OOC: Armageddon Gospel: Kingdom Come

You sure you don't want the whip? The whip might be fun.

I don't have to sign anything, do I?

I've been put to the lash and I must admit, it's quite titillating.

Sorry the last bull wip I used is broken right now so lets skip.... hey Wyld, I really didn't need to know that. Oh would you ask your wife whats she's going by? Is it toy? Or maybe I could call her Lil one? Normally it'd be easy and I would call her Wyld but the fact that Wylds you name makes that hard.

Jacobo let us contiue in private were we can unchain our souls and let them... Merge.
Ah ah ah! Once you use me for what you want I bet you'll throw me away like a used paper towel! I'm a honorable Dark Magician Girl, and I'm not goin' for that, no sir!

...I mean, at least chocolates, or something. ;)
Now most men would call you a whore for not sleeping with them but not cats for he is kind and honestly compassionet and thus will not pressure or degrade the woman he's courting or the ten pound hat she wears. Also he knows I little more effort now a lot more fucking latter.
(Please do not take advantage of me while I proceed to roll on the floor laughing my ass off for the next hour or so.


Thank you.)
I must admit that was highly based on he article of smooth in the Weekly Onion.
Even the ten pound hat part? ;)

That's alright, Cats, you're still a smooth worker in my book. I'm impressed by your oratory. ^_^
Oh know the article was a dream date with Smooth, and probably the best satire I've heared. The ten pound hat I added and also this would be really choped down from his two page article.

Yes, I'm quite good with my toung and lips. Thank you for noticeing.
Jacobo_Curious said:
Man, I hope Arc doesn't have a magical weapon too.

The only majik Kanetago has is spells. She/He does not need a weapon considering that I didn't make this character a fighter type. Hence the knowledge in unarmed combat.
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cats said:
Okay here's the deal Wyld. You get you Toy, and I get Arc and Jacabo. Sound fair? (plus various other comments)

I am not gonna quote them all ...

Did you all forget (or he pulled out) PoohLive's character???
hello everyone. I am working on a PM to Wylde to get the OK for my character to join in on this thread. Hopefully i'll get that off by tonight, & if i'm good i'll post something soon afterwords.
Now that my partner in writing crime has posted ... its gonna get interest ... I think ... :D heh
Um... pooh is in here? Welll um.... I took you arc becuase I'm greedy. Yes it's not like we forgot about him... It's just that um... I'm greedy.
poohlive said:
Since coming to Earth, he has taken the name of Johnny. He is a demon, an ancient one, who whispers. He does nothing more than that, just whispers.
He has no powerful magic to speak of, nothing more than a large scimiatar on his back, that of a dark metal, with ancient runes embedded within it. He wears no more weaponry, but doesn't need to.
He whispers.
As a demon, he is sent for chaos. Earth has been torn apart from the war, and now he continues this pursuit.
He had been lost from most of the armies, and now goes on alone, doing everything he can for the benefit of Lucifer.

Ahem ~ I guess someone missed reading Pooh Live's post!
I've looked through your threads, OCC & main , & so far I like the way it looks. I talked to Arc this morning ( I talk to Arc almost every morning) & I think I have a interesting character & storyline/concept for your thread.
I don't know if you have read the X-men threads in the SRP or are even familiar with them at all, but I am thinking of importing my X-men character to your thread. Now at first this sounds unworkable, but it will make sense as you learn more about Wraith.

Wraith was born in the late 20th century to wealth & Power. His family was heavily involved in Cybernetics, Powered Armor, & Advanced Weaponry. Life was good until he was 14, when his family was attacked by Sabertooth. His mother & father were killed outright, & his sister paralyzed. He found out then he could channel the power of the Plane of Shadow when he shifted himself & his sister into shadow, escaping Sabertooths claws at the last second. Thus began the life of Wraith.

I've looked through your threads, OCC & main , & so far I like the way it looks. I talked to Arc this morning ( I talk to Arc almost every morning) & I think I have a interesting character & storyline/concept for your thread.
I don't know if you have read the X-men threads in the SRP or are even familiar with them at all, but I am thinking of importing my X-men character to your thread. Now at first this sounds unworkable, but it will make sense as you learn more about Wraith.

Wraith was born in the late 20th century to wealth & Power. His family was heavily involved in Cybernetics, Powered Armor, & Advanced Weaponry. Life was good until he was 14, when his family was attacked by Sabertooth. His mother & father were killed outright, & his sister paralyzed. He found out then he could channel the power of the Plane of Shadow when he shifted himself & his sister into shadow, escaping Sabertooths claws at the last second. Thus began the life of Wraith.

Over the next 5 years Kyle learned of his newfound powers, while his sister rose to be a powerful executive in her own right. At 19 he seeked out Xavier to learn how to control the rage inside him, and over time became a valued member of the X-Men.
Over the years in the X-men Kyle learned how to control his powers and emotions, and learned how to be a leader. A accident in the future ( about 10 years after the Legacy of Xavier thread) threw him onto the alternate earth of your world, in the middle of a war between Heaven & Hell, & he unfortunately looks a lot like he is a agent of Hell.

ok, here is the physical stats & powers. Keep in mind I sent you a very abbreviated history ( I played him in a Champions game for over a year), so PM me if you want more info)

Name: Kyle Greystone
Codename: Wraith
Apperance: blonde hair, faintly luminecent pale lavender eyes. 6'2", 220 lbs. Very muscular. appears to be in his early 20's but he is closer to 50
Hero Apperance: Basically he looks like The darkness, except the armor covers his head & he wears a craown of small horns ( sorta like Darth Mauls, but ringing his head).

