OOC: Armageddon Gospel: Kingdom Come

Ahhh...back. Sorry, I let real life bully me into taking care of some things. Heeeeere we go.
Real Life dear god some one here has prioritys, I thought people like you only existed in legends. Don't worry I've disapeared for weeks at a time, coarse I did warn people before hand, but when you leave for over a month and want to stay in some of your storys (I kept one), you should warn people atleast. I even removed all my charas from play. Except one I couldn't kill off because she was to important to the plot. The girl I kept was pregnet and couldn't fight while I was away so it wasn't a problem either.
Yeesh, Cats.

Well, I hope Wyld posts soon...

And Cats... is Celst supposed to be such a, well, a bitch? ^_^
Aren't all people who have hair that changes from Red to blond to silver?
Ok, I just realized I haven't posted a good physical description of Wraith ( i'm composing his entry post & just figured this out.)

so, here goes:

His physical stats are as I posted them. He is wearing a long leather duster with worn boots & a cowboy hat pulled low over his eyes. He wears two swords on his back, crossed with the hilts over each shoulder. Both weapons appear plain but well cared for. Only Dirge is magical tho.
Hair is pulled back into a ponytail by a leather cord & reaches to his waist
plus check my first occ message, I changed his eye color
thats what ya see when he pops in guys
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Re: Kanetago

Arc da Rat said:
Name: Kanetago
Class: Angelic Being
Duty: Messenger of the Supreme Being

Eyes: Violet
Hair: Blonde
Age: Unknown

Bio: One of the pure souls of the heavens, Kanetago job is to watch the movements of the mortals & report any suspicious activity by the agents of Lucifer. In watching the lives of those beings, has developed protectiveness about them. When able, steps in to spare their lives from undue harm, where do you think those miracles come from? Not from the Supreme one or from the Arch-Beings mind you.

As the battle between the children of Lucifer & the Supreme one, escalated beyond the scope of anyone’s comprehension. Kanetago has decided leave the sidelines & step in to help save the mortals of Sol. Starting with the ones that have been watched for countless of generations & years.

Description: Average height for an angelic being 5’ 9”, wavy hair about shoulder length. No visible weapons of any kind & carries a walking staff. No flesh of animals has ever touched those lips, not a personal action done to cause another’s death nor has Kanetago strike another in anger. Knowledgeable in various forms of unarmed combat, healer & skilled in white majiks that have been discovered thru out the ages. Studied thru watching the lives of mortals the herbal arts & cooking.

Like most of the Angelic race, Kanetago has gossamer wings & an androgynous like appearance. It is very simple to change ones appearance to be mortal. Only those that have been touched, can make out there is more to Kanetago than there seems.

Note: I have tried not to say that my character is a she or a he, because of the androgyny. It would be up to the prerogative of the other characters on how they see Kanetago. (See Attachment for an idea on how my character looks like)

I would like to add ...

Clothing: Calf length Chinese tunic with slits up both side to the hips & split skirt in a creamish color. Plus a hooded traveling cape.
I'm going to be takeing a break for a week or two so feel free to move Celst or prehaps leave her behind protecting the twon or something.
Okay, I think Abraxas and Arc can post now.

I'm proud of my new side to Glenn... he's probably just as crazy as Celst. ;)

Wyld, will you have Caleb point out the various areas on the map, or PM me so Glenn can talk about them? Cuz you probably don't want me making up crap, and I don't really want to anyway. I'm really looking forward to widening out this thread and learning more about the game world. Hopefully we can get the posts rolling.
I want a copy of his novel damnit!

& i'll pop the pull-tab on my skull & massage my brain for a bit & see what comes to the surface

I just came up with a cool idea a little while ago and thought I'd express it to you here, WyldKarde.

What if, when Glenn allows Wise Warrior to absorb spirits, the pattern of the spirit still exists in partial form, even though Wise Warrior as absorbed the magic and increased in power level? As in, Glenn is able to use his magic energy to access the patterns of spirits he has defeated, and turn into weaker forms of them.

This assumes, of course, he has actually CONSUMED them, and thus removed them permanently from the battlefield of Earth... though if Wise Warrior was destroyed, they would probably all be freed again, though sorely weakened.

Thus, Glenn would have the ability to change into the animal totem Scorpion, who I mentioned in an early post. Assume he hasn't defeated any other spirits strong enough to have identities in history, but they're pretty common. Take everything from mythology, to the Zodiac, to whatever, if you wanna create spirits. :)

So Glenn, when he needs to fight, might suddenly hiss in fury and change into a giant scorpion. For battle information, Scorpion is intelligent and conniving, and has a huge poisonous stinger and two large claws.

When the spirits are defeated, Glenn returns to his form, unconscious -- or he can change back at will, or when he loses his focus.

How does that sound? Makes defeating spirits a lot cooler.
It was a very short week. And why isn't Celst saleing cosmetic products yet?
Well, I'm actually not quite sure about that summoning ability. I've been thinking about it, and I don't really think it's Glenn's style. Sorry to clutter up the thread with my spastic ideas. ^_^

I'll probably have to hone down on what exactly Wise Warrior allows Glenn to do in combat, though...
Abraxas and Arc both need to post before I can get anywhere though!

Also, Caleb ought to point out the various positions (i.e. WyldKarde should tell me, in character, what the various strategically placed lairs are, so we can find them and bust them up on our way to the cave).
Sorry Sorry ... I just haven't had time to think up something ...

I am pushing day 10 of my 11 day work week ... ugh! ... I get a day off on thursday ... Normally I don't have work weeks like this ... but there was a schedule change & between my 2 jobs ... I got this continueous work week ...
s'okay Arc, not everyone can just post whenever they feel like it, like myself. ^_^

11 day work week, sounds familiar, like my past summer. Yayyyy for being overworked.
Hey now my summer job gave me 23 hours a week where I wasn't at work. I slept there ate there even..... well worked there. And when I figure out the hourly pay I was well below minimum wage.

Coarse it's what you'd expect from a boy scout camp.
If anyone needs to post please do ... I think I caught a cold ... So I am not gonna be able to post til at lease tomorrow night ...

I can work around what ever you guys post ... AB can tell you I am pretty good at that ... Had to do it for SW ep8 ...
Hmm, actually Jacobo, there's a character in the novel named Faythe Thornbow who is racking up a totem of her own when she runs into Caleb. I'm sure you know about the various animistic religions that base their gods upon animal spirits. Well, Fathye has collected a bunch of demons, opting to leave the "clean" spirits unmolested. Therefore, her totem is pretty dark.

I was going to slide a animal spirit into the mix for Glenn to absorb, but I didn't really know how you wanted him to utilize his captured spirits, or if he could acquire a totem the way Faythe does. I didn't want to corner you into replicating one of my characters just cuz I think she's cool, but since you and I seemed to think alike, I can go ahead and put a few animal sprits from the novel into the thread. I don't have a scorpion spirit, but one wouldn't be hard to come by...;)
And Cats is finally on. Long weekend comeing up. I will not be here for it though. I instead will be hikeing with a 50lbs back pack. So I will post friday after noon and not again til monday at the soonest, depending on weather or not my legs are soar.
Yeah, I'm not quite sure how I want Glenn to use the powers of the spirits he acquires. He might be a summoner final-fantasy style, morph into them, or just acquire certain powers based off of them, like enhanced attributes of various kinds. No matter what, though, I really plan to be working on Glenn's abilities outside of Wise Warrior's juristiction... such as mystic-combat skills.