around S4. Seems to be about a girl on girl scene that adds a guy to it, somewhere in the middle. Not my thing as poetry, but I would guess a number of people might like it. Very pr0n, which is meant as a kind of compliment.
  • Finally, gimmeurz posted another incest poem. You can find it by following the link at the top of the page.
Anyway, enjoy Canada Day/Fête du Canada and my country's Independence Day mid-week.

Any other countries have special things this week, let me know and I'll link those in as well.

Saturday June 30th New Poems

Charley, sorry if I got the wrong day last week! I'll try to be more attentive from here on out. Today's New Poems include a Petrarchan sonnet by Sweet Oblivion called Enjoying the Crack that quite effectively uses image and feminine rhyme. Not so sure about the diction choice regarding crack. It makes me think of butt crack or the illicit substance, but that may be a result of this reader's physical setting.

njoyjade also has a poem in this day's set called Day After Day. The poet's employment of repetition is headed in the right direction, I think, because it fits with the theme. I long for concrete images, here, though rather than abstract pronouncements. Still, lovely tone.

Otherwise there are some scary things that may well burn your eyes out but if feeling adventurous . . . :eek:
Sunday, July 1

Two poems today.

inverted mirror by demure101 is a sweet little haiku. I know that people are particular about their haiku, but I quite like modern-age feel and the image evoked here. Considering the title, I might have tried sneaking in a palindrome, but the form, as simple as it seems, is hard enough. Anyhow, it's my pick of the day.

The Toll by Meshy Pet is the only other poem today. It's a brief read with some simple rhymes. The pace seems a bit awkward, but with a bit of work you never know. :)

As an aside: Happy Canada Day to any Canucks out there and also Happy Pride to those celebrating.

Pandora: NP. I actually would have done the Saturday poems, but I was late in coming and didn't have time to give them all a good read.
Since Neo said he cannot do Mondays anymore, I'll simply mention that njoyjade and Desejo both have work appearing today on New Poems and that you should read them, because they are interesting.

Over and out. I'm back to Le Tour.
Today starts off with an ambitious work, posted in four parts by sjmhmttep. This might be called rock opera or some other genre. It's not intended to read as straightforward poetry, so allowances are made. I recommend reading all four parts.

T.I.S.T. Album Song 1 by sjmhmttep

T.I.S.T. Album Song 2 by sjmhmttep

T.I.S.T. Album Song 3 by sjmhmttep

T.I.S.T. Album Song 4 by sjmhmttep

There are three fine pieces posted by Demure, today. Of the three, the shortest, "Moth" is excellent. This is today's must read.

Moth by demure101

Incidental Music by demure101

Poetaster by demure101

The Shelve byTrayliciouz

This piece could benefit from judiciously editing line length. I am told some people write and post directly from phones and other devices, so they never see the format in which the poem appears on a monitor. Maybe so. If so, editing resources are also limited. The word "shelve" is actually a verb. The narrator personifies a book, or some other object on a shelf. The title could refer to how the narrator found their place, but context shows it is just a misplaced word. But for that and the paragraph form, it would be a good poem.

FiveFootSue the Sexy Widow by SusieCatseyes

Happy autobiographical poems are always fun.

Forgive Me by Zrnko_Pisku

This piece has a powerful erotic tone, and nice imagery, but some of the lines do not make grammatical sense and break the read.
It’s a full net of poetic fishes today so here we go…….

Prettykitty10’s no kitten, in Tame Me she lists, in pornographic detail just what she’d like done to her, cliché ridden and easy for me to dismiss, it might be just your cup of aphrodisiac.

Reefkeeper gives us yet one another of those lyric re-write in My Girls . I’m no expert and will leave it to you to decide the merits of this one but I fear The Temptations would be scandalized.

DawnJ has four up today. Drowned, a compelling piece bemoaning the stifling drudgery of everyday. It could be shortened and tightened and still have the same impact. Promise is shorter and more hopeful. Further down the list are Bad Ode and Treasure Chest of which I prefer the former, it shows effort and thought. I’m not sure about some of the apostrophized words……

It seems that you, oh absent Muse,
have stol'n my inspiration
…….. could just as well be –have stolen inspiration – scan as well and read better. It is very difficult to write in Ode form about modern things and pull it off, this one’s close.

Njoyjade’s What Never Happened has some interesting internal rhyming. The poem itself teases, seems to head off in one direction but leads nowhere, interesting never the less.

Demure101 seldom disappoints and loved One is my recommendation for today. It has a mysterious, melancholic feel.

Newoldcentury offers up I Ripple in your Breath . All’s well until the final two lines where the perfect scan falls apart. It is worth giving it a read.

AriaRosalie has written Open Book , her first post here so I’ll just say – keep writing and reading poetry.

Cavu182 entertains us with Like I which possibly should be “I Like” because it is a vaguely rhyming list of random “likes”.

Sweetest_wet offers A Pearl of Distinction and I was not expecting such a pleasant surprise. It is erotic ith out the usual porno sledge hammer. A little nugget (pardon the pun) of a poem.

Sjmhmttep makes it a chore to read his stuff with all the introductory guff, I gave up, I’m afraid, after # 2. Suffice to say they’re song lyrics and sjmhmttep, for some reason, has “favorited” all of his own pieces, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Well, the sun’s shining – finally – so I’m off outside.
Good morning, everyone. It's a beautiful Friday here in the PNW and time once again for Tzara Reads the New Poems.

So far today, there are only four new posts, all by sjmhmttep who continues his series of linked song lyrics. Not my thing, but it may be yours.

I'll try and check back later as Friday's poems sometimes appear in little drips and drabs. In any case, y'all have a great weekend.