Powers: Wraith is a Lord of Shadows, which gives him great power there, & lessens the farther from Shadow he goes, & the mote the worls he is on relies on thechnology also affects his power.
Most of Wraiths powers are based on darkness. He can project a field of total darkness around himself ( he is immune to it, but other forms of vision such as infravision are blocked out.)
His body is covered with a organic armor strong enough to handle a point-blank shot by a .357 magnum. His reflexes are greatly increased, and he can pick up a small car & throw it if he exerts himself. He is also effectively Immortal. he doesn't age, is immune to disease & radiation, & can survive extremes of heat & cold. he doesn't need to breath, eat, sleep, or pass waste from his body. ( I bought full life support for him, well worth the 30 points).
His attack powers are not that many. He can fire bolts of black concussive force from the palms of his hands, & can fire a web-like substance that immobilizes creatures fron the top of his hands. ( the webbing dissolves in sunlight, so it does not work for very long at all in daylight, a couple of minutes at most). He can also form diamond-hard claws with his fingers that can rend steel. That is the extent of his attack powers.
His movement powers are flight ( he grows huge batlike wings out of his back. This only works at night) and he can teleport from shadow to shadow. Otherwise, he's walking or running.
I am figuring on your world two of his powers, & they are potentially his most powerful abilities, are completely shut down. He can summon minions as long as there is no bright light or sunlight where he is. He can call up 16 creatures opf shadows, ranging from goblin-like creatures, tho shadow-hounds, to shadow-bats, to ogres. But in this realm God has sealed it so the legions of Heaven & hell are confined, so he cannot breach that to summon his minions. Coincidently, he cannot use his plane-shift ability to leave, so he is effectively trapped here too.

The last thing is his Sword he is carrying, Dirge. Dirge is a Magical Sword he acquired from an alternate realm where Demons had invaded & powerful mages were waging war with them. It’s an intelligent blade that wails a heart-rending song when drawn. The blade itself is powerful. It could easily stand up to wolvies claws, & can drain the spiritual & physical energy of an opponent.
When drawn it spreads an aura of fear around the wielder, and if the wielder concentrates it can drain the energy of those around it and give it temporarily to the wielder
The sword was deigned by the mages to destroy oathbreakers and those who fought cowardly, and that is the swords purpose, but it was tainted during creation by infernal powers and given the dark powers it now has instead of the powers of the light that were designed to go in it.

Like I said, Wraith is about a 400 point Champions character, which is pretty damn powerful. I am reducing a lot of his powers in daylight (he is considrabley weaker, but not completely shut down) & everything but the armor, sight, immortality & claws shuts down on holy ground. Dirge, of course is unnafected, but really really hates being on holy ground. It makes him...itch.

Now I noticed I didn't give a way for Wraith to get here. Well, about a year ago your time he was in a pitched battle with the 4 horseman & Apocolaypse, & tried to shadow-shift away when Apocalypse set off a doomsday weapon. He was blown across planar boundries & landed in your worls, where life has not been all that fun for him. Anyway, I'm running out of the will to type & the baby's awake, so read over this & PM me if you have any questions or comments.
Hope to hear from you,

(Awww CRAP! that was supposed to be a PM)
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Ahhh...good to be back.

Hmm, so far ever'body's characters seem allright. I think we can have fun with what we got so far. Abraxas' character seems a little tough, but who said everyone had to hide their powers? I'm sure a few badasses out there don't bother to hide their horns/wings/halos/claws.

Hmmm, I might recommend cutting back Wraith's powers a little just so that you can have fun developing this character alongside everyone else but that's a personal choice. You could also have Wraith birthed from the reality of this world in order to better align his powers. Organic armor and diamond-hard claws are easily attainable where angels and devils walk the earth, eager to entice souls to their cause. Of course, such power would come at a frightengly high price but that's the fun of character building.

Well, give it a thought, and when your'e ready, feel free to jump in.
Man, the whole time I'm hanging around these guys, Wise Warrior will be yelling "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!"

Sheesh. Who are we going to fight that'll possibly be a challenge? ^_^
Abraxas Winterlight said:
(Awww CRAP! that was supposed to be a PM)


heh heh heh ... ha ha ha ...

AB ~ I was wondering what the heck you were posting ...

Guys ... believe me this character is bad ass ... LOL
Well, maybe we can go farming and Wraith will take monsters down to a few hit points and then I can finish them off and gain levels really fast by being an exp leech.


Whoah, wrong game.
Jacobo ~ what game you playing? EQ?

One more post Girl & yer there!
Huzzah! My thousandth post in the OOC of HSB and I didn't even realize it.

I was just talking about MUDs in general, actually, Arc. ^_^

And making yet another crack about the comparative power levels... maybe someone should play God or Lucifer and have them join our party... ;)
Yeah & I posted my colorful congrats there too ...

Ah ~ MUDS!

My Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy game for my 1st computer was one ... all text no pixels